Wednesday 11 September 2024


MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ Peer-Reviewed Published Research Study Found to be Safe and Effective in Removing Chemical & Radioactive Poisons! Updated!

Is There a Solution to ALL These Pollutions?

A Scientific Peer Reviewed Research Paper

A superior solution for removing pollutions such as, forever chemicals, heavy metals, nano and micro plastics, radioactive elements and nano and mircro & technology, via chelation therapy, exists with redox molecules in a nano colloidal system found in a unique patent-pending product called, MasterPeace™, Zeolite Z™ developed by Human Consciousness Support company.  

The Following is a Peer-reviewed Scientific Research Paper Entitled, 

"MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ Pilot Study Found to be Safe and Effective in Removing Nano and Micro Forever Chemicals, Heavy Metals, Micro Plastics, Graphene and Aluminum Found in the Human Body Cells and Fluids" 


Robert Oldham Young, CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner 

Caroline Mansfield, Naturopath, Dip.Nat, mANP, mGNC


Zeolite, specifically clinoptilolite zeolite, has long been used for environmental cleanup and animal-feed supplementation, due to its unique crystalline structure and ion-exchange properties that allow it to effectively trap and remove toxins.[1] Over the past quarter century, its

application has extended to human consumption as a detoxification agent.[2] 

In the nano-colloidal[3] product called MasterPeace™, Zeolite Z™ by Human Consciousness Support™ Company, a patent-pending combination of nano-sized clinoptilolite zeolite and sea plasma[4], known as Zeolite Z™, is utilized.[5]  

[Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals the Nano Hexagonal Multi-demensional Construct of 

 MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ - Copyright Dr. Robert O. Young & Hikari Omni Publishing, 2024]

To test the efficacy of MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ in removing heavy metals[6], forever chemicals[7], micro plastics[8], micro and nano graphene and aluminum[9][10] and other toxic compounds from the body cells and fluids, a study was conducted involving three test subjects, two adult females and one adult male. The objective was to determine the safety and efficiency of MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ in the chelation and removal of these micro and nano toxins.

The study employed an intracellular fluids toxicity test of the blood with baseline results collected before starting the regimen, followed by tests at 35 days and 90 days. The test subjects took the MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ natural product daily at a specified dosage of 5 drops under the tongue, twice a day.

The intracellular fluid toxicity test[11] targeted highly toxic compounds and elements that were believed to be present in the body but had not been previously tested. This study aimed to evaluate the baseline of these toxic compounds and how effectively MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ could chelate and remove these toxic compounds from the body. The specific toxic compounds and elements tested are listed below.

The sea plasma in MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z ™ is known for its chelationg, detoxification, removal and remineralization properties [1], enhancing the products’ overall effectiveness. This ingredient also supports the removal of toxins while replenishing essential minerals in the body.[4] 

The study aimed to test the combined effects of both nano-sized clinoptilolite zeolite and sea plasma in promoting overall detoxification and health. The findings from these tests provide insights into the comprehensive detoxification

capabilities of MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™, measuring its impact on reducing the toxic burden in human blood.[12][13][14]


Background: The Human Consciousness Support™ Company and their product MasterPeace™ ZeoliteZ™, was developed within the last two years, as an all-natural detoxification product potentially capable of removing toxic substances from the body.

MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ has been refined with the input of numerous scientific minds, focusing not only on the optimization of the nano-sized zeolite but also on the innovative combination of clinoptilolite zeolite with inland sea plasma at a pH of 8.3 and a oxidative reduction   potential (ORP) value of -90mV.[15] This unique formulation, known as MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™, is designed to operate at a pH of 8.3 and -90mV, which enhances its efficacy. According to Human Consciousness Support Company™ literature [5], MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ is a synergistic blend of natural ingredients which is claimed to be an effective natural product or nutraceutical available for detoxification, targeting and removing a wide range of toxic nano and micro compounds from the human body.[5]

Rationale: To address a critical gap in our understanding of the presence and chelating, removing, and detoxification of specific toxic micro and nano toxic compounds in the human body. In today’s world, individuals are constantly exposed to myriads of toxic micro and nano toxic substances, many of which are known to be cytotoxic, genotoxic and bio magnetic toxic to the human blood, cells and tissues.[1]

However, there is limited accessibility and availability of testing for these compounds in many countries, making it difficult for them to obtain baseline measurements of these harmful and toxic agents in their bodies.

