Sunday, 28 July 2024


The Vaccine Religion and its Effect on Medical Research

900% increase in vertigo after the Pfizer shot must be discussed only quietly by those walking in the hallowed shrines of the vaccine religion, if blasphemy is to be practiced surreptitiously.

The Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City, one of the largest cathedrals in the Americas was built right next to the holiest Aztec shrine, the Templo Mayor, drawing almost all of its stones to construct the cathedral.  With the conquest of Mexico by 16th century Spanish explorer Hernán Cortez, the Aztec descendants, who called themselves Mexica, and their capital city Tenochtitlan, did the physical labor of building the Spanish cathedrals in Mexico.  They engraved Aztec symbols under and deep inside Mexico City’s largest cathedrals.  Many of those cathedrals are built right on top of Aztec ruins, but some number among the cathedral building crews engraved their ancestral symbols in the walls and pillars of the conquerors’ religious shrines.

Unearthing the Aztec past, the destruction of the Templo Mayor

What does this have to do with vaccine research in the era of the vaccine religion?

The prevailing medical philosophy / religion of our era holds vaccine beliefs as core tenets.  The notion of immune function conferred by an arbitrarily chosen injected liquid, rather than organized by specialized and synergistic leukocytes (with complex interactions with nutrients), as optimal bulwark against infectious disease, is an 18th century superstition dressed up as contemporary medical sophistication. The crescendo of fervent belief in the vaccine sacrament during the last two hundred years of medical history, and especially over the last half-century, has now left us living through an era of intense vaccine zealotry.  Everyone is now expected to accept and receive the many dozens of vaccines on the CDC schedule – some for adults and many more for infants and children - and is expected to not question the bribes and bullying that put all those vaccines, which are liability-free pharma products, into the vaccine catechism. 

Consequently, blasphemy against COVID vaccination has been punished even more relentlessly from late 2020 through early 2023 than blasphemy against the so-called childhood vaccines.  Critical skeptics and those who refuse vaccines themselves have very often been fired from their jobs and excluded from studying at universities.  At this writing in early 2024, an abundance of evidence has shown the harmful effects of the COVID vaccines, mostly the mRNA type, made by Pfizer and Moderna.  There are thousands of studies showing injuries from these vaccines.  I compiled over 700 of the largest studies and of those showing how the mRNA vaccines cause damage to multiple bodily organs in this book.  I cited half as many studies in its earlier edition, which was more widely read, probably for the novelty of its subject matter, while still remaining obscure and little known.

Thus, medical literature showing injuries following COVID vaccination, without overtly announcing vaccine criticism, is a 21st century metaphor for the practice of engraving the contrarian viewpoint surreptitiously in the shadows of the cathedral. 

Archiving data in the catacombs under the shrine

It is much easier for an independent researcher such as me to write about vaccine-related harms than it is for institutional researchers who depend on industry-funded grants for their research.  If those researchers are to show any findings about vaccine harms, those must be buried deeply enough to survive the peer-review process, and the casual perusal of the reviewers.  Their studies must sing the hymns of praise for vaccination that the universal religion requires, and it must extol the fancy gilded façade of the church, while keeping the contradictory evidence well below the surface, revealing the same only to careful students of the data.

This is how epidemic myocarditis was hidden from the public even as the most widely used and most hurriedly deployed vaccine in human history was being injected into billions of people.  We learned this week that the CDC knew about myocarditis effects by at least May 25, 2021, but did not want to “appear alarmist” to clinicians and to the public. [1] For context, it had been known since November 2020, before any of the public was injected, that the Pfizer vaccine arrives to the heart, brain and other organs within seconds. By the middle of 2021, myocarditis reports were accumulating throughout injected populations, and cardiac arrest ambulance calls had skyrocketed in heavily injected Israel. 

Appearing alarmist has been detrimental to the paychecks of the skeptics, and so many keep silent, until a preponderance of evidence makes the use of free speech less hazardous to employment and college enrollment.

Vaccine effects on the brain

Damaging effects of the COVID vaccines on cognition and other brain function are beginning to emerge.  We are likely to see more and more of these studies over 2024 and beyond, especially as researchers have become emboldened by the now overwhelming and irrefutable evidence of cardiovascular injuries and deaths following those injections.  Now that the COVID vaccines, especially the mRNA type, are losing their initial luster from the growing negative press regarding cardiovascular risks, it is just a little more acceptable to also expose these vaccines’ other problems than it had been in the peak 2021-2022 vaccine mania heyday.

Here is an example regarding effects of the Pfizer vaccine in Danish adolescents: [2]  The study begins by sounding vaguely pro-vaccine, discussing: “ . . . [another] study . . . which showed that BNT162b2 [Pfizer] had an acceptable safety profile,  . . . and was effective against SARS-CoV-2,” and goes on to list minor-sounding symptoms, such as pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, chills, etc.  Thus begin the dulcet tones of the hymn of praise for vaccines. Is this lullaby to induce sleep in the peer reviewers, to not see the data contained deep inside the report?

