Wednesday 26 June 2024


STARLINK: Brainwave Attack

Stimulated Anger using the Schuman Resonance

The Schumann Resonance is a low-frequency electromagnetic wave of up to 7.83 Hz that occurs between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. It is related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and can affect human behavior, mood, and health.

STARLINK... sold to us as Internet provider... isn't that.
And I shall proof this to you in a simple equation.
Let's say STARLINK has one Billion customers which it hasn't but for the sake of the argument let's say it has.
They tell us one launch of a FalconX rocket costs 100 million... that is without payload and without servicing the STARLINK Network.
The payload of one FalconX is about 50 STARLINK Sattelites
44000 Satellites need 880 launches that are 88 Billion USD.
Costs don't include blowing up a rocket or payload.
Neither do they cover the running costs for this network.
So under no circumstance is this Network usable or valuable in a sense of Business.
According to this article it has only about 1 million customers...

SpaceX projected 20 million Starlink users by 2022—it ended up with 1 million
Starlink has a fraction of the projected $12B revenue and 20M users, WSJ says.

This doesn't even cover the running costs of such a Network.
Which means there must be a reason for this.
And I shall give you the reason!
STARLINK is a Military Operation operated by UNIT8200 of the IDF ISRAEL and the CIA... the Military Industrial Complex.

Unit 8200

And this I predicted two years ago

STARLINK and the Technomages

And Kafka and the great Transhumanist lie

Here is the Big one:

“SpaceX designed Starlink to connect end users with low-latency, high-bandwidth broadband services by providing continual coverage around the world using a network of thousands of satellites in low Earth orbit,” SpaceX said in the press kit. “To manufacture and launch a constellation of such scale, SpaceX is using the same rapid iteration in design approach that led to the successes of Falcon 1, Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, and Dragon.

“As such, Starlink’s simplified design is significantly more scalable and capable than its first experimental iteration,” SpaceX said.

" Starlink’s simplified design is significantly more scalable and capable"

Keep that in mind.
As we been told the STARLINK network provides 5G Internet.
And the 5G internet network is based on a Military technology called "Active Denial Ssystem"

The active denial system is a non-lethal, directed-energy, counter-personnel weapon system owned by the US military. It consists of a gyrotron, which generates and focuses a high-energy millimeter-wave radio frequency beam (a type of electromagnetic radiation) onto a target to provide a very hot, skin surface-burning sensation.

Also... the 5G Network is directional... meaning as many as possible can focus their DEW capability into one spot.
Which also means that STARLINK can be combined with 5G antennas on the Ground!
Let this sink in.
Also since this technology is basically a military weapon technology the only difference between 5G ADS and Lethal DEW systems are only the power output.
We know little about the STARLINK Satellites but we can surely assume citing the evidence I present that they are "significantly more scalable and capable" than we been told.
A point that is proven a fact when understanding the capabilities of STARSHIELD.

SpaceX has won its first contract with the United States Space Force for its new Starshield satellite constellation. 
The one-year contract is worth $70 million and was confirmed by a Space Force spokesperson in a statement given to CNBC. SpaceX has not yet commented on the contract. 
Though little is known about Starshield, SpaceX has revealed some key aspects of the endeavor. For instance, this project will use the same type of broadband technology found in the company's Starlink satellite constellation, yet will be geared towards government uses, particularly by the U.S. military and its associated agencies. SpaceX also has an official website for the project.

"Starshield leverages SpaceX's Starlink technology and launch capability to support national security efforts," the site states.

According to the same site, the project will have three main uses: Earth observation, communications and hosting "the most demanding customer payload missions." That third use leaves open the possibility of a wide variety of instruments and mission types. "Starshield satellites are capable of integrating a wide variety of payloads, offering unique versatility to users," SpaceX adds.

The U.S. Air Force has also tested Starlink for military purposes as early as 2020. This is when the Air Force conducted a "massive live fire" exercise that saw the satellites provide communication links between military assets spread throughout the U.S. to help shoot down a drone and a cruise missile. "SpaceX has been a great industry partner for us," then-U.S. Air Force acquisition chief William Roper told reporters at the time. "They are very excited and we are excited to learn more about their satellites through the demonstration."

The satellites will be able to communicate with existing Starlink satellites through a laser communications systems already aboard SpaceX's massive broadband constellation, potentially boosting the range and capabilities of Starshield as the company and the Pentagon develop the new military-focused constellation.

