Monday 14 October 2024


Port Hedland Council Votes to Expose ‘DNA Contamination’ in mRNA Vaccines, Demands Immediate Suspension of COVID-19 Shots Nationwide

Western Australia—Port Hedland Council takes bold action, voting to expose DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines. With five members reporting adverse effects, this decision could ignite a national health crisis response!

This article originally appeared on Gaz’s Substack and was republished with permission and edited by The Gateway Pundit.

Special Council Meeting, Friday 11 October, 7:00 pm in Chambers at the Civic Centre on McGregor Street in Port Hedland, Western Australia

Report on the Port Hedland Special Council Meeting, October 11, 2024

The Special Meeting convened by the Port Hedland Council on October 11, 2024, marked a watershed moment in the ongoing national debate surrounding DNA contamination in mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, particularly Pfizer and Moderna’s products. 

This highly anticipated session was called in response to mounting evidence of DNA contamination, presented by experts such as Dr. David Speicher, alongside a series of letters from MP Russell Broadbent. The gravity of the concerns raised, along with the council’s proactive stance, has drawn attention not only within Western Australia but across the entire nation.

Background: DNA Contamination Concerns

The meeting was initiated following increasing public unease about potential DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines. Dr. David Speicher’s report, which was central to the discussion, revealed that the contamination levels in these vaccines were up to 145 times higher than the acceptable safety limits set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

This contamination was found to include fragments of synthetic DNA, raising significant concerns about the risks of genomic integration, immune system disruptions, and potentially increased rates of cancer and hereditary defects.

In response to these findings, MP Russell Broadbent had already written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, calling for the immediate suspension of mRNA vaccines.

Broadbent’s letters, backed by a cohort of 52 health experts, added weight to the argument, further urging the government to address the regulatory failures and protect public health.

Port Hedland Council’s decision to consider the matter was viewed as a potential turning point in the national discourse, especially as they prepared to send warnings to all 537 local councils across Australia, compelling them to confront this looming health crisis.

Public Testimonies and Community Impact

The public session of the meeting began with a series of impassioned statements from community members. Residents of Port Hedland expressed deep concerns about the adverse health impacts they had witnessed following the vaccine rollout.

    • John Ashenden, a long-time resident, emotionally recounted the recent loss of a friend who developed aggressive cancer within a matter of weeks after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. He lamented the rising number of similar cases in Port Hedland and stressed the urgency of the council acting on the newly revealed scientific data. His message was clear: the community could not afford inaction any longer.
    • Sharon Van, a prominent local funeral director, also took the floor to share her firsthand experience. She noted a sharp rise in the number of deaths, particularly within the Aboriginal community, following the vaccine’s introduction. Sharon raised concerns about the disproportionately high death rate among younger individuals and highlighted the unique vulnerabilities faced by Aboriginal people, many of whom she said had been coerced into receiving the vaccines. She urged the council to protect the community from further harm by addressing the DNA contamination issue.
    • Matt Maysoffered a deeply personal testimony about the loss of his partner to cancer just months after she received her second vaccine dose. His words resonated powerfully with the room, highlighting the emotional toll of losing a loved one so rapidly and unexpectedly. He emphasized that the council had a responsibility to act on behalf of those who could no longer speak for themselves, calling the situation a “silent tragedy” unfolding across the country.
    • Jillian Fisher, another resident, provided additional scientific insights, backing up the claims made by Dr. Speicher. She detailed how the contamination of mRNA vaccines had been confirmed by geneticist Kevin McKernan and emphasized the potential long-term risks. She explained how the synthetic DNA fragments could integrate into human genomes, potentially causing genetic mutations and increasing the risk of cancer. Jillian stated that the contamination levels were “alarmingly high” and well beyond safe thresholds.

These public testimonies played a significant role in framing the discussion for the council members, as they underscored the real-life consequences of the contamination concerns and bolstered the argument for immediate action.

Council Deliberations and Expert Testimonies

Once public input concluded, the council proceeded to a closed session where they viewed a video presentation, which reportedly included expert testimony from Professor Angus Dalgleish, an oncology and immunology specialist from St. George’s University of London.