By testing for specific toxic compounds in the blood of three subjects, this study aims to fill a crucial knowledge gap.

Establishing baseline levels of these toxic substances is essential for understanding their prevalence and potential impact on health. Additionally, evaluating the efficacy of the MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™, which combines nano-sized colloidal clinoptilolite zeolite with sea plasma (known as Zeolite Z™, in removing known micro and nano toxins is equally important. The findings from this study provides valuable insights into the safety and effectiveness of this detoxification approach, potentially offering a viable solution for individuals seeking to reduce their toxic burden and improve their overall health.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to obtain information based on blood.[11] We wanted to evaluate the toxic burden on the human body. We chose initially five data points being graphene oxide (2D Nano)[16] , polyethylene (PE)[17], polypropylene (PP)[18], perfluoro octane sulfonate-acid, (PFOS)[19][20][21][22] and perfluorooctanoic-acid. (PFOA)[19][20][21][22] At the 35-day mark we included five more compounds which were aluminum[23], glyphosate[24], iron[25], lindane[26] and phosgene.[27]


Study Design: This pilot study employed a pre-test, post-test design to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention. 

Setting: The pilot study was conducted in a real-world home environment, were the participants took the product for 90days. The controlled aspect of the study involved the blood collection, by a phlebotomist from the participating subjects at designated intervals.

Participants: Participants were selected to include both COVID-19 vaccinated[28] and non-vaccinated individuals of European descent. There were three test subjects, female aged 57, male aged 57, and female aged 60, respectively.

Intervention: The product being tested for its safety and efficacy in chelating and removing toxic foreign micro and nano toxins in the body cells and fluids was MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ manufactured and distributed by Human Consciousness Support™ company.[5] Following the baseline test, participants took a dosage of five drops twice daily, administered under the tongue sublingually. The duration of the study was 90 days. 

Laboratory Test: iEC – Cellular Toxin Examination. Inadequate detoxification or increased exposure to toxic substances can cause them to accumulate in the body fluids and body cells. 

These toxins can impair cellular processes such as energy supply through the respiratory chain in the mitochondria or attach to DNA and form a DNA adduct.[29] With the iEC examination (iEC for intracellular electrical capacity), the intracellular amount of toxins in the lymphocytes can be determined and possible exposure can be detected at an early stage.[12]

Control Group: There was no control group in this initial pilot study. 

Outcome Measures: The primary outcome measure was the intracellular toxicity test of the blood.[11] We started the study by testing each subject for 5 substances and their tolerance levels, including graphene oxide (2D Nano)[16] , polyethylene (PE)[17], polypropylene (PP)[18], perfluorooctane sulfonate-acid (PFOS)[19][20][21][22], and perfluorooctanoic-acid (PFOA)[19][20][21][22], as our baseline before intervention as seen in Chart 1 below:

Chart 1

At the 35 day mark we included an additional 5 substances to be tested for each subject including aluminum[23], glyphosate[24], iron[25], lindane[26] and phosgene[27].

as seen in Chart 2 below:

Chart 2

Data Collection: An outsourced phlebotomist was employed to take venous blood samples from each test subject, with 3×4 ml vials collected at baseline, 35 days, and

90 days.

Statistical Analysis: Blood samples of participating subjects were measured for toxic compounds at nanomoles per liter (nmol/L) with the following reference ranges:

- Tolerable: 0 to 14,999 nmol/L

- Borderline: 15,000 to 29,999 nmol/L

High: 30,000 to 44,999 nmol/L

Very High: 45,000 to 65,000 nmol/L

Four separate sensors are used in the measuring equipment at the third-party lab to obtain four values.[11] Measurements included Arithmetic Mean of Values (AMV), 1 to 4 and Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD).[11]


Participating Subject Flow: All three subjects enrolled in and successfully completed the study.