"Starshield leverages SpaceX's Starlink technology and launch capability to support national security efforts"

There you have it Black on White... STARLINK from its inception is and was designed as a weapon with lasers already built in... directional... and capabilities beyond what we been told.

This one I wrote three years ago

You have to be able to read between the lines.
What they tell you is at best 1% of what is.
To best understand the capabilities of STARLINK / STARSHIELD is to look no further than Hawaii.

Maui Update: 
Land Grabs, 2030 Goals, Aluminum Dust & New Space Force DEW Unit Activated Last Week

Personally I think it was a test...
Same as in Chile.


Lasers cannot burn the color Blue.
Zuckerberg Oprah...they all knew what was going on


Then we have this video



If you look closely you see a white dust everywhere.
This is significant to understand what is going on.
The white dust isn't ashes.
The white dust is... as far as I can tell... Magnesium Oxide.
We have two facts here...

1) Blue Houses stand
2) Magnesium Oxide everywhere

The significance of this is the following:
The Maui fires were in fact an attack by the Government of the USA testing the capabilities of the STARLINK Network using Termobaric weapon Technology.
Thermobaric weapons can use Thermite dust or Magnesium dust which then is Ignited by Lasers from the STARLINK network.
This also accounts for the high winds as recognized both in Maui and Chile.
A Magnesium fire or Thermite Fire requires a lot of Oxygen which is sucked in creating strong winds as a side effect!

If they use Magnesium dust as I suggest the residue would be Magnesium Oxide which is a white powder.
And this is exactly what I see.

But... like always... there is more... much more.

Unintended electromagnetic radiation from Starlink satellites detected with LOFAR between 110 and 188 MHz

We report on observations of 68 satellites belonging to the SpaceX Starlink constellation with the LOFAR radio telescope. Radiation associated with Starlink satellites was detected at observing frequencies between 110 and 188 MHz, which is well below the 10.7– 12.7 GHz radio frequencies used for the downlink communication signals. A combination of broad-band features, covering the entire observed bandwidth, as well as narrow-band (bandwidth < 12.2 kHz) emission at frequencies of 125, 135, 143.05, 150, and 175 MHz, was observed. The presence and properties of both the narrow- and broad-band features vary between satellites at different orbital altitudes, indicating possible differences between the operational state of, or the hardware used in, these satellites.

Scrap the word unintended and replace it with deliberate.
And know these are unintended side effects revealing the hidden Truth.
And again the hidden Truth lies within the capabilities of the STARLINK Network.
And again we know STARLINK / STARSHIELD is basically a Military space weapon capable of transmitting from 0Hz to 60GHz (5G) and more which makes it a highly dangerous and capable Space weapon beyond reach and beyond Imagination.
We also know that the US Marine uses ELF (Extremely Low Frequencies) to communicate with submarines because ELF's are able to penetrate water.

Extremely Low Frequency Communications Program

The ELF frequency range is critically important to the Navy because of its value in providing a way to communicate with submerged submarines. As a result of the high electrical conductivity of sea water, signals are attenuated rapidly as they propagate downward through it. In effect, the sea water "hides" the submarine from detection while simultaneously preventing it from communicating with the outside world through normal radio transmissions.

The degree to which a signal is attenuated depends on its frequency, however. The lower the frequency, the more deeply a signal can be received in sea water. In order to receive conventional radio transmissions a submarine must travel at slow speeds and be near the surface of the water. Both of these situations make a submarine more susceptible to enemy detection. Frequencies in the ELF range, however, can be received considerably deeper, and broadcasts using this mode provide a primary link between the nation's commander-in-chief and the submarine force.

One of the great difficulties associated with the use of ELF for communication purposes, is the problem of generating a useful signal. The physical size of an antenna that can produce a useable signal with reasonable efficiency is inversely proportional to the frequency. For example, an antenna useful for cellular telephone frequencies, need only be several inches long to be completely effective. At ELF, on the other hand, a reasonably efficient antenna must be quite large.

Clam Lake, WI ELF Transmitter

During the Cold War, the United States (U.S.) needed to be able to communicate with its nuclear submarines in the depths of the worlds’ oceans. If they were needed to carry out a preemptive or retaliatory strike against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), communication to the nuclear submarines was critical.

