Wednesday 26 June 2024


Consolidation of Fascism in a Digital World

You all will be Slaves to them who must not be named

I been warning people for years.
Yet the world won't listen... I don't give a fuck no more.
Unless YOU are willing to stand up and be counted and do what is necessary... that is to behead the little scum in power... instead of voting for scum... YOU will be a slave... YOU are already a slave.
I have achieved something... 1000 Subscribers in the time I am on Substack.
Thank you .
Still... not enough.
Yet I see a shift around the world of Information and people picking up on what I have to say... because I speak Truth to power.

I started writing when i was a teenager... mostly poetry and short stories... then I wrote songs...
Then I packed my bag and went to see the world... the best thing I have ever done.
What I saw there and then... my experiences... they taught me more than any and all books in the world combined.
When I did the research for my Patent I stumbled upon many facts that are hidden for good reasons from the public Indoctrination System.
The worst of all the origins of Adolf Hitler... who is and was a Rothschild and a Zionist spy... and the Havaara Agreement... the contract between the Zionists and the Nazis... Brothers in Arms.

That enraged me personally... I have always been a defender of Jews but when I figured out that the world has been betrayed... lied to... by the very people who claim victimhood... 
Because of that I had a bad relationship with my Father all my life.
I figured out that the world needs a Revolution... a spiritual Revolution... that was back in 2005.
Since then I went back and apologized to my father and cared for him until his death at the age of 102.
We consolidated our differences and departed with mutual respect for each other.
This will forever be my greatest achievement.
He also encouraged me to start writing again.
So I did.

I started a blog on Medium... Project for a Global Revolution...
I heard them laughing behind the curtain... who is that fucker... who does he think he is...
Within 4 weeks I published this story...

The Invention the Illuminati does not want you to know about

In a few days I got over 5000 people reading it...
Then I published this Story... How we win this war.

To win a war one has to acknowledge that we are in a war.
And that we are in a war that is plain to see if you open your eyes.
That this is a different kind of war than ever before is clear for all that are awaken to the Illusion.
The Illusion is that we differ from each other and that our leaders wanting to help us; wrong.
Our so called leaders are criminals Mafiosi’s pedophiles Satanists and worse.
They are natural Liars believing that we deserve to be punished for our existence.
They believe that we are God’s mistake when God itself is a mistake and they are mistaken.
The Government is our enemy every Government everywhere they all work together against the very people that vote for them, the people who trust them.

And within 2h my complete blog on Medium was gone... deleted... no comment.
I hit the nerves... and all their smiles were gone.
You know when a big black man with muscled like a tin can opener opens up to throw a punch and you hit them on the sweet spot right between the ribs so that all their air is gone and they fold like a sack... that is a Dim Mak... death punch.
I don't care who you are... I don't care how big you are...
Nerve strikes are the sweetest thing.

That wasn't the first time I hit the nerves... and it won't be the last time I assure you.
When I worked on my patent I went to see a Boatbuilder as I needed someone to help me with the CAD necessary for my work.
He was a Freemason and most likely a CIA spy in China.
I saw this confronted him and he stuttered and acknowledged it.
When i presented my work I saw he realized immediately the implications it would have... and I saw the panic in his eyes.
They tried to sabotage me from there... I hit a nerve.
They failed.
So they sabotaged my wife... my life... but they will pay for this.
I will not rest until every Freemason is burned alive.
I will have the last laugh.

I can't see anyone smiling now...
But I can feel the fear in their veins...
I strike nerves!

Around 2010 I saw SpaceX was on my website for a very long time.
I contacted then Rick Avalos from Tesla and tried to get in touch with Elon Musk only to be told he wasn't interested.
Yet in 2013 he came up with the utter ridiculous "Hyperloop" scam based on a Jules Verne Novel .
I struck a nerve.

The EADS Zero Emission Hypersonic Transportation, or ZHEST, passenger plane concept was shown at the 2011 Paris Air Show on June 20, 2011.
That was when my website hit 1000 clicks per day.
Thing is... I struck another nerve.
Because the Hypersonic Zero Emission Transportation title... the natural name... was already taken by me... years ahead of everyone...
Nerve strikes are the sweetest thing.

Another nerve strike was Richard Branson... well known Pedophile and friend of Jeffry Epstein.
His Virgin Earth Challenge was a scam... Richard Branson is a scam.

Sue me!
I am waiting.
Sue me Elon Musk... sue me Richard Branson... take me to the court... I dare you!
Do that and I will destroy you!
I am waiting.
Nerve strikes are the sweetest thing.

