Sunday 16 June 2024


THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 5 - A very important statement from Prof. Stefan Homburg : This was utter nonsense, disproportionate, basically a kind of coup and high treason.

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A very important statement from Prof. Stefan Homburg :

Here is the very accurate translation from German to English :

“ Anyone who is not blind can see the crucial point from several passages in the protocols, namely that the ministry had specified the danger level. And that the RKI was a kind of health press office that was supposed to make this politically specified situation plausible to people. So it was all complete nonsense, disproportionate, basically a kind of coup and high treason. ”

Source : Suavek`s Telegram Channel :

The exact date of the recording is still being researched. Thank you in advance for any information you may have.



Original statement in German :

“Jeder, der nicht blind ist, sieht aus mehreren Stellen der Protokolle den entscheidenen Punkt, nämlich dass das Ministerium die Gefahrenlage vorgegeben hat und dass das RKI eine Art Gesundspresseamt war, das diese politisch vorgegebene Lage dann den Leuten plausibel machen sollte. Es war also alles ein kompletter Nonsens, unverhältnismässig, im Grunde nach Art Putsch und Hochverrat.”


An Austrian MP, Gerald Hauser, wrote on his Telegram on June 12, 2024 :

Source :

That's exactly how it was. And it didn't happen any differently in Austria.

We demand: publication of all Corona protocols in Austria!

A complete clarification is only possible with the FPÖ and Herbert Kickl!


Prof. Denis Rancourt : 

Sorry if it’s obvious.

Source : Denis’s Substack, June 12, 2024

OPINION / ANALYSIS ( sorry if it’s obvious ) :

COVID was a government assault against domestic populations

The COVID-19 campaign created and implemented mostly by Western governments led by the USA can be understood as a planned and executed assault against the domestic populations, which appears as a most useful analytic framework.

To understand COVID as the political and societal machination that it is, the best comparison points are other major assaults against domestic populations.

Typically, historically, comparable major assaults against domestic populations fall into the following categories.

War: Manipulating a domestic population to condone and partake into an actual war in which the state participates.

Elite predation: Openly creating and modifying the state's laws to the advantage of the upper classes, and an elite class in particular, and selectively enforcing all laws to the advantage of the same upper and elite (often globalist) classes. This includes structures that prevent development of the working and independent business classes, while maintaining a large dependent class of sick and impoverished people.

Creating invasive laws: Creating and enforcing laws that remove fundamental individual rights, such as censorship laws, surveillance laws and instruments, laws that limit access to resources and services, laws that coerce or impose unwanted medical interventions, laws that limit family autonomy, laws that enable state control over education and propaganda, and so forth. This includes structures that limit political participation and organized opposition.

Abusive or excessive taxation: Extracting disproportionate resources from individuals (see point-2) in order to fund government campaigns and the maintenance of centralized power.

The COVID campaign has been a combination of all these elements, and a concerted effort to accelerate them all.

Ibid. the follow-up campaigns...

*** See my scientific articles about COVID, and my Civil Rights articles on this website :

Prof. Denis Racourt`s Substack :


Other Video by Prof. Stefan Homburg / in English :

Source :


Related article :


Prof. Stefan Homburg`s channels :

YouTube :

Twitter :



Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :

Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :

The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :

There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :

When searching for Dr.Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended :

Yandex :

and Mojeek :

Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.


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