Friday 21 June 2024


Seven Precautions to Protect Yourself From the Great Reset

Don't be like those Jews in Hitler's Germany that kept thinking "Certainly it can't get any worse than this."

ActivistPost, per the link below, always has good stuff for your reading. In my ongoing effort to help everyone with time constraints all of us have with info overload, below is a precis to save you time so you don't have to read the whole article, nor do a click through, nor do one of those "here, watch my hour long video" things.... 

7 Precautions to Protect Yourself from The Great Reset

1. Don’t give your blind unquestioning attention to the globalist-owned and controlled corporate-sponsored biased mainstream mediaAnyone stillwatching CNN, MSNBC, CBC in Canada has now chosen their own fate, just like those “good Germans” who nevertheless overtly or tacitly complied with Hitler. Unfortunately, there is no longer any midground for those who think they can “sit this one out” - and I know many. You are either August Landmesser, below, or you are complicit. (And yes, I know there is debate if this is actually Landmesser or not. That is irrelevant.) 

If you don’t like the Nazi trope, think Orlando Magic’s Jonathan Isaac, who before the opening tip of the Magic-Nets game a few years back, Isaac was the lone member from both teams to stand during the national anthem. Isaac became the first NBA player during the opening three games of the restart who did not take a knee during the anthem in protest of racial injustice and police brutality. As the national anthem was sung celebrating the “land of the free and the home of the brave”, Jonathan Isaac was free and brave enough to stand for his principles.

Jonathan Isaac Doesn’t Kneel During National Anthem

2. Learn to become financially independent.  Educate yourself on how economics works. First, get out of debt if that’s your circumstance. Mitigate risk of losing money by diversifying: Don’t leave all your hard-earned cash in one place where your money can be legally stolen by centralized control. My note, which is NOT financial advice, do your own research! If you do Bitcoin, look at Monero, and hold your OWN wallet. Gold and silver CAN be held in a self directed IRA, and also secure vaults in places like Switzerland, Singapore, Cayman Islands etc.  Educate yourself online, even at Deep State fasco-Marxist YouTube, with advisors like Lynette Zang, Gerald Celente, Jeremiah Babe, Jim Rickards, or sites like,, etc. There is no reason today to be uninformed about your money!

3. Don’t give your consent to the global cult’s manufactured fake wars. And yes, Ukraine was started during the violentoverthrow of a duly, democratically elected president in the Maidan colour revolution a decade or so ago, funded and pushed by Deep Staters George Soros, Obama, Hilary, the WEF, etc. This, along with their violation of the duly signed Minsk accord, which even the vile Deep Stater German Angela Merkel said was put in place only to bide time until NATO could take on Russia. I.e., they l-i-e-d yet again. 

4. Don’t give your vote to the major political parties and their puppet politicians.  (i.e., RINOs!) Think Romney. Think the Bush cabal who tried to push out the hero Ken Paxton, the AG in Texas. Think Lindsay Graham, or Mike Pence. Truth is, we are winning without them, and “hold your nose and vote” is no longer needed. Better yet, get involved as a precinct committeeman, which is the ground level of the political process. I spent the weekend gathering signatures for candidates… using time I don’t really have. 

5. Maintain good health. Another dot-connecting link to the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and the New world Order is the manufacture of fake disease.  Don’t fall for this. Do your research. Learn to recognise its deceptive patterns and refuse to comply. Refuse the medical establishment’s toxic, known-to-be ineffective Big Pharma cash cow harmful treatment. Buy organic, a much as possible particularly avoid the "dirty dozen" here; then there is the "clean 15" that are OK to buy not organic. Get off seed oils !!! and only use a good olive oil - many are adulterated, so don't buy cheap! We use California Olive ranch, which is in most stores), or use ghee/clarified butter, avocado oil (many also adulterated, so beware) coconut oil of or even beef tallow. Try to only use wild caught fish/pasture feed beef) They ARE planning to put mRNA vaccines in our beef next. Already pork has the Sequivity mRNA shot in them, and Australia is starting to inject their beef with mRNA shots for Lumpy Skin Disease. Of course, us poor unwashed masses will never be informed. See also my articles here or An Open Letter to Whole Foods About mRNA vaxes in our meat. If you took the shot, get help! Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D., has many suggestions, starting with nattokinase, bromelain and/or a good brand of curcumin (cheaper brands can be contaminated with lead). See his Wellnes Company here. Also see the World Health Council for their take here

6. Be prepared – Be self-sufficient.  My note: Step 1 is ensure you have a generator to run your fridge and a couple lights. THIS one is VERY light, runs on gas and propane.

Or try Sat123, which has solar solutions, and, for communication, satellite phones. If the grid goes down, these will still operate as they are satellite based, not terrestrial  

7. Get active  The Great Reset has been described as a Marxist utopian agenda which plans to take everything away from you. Have you considered the terrible consequences if you sit and do nothing, unprepared, as the Great Reset, tyranical escalations rise?

In Nazi Germany, many Jews thought in 1930, “Well, anything really bad is a longshot”; then in 1932 “Well, Germany has always been a civilized country; certainly this is an outlier”; then the Reichstag burned, and they said to themselves “Certainly it can’t get any worse than this”; then 1937 came and they thought, “Well, I maybe ought to make contingency plans”… and then Kristallnacht, 1938 came, and they couldn’t get out, and it was too late. 

Don’t be one of those. 

As always, I advocate complete non-violence and abiding by the law, just like MKL or Gandhi did.

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