Wednesday 19 June 2024


The Fountain of Youth is Joy

This is how to cultivate it

Smiling from the Heart

Nothing keeps you young like a joyous heart. When someone with a heart like that smiles they're flooded with endorphins, it lights them up for all to see. When someone inherently sad tries to smile, they just can't pull it off, and it doesn't affect them or others the same way.

This is why my first Chi Kung master insisted that the very soul of energy healing was simply to “smile from the heart”.

But what if you’re one of those people who can’t seem to put a genuine smile on their face, especially when alone with no one else there to help draw it out? 

How do you become joyful, not just here and there when meeting someone you love or being confronted with a joyous child, but as a sustained state of being?

  1. You have to believe the right things about reality.

  2. Stick to your principles.

  3. Don’t abuse yourself or others.

  4. Be selfless and serve others always.

  5. Ditch tech and spend time with humans.

  6. Get sun and look at the sky a lot.

  7. Eat clean food made by happy people.

Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.



God created the universe for humans to know and worship Him and get closer to Him by perfecting themselves. It takes fire to forge steel. Expect hardships. They are reflections of your own imperfections driving you towards balance. It’s all good for you, even what looks bad.


Principled living means making hard choices, but having no regrets.

It helps to believe that what you choose doesn’t fundamentally affect the outcome which is destined, so don’t do wrong hoping to get something (i.e. worshipping a false god). Do right and worship the true God by asking Him for whatever you want and what’s coming to you by God will come.


Self-abuse can mean a lot of things and it usually leads to abusing others especially those you have some degree of seniority over, because everything rolls downhill. This poisons your heart in a vicious cycle making you more and more hard-hearted and joyless.

To stop abusing yourself you must study the vices described by the ancients and train yourself to eliminate them, i.e. bring all aspects of your soul into balance.

Aristotle's Golden Mean – Laura McHarrie @ The Hidden Edge

What’s not yet balanced will reveal itself to you in your own life, because the world weighs you and where it finds you wanting is where your misery lies. 

You can also see yourself reflected in others. The characteristics in people that annoy you the most may be reflecting your own imperfections back to you, or their opposite extreme in terms of Aristotles Golden Mean above. Once you’ve corrected those character traits in yourself you may stop being so triggered by them in others. 

Fixing yourself up requires disciplining yourself the way a wise parent disciplines a child.

The easiest shortcut to learn the reality of vice and virtue is to find someone who corrected themselves who can model these perfections for you, because on your own it’s easy to lie to yourself about what you really are. Spend time with someone who is already there and you’ll learn from them how to get there. 


The one who serves only benefits themself. From the Divine perspective God is the Doer of everything, otherwise He wouldn’t be much of a God. This is the meaning of Destiny. God isn’t waiting for anything to happen, He isn’t a slave of Time. The mystery at the heart of our experience is how Destiny and Free Will can coexist. 

From your perspective you have choice, so your good deeds to others benefit you. God benefits or harms others by your deeds as He sees fit. Others actions towards you are the hand of God in your own life. 

See this and it is easy to forgive, knowing that they actually did you no harm, they only harmed themselves, while you only benefitted by what God had destined for you from pre-eternity in His Infinite Wisdom.



Tech is a tool not a life. Humans need humans and will find the light of God in them. People naturally light up when they meet other people. If you need to be lit go light someone else. Carefully choose people you want to be like to spend time with because they will rub off on you.


The sun is the source of all life, and literally charges the water in your blood and the mitochondria that power every cell. It is as important as food. 

Gazing at the wide blue sky fulfills the hearts desire for vast wide open spaces and makes your soul soar.


Vegetable oils destroy the very walls of every cell, which means they destroy everything in your body since it’s all made of cells. 

Eat the cleanest food you can get and know that just as people rub off on you they rub off on the food they make for you. Eat out at your own peril. It’s not just about the ingredients.

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