Friday 21 June 2024


Paltering: the most devious tactic of 5th generation warfare

What is it, specific examples of how it is being used right now and how do we fight back

“It's easier to fool people, than it is to convince them that they have been fooled."
- Mark Twain

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." 
- William J. Casey, Former CIA Director (1981 to 1987) 

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” 

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” 

- Chinese General Sun Tzu in his book “The Art of war” written in the 5th century BC

In case you still need this to be spelled out to you:

World War 3 is currently underway!

Just like with the previous two World Wars, this one also has an ‘official’ starting date but the background and historical context that led to it goes way further back than that.

World War 1 started officially on June 28, 1914 following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by Bosnian student Gavrilo Princip. However, the events that led to the war started unfolding decades earlier in the mid 19th century with the emergence of new nations and alliances in Europe that sought to challenge the existing powers of France and Great Britain.

World War 2 started officially on September 1, 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. However, the seeds for this war were planted very shortly after the end of WWI with the Treaty of Versailles of June 1919. This treaty imposed punishing terms on Germany, including huge war reparations, which crippled its economy for the next decade and made many Germans feel like they have been intentionally humiliated by the victorious allies of WWI.

Any major military conflict, and especially the two world wars, has also resulted in major paradigm shifts in warfare with the introduction of tactics and weapons never seen previously.

World War 1 has seen the introduction of trench warfare, the use of chemical weapons in combat and the use of tanks.

World War 2 has seen the introduction of aerial combat (a.k.a dog fights), large scale carpet bombing of both military and civilian targets, systematic extermination of people based on their ethnic or racial backgrounds and last but not least, the Atomic bomb.

When the future history of World War 3 will eventually be written, I am convinced that the official start date will be marked as March 11, 2020.

On that day, an Ethiopian man with strong tiesto an organisation officially designated by the United States as a terrorist organisation, used his current position as head of the World Health Organisation, to formally declare the COVID-19 global Pandemic.

However, the origins of this current conflict we are in can be traced definitively to an event which happened in 1954. However, in all practical terms, the seeds have been planted much earlier than that (two centuries at least but possibly much much longer).

World War 3 will also be remembered as the first major conflict in human history that was not fought between nations and their armies but rather between a small (yet very powerful) group of people and the remainder of humanity. It will also be remembered as the first major conflict where national borders and even geographic boundaries, played no part at all.

Just like with the two previous world wars, the current one has also seen the introduction of a novel tactic and the associated tools/weapons which enable it:

Large scale, indiscriminate and highly sophisticated Information and Psychological warfare against innocent civilian population. 

This novel way to wage war is known as: Fifth Generation Warfare.

What is fifth generation warfare?

I’ve discussed fifth generation warfare extensively in a previous article but as a quick recap, it has four main characteristics:

  1. It is fought predominantly in the minds of the people;

  2. There is no clear delineation between soldiers and civilians (or non-combatants). The war is waged against everyone, including women and children (and even infants!) and regardless of whether they wish to fight or not, or even are aware that a war is underway. Also, there is no defined front so the war is happening everywhere

  3. There is extensive use of Psychological Operations (PsyOps) with sophistication and scale never seen before in history; and

  4. The most important weapon used to wage war in fifth generation warfare is the MEDIA (both traditional media and the major social media platforms) which I prefer to refer to as "legacy media" because they are all on their way out and will definitely not survive the current conflict (and we all must ensure that is the case!).

I’d like to expand a little bit about that last point above because it is crucial for your understanding of the rest of this article and of fifth generation warfare tactics in general.

Mass Media is the PRIMARY weapon of war in 5th generation warfare

Every type of warfare since the beginning of time had its weapons of choice. Furthermore, there are primary weapons and secondaryweapons.

For example, when Muskets first emerged in the early 16th century, they soon became the primary weapon of war because they allowed soldiers to injure or kill their enemies from a distance. However, they were not as effective in close combat due to the time it took to reload them.

Therefore, they were soon also equipped with Bayonets which proved much more effective in close combat. This was the secondary weapon. 

This combo proved so efficient it survived for almost 400 years and was used even as late as WWI!

In fifth generation warfare, mass media (broadcast media, print media, digital media and social media) is the primary weapon.