What was not mentioned in the Introduction, but is listed very deep in the study’s reporting is the study’s shocking findings in Danish adolescents.

Nine times the “dizziness and giddiness” in girls

“Dizziness and giddiness” in COVID-vaccinated girls occurred at 922% the rate in unvaccinated girls, 57 to 182 days post-Pfizer shot.  (Giddiness is usually called vertigo and can include lightheadedness in US medical parlance). 

“Unspecified cognitive symptoms” were 92% higher in COVID-vaccinated girls than in unvaccinated girls, and “Syncope” was 418% higher in COVID-vaccinated girls than unvaccinated girls 0-56 days after the Pfizer shot. 

S Berg, H Wallach Kildemoes, et al.  Symptom-specific hospital contacts in 12-18-year-olds vaccinated against COVID-19: A Danish register-based cohort study.  Jun 2023.  Vaccines (Basel).  11 (6).  1049.

One might think that a nine times greater rate of “dizziness and giddiness” and four times the syncope, and nearly twice the unspecified cognitive symptoms in vaccinated girls over unvaccinated would be of great concern.  

There is an important flaw in this study, which stems from a political artifact. The authors used the term “unvaccinated” 51 times without defining it at all. 

In fact, the term “unvaccinated” has been very sloppily defined in the COVID era.  Does unvaccinated now mean never having received any vaccines at all, even the earlier childhood vaccines?  Or that the Danish teenage girls suffered injury after some of the prior childhood vaccines, and at some point decided to receive no more vaccines?   Adding even more confusion, people who had been injected with COVID vaccines less than two weeks earlier were (very dishonestly) called “unvaccinated” at least throughout the U.S. and Europe.  This had the grossly misleading effect of sweeping the earliest (Day 0 to 14) vaccine injuries away from official scrutiny.  A fourth problem with the term unvaccinated is that those who only received one COVID vaccine dose, but refused a second, were in some places being called “unvaccinated.”  And a fifth problem was that those who could not prove in a hospital setting how many COVID vaccines they had were sometimes also lumped in with the “unvaccinated” cohort.  So it is anybody’s guess as to the composition of the “unvaccinated” cohort, and the study authors did not even attempt to sort through any of the above problems with vaccination status. Whereas the authors did define their vaccinated cohort as having specifically two doses of Pfizer, > 3 weeks apart, they did not define their unvaccinated cohort.

We do see however, that after two Pfizer mRNA vaccine doses, the Danish girls had almost double the unspecified cognitive symptoms and over nine times the dizziness and vertigo of the presumably unvaccinated girls, even after two months post-vaccine, which was the most striking finding of the study.


Autistic-like behaviors in rats post-Pfizer shot

Another 2023 study showed a significant increase in autism-like behaviors in the offspring of Pfizer-injected rats. [3]

That study begins with, “The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzed the swift development and distribution of mRNA vaccines, including BNT162b2, to address the disease,” but then quickly go into the major problems that the study found post-vaccine.

The researchers discovered profound effects on neurological development including autism-like behaviors and impaired motor performance in male rats after their mothers were vaccinated prenatally. 

I wrote of mechanisms of effects on the brain following the COVID vaccines, [4] and prion-like proteins as a likely downstream cause [5]and mitochondrial damage as another likely downstream cause [6] of brain injury after COVID vaccination.

Now that the dam of information is cracking open to reveal myriad and abundant injuries correlated with the COVID vaccines, I think that the last taboo subject, namely cognitive, emotional and psychiatric effects of the COVID vaccines will be explored by researchers in more depth through this new year and beyond.

Is this a place where a suspension of disbelief is encouraged, or is it a citadel of timeless truth, or both? How about PubMed and the universities?

Photo by José Roldan

[1] Z Stieber. Exclusive: Email reveals why CDC didn’t issue alert on COVID vaccines and myocarditis.  Jan 25 2024.  The Epoch Times.

[2] S Berg, H Wallach Kildemoes, et al.  Symptom-specific hospital contacts in 12-18-year-olds vaccinated against COVID-19: A Danish register-based cohort study.  Jun 2023.  Vaccines (Basel).  11 (6).  1049.

[3] M Erdogan, O Gurbuz, et al.  Prenatal exposure to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 induces autism-like behaviors in male neonatal rats: Insights into WNT and BDNF signaling perturbations.  Jul 3 2023.  Neurochem Res.

[4] C Huber.  Brain injuries after COVID vaccination.  Apr 10 2023.

[5] C Huber. Prion risks in the COVID vaccines.  May 17 2023.

[6] C Huber.  Brain threat from COVID vaccines.  Mar 24 2022.


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