Friday 26 July 2024


Live Blood Dark & Bright Field Microscopy

Causes of the Rouleau Effect

I spent the last three months learning to do live blood microscopy including bright field and dark field microscopy to detect hydrogels and abnormalities in blood cells caused by Graphene oxide and hydrogels from the Covid jabs and the environment. The course didn’t focus on these structures, but on all the things that this kind of microscopy can help detect in the body that affects health.


The term is French and refers to rolls of coins as red blood cells in rouleau formation look like coins in a roll. Recently it has mostly been viewed as an effect of the Covid jabs, which is true. But there are quite a few other reasons for this effect.

Red blood cells in rouleau formation in an unjabbed person who is closely exposed to many jabbed people daily

Other causes of the Rouleau effect:

- Dehydration
- Constant exposure to EMF such as cell phones, computers, TV
- Increased serum proteins such as fibrinogen and Immunoglobulins which leads the proteins to link the red blood cells and reduce their negative charge Zeta potential due to the positively charged proteins attaching to the cell membranes. 
- Deficiency of trace minerals which can disturb the pH, making the environment more acidic causing a reversal of the natural polarity of these cells
- Trauma of red blood cells when they pass through tight capillaries and/or the spleen
- Anemia
- Toxins such as Benzene and Carbon Tetrachloride

What are the causes of increased serum proteins?

Infections, inflammation, chronic liver disease, alcoholism. Rouleau is a sign of digestive issues such as a lack of digestive enzymes, disturbed microbiome in the gut, food sensitivities, eating the wrong foods, eg. foods that cause over-acidity in the body such as too much meat, alcohol, coffee and simple carbs.

What symptoms can be caused by Rouleau?

As blood can’t flow that well when red blood cells are stuck together, lack of oxygen is one consequence. This can cause fatigue, cold hands and feet, shortness of breath, tingling and numbness. As the cause often involves digestive issues, symptoms can include indigestion, bloating, heartburn, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation.

What can be done about it?

Live blood analysis can detect if too much acidity is present and if too much protein is in the diet. It can detect digestive issues in dried blood samples. The combination of microscopy findings, dietary information and symptoms can get to the bottom of the cause so that the culprits can be eliminated.

In many cases dehydration is the culprit. Thus, simply drinking more water will solve the problem. In other cases, it’s eating too much protein and a lack of digestive enzymes that cause the effect. An adjustment in the diet and taking digestive enzymes can solve the problem. Many people consume a diet that renders the body too acidic which can be alleviated by changing to a more alkaline diet that includes more vegetables, vegetable juices and using apple cider vinegar on a regular basis and/or lemon juice. EMF exposure has increased tremendously for most people. Grounding can help reset the cells to a negative charge. This can be done by walking barefoot on the ground or using a PEMF mat that also operates at the Schuman frequency.

Graphene oxide found in Covid jabs, masks, nasal swabs and chem trails causes rouleau formation because it destroys red blood cell membranes, is a massive free radical and causes inflammation. It messes with the cells ability to maintain a negative charge.

Red Blood Cell Aggregation

If nothing is done, then rouleau can progress to red blood cell aggregation which is worse than rouleau as there is massive clumping together of cells.

Jabbed person with red blood cell aggregation

The causes are the same as rouleau but at a more intense level. It’s regarded as a symptom of chronic acidity and toxicity. It can cause damage to the circulatory system and organs. The symptoms are much more pronounced than in rouleau and can go as far as heart attacks, strokes and venous thrombosis.

Lifestyle changes are essential to reverse this condition including an alkaline diet, cessation of alcohol, smoking, reduction of protein intake, increased water intake, elimination of sugar, simple carbs such as pastries, bread, even coffee (at least for a while). Foods causing allergies need to be eliminated. These can be tested with a blood spot test called Food Safe Allergy test that measures IgG4 Immunoglobulins to a host of foods. Supplements are important including digestive enzymes, Antioxidants from Vitamin C and E to Glutathione (preferably the liposomal kind), certain trace minerals, probiotics and supplements to improve the condition of the liver like DLPC (Plaquex Oral), Silibinin (Milk Thistle) and NAC. To help increase production of stomach acid for improved digestion, non-flush Niacin can be taken.


Live blood microscopy UK (I don’t know these personally except for Shirah Mustardé) I had interviewed Shirah Mustardé here:

USA: As the USA is much larger and there are too many to list, I suggest you use a search engine and put in “live blood microscopy practitioners USA” or put in your city and state and go through the results.

Food Safe Allergy Test   
Plaquex Oral       

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