The secondary weapon can be false flag operations, terrorist attacks and lots of other things including laws/mandates and injections, as we all know pretty well by now (hopefully).

Speaking of the media being used to wage war, I’ve come across a great documentary made by Brian Springer all the way back in 1995 (almost 30 years ago!).

The basic premise of this documentary called “Spin” is that with the advent of satellite television in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the major TV networks used satellites to distribute two separate feeds of their broadcasts:

  • A raw live feed that was sent from the field to control rooms which edit these feeds and prepare them for broadcast; and

  • The traditional broadcast feed which is the edited material shown to viewers.

During those early days, both feeds were broadcast in the open and not encrypted in any way.

That meant that anyone could get a satellite dish and a receiver, point it to the satellites used by these networks and tap directly into the raw feed

This is exactly what Mr. Springer did and his entire documentary is showing in very stark terms, the difference between these raw feeds and what the viewers saw on their TV screens, with a specific focus on the 1992 US Presidential Election campaign.

This documentary shows in great detail how the media can be used extremely effectively to construct a certain reality in the mind of the general public that is actually completely false.

New York Times Media Critic Stephen Holden had this take on Mr. Springer’s “Spin” documentary:

"a devastating critique of television's profound manipulativeness in the way it packages the news and politics."

It is a real shame that this documentary only had 88K views on YouTube (as of the time of this article) since it was first uploaded over 7 years ago.

I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that if it instead had 88 million views, World War 3 would have been well and truly won by now with the enemy being comprehensively defeated!!

Nowadays, you can’t really replicate what Mr. Springer did because the raw feeds used by TV networks are transmitted via the Internet and are encrypted but just imagine what capabilities these large TV networks and other legacy media outlets have now, almost 30 years later.

Rest assured that they can show you anything and make it 100% believable! 

We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! 

But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colours, creeds. We're all you know. You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. 

You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness you maniacs!! 

In God's name, you people are the real thing. WE ARE THE ILLUSION! 

So turn off your television sets. Turn them off now. Turn them off right now. Turn them off and leave them off. Turn them off right in the middle of this sentence I am speaking to you now. Turn them off!!! 

- "Mad Prophet of the Airwaves" Howard Beale (played by Peter Finch in the 1976 movie “Network”)

Before we move on, I want to also include here this great segment by Redacted, one of my personal favourite independent media outlets.

In this segment, the dynamic husband and wife duo who both have extensive background as anchors in legacy broadcast media, discuss a conversation between a fella by the name of Stephen Dziedzic, who works as the Foreign Affairs (Asia Pacific) reporter at Australia’s public (i.e. taxpayer funded) broadcaster and his fellow ‘journalists’, that was accidentally captured.

I won’t give any further detail so as to not spoil the ‘surprise’ but will say that it shows in very stark terms what absolutely despicable peoplelegacy media is employing and how the overwhelming majority of them make an absolute mockery of their profession instead of treating it with the almost sacred reverence it deserves given it is, as JFK eloquently put it in his famous 1961 speech:

“That is why our press was protected by the First Amendment-- the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution- -not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants"--

but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.”

That is what journalism was meant to be and rightfully so given it is literally one of the single most important tenets of what JFK referred to in the same speech as “a free and open society”.

Unfortunately, this is what ‘journalism’ at most legacy media outlets looks like these days instead:

What is Paltering?

An academic definition for Paltering was given in this 2017 paper published in the Journal of personality and social psychology which defined Paltering as:

The active use of truthful statements to convey a misleading impression.

Across 2 pilot studies and 6 experiments, we identify paltering as a distinct form of deception

Paltering differs from lying by omission (the passive omission of relevant information) and lying by commission (the active use of false statements).

Paltering may promote conflict fueled by self-serving interpretations; palterers focus on the veracity of their statements ("I told the truth"), whereas targets focus on the misleading impression palters convey ("I was misled").

A shorter definition is given in this Harvard Business Review article written by Francesca Gino, one of the authors of the above paper:

Using Truthful Facts to Deceive

The best definition in my opinion was given in this piece published by the BBC (imagine that!).

The devious art of lying by telling the truth

These definitions should be quite self-explanatory but to ensure we’re on the same page for the remainder of this article, I will give you my own interpretation:

Paltering is the act of revealing certain truthfulinformation in order to hide the bigger picture that is much more damaging and/or dangerous for those practicing said act, or the ones they serve.