Professor Dalgleish’s message was clear: the synthetic DNA contamination in the mRNA vaccines was contributing to an alarming rise in aggressive cancers.

His findings linked the contamination to the disruption of tumor suppressor genes and the activation of oncogenes, raising profound concerns about long-term public health implications.

Following the viewing, the council resumed the public session, where Councillor Adrian McRae, who had been instrumental in leading the discussion, delivered a forceful presentation.

McRae reiterated the severity of Dr. Speicher’s findings, emphasizing that the contamination levels were not just marginally elevated but were 145 times higher than what the TGA had deemed acceptable.

He argued that such levels of contamination posed serious risks, including genomic integration, cancer, immune system disorders, and hereditary defects that could be passed on to future generations.

Motion and Key Points of Debate

The motion put forward during the meeting proposed sending formal letters to all local councils across Australia, health authorities, and federal officials, demanding the immediate suspension of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines.

The motion also called for the widespread dissemination of Dr. Speicher’s report to ensure that health practitioners were fully informed of the risks before administering any further doses of these vaccines.

The motion sparked a lengthy and sometimes heated debate. Mayor Peter Carter, who ultimately voted against the motion, argued that public health issues of this magnitude should be left to state and federal authorities.

He expressed concern about the potential fallout, both reputationally and financially, should the council pass the motion.

Carter warned that such a stance could result in funding cuts from state or federal governments, particularly if the council was perceived to be overstepping its jurisdiction.

In response, Councillor McRae and his supporters dismissed these concerns, stating that the health and safety of the community must take precedence over financial or political considerations.

“We are not here to protect our budget; we are here to protect our people,” McRae said. He emphasized that the council had a moral obligation to act, particularly in light of the new scientific evidence.

The Deciding Vote and Outcome

After hours of debate, the final vote was held. The motion passed with a 5 to majority, with Mayor Carter and one other council member voting against it.

The five votes in favor represented a decisive mandate for action, reflecting the council’s commitment to addressing the health risks associated with DNA contamination in the vaccines.

The passing of the motion means that Port Hedland Council will now begin the process of sending formal letters to over 500 councils across Australia, urging them to consider the evidence presented by Dr. Speicher and demanding the suspension of the mRNA vaccines.

In addition, letters will be sent to the Prime Minister, state health authorities, and health practitioners within Port Hedland, calling for immediate investigations into the contamination and its potential health impacts.

Implications for National Health Policy

Port Hedland’s decision to take such a bold stand could have far-reaching consequences.

As the first local government to officially challenge the safety of the mRNA vaccines based on DNA contamination, Port Hedland has set a precedent that other councils may follow. This could potentially lead to a wave of similar motions across the country, increasing pressure on Canberra to acknowledge the issue and take action.

Furthermore, the public’s growing distrust in federal health regulators, such as the TGA, is likely to intensify as more councils begin to confront these findings.

Port Hedland’s motion may also force federal authorities to reexamine the testing protocols currently in place for mRNA vaccines and address the growing public health concerns before they escalate into a national crisis.


The Special Meeting on October 11, 2024, was a landmark moment for Port Hedland and, potentially, for Australia.

The council’s decision to take a stand on DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines reflects not only the concerns of its community but a broader national unease about vaccine safety. With five out of eight council members reporting adverse events after vaccination, the decision to act was not just a matter of policy but of personal conviction.

As the council moves forward with its plan to alert local governments and health practitioners across the country, the ramifications of their decision could be felt far beyond Port Hedland.

The question now is whether other councils will follow their lead—and whether Canberra will finally break its silence on this critical issue.

The action taken by the Port Hedland Council is a wake-up call for communities across Australia. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial for people to stay informed and act. Share this information widely, alert your local councillors, and demand that they address the serious concerns raised about DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines. By speaking up, we can ensure that this issue receives the attention it deserves and push for transparency and accountability in our health system. Don’t wait for others—this is the time to take action for the safety of our communities.

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  Port Hedland Council Votes to Expose ‘DNA Contamination’ in mRNA Vaccines, Demands Immediate Suspension of COVID-19 Shots Nationwide by  J...