Sunday 16 June 2024


The arguments for “NO VIRUS” -- PART 3 - Dr. Mike Yeadon : Actually easy to understand, but hard to believe. The lack of control experiments.

Virology is a castle made of sand.


Dr. Mike Yeadon, June 16, 2024 :

I cannot overstate the importance of this piece of writing, describing as it does, the heart of the fraudulent $cience that is viroLIEgy.

It’s astonishing but true that the entire published collection of papers claiming to have “isolated” viruses are missing the appropriate control experiments.

I’ve around 40 full, peer reviewed papers. I wasn’t very interested in publication because they’re not currency in commercial R&D, only in academia. But this I know: you cannot get anything published in any journal I’ve ever read that lacks the right control experiments. The use of controls (for the thing you’re interested in) is at the HEART of “the scientific method”, that post-Enlightenment process that we’ve agreed is the only way we can probe the physical world. 

The lack of controls in virology is in turn at the heart of the deception. It’s not complicated, just unbelievable to any published scientist. Yet there we have it. 

Best wishes 


Linked : Linked in the above post :

Perhaps The Most Important Work of Our Time: The Elusive "Virus", The Control Experiment, & Jamie Andrews

What it shows and why it's so important.

Conspiracy Sarah

June 15, 2024

Please read the full article here :

A few pictures selected from the article :

Now here’s a photo from Andrews’s culture, having no possibility of “viral” origin :

Next, a picture from the CDC of the “measles virus”. It measures 250nm :

Now a picture from Andrews’s cell culture. You’ll see incredibly similar artifacts to the CDC’s purported “measles virus”. It is almost identical in shape and measuring exactly the same size at 250nm :

CDC’s photo of HIV, measuring 80-110nm in size :

Please read the full article here :


Dr. Mike Yeadon, June 16, 2024 :

Interview with Jamie Andrews, who I don’t know personally, but who I’ve very recently been in touch with.

Jamie ran a series of elegant and fundamental lab experiments which replicate the conditions you’ll find are always used in alleged “isolation of viruses”. Strangely, these always involve adding a sample purporting to contain the alleged virus to cells growing in culture (an absolutely basic lab technique, which I’ve done myself many times).

Some days later, the cells begin to die and characteristic changes in appearance begin. It’s this change that they call “cytopathic effect” of the alleged virus. They see small objects which can be visualised using electron microscopy, and these images get printed & an arrowhead is placed pointing at what the authors claim is “the virus”.

With me so far?

Guess what happens when you run this exact same experiment, but you don’t add the clinical sample purporting to contain the alleged virus?

Listen from 53 minutes to find out. 

Best wishes 


Spoiler: it’s EXACTLY the same, with cells not “infected”. It’s the conditions of culture that causes the cells to fail and break into pieces.

Linked : Linked in the above post :

An article with video :

“Ladies and gentlemen, scientists and skeptics alike, today we are thrilled to announce a scientific project that will rock the very foundations of virology.”

Please read the full article here ( with video ) :



by Suavek 

Is this still a difficult decision ?

If so, here you can find the related articles :

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” -- PART 1 … :

The arguments for “NO VIRUS” -- PART 2 … :

Please keep in mind that while you can find many funny cartoons on this Substack, the topics covered by Dr. Yeadon actually represent the absolute pinnacle of the medical-intellectual avant-garde, which aims to end power structures based on fraud. The seriousness of the matter can hardly be overestimated. The importance of his statements can be expressed with the following formula:

No fear of viruses = no power of the pharmaceutical industry and the criminal organizations behind it.

This means nothing less than freedom. It therefore seems very worthwhile to learn more about the topic of alleged viruses.


Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :

Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :

The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :

There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :

When searching for Dr.Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended :

Yandex :

and Mojeek :

Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.


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