Hey I am no one... why do you ignore me?
What are you afraid of?
I tell you what they are afraid of... the Truth.
I am the Truth.
I have not sold my soul and I never will.
I am ZEN... the Human spirit.
And I will banish thee.
Humanity will be free.
And Bill Gates will be hanged openly for his Crimes...
So will be Klaus Schwab... hanged for everyone to see...
And Justin Trudeau...
And the Clintons...
And the Bidens...
And so many more...
There is work to be done.

All of them panic... a nobody like me... nobody knows... nobody fears nobody...
So I tell you exactly what their plans are and you can decide for yourself...
Do you stand up and hang them while you can... or do you and your children be slaves forever?
The choice is yours.

So let's get down and dirty.. shall we?
They are a minority which occupies the majority of positions of power...
In my dictionary that is slavery and this is not acceptable.
From Chuck Shumer to fake Tits Pelosi to Pedo Joe to Klaus Schwab to Ursula von der Leyen to Richy Sunak... they are all perverts Pedophiles and Zionists supporting Jews über alles.

And the only way they could achieve anything like that is by using Freemasonry and Jewish Occultism to subvert the Truth... which is that they are Nazis planning a world Genocide and world Dictatorship.
And with Nazis like that... they should be bludgeoned openly in the streets.
And what do they have in common?
They promote AI... Artificial Intelligence... mimicking Human Intelligence for they are dumb as fuck.
Because they are Genocidal Nazi Jews who want to enslave an entire planet...
So they are building an Army of AI controlled Robots to do their bidding.
I will laugh when I see them killed in the streets for that!
Elon Musk is one of them and his STARLINK / STARSHIELD is central to their plans.

Richy Sunak is also one of them as his family is at the forefront of the Digital ID (Adhaar) System that was invented by Hermann Hollerith for the Nazis in Auschwitz.
And there you have the direct Nazi connection between Sunak the EU Slavery the WEF

With Generational Satanist whore Ursula von der Leyen and her Illuminazi Family

The only Leader I will ever accept is a Leader that leads by example

There... exposed them all... next.
Many... many people are waking up to their lies and I can feel their fear reverberating through the Cosmos... and many people more exposing their lies.
They themselves exposing themselves and we all should ask Questions so we all contribute to their downfall.
But the biggest test... the biggest hurdle lies in front of us... Artificially Induced Genocide... AI.
As I wrote about 4 years ago when I warned that inside these jabs is a nanotechnology called NEURAL LACE which later was proven by many others... I also warned about their plan there and then... with SATRLINK and ELON Schmuck being at the center of this... 
Now I shall delve into the same subject with a little more detail.

First of all: What is AI?
In simple terms... AI is plagiarism of the Human Race.
AI is taking everything Humanity has done and averaging it using mathematical Algorithms... i.e. plagiarism.
One may also say AI is mimicking Humanity.
Which IMO is funny because Humanity itself doesn't know what Humanity is.
The same way as Elon Musk is mimicking to be a Human... which he is not.
The same way Walt Disney was mimicking his workforce... plagiarism... that is what Elon Schmuck is doing... taking the credit for other people's work...
Elon Musk is a poster Boy for the Satanic Deep State... the forces behind STARLINK SPACEX and TWATTER / X.

AI feeds on Humanity like a Gigantic Parasite... like J.P. Morgan and the Rothschild Banks... IMF... EZB... FED.
Without Humanity AI cannot exist.
AI is the Illusion the Illusionists need to Mind Control the masses.

Here comes catch 22... in order for the Illusion to work they have to hold Humanity back.
And I been telling folks that exact thing for a long time.
Here is Ray Kurzweil on Joe Rogan telling you this exact thing.

Joe Rogan & Google AI Researcher Ray Kurzweil Get Into an Awkward Exchange Over Protecting Data from Intelligence Agencies
KURZWEIL: "We have the ability to keep total privacy in a device...We know how to build perfect privacy."
ROGAN: "How do we do it?"
KURZWEIL: Long pause...

This is the same Ray Kurzweil who tells us that by 2029 AI will be as intelligent as a Human.

You have to understand that in order for AI to achieve anything close to that it needs to be connected to every Human... period.
Not just to every human but also at all times.
And this is exactly what they are planning.

As you see we have some of the worst criminals here at work.... Bill Gates... Warren Buffet... Apple... ENvyDia...
What is missing is AMD  INTEL...
How do they do it?
They call it "Tensor Cores"...