Baseline Characteristics: Each subject voluntarily agreed to take part in the study and confirmed adherence to the study protocol. To prevent any potential bias or influence on the study outcomes, participants were not informed of their individual results until the conclusion of the study. This approach was intended to avoid any anxiety or actions, such as taking additional detox products, that might arise from learning about high toxic levels found in the blood.

Participating subjects were instructed to maintain their usual diet and lifestyle throughout the study. They were explicitly advised not to engage in any additional supplement, diet, or lifestyle detox protocols during the study period.

Primary Outcomes: The baseline blood tests revealed that all test subjects had predominantly high and very high levels of toxic substances in their blood as shown in Chart 1 and Chart 2 above.

As the study progressed, the 35-day blood tests indicated a reduction in these levels, with most falling into the borderline and tolerable ranges as seen in the baseline, 35 days and 90-day testing for all 10 toxic substances that reduced to the tolerable and borderline ranges of <300 shown in the following charts 3, 4 and 5 below.

By the 90-day mark, the blood tests showed that all subjects’ toxin levels had further decreased, with all measurements falling within the borderline and tolerable ranges.

Chart 3

CR Baseline, 35 days and 90 days.

Chart 4

SZ Baseline, 35 days and 90 days.

Chart 5

AD Baseline, 35 days and 90 days.

Notably, none of the participating subject’s toxin levels had reverted to the high or very high ranges as seen above in Charts 3, 4 and 5.

Secondary Outcomes: Fluctuations were observed within the tolerable and borderline ranges for some of the toxic compounds, which may have been attributed to environmental exposure through daily lifestyle activities.

However, it is significant to note that while taking MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™, none of the test subjects’ levels of any toxic compounds reverted to the high or very high ranges as seen in Chart 6 below:

Chart 6

Overview Table All Data Points - Status 90 Days

Endpoint Data Analysis for Wellbeing Improvement 

The following graphs represent endpoint data exclusively focused on wellness improvement outcomes. At the end of the study the test subjects reported positive effects from taking MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™.

Participant #1 noted experiencing a significant cognitive boost, while Participant #2 described a heightened sense of joy, connection and intuition in life. Additionally, participant #3 reported feeling increased energy and less joint pain. 

For categories where participants did not provide specific feedback, N/A (not applicable) has been used to indicate that no data was available for those participants in those categories. N/A does not imply a lack of improvement but rather a lack of specific feedback in that area.

Adverse Events: There were no negative side-effects or adverse reactions observed during the 90-day study for any subject.


Interpretive Results: The objective of this study was to establish baseline levels of micro and nano toxins within the human body and to evaluate the efficacy of the MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ product in reducing and or removing these 10 toxic compounds. This 90-day study involving three test subjects demonstrated that MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ safely and effectively reduced the toxic levels of these 10 toxins. The study’s objectives have been met, confirming the efficacy of MasterPeace™

Zeolite Z™ detoxifying capabilities. Therefore, in depth quantitative analysis has yielded objective measurements confirming that MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ is a safe and effective chelator and remover of toxic micro and nano forever chemicals, heavy metals, micro plastics, aluminum and graphene oxide found in human body cells and fluids.

Strengths and Limitations

Strengths: One of the key strengths of this study lies in the use of the intracellular blood toxicity test,[11] which provides insights into genotoxic, cytotoxic and bio-magnetic toxic substances that are typically difficult for individuals and clinicians to access. Importantly, this pilot study has been a valuable eye-opener, revealing significant levels of micro and nano toxicity within the test subjects.

Another notable strength is the significant reduction in micro and nano toxin levels observed over the relatively short period of 90 days, with all test subjects showing a decrease from very high and high ranges to borderline and tolerable ranges as seen in Chart 7 and Chart 8 for all 10 toxic substances tested.

Chart 7

Chart 8

Limitations: The primary limitations of this study include the small sample size, which is inherent in pilot studies, and the short duration of three months. Additionally, the study sample consisted of only three subjects of similar age, which may limit the generalizability of the findings. Further research with a larger and more diverse sample size over a longer period is necessary to validate these initial results.

