Wednesday 19 June 2024


100 Kids Age 16-19 Died Suddenly in recent months, 7yr old girl collapses walking to school, highschooler, 15, goes into cardiac arrest playing football, FedEx driver collapses after ringing doorbell

And more of the sort of stories you almost NEVER ever used to hear about, but now “THEY” want you to think it’s always been this way.


Dr. William Makis MD of Canada and Mark Crispin Miller are both doing extraordinary jobs documenting the heartbreaking carnage of the covid “vaccines.”

Each has published a particularly poignant article recently. I combined selections from each, here.

As a commenter on Mark C. Miller’s stack put it, “Anyone who claims this is normal is either a shameless liar or a delusional fool.”

Selections from Mark C. Miller: 

Young West Belfast girl's 'life changed forever' after collapsing on her way to school

June 12, 2024

A young West Belfast girl's "life has been changed forever" after being diagnosed with a severe lung and heart condition, requiring specialist care at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Seven-year-old Gracie Doyle was walking to school with her dad when she suddenly collapsed and had to be rushed to hospital. However she was discharged home after a few hours and a couple of weeks later had to be rushed to hospital again after collapsing while she was at school. Following this the young girl was admitted to hospital in a critical condition with doctors telling her worried parents Emily and Gary that she had Pulmonary hypertension and was currently in a "danger zone". Sadly though, her life has now changed forever and she is going to need constant 24-hour care with the possibility of a lung transplant in later life due to her condition, which is heartbreaking because she is the type of girl who is never inside the house and was always out playing with her friends but will never be able to do that again.


(BW: Dr. Charles Hoffe warned three years ago that the microclots induced by the vaccines would cause pulmonary hypertension. His clinic was burned down in the middle of the study he was conducting on microclots in his vaccinated patients.)

Lake Forest football player experiences cardiac arrest event

June 11, 2024

Felton, DE - Just after 8 a.m. on June 11, a 15-year-old student/player on the Lake Forest High School football team collapsed on the field during a passing drill at a non-contact practice. It was quickly identified that the student was experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest event. The LFHS coaching staff immediately called 911 and initiated CPR. Athletic director and head coach, Fred Johnson, and assistant coach Dominique Hall quickly and professionally began performing CPR as they awaited for emergency units to arrive on scene. Upon arrival of the Felton Community Fire Company EMS and Kent County Paramedic units, an AED was used to administer one shock that restored the student's heart rhythm. The student was transported to the local hospital for evaluation and treatment. A full recovery is expected.


2 Marines collapsed from cardiac arrest on the same day

June 10, 2024

1st Sgt. Peter Battershall speaks with the commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Eric Smith

Jennifer Miller was approaching mile 17 of the 2023 Marine Corps Marathon when she saw a man collapsed on the grass near the Lincoln Memorial. "I had just seen him laying there and nobody else was around him, which was really alarming," Miller, 33 and a registered nurse, told on Friday. The man's color was pale, his breathing was labored, and his pulse was weak. He was unresponsive. The man on the ground at the Oct. 29 race turned out to be 1st Sgt. Peter Battershall [left], a Marine assigned as a leader to the wounded warrior unit at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland. He was one of two Marines saved by bystanders and first responders that day, the other being the commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Eric Smith [right], who collapsednear his home after the race.

No age reported.


Mandatory covid-19 vaccination of Marine Corps active and reserve components:

Delivery driver collapses in Bridgeville; state senator and neighbor race to his side

June 14, 2024

Bridgeville, Pa. — A FedEx delivery driver rang a doorbell in Bridgeville just before 12:30 p.m. Thursday, then collapsed in front of the homeowner. The fall and Mark Macala's response were captured on the home's doorbell camera. Across the street, another doorbell camera captured state Sen. Devlin Robinson arriving at his house. He said he had not planned to stop at home, but his day changed at the last minute, and when he noticed what was happening, he ran to help. "I flopped him over and saw he wasn't breathing, so I gave him a sternum rub, and that seems like what opened up was his airway," Robinson said. Macala said while he was on the phone with 911, the call taker told them to begin chest compressions, which they did until first responders arrived and took the man to the hospital.


For thousands more stories like these, please see Mark C. Miller’s site: 

Dr. Makis’s collection here is of 100 sudden child deaths - only counting the 16-19 year old age group, and just since October. Since his article is paywalled, I took just 6 examples to show you, with his permission. I encourage you to take out a subscription to support his very important work. 

These are REAL KIDS, who had their whole lives ahead of them, with real grieving families. The sheer horror of the “vaccine” murder is unimaginable.

Mar. 16, 2024 - UK 17 year old Raphael Pryor died suddenly on sports pitch while playing an old version of soccer

Dec. 22, 2023 - Hay Lakes, Alberta, Canada - 16 year old Madison Dawn Bolton died suddenly

Apr. 7, 2024 - Turkey - 18 year old Zumra Dalkilic, a young actress died suddenly of a cardiac arrest


Feb. 26, 2024 - Lafayette, LA - 16 year old Spencer Dix died suddenly at home. Was “extremely athletic”.

Mar. 29, 2024 - Clarksville, TN - 17 year old Cameryn "Cam" Ward, Rossvie High School senior basketball player was playing basketball with friends and teammates when he had a medical emergency and died suddenly on March 29, 2024.

Dec. 30, 2023 - Michigan State University student and political science major, 19 year old Angela Christy died in her sleep on Dec. 30, 2023.

Dr. Makis notes:


First important thing to note is that the number of sudden and unexpected deaths of children increases as you go higher in age. Why?

The older you go, the more compliance there was. And University & College vaccine mandates.

There are almost double the sudden deaths of children ages 16 to 19, compared to children 12 to 15. That is worth noting.

Here are some characteristics of these recent 100 deaths in children ages 16-19.

37 were athletes:

  • 9 soccer players

  • 4 football players

  • 4 athletes unspecified

  • 3 basketball players

  • 3 gymnasts

  • 3 runners

  • 3 swimmers (including 1 lifeguard)

  • 2 hockey players

  • 2 volleyball

  • 1 tennis

  • 1 MMA

  • 1 ballet

  • 1 Army Cadet

7 were going to University and 4 were studying a healthcare program

Causes of death:

  • 18 cardiac arrests

  • 12 died from cancer

  • 7 died from infection

  • 3 died from aneurysm

  • 3 died from blood clots

  • 2 died from seizures

  • 2 had transplant complications

  • 2 died in their sleep

  • 1 died from dissection

Almost 40% of sudden deaths in ages 16-19 are athletes.

Children ages 16-19 are dying from destroyed immune systems => leads to infection deaths and cancer deaths. Both are far too high in this age group than expected.

Link to Dr. Makis’s original article: 

BW: A couple critical points:

  1. Children can also get very sick or even die as a result of shedding from the covid shots of people whom they spend lots of time in close proximity to - even if they haven’t gotten the shots themselves. This was documented in the research of award-winning statistician Dr. Herve Seligmann.

  2. Little children in my community have been passing away suddenly way too often recently - and others have been getting very sick after routine vaccination. I beg everyone not to give their children any “childhood vaccines,” either. I believe, from what I am seeing, that it is highly likely that a portion of the regular shots have the covid vaccine poisons in them. STAY AWAY, for the sake of your child’s life!

  3. If you or your children have been “vaccinated,” please see my researcher’s detox protocol on my site (last update published March 5.)

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