The U.S. started to look at weapon systems that would be able to survive any type of attack without the loss of function. The U.S. Navy discovered that weapons systems that operated mainly in the ocean waters would be the most resilient. This concept was the basis on why the U.S. Navy enacted the TRIDENT weapons system used on the U.S. nuclear submarines in 1979

The U.S. Navy looked at extremely low frequency (ELF) radio transmissions as a way of communicating to these weapons systems from within the country’s boundaries. The use of ELF transmissions would allow for the U.S. Navy to keep their nuclear submarines submerged and still be able to receive a message without being susceptible to attack from enemy ships or aircraft

Project Sanguine

Project Sanguine called for a dispersed set of ELF radio transmission antenna lines totaling 6,000 miles of cable and transmitters that would be buried over 2,500 square miles at a transmission site in Northern WI.. The lines would be run to a transmitter and grounded at each end resulting in an electric current running through the ground radiating the ELF signal. A similar estimate was conducted for an area in Upper Michigan due to low conductivity of the ground in the region. This would allow the system to survive a direct attack and still be able to transmit message

STARSHIELD is basically Project Sanguine in space.
And since STARLINK and STARSHIELD are actually the same... so is STARLINK.

There are certain Frequencies prohibited to be observed by us such as Frequencies used by the Police and Military.
And we know that STARSHIELD is as Military operation and so is STARLINK.
The only difference is the Antenna... and I dare everyone and anyone...
Build an ELF Antenna and you find that STARLINK transmits exactly those Frequencies.

And just to prove my point... here is a Job posting by SpaceX which proves exactly what I been telling you lot all along.


Starshield leverages SpaceX’s Starlink technology and launch capability to support national security efforts. While Starlink is designed for consumer and commercial use, Starshield is designed for government use, with an initial focus on earth observation, communications, and hosted payloads. As an antenna engineer on the Starshield team, you will be working on advanced development programs in support of U.S. National Security. SpaceX is looking for antenna engineers with experience in small antenna design, phased array and reflector antenna systems, and/or antenna test and design validation. You will work in a highly collaborative and fast-paced environment, where we are exploring unsolved problems and applying the SpaceX mindset of iterating rapidly to go from design and demo to operational capability at lightning pace.

And if you think I am Joking... the yoke is on you.

Upgrading Starlink to Starshield exposes US's ambition to seek space military hegemony

SpaceX has announced the establishment of a new business line called Starshield, which targets the US national security agencies and the Pentagon. Some commentators believe that this move marks a key step toward the militarization of the Starlink.

Starlink,a grand vision proposed by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk in 2014, is aimed to build a space-based communication system with global coverage, large capacity and low latency that can provide high-speed internet service globally. Many people in the industry questioned that if such a large number of satellites are all launched into low-earth orbit, the entire earth will be wrapped in a large web, which will inevitably bring about serious problems such as frequency band competition and space congestion.

However, this satellite network has been transformed into the military network of the US. Professor Jin Yinan, a military commentator, believes that upgrading Starlink to Starshield and expanding mature civilian technology into military applications fully expose the US's ambition to seek military hegemony in space.

A simple firmware upgrade can install hidden features that are there right from the start but hidden to detract from the capabilities of the STARLINK network.
And since its inception STARLINK is Operated by Israel's UNIT8200.

A year ago today, T-Mobile and SpaceX unveiled a partnership to combine the former’s spectrum with the latter’s network of low orbit satellites for more comprehensive wireless coverage, an initiative they coined “Coverage Above and Beyond.”

Now for most of you lot that comment don't make sense.
So let's get down and dirty.
T-Mobile is infiltrated and controlled by Dr. Ori Cohen and Stas Khimer.
You won't know them but the NSA does.
They both founded NARUS and a system called CARNIVORE.
Narus runs basically the NSA hardware Carnivore and XKeystroke.
If you are not familiar with those terms... Edward Snowden might ring a bell.

The National Security Agency's (NSA) apparatus for spying on what passes over the Internet, phone lines, and airways has long been the stuff of legend, with the public catching only brief glimpses into its Leviathan nature. Thanks to the documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, we now have a much bigger picture.

When that picture is combined with federal contract data and other pieces of the public record—as well as information from other whistleblowers and investigators—it's possible to deduce a great deal about what the NSA has built and what it can do.