Implications for Practice: The findings of this study suggest that the MasterPeace™ Zeolite™ formulation by Human Consciousness Support™ company, specifically the Zeolite Z™ formulation, demonstrated promising detoxification treatment for reducing high levels of 10 known toxic micro and nano foreign and toxic substances found in the human body cells and fluids.

These results warrant further research with larger and more diverse populations, which could potentially lead to its incorporation into clinical practices around the world for managing and reducing toxic chemical and heavy metal loads in the blood and body cells of humans.


Summary of Findings: In summary, the study demonstrated that the MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ formulation manufactured by Human Consciousness Support™ company, specifically the Zeolite Z™ with colloidal sea minerals, effectively reduced high levels of toxic micro and nano chemicals and heavy metal particulates without any negative side-effects.

The 10 known chemicals and heavy metal toxic micro and nano compounds and elements in the blood of all three test subjects over a 90-day period, with all participants: toxin levels were shown to decrease from very high and high ranges to borderline and tolerable ranges shown in the charts above.

Clinical Relevance: These findings suggest that MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ manufactured by Human

Consciousness Support™ company, with its Zeolite Z™ formulation, holds promise as a beneficial nutraceutical for enhancing health and wellness by reducing the toxic burdens in the human body cells and fluids. Further research could explore its potential role in clinical practice for detoxification and improving overall health outcomes.

Future Research: A current ongoing 24-cohort study, which includes a control placebo double-blind design and investigates 27 genotoxic, cytotoxic and bio magnetic toxic compounds, aims to further build on the findings of this pilot study. This larger-scale research initiative will provide more comprehensive data on the efficacy of the MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ formulation manufactured by Human Support Consciousness™ company for the expressed purpose of detoxifying the human body cells and fluids and could potentially validate its clinical utility in broader populations.


Contributions: IGL-Labor GmbH, Epigenetics and Biochemical Laboratory. Statistical charts and graphs done by Anders Brundstad

Funding: The study was funded by Human Consciousness Support™ Company

Conflicts: There are no known conflicts


[1] Mastinu A, Kumar A, Maccarinelli G, Bonni SA, Premoli M, Aria F, Gianoncelli A, Memo M. “Zeolite Clinopitolite: ‘Therapeutic Virtues of an Ancient Mineral’”, Molecules. 2019 Apr; 24(8): 1517. 

[2] Kraljević Pavelić S., Simović Medica J., Gumbarević D., Filošević A., Pržulj N., Pavelić K. Critical Review on Zeolite Clinoptilolite Safety and Medical Applications in vivo. Front. Pharmacol. 2018;9:1350. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.01350.

[3] Young RO (May 27, 2016). “Colloids and Colloidal Systems in Human Health and Nutrition”. Int J Complement Alt Med 3(6): 00095. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2016.03.00095

[4] Lee BH, Yang AR, Kim MY, McCurdy S, Boisvert WA. Natural sea salt consumption confers protection against hypertension and kidney damage in Dahl salt-sensitive rats. Food Nutr Res. 2016 Dec 20;61(1):1264713. doi: 10.1080/16546628.2017.1264713. Erratum in: Food Nutr Res. 2017 Mar 20;61(1):1300375. doi: 10.1080/16546628.2017.1300375. PMID: 28325999; PMCID: PMC5328355.

[6] Velarde L., Nabavi M.S., Escalera E., Lena Antti L,, Akhtar F. “Adsorption of heavy metals on natural zeolites: A review”, Chemosphere, Volume 328, 2023, 138508, ISSN 0045-6535,

[8]  Munir, N., Javaid, A., Abideen, Z. et al. The potential of zeolite nanocomposites in removing microplastics, ammonia, and trace metals from wastewater and their role in phytoremediation. Environ Sci Pollut Res 31, 1695–1718 (2024).

[10]  Sandra Kraljević Pavelić, Vedran Micek, Ana Filošević, Darko Gumbarević, Paula Žurga, Aleksandar Bulog, Tatjana Orct, Yasuaki Yamamoto, Tajana Preočanin, Janez Plavec, Robert Peter, Mladen Petravić, Dražen Vikić-Topić, Krešimir Pavelić. “Novel, oxygenated clinoptilolite material efficiently removes aluminium from aluminium chloride-intoxicated rats in vivo”.  Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Volume 249, 2017, Pages 146-156, ISSN 1387-1811.

