Wednesday 11 September 2024


The Intelligence Industrial Complex, Vaccines, Money Laundering & Depopulation

Life expectancy just prior to the PSYOP-19 scamdemic was on a steady incline…

…yet we know that looking under the hood of gamed government statistics reveals a slightly more horrifying picture…

..and we also know that the statist Ponzi scheme known as Social Security has long ago been projected to be wholly unsustainable, with the latest findings now showing $63 Trillion in Unfunded Liabilities. Of course, the “solution” is always more of the same social engineering via taxes, or theft.

The most effective way to address an untenable system is to reduce life expectancy, or increase depopulation; the twin-pronged approach is to kill off the old and concurrently poison the children. During the “pandemic” this was achieved initially by murdering nursing home residents ahead of the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” rollout.

Two years prior to the PSYOP-19 eugenics program an economics professor by the name of Mark Skidmore discovered that $21 trillion in federal government transactions in the Departments of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) was undocumented; i.e. stolen. 

So, what exactly is this money going towards? The revelation of a $56 billion Pentagon black budget for secret military, space, and surveillance programs has led some to speculate that it could be merely a fraction of what’s actually being spent.

Skidmore said he reached out to the Office of Inspector General, the Government Accountability Office, and Congressional Budget Office, asking if maybe the $6.5 trillion figure was a mistake and was instead supposed to be $6.5 billion. It was confirmed that $6.5 trillion was the correct adjustment. Though, when he asked if any of these agencies were alarmed or considering this a red flag, his questions were met with slight confusion and little concern.


When Skidmore pressed the government for additional accountability he was told that any information regarding this “missing” stolen taxpayer money was a matter of national security, and that was that.

$21 TRILLION of Pentagon financial transactions “could not be traced, documented, or explained.” $21T in Pentagon accounting errors. Medicare for All costs ~$32T. That means %66% of Medicare for All could have been funded already by the Pentagon. And that’s before premiums.


A population with an increasing life expectancy and an illegitimate larcenous Federal government whose criminality has spun utterly out of control is completely incompatible; therefore, someone has to go, and so the 4th branch of government that is running America in the Intelligence Industrial Complex decided that it would have to be We the People that need to be disposed of. 

The theft via taxation never paid for much of anything in reality, and now the system is starting to unravel off PSYOP-19, with tax “revenues” dwindling, Medicare totally unsustainable (especially now that VAIDS is in full effect), and fortunes gifted to the illegal-invaders in order to accelerate the Cloward-Piven collapse from within. All by design.

Which brings us to the entire vaccination program, and precisely why it was set in motion many decades ago; to wit:

Joe Rogan Raises SERIOUS Questions About the Childhood Vaccine Schedule 

“There are so many of them. They give them to them so quickly. Like, from the moment they're born, they want to bang them up with vaccines.” 

What very few people know about the childhood vaccine schedule is that, in the early 1980s, vaccine manufacturers were losing BIG money. 

For every $1 they made off the DTP vaccine, they were losing about $20 to injury lawsuits. 

So Wyeth (now Pfizer) went to the Reagan White House and demanded liability protections with the threat of getting out of the vaccine business. 

President Reagan asked Wyeth why they couldn’t make safer vaccines. Wyeth answered that they couldn’t because vaccines are “unavoidably” unsafe. 

This led to the signing of the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act, which gave vaccine manufacturers special liability protections. 

“And so, anybody who tells you vaccines are safe and effective, the industry itself got immunity from liability by convincing the President and Congress that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe,” Robert Kennedy Jr. told Joe Rogan in a previous interview.


The following charts further reinforce what a deadly scam all vaccinations are, with not a single high quality placebo controlled trial showing any mortality benefit of any vaccine:


Measles mortality rate


Pertussis mortality


Diphtheria mortality

With the recent Mpox “global emergency” fear-mongering, which is a close relative of smallpox, and the legacy smallpox vaccines having zero benefit whatsoever, yet unsurprisingly are incredibly deadly.