We've already looked at the NSA's basic capabilities of collecting, managing, and processing "big data." But the recently released XKeyscore documents provide a much more complete picture of how the NSA feeds its big data monsters and how it gets "situational awareness" of what's happening on the Internet. What follows is an analysis of how XKeyscore works and how the NSA's network surveillance capabilities have evolved over the past decade.

And it don't stop there... Pegasus anyone?
Pegasus is made by the NSO Group which basically can hack into anyone's phone.
Add to this STARLINK STARSHIELD and what do you get?
A weapons platform with capabilities that are beyond Imagination.
As Adolf Hitler said... Do you want total control?
Unit 8200 says... Yes Adolf... we want total control.

Meet The Ex-NSA And Ex-Unit 8200 Spies Cashing In On Security Fears

1. LEV KADYSHEVITCH, Head Of Research, Biocatch
Its algorithms determine the identity of users based on how they interact with apps, exploiting research on human response to certain phenomena, such as the brief disappearance of a mouse cursor. The 8200-alum-packed firm has $14 million in funding.

2. GIORA ENGEL, Cofounder, LightCyber
With his Unit 8200 buddy Michael Mumcuoglu he established LightCyber in 2011 to detect breaches using a network appliance that flags strange-looking traffic. It has raised $12 million to date from VCs and Check Point's billionaire cofounder Marius Nacht.

3. TED SCHLEIN, Managing Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Schlein did not belong to either spy agency but he recognizes their potential. Silicon Valley's top cybersecurity financier recently backed two NSAer firms: Synack and Area 1 Security. "The portrayal of the NSA doing things that are bad is not making it the hot place to work inside the intelligence community. I think a lot of their creativity is being curtailed," says Schlein. "As a VC, I think it's wonderful. As a citizen of the U.S., I'd make a different argument."

4. LIOR DIV, CEO, CybeReason
The Unit 8200 alum moved his startup from Israel to Boston to tap talent and a bigger market. Its software infers the presence of an attack under way and displays the situation in an easy-to-grasp graphical interface. Div raised $4.6 million earlier this year from Charles River Ventures.

5. JAY KAPLAN and 10. MARK KUHR, Cofounders, Synack
Kaplan, 28, and Kuhr, 30, spent four years in offensive security at NSA's counterterrorism division, hacking around for weak spots and finding plenty to exploit. They quit early last year and quickly raised $1.5 million to launch Synack, an army of several hundred freelancers who get paid if they find bugs in clients' codes--except this time the bugs get fixed. "We don't work for the NSA anymore. We wouldn't leave a vulnerability or anything like that," says Kaplan. "But we would turn away China's elite hacking force as a customer."

6. ERAN BARAK, CEO and cofounder, Hexadite
Barak was a five-year veteran and officer at Unit 8200 before going into business earlier this year. Hexadite plans to bring automated incident response to the masses. It already has four customers in Israel and the U.S. YL Ventures backed Barak and his colleagues with $2.5 million.

7. OREN FALKOWITZ, Cofounder, Area 1 Security
Falkowitz spent six years at the NSA crunching mountains of data to uncover attacks. He and five colleagues left in 2012 to start Sqrrl, an analytics firm in Boston. He moved to Silicon Valley this year to launch Area 1, which monitors employee clicks and flags any dangerous behavior or deviations. It received $2.5 million in funding in May. "There are lots of mafias out here: PayPal, Palantir. I don't want to use the word mafia,' but I want one for NSA grads," he says. "People who come from there have an innate knowledge that you can't teach."

8. ROB SEGER, Cofounder, Morta Security
Seger's two years in the NSA's Protocol Exploitation office is not on his LinkedIn profile. He left the agency to consult in 2008 and two years ago started Morta to spot threats already inside a network firewall. "When we told investors we were ex-NSAers interested in going into security, they instantly wanted to give us money," says Seger. Palo Alto Networks bought the firm this year. "Historically, everyone was fearful of the NSA, but no one actively disliked ex-NSAers. Snowden changed that."

9. GILI RAANAN, Partner, Sequoia Capital
Raanan, an 8200 alum and VC in Herzliya, Israel, started and sold two security software firms and now funds the 8200 diaspora, with money in Adallom, Mintigo and Seculert. He prizes the talent that the Israel military consistently produces at a young age. "Graduates have the frame of mind that nothing is impossible. It goes beyond the tech, it's a state of mind for life."

