Sunday, 28 July 2024


Looking For 45 Million Missing People

Only 2/3 of living American adults are COVID-vaxxed, according to a new poll. Can you help me find 45 million missing American adults? I look forward to your thoughts in the comments.

A Rasmussen poll this past week of 1,250 U.S. adults, everyone 18 years of age and older, shows that only 67% of living American adults believe that they had any COVID vaccine at all.  The paywalled article and data are here:

The poll has a + 3 percentage points margin of sampling error and a 95% CI. Respondents identified 34% as Democrat, 29% Republican and 37% as other, which skews slightly more Democrat than the population at large as reported by Pew Research Center. 

British Medical Journal data is contradicted by Rasmussen

Now contrast that 67% of U.S. adults who had at least one COVID vaccine against the following British Medical Journal (BMJ) study of 211,303 U.S. adults (everyone 18 years and older; political affiliation unknown), in which 84.8% of U.S. adults received at least one COVID vaccine, as of February 2022.

That means that 84.8% of U.S. adults received at least one COVID vaccine by 2022, as published in the BMJ, which is quite contradictory to the Rasmussen poll.  (Johns Hopkins’ Our World in Data shows lower total U.S. vaccinated percentages, about 78%, but that includes all age groups, not just adults.)

Both sets of data for U.S. adults, from Rasmussen and from the BMJ, were collected by surveying, not by access to databases kept by governments or the insurance industry.  So we are looking at the same population, only 2.25 years apart, by the same means, although the earlier survey was about 200 times larger than the later one.

So then we have a discrepancy of 84.8% - 67% = 17.8% of U.S. adults.  So did 85% of U.S. adults (per BMJ) or 67% of U.S. adults (per Rasmussen) receive at least one COVID vaccine? 

It is impossible to un-vaccinate oneself, and vaccination status is only additive over time (cannot be subtracted).  Also, there are only two all-encompassing and mutually exclusive categories of U.S. adults with regard to the COVID vaccine, that is either n = 0 or n = 1 or more, and if anything, the percent of adults having received a COVID vaccine could only stay the same or increase during the last two years, but cannot possibly go down for the same cohort.  So given all of that, then I have a question, which is -

Where did all those people go?

Here is a visual representation of the problem.

The U.S. census says that 255,241,278 adults lived in the U.S. as of July 15, 2023.

So let’s look at the discrepancy above as a portion of the population.

84.8% - 67% = 17.8% of U.S. adults = 0.178 of the whole U.S. adult population.

0.178 x 255,241,278 total U.S. adults = 45,432,947 missing vaccinated adults in the U.S., according to the above discrepancies.

There are a few possibilities for 45 million people going missing

45 million people is greater than the population of California (39 million) and almost as big as Spain (48 million).  They cannot just go missing, so there must be some reason for the discrepancy between the two polls.

It is said that anywhere from 5 to 15 million people have walked across the southern U.S. border in the last few years, and that they are generally not expected to have been vaccinated for COVID.  But even if that is true, and even if they were represented in the Rasmussen poll, and replaced dying vaccinated Americans, that number is nowhere near 45 million.

A possible explanation for the missing 45 million people is that unvaccinated survey respondents likely still felt pressure in early 2022 (both from employers and socially) to present themselves as vaccinated, and may have chosen to lie to surveyors, whereas that pressure has likely lessened for most people by now in May 2024.  But that would imply that 45 million people would hide their unvaccinated status from surveyors in 2022, but not in 2024.  There are about 18 million college students in the U.S., and many were forced to choose between their college education and submitting to the experimental and highly toxic COVID shots, so many of them did submit, and would then be expected to answer surveyors that they were vaccinated.  But for unvaccinated college students and workers, would their answers to a survey be the opposite in 2024 as in 2022?   I think that verifying that kind of statistic would be extremely difficult or impossible.

Another possibility is that people may feel no responsibility to give pollsters truthful answers at all, but if that is the case, then why would such a vast number of responses all move in the same direction?

Another possible explanation of the missing 45 million people is horrifying, and that is that they all died in just two years, which is much too large a number to be unnoticed.  I think we can rule this out right away.  The CDC alleges that about 3.2 million Americans die each year, about one percent of the population, which is always expected every year in every population, at least pre-COVID, but more since then.  Coffin sales are up since the 2021 vaccine rollout, and the funeral business has been very busy since the COVID vaccines, but not reported to be impossibly inundated.  45 million dead in the U.S. over the last three years is simply very unlikely.  Believing the CDC, it would likely have been only 7.2 million dead over these last 2.25 years, which still leaves an enormous discrepancy.  Plus we cannot assume that the deceased are 100% vaccinated, which of course is impossible (due to the unvaccinated also being mortal).

There are certainly enormous excess deaths since the launch of the COVID vaccines, but it requires some wealth to access those figures, because the Society of Actuaries (SOA) just hid that information behind a $10,000 paywall, as Mary Beth Pfeiffer writes.

This excerpt of SOA data that she published a year ago shows significant increases in excess mortality of working age adults.

The above table shows an enormous number of deaths, including an increase in Q3 2020, prior to the COVID vaccine launch.

None of the above explain 45 million missing vaccinated American adults, unless by a summation of each of the above categories, but even then, I think there is something very much amiss.  So I am hoping readers will help to find these missing people in the comments, which I will appreciate reading periodically over the coming weeks, as they come in, and hopefully we can get this figured out.


Data analyst Steve Kirsch discusses additional findings from that same Rasmussen poll here:  

A somewhat larger screenshot of the Rasmussen poll data is here:

Does the last screenshot answer the question of 45 million missing people?

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