As physical specimens, the Baylor University students were fit and healthy, the "creme de la creme," in the words of researcher Kathy Edwards. Yet when she inoculated them with smallpox vaccine, arms swelled, temperatures spiked and panic spread.

It was the same at clinics in Iowa, Tennessee and California. Of 200 young adults who received the vaccine as part of a recent government study, one-third missed at least one day of work or school, 75 had high fevers, and several were put on antibiotics because physicians worried that their blisters signaled a bacterial infection.

Smallpox Vaccine Reactions Jolt Experts

The above trials were performed way back in 2002, with the old smallpox vaccines just like the latest smallpox and Mpox offerings all inducing VAIDS symptoms; in other words, the BigPharma iatrocide population poisoning and depopulation program is nothing new.

To reiterate, the twin-pronged approach of murdering off the elderly ‘useless eaters’ in order to discharge whatever is left of their wealth and unfunded liabilities while poisoning the next generations into being permanent and highly lucrative BigPharma customers en route to their premature demise is one and the same democide program:

Because having quality trials of known poisons and slow kill bioweapons defeats the deliberate goals of the real program: 

And we now know that the recent phenomenon of SADS is nothing more than adults experiencing SIDS as a direct result of the deadlier Modified mRNA DEATHVAX™:

No eugenics program would be complete without the ratcheting up of mortality rates amongst children, which is why the Center for Disease Crimes (CDC) approved the Modified mRNA poisons for children too, with SIDS and SADS being the most severe adverse events from VAIDS.

Which brings us back to “pandemics” and the matter of simple accounting:

As per the above video, Mark Skidmore proved that the PSYOP-19 injections deliberately reduced life expectancy, and that the very same DoD that was responsible for “losing” a large part of the aforementioned $21 trillion is the very same DoD that owns the COVID-19 Modified mRNA patents, which also happens to be the very same DoD that was behind Operation Warp Speed.

The DoD, an unconstitutional agency, an integral part of the illegitimate Federal government, ran cover for the privately owned central bank to profligately counterfeit out of thin air to the tune of $4.42 trillion, or an almost 30% spike in the money supply.

Chart of Money Supply M1 Last 5 years
In April 2020, the M1 figure stood at $4.79 trillion, then it skyrocketed to $16.24 trillion the following month.

However, it ultimately traces back to the Fed. During the same period from 2020 to 2022, the Fed’s balance sheet expanded from approximately $4 trillion to nearly $9 trillion. However, this is $9 trillion too much, and unless the Federal Reserve is completely abolished or prevented from interfering in the free market, we will continue to experience the roller coaster ride known as the boom-and-bust cycle.


Because $21 trillion stolen was never going to be enough for the continuous black ops money laundering schemes, the Intelligence Industrial Complex partnered with the Fed in conjuring a total of $5 trillion out of thin air in a mere two years, which drove this current inflationary period higher, thus further impoverishing the genetically modified middle class, a demographic which is not only highly “vaccine” poisoned due to the illegal mandates (no “vax” no job), but are also now consequently the most disabled.

The Cantillon Effect states that those closest to the money printer stand to profit the most when a central planning politburo like the Fed prints money, and that during orgiastic episodes of money printing the rest of society gets decimated. The mandates also ensured that mom and pop shops would be put out of business, further driving the final nails into the middle class coffins so that the corporatocracy (e.g. Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, BigPharma, et al. who all happen to be fronts for the DoD, DARPA and the CIA) would be all but guaranteed record profits. And all of those “free” servings of the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” that were paid for by the tax slaves for their own early demises further goosed the “markets” as the stocks of the likes of Moderna and Pfizer soared to historic highs. 

In conclusion, the Intelligence Industrial Complex and their UN/WHO/WEF/CFR/Rockefeller-Gates et al. globalist partners-in-crime are running the vaccine programs alongside their global black ops money laundering operations with the ultimate goal of escalating the democide en rout to a technocratic hell on earth dystopia where the winner takes all.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

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