Which brings me to the final and most Important point I have to make.
As some of you noticed people are getting angrier all the time.
The reaction point of people to small arguments where they can be triggered gets lower by the day.
This is to a not so small amount explained by two things that originate from the same point.

1) Drugs.
The drugs supplied in the world are done so by the Government
The war in Afghanistan was a war to protect Opium production for the CIA..
The drugs supplied now are basically more refined making the people more sensitive and as such easily triggered.
It is an old trick they use... such as a high voltage batch of Heroin killing a lot of people who are used to less lethal doses.

What STARLINK does in reality is turning the Earth into a big Microwave Oven.
Turn up the power turn up the heat.
The "Boiling Frog" comes to mind.

Joe Cartoon - Gerbil in a Microwave

But since you know the capabilities of STARLINK now and the military use of ELF Frequencies I shall  give you the last piece of the puzzle.

Effects of 6-10 Hz ELF on Brain Waves
David S. Walonick
Minneapolis, MN, May 1990

There is evidence that ELF magnetic waves can affect brain waves. This set of experiments was designed to study the effects of ELF rotating magnetic fields on the brain.

The specific ELF frequencies I was interested in studying are 6-10 Hertz. These frequencies are the same as those produced by the human brain in the theta and alpha states. Generally, specific brain wave frequency ranges can be associated with mood or thought patterns. Frequencies below 8 Hertz are considered theta waves. While these seem to be some of the least understood frequencies, they also seem to be associated with creative, insightful thought. When an artist or scientist has the "aha" experience, there's a good chance he or she is in theta. Alpha frequencies are from 8 to 12 Hertz and are commonly associated with relaxed, meditative states. Most people are in an alpha state during the short time immediately before they fall asleep. Alpha waves are strongest during that twilight state when we're half asleep and half awake. Beta frequencies (above 12 Hertz) coincide with our most "awake" analytical thinking. If you are solving a math problem, your brain is working at beta frequencies. Most of our waking hours as adults are spent in the beta state.

A question of importance is: "If we can electronically shift the brain wave frequencies to alpha or theta, will a person's moods or thought patterns change to those commonly associated with those frequencies?" In other words, if we can electronically move a person's brain waves to the alpha frequencies, will they become more relaxed? Will their state of consciousness change to coincide with their brain waves, even if those brain waves were electronically induced? These are important questions with far reaching implications.

When I began these experiments, I was well aware of the possible ethical implications involved in ELF research. For example, if I were carrying an ELF transmitter operating at alpha frequencies, would the people around me be affected as well? Would they unconsciously gravitate toward me because they'd become more relaxed as they moved closer to me? Would they like me more because they felt "good" when they were around me? What if a salesman were carrying an ELF transmitter? Would people be influenced to buy something because they were more relaxed around the salesman? Could entire populations be influenced to be comfortable with ideas they would normally reject? These, and many others, are serious ethical considerations involved with ELF research. They cannot be taken lightly.

And I am not even touching on Nikola Tesla's death Ray.
The implications of this Article are quite severe.
STARLINK was always designed as a weapons platform.
And I did not even touch upon STARLINK as the backbone for AI warfare which you can read in this article.
And in others on my sub.

Then there is this statement Coverage Above and Beyond.
Again that don't mean much to you lot but to me it does.
You see "Above and Beyond" was a sci fi series... a good one.
It was based on a book "The Forever War" by Joe Haldeman.
Elon Musk's Mother is a Haldeman.
Elon Musk’s Grandfather Dr. Joshua Haldeman was Head Of Canada’s Technocracy Movement.
Technocrats and Transhumanists are Siamese Twins.

Elon Musk and his handlers are waging a forever war on Humanity and STARLINK is their weapon.
He is just one arm of the Octopus.
STARLINK has the capabilities especially in high density populated areas such as New York and other cities as London Paris and so on to transmit Brainwave stimulation especially in people that took his NEURAL LACE jabs.

This is all controlled through the IDF Unit8200 the CIA Mossad…
Mind Control... MK Ultra
On a Global Gigantic Biblical some might say level.
A TechnocRats wet dream.
This is what they do.
This is what they want.
A world controlled by them.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Fascism automated on steroids and squared by Infinity.
Proof me wrong you only proof me right.


Fritz Freud.

Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.


If you like you can buy me a Coffee

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