EVERY new #ARM chips support FP16 which is AI framework.
This follows the same AI Framework Nvidia Intel AMD +++
Israel Unit 8200 and NVIDIA are building an AI supercomputer and you get this
Which means they all work together against all of us.
Which means AI has total control over every device.
Let this sink in.

Now Tensor Cores on every CPU are basically AI placeholders.
What does that mean?
They are independent CPU's on your CPU that connect to AI via this framework.
And since AI is mostly voice control Gesture control thumb facial voice recognition it reports this back to AI.
In a nutshell all this is Biometric Data.
And it reports this and more (Location movement etc.) before the Operation System to the AI MCP which knows everything about every device in real time.
Where what who and most important whom you connect with at any moment at any given time.
Speaking about plug and play here...

AI in a nutshell is a central Server aka Data Center in which all of our Data is stored and updated in real time operated by Quantum Computers.
These next gen CPU's connect and send Data to these AI Data Centers in real time independent of the Operation System.
I had a big spat with Mathew Crawford...

Which I do not recommend as he is one of the Deep state actors.
He basically in real cowardice denied these things as he is a deep state actor and proclaimed he owns the Truth which is a lie because he is a liar.
So I warn people to be aware he is a deep state actor.
I offered a debate which he declined because i make a fool out of him in any debate.

Anyhow... so they push AI upon us... why?
Total control.
And who thinks that any Human would be Interested in controlling all of Humanity?
Most Humans want peace... love... understanding.
Only an Alien race would want such power over an entire planet and the whole civilization within.
These would be the Rockefellers Freemasons and Zionists for they are the placeholders of such an Alien Race through their Occult Network.
And that they are.
Preparing us for an Alien Invasion and total control.

They are the Jewish Occult... and they have to hide their real Agenda behind the masks they wear... the mask of acting in Humanities favor when in reality they are the enemy of Humanity.
Double Act
Double Think
Deny everything

People like Klaus Schwab Yuval Harari Rockefeller Rothschild who want to connect every Human to AI to become the Machine learning God.

The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI
From Nimrod to Yuval Harari

More they deny Humanity the right to live... the right to breathe and the right to exist.
I personally have developed a technology which has the capabilities o (Theoretical)f faster than light travel.

And they deny us this achievement without ever giving me the opportunity to prove beyond any doubt what I am claiming.
Because it would open infinite possibilities such as Interstellar Travel and this just proves exactly who they are and why they lie.
Which means they are guilty and unless proven otherwise I am right!

100 years J.P. Morgan denied Nikola Tesla the achievement my hero deserved.
Now they are at it again.

Ray KURZWEIL: "We have the ability to keep total privacy in a device...We know how to build perfect privacy."

So they deny us the achievement we already have... point proven.

J.P. Morgan plans biometric payments rollout with PopID in 2025
Joins payment giants Visa and Mastercard in pursuit of retail biometrics market

J.P. Morgan is trialing biometric payments powered by PopID‘s commercial identification with more retailers in the U.S. ahead of a planned rollout next year, an executive told Payments Dive. The pilots include palm, fingerprint, and face authentication for payments in-store, promising a faster, secure checkout experience.

The Formula 1 Miami Grand Prix was among the first to pilot the system, which J.P. Morgan said when it was announced would make it the first Formula 1 race to use biometric payments.

If the pilots continue to be successful, the biometric payment system will be rolled out to merchants throughout the nation later this year. The company is pitching the system to quick-service restaurants, event venues, convenience and grocery stores, though it will be made available to all.

So let's get this straight...
The parasites of Jewish Central Banking who only exists because we allow them to exist want to enslave us via total Biometric control and you will not be asked.
These are the same people who destroyed Nikola Tesla the greatest Inventor of all times because he was a Humanitarian... let this sink in.
Because those Parasites want Stakeholder Capitalism aka Slavery.
Back to the stone age for you Goyim.
People got killed for less.
And so they should... tarred feathered and boiled in Liquid acid.
And who do you think controls all of this Biometric Data?
Automated Fascism and Slavery by the Jewish Banking Mafia.
Fuck you!

J.P. Morgan Payments sees the future of electronic commerce as one pipeline accessed by consumers across channels. Its role in that scenario is outlined by the debut earlier this year of what it calls a full-stack omnichannel service, one that offers in-store, online, and mobile checkout capabilities.

“We realized merchants more and more want to provide their customers an experience,” Jean-Marc Thienpont, managing director of omnichannel & biometric solutions at J.P. Morgan Payments, tells Digital Transactions News. The goal is not one that simply is an e-commerce or in-store experience, “not a siloed experience,” he says.