[12] Pavelić K, Kraljević Pavelić S. Zeolites in Medicine: Current Achievements and Research of Zeolites in Medicine. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers; (2019)

[13] Kraljević Pavelić S, Simović Medica J, Gumbarević D, Filošević A, Pržulj N, Pavelić K. Critical review on zeolite clinoptilolite safety and medical applications in vivo. Front Pharmacol. (2018) 9:1350. 10.3389/fphar.2018.01350

[14] Pavelić K, Hadžija M. Medical application of zeolites. In: Auerbach S, Carrado K, Dutta P. editors. Handbook of Zeolite Sciences and Technology. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc; (2003). p. 1143–74.

[29] Hwa Yun B, Guo J, Bellamri M, Turesky RJ. DNA adducts: Formation, biological effects, and new biospecimens for mass spectrometric measurements in humans. Mass Spectrom Rev. 2020 Mar;39(1-2):55-82. doi: 10.1002/mas.21570. Epub 2018 Jun 11. PMID: 29889312; PMCID: PMC6289887.

My hope is that you will take the time to read, ponder, meditate and pray about the life changing and life saving intelligence I have shared with you today.

All the very best of health, fitness and vitality,

Robert O Young MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

Become Part of the Solution to the Worldwide Pollutions - Join Human Consciosness Support company to learn more about MasterPeace Zeolite Z(TM) by clicking here:

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Three New Truth vs. Deception Books

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"All the information presented in the following research articles were authored by Dr. Robert O. Young and are impressive"  Mission Possible

"Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene & Parasites in CoV-19 Vaccines", peer-reviewed and reviewed by millions around the World:

The following are the pdf files in English and in Spanish for the above scientific article for which you can share with everyone you love and care about:

"Nano and Micro Graphene & Parasites Causing Blood Clots Seen in the Blood of the VAXXed & UNVAXXed!"

This 28-page PDF attachment below by Dr. Robert Young is very impressive. 

Dr. Young has presented the facts in his research and included microscopic photos of visible particles and able to identify them. Things that should never ever be injected into the human body. Just look at the non-disclosed ingredients on the list he compiled that is within this document.

These falsely claimed so-called vaccines from the four major pharmaceutical companies were analyzed by Dr. Young:

Pfizer/BioNTech (“Pfizer”); Moderna/Lonza mRNA-1273 (“Moderna”); Vaxzevria by AstraZeneca (“AstraZeneca”); and Janssen by Johnson & Johnson (“Janssen”).

If humanity had known what was being injected into their bodies and even their children’s body they would had never taken this toxic COVID bioweapon? 

I would think not unless they were a “few bricks shy a full load” or wanted themselves suicided, sacrificing themselves and their children on the altar of Big Pharma. 

Forcing or coercion of a child into taking this injection is absolute child abuse and unintentional or intentional attempted murder.

Some are saying there is no graphene oxide in the weaponized COVID-19 injections of the vial and blood. Following in the steps of the government funded “FACT CHECKERS”, with their propaganda of the real “Misinformation.” 

You will see actual microscopy pictures captured in that article published on August 20, 2021, and republished again on January 19, 2023. Nothing has changed in the past 17 months. 

"Dr. Young’s research will prove to you that there is indeed “graphene oxide” and "parasites" in the COVID serum."

It seems since the rollout of these injections, some well-intended doctors and scientist are far behind of the research by Dr. Young and other true deep researchers like La Quinta Columna.  La Ouinta Columa researchers, for whom I have also been following three years, found toxic nanometallic content which are magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic to plants, insects, birds, animals, and humans, all life on the planet, which was confirmed by Dr. Young and his team of researchers. Even life-threatening parasites were discovered in one of the “vaccines”. 

The “vaccine” components including graphene oxide among many others are which influenced by radiation sources external to us can create a toxic chemical and radiative soup inside our bodies (Published By The Liberty Beacon) from the Covid bioweapon has put people’s lives at risk.