“The second thing is we realized is that consumers want a self-centered experience, they want to be recognized,” Thienpont says. To accomplish that usually requires merchants to not only have a payment processor, but a gateway to capture online transactions, plus loyalty or marketing providers, which could result in five or six entities in the value chain, he says. “That’s why we need to have the full-stack solution,” he says.

But since to make this work one has to be connected in real time... here comes catch22...
Say your name is Fritz Freud and say you write about this centralized Fascism and say you like your Freedom...
You go to the store and the store tells you... mate you did not bow down and open your arse to the Jews... you not get served here.
That means nowhere...
Already happens in China.
And Elon Musk as he is one of them is already building X as the new Credit Score.

Two big U.S. banks are facing legal action for allegedly incorporating biometric authentication features such as fingerprint and facial recognition into their mobile banking apps without the knowledge or permission of the patent holder, according to a report from Bloomberg Law.

The company in question, PACid Technologies LLC, is suing both Citibank N.A. and PNC Bank N.A. for infringement of six U.S. patents covering biometric authentication systems (nos. 9,577,993; 9,876,771; 10,044,689; 10,171,433; 10,484,344; and 11,070,530). The two lawsuits filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas are separate but essentially make the same allegation regarding the same technology.

They are already fighting for the Pig's blanket without killing the Pig... that is us.
They are already fighting for the profits from Slavery of the Human Race without having enslaved the Human Race... this is how far out these fascist pigs are.
Yet AI is a violation of Human rights.
My Data belongs to me.

That is why I wrote this:
Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act
And the case for a Class Action Lawsuit

Now compare this with the EU AI act which claims:

Unacceptable risk

Unacceptable risk AI systems are systems considered a threat to people and will be banned. They include:

Cognitive behavioural manipulation of people or specific vulnerable groups: for example voice-activated toys that encourage dangerous behaviour in children

Social scoring: classifying people based on behaviour, socio-economic status or personal characteristics

Biometric identification and categorisation of people

Real-time and remote biometric identification systems, such as facial recognition

And you will find that all of their claims are already obsolete...
Not just obsolete but if you look at the small print of these laws... exempt.
Which means this AI Law is BULLSHIT!
Like always these Criminals excuse themselves BEFORE the act to play stupid once more.
Because they all belong to the same Jewish Mafia of WEF and Central Banks.
And they admit already... Hacking the Human is what they want.

This is how they work.

Your face is your ticket – that’s the newest Biometric Venture in a nutshell. Two former Innovatrics employees, Daniel Krizan and Roman Sevec, have devised a solution of how to sell paperless tickets with biometric identity verification included. “We have been meeting with Belgian football clubs to make our offer fit their needs and we are now exploring possibilities for the potential pilot with the RBFA,” the leader of the team Daniel explains. RBFA is the Belgian football association and a perfect springboard for the pilot as it’s an authority to all the clubs, especially in the top league.
The technical team of the latest venture is now creating a DOT and SmartFace demo of their offering: DOT will be used to authenticate the purchase of the ticket via smartphone. 
SmartFace will then let in all the ticket holders without the need to print or check tickets

Isn't it nice how they care for us?
Only they don't.
They diversify but in reality they are like an Octopuss working all together like the Mafia they are.
And it gets better...

Users can now connect as many smart cameras as they need to Nx Witness Video Management System without a huge server infrastructure for facial recognition

Since the integration of Innovatrics SmartFace with Nx Witness over two years ago, users have been able to easily implement advanced facial recognition capabilities within their video management system (VMS) environment. This integration marks a significant advancement by making it possible for edge devices like cameras to now serve as full-fledged VMS servers.

Gone are the days when you needed large servers or had to build server farms to deploy facial recognition technology. By porting SmartFace onto the edge, our solution enables a single server to distribute identities in real time while allowing the connection of an unlimited number of cameras with facial biometrics to the Nx Witness VMS. Integrators can therefore save a significant amount of resources.

Nx Witness is an IP Video Management System (VMS) - a software platform for IP video surveillance applications that detects, streams, records, and analyzes live video from connected IP video devices (IP cameras) and networked video sources.

NX Witness is a real time IP Camera Monitoring System via AI.
That is capable of any IP Camera anywhere Facial Recognition in Real Time.
Which again if you look at the EU AI act is just a yoke.

Here is a Guy I honestly recommend... Luis Rossman... and he talks about right to repair... ownership and IP Cameras that were better 12 years ago than they are now.

Years ago if you install an IP camera you had to configure it and you could.
These days the "smart" Cameras connect but you have no control over who can watch the Data from this smart camera and that is for every smart device.
That is the Catch...
You have no control over your own Data which rightfully belongs to you.
This already is a misuse of AI.   

Here he explains how everyone can virtually see everyone's camera in real time...

Wyze cameras let other people view her home: why cloud security is an oxymoron

And here he explains how your Data... in this case GM cars... is sold to third parties without your consent...

And this is just the start...
In every Car is Software from an Israeli Firm... Argus

Argus Cyber Sec.

Argus, the global leader in automotive cyber security, provides comprehensive and proven solution suites to protect connected cars and commercial vehicles against cyber-attacks. With decades of experience in both cyber security and the automotive industry, Argus offers innovative security methods and proven computer networking know-how with a deep understanding of automotive best practices. Customers include car manufacturers, their Tier 1 suppliers, fleet operators and aftermarket connectivity providers. Founded in 2014, Argus is headquartered in Tel Aviv, with offices in Michigan, Silicon Valley, Stuttgart and Tokyo.

Now they can not only disable your brakes speed you up or can make you have an accident that kills you...  they also can locate you in real time.
They are a Unit 8200 company...
And Unit 8200 has also control over STARLINK.

And now we get to the best bit... Robots.

Thing is... like you see in that video... which is doctored simply because Robots don't stutter.
They make Androids look Human... that means not perfect in order to sell it to you.
However since all Robots come from DARPA and DARPA is looking first and foremost at Military applications... they have already Military grade AI and Military grade Robots waiting...
So you don't feel threatened so you don't rise up... perfect boiling frogs...

"The Apple has found its new Owner"...

This is Occult Double Speech... and with apple they mean the Apple of Adam and Eve given to them by the snake... Lucifer... the great Dragon.
What they mean is that control of the Human Race has traded hands to those who control AI.
And this is perfectly in line with their Agenda of total control over the Human Race.

"Those who control the fusion of our physical, biological & digital identities will be masters of the world"
 - Klaus Schwab Dictator of the World

And who works to ensure just that?
All of the above... the Military Industrial Complex... the Jewish Occult.
Their aim is Project Omega... a world Government driven by AI.
In their Mind we all must be connected either via Vaxxination...

Or Digital ID preferably with Implant...

Which means Humanity will be imprisoned forever in planet Auschwitz... you new digital concentration Planet.

Because we live in a dystopian healthcare hell, AI chip manufacturer Nvidia has announced a partnership with an AI venture called Hippocratic AI to replace nurses with freaky AI "agents."

These phony nursing robots cost hospitals and other health providers $9 an hour, a fee that barely falls above the US minimum hourly wage, and far below the average hourly wage for registered nurses (RNs.)

In a press release, Hippocratic AI described the disturbingly cheap nurses as part of an effort to mitigate staffing issues. The company also claims that the agents won't be doing any diagnostic work, and will instead be doing "low-risk," "patient-facing" tasks that can take place via video call.

At the Nvidia GTC 2024, the company announced that it will help create a new generation of robots that will be smarter and more efficient than ever.

What makes this an interesting venture is that the robots will learn from the humans - the way they move, talk and think will be learned by observing us.

According to experts at Nvidia, this mode of training will help them quickly adapt to real-life situations and master skills like dexterity and coordination.

The enabling technologies are coming together for leading roboticists around the world to take giant leaps towards artificial general robotics.

Jensen Huang, Nvidia CEO


The Future of this world is Slavery on a Global scale fuelled by AI.
They call it "Stakeholder Capitalism"...  I call it Fascism and Slavery.
Human Rights will be obsolete in this Brave new world they promised us a long time ago but which is now coming to conclusion.
Because they have breached already all Human rights ... as they see us only as Goyim... Animals... when the reality is that they are the Animals.
Covid and wars are all just a distraction so that we don't see the bigger Picture.
To fool us into a sense of false security... so we don't get what they really have in mind... total control.
A long time ago I asked: Do we really have to kill them all?

Well you answer this but me thinks yes.
Just look at all the evidence.
They are now capable of controlling the population of this entire world via AI and create a pseudo feudalistic society where they are by default Gods over us.
If that doesn't make you sick then I don't know what.


Fritz Freud

If you can and like to support my work please buy me a coffee as you can Imagine… these times are not easy.

Buy me a Coffee

Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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