Many will, as I have been saying in my opinion, will die from radiation poison by this injection with graphene oxide, the hydrogel with the insertion of Cesium-137 for the individuals bodies injected with these ingredients to absorb the microwave radiation 5G communications frequencies for tracking, manipulating the mind, and even transmit the frequencies of diseases of compromised destroyed immune systems leading to permanent disability and death.

To go into more detail, you need to understand something very important in this discussion of graphene oxide. Then you will understand why it was so important to produce this warp speed COVID-19 bioweapon, and its connection with the lightning speed of installing 5G cell towers on school roofs, cell towers on grounds in city and rual areas, and 5G weaponized streetlights with 5G WIFI transmitters. 

Besides using this bioweapon injected to cause mass permanently disabilities and even maximize the death potential, graphene oxide which has an electrical charge and hydrogel with the insertion of cesium-137 as revealed by Todd Callender, and the self-replicating and self-construction of nano particles and nanotubes to construct an internal WIFI system to communicate with the individual’s body with 5G microwave radiation frequencies. Without the ingredients of graphene oxide, the hydrogel, and the Cesium-137 this would not be possible. This is exactly one of the many ingredients that have been undeclared in the bioweapon COVID-19 serum injections.

This is the very reason these 'bad actors' were introducing this new, experimental injection, that was never about viral protection, but as Moderna’s website said they were injecting the software of life like a computer system with “plug and play” capabilities like in a computer system. They have or are setting up a way to track those who have been injected who can be controlled by AI with the microwave radiation frequencies. 

About 6 years ago, I learned that they have the frequencies of various viruses, as I have already mentioned, for which they can transmit into those that have the injection with the “software of life” any virus frequency to incapacitate or kill one. A cause of death that would be very hard to identify.

Many of these frequencies were discovered by Royal Rife years ago and were no doubt confiscated by the government military, and no doubt also involving DARPA, as was Tesla’s inventions that would have made it possible for US energy independence. FREE ENERGY!

It is my assumption that once the 5G cell towers are fully installed and activated in large, metropolitan areas, that due to the powerful microwave beams coming from every direction possible, will lead to death by radiation poisoning from the microwave oven everyone will be living in. But there again, it will also be covered up as death by a COVID to pacify those wearing their tin foil hats and mask.

With every COVID inoculation injection going in, the toxic substances keep accumulating in the body, gradually destroying the natural innate immune system leading to an early death of what the globalist consider them, as Henry Kissinger called them, “Useless Eaters.” 

Part of Bill Gates TED conference talk in 2011 was where he alluded to the decreasing world population and said: “Now if we do a real good job with healthcare and vaccines, we could reduce the population by 10 to 15 percent.” Well, if you take 8-billion people times 15% you get 1-billion, 2 hundred million eliminated by the healthcare system and vaccines.

But, Bill Gates plan appears that it will exceed his expectations as scientist are predicting the deaths of 2 billion in the next two years and more billions following. A prediction of millions dying from myocarditis and pericarditis alone is projected. All being planned as part of the globalist depopulation agenda to come to fruition by 2025 per funded as in a screen capture on their website pictured here:

The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank.

It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset.

If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.’s [infamous] 2025 forecast was removed from their website sometime in 2020. The content is reproduced here for your reference and educational purposes.

Robert O Young MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic

Follow Dr. Robert O. Young on Twitter at: 

You can support the research of Dr. Robert O. Young with your prayers and donations at:

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Understand Why Blood Clots Form Inside the Blood Vessels!

Read Dr. Robert O. Young's Peered Review Scientific Research Article Published in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination on Pathological Blood Coagulation! (2016)

Here are two links to learn more on how to protect your organs, glands, tissues, including your heart, liver, lungs, brain and reproductive organs from lipo nano graphene with Spike Protein attached.

The following links will take you to the peer reviewed article for CBDA and CBGA and the protection you need against the VAXXXed Spike Protein from foreign animal and human sources.

"According to the American Heart Association over 50 percent vaxxed will die within the next 5 years!"

The link below will take you to the Peer- Reviewed article of the American Heart Association published in Circulation - Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis!

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