Another term you should be familiar with which is very close to Paltering and can effectively be considered as a Synonym of it is “Limited hangout” which was defined by Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as:

Spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. 

When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. 

The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.

Paltering and Limited Hangout are effectively the same thing and have been a spycraft trick of the trade for centuries, just like PsyOps overall.

However, in the era of fifth generation warfare, it has become turbocharged! 

Mandatory prerequisite for the effective use of Paltering in fifth generation warfare

In order to use Paltering effectively in fifth generation warfare, it is IMPERATIVE that complete control is established and maintained on ALL type of mass media, regardless of their national, political, religious or business affiliations.

In the age of the Internet, this must also include establishing and maintaining control over all the entities that control the dissemination and flow of information on the web and to be more specific: ALL major search engines and social media platforms.

Morpheus in the Matrix movie series (of which the first one will in my opinion go down as the most elaborate exercise in predictive programming ever conducted by Hollywood in its entire history!) has put it best:

“They are guarding all the doors. They are holding all the keys.” 

If you want to understand exactly how “complete control is established and maintained on ALL type of mass media, regardless of their national, political, religious or business affiliations”, this great documentary is showing it in a very easy-to-understand way and even explains how you can easily replicate in a few seconds their research using free and publicly available online tools.

The documentary is just over an hour long but here is the bit that is most pertinent to the topic of this article. It is only 9.5 minutes long and is worth every second of your time!

If you want to expand your knowledge on this topic even further, you can watch this recent interview with Xavier Azalbert, a long time media veteran.

In this interview, Mr. Azalbert explains in great detail how concentrated the legacy media space is, how this concentration was achieved, what it is being used for (nothing good I assure you) and how the intelligence agencies are connected to all of this and have been for many many decades.

Our digital interconnected world takes the ability to conduct Paltering to the next level

If the ownership structure of legacy media wasn’t bad enough, the damage caused by paltering as well as outright fake narratives, is significantly amplified by the major search engines and social media platforms.

Major search engines and social media platforms either have the same ownership structure as all major legacy media, or have an ideological bias that is inline with that held by the people who are ultimately behind these ownership structures.

Below are just two very obvious examples.

Search Engine manipulation

The most widely used search engine in the world is Google which is owned by Alphabet.

Alphabet also owns YouTube which is still the most popular video streaming service (but not for much longer hopefully).

The industrial-scale level of manipulation and censorship by Alphabet during the Pandemic, but also well before that and to this very day, has been covered extensively by many so I am not even going to touch on that as I don’t have much to add to be honest.

One less obvious example is that of the supposedly privacy-respecting search engine DuckDuckGo.

As the war between Russia and Ukraine started in March 2022, their Founder and CEO has put out the following tweet:

This is a very problematic statement as who is the one deciding what is “disinformation”?

Is it the search engine (problematic), some so called “fact checkers” (very problematic) or the government (super duper problematic)?

Furthermore, as we have all seen over the last few years, so called “Disinformation” around COVID-19 which got aggressively censored, can and usually does eventually prove to be the truth. Even the self proclaimed “America’s Newspaper” openly admits it now!

Furthermore, if one has decided to censor so called “disinformation”, this needs to apply to all disinformation, even if it’s coming from the US government and its NATO allies.

DuckDuckGo, just like Google and Bing, cannot be trusted and should be avoided and this is what you should be using instead.

Social Media manipulation

The documentary I mentioned previously shows in a very stark way that all the major social media platforms (or at least the ones used in the west) have exactly the same ownership structure as legacy media and the operators of the two biggest search engines (being Alphabet’s Google and Microsoft’s Bing). 

Furthermore, the Twitter Files saga this year was one of the most public revelations of the level of surveillance and outright interference by governments and their intelligence apparatus.

Many of these platforms have also been caught red-handed literally messing with their users minds with Facebook (or Meta as it’s now called) being the absolute worst culprit.

Examples of Paltering happening now

By this point, you’re hopefully familiar with the basics of Paltering and the prerequisites needed to effectively use that tactic in fifth generation warfare. You can also hopefully clearly see that the said prerequisites have been well and truly met.

During the ‘heydays’ of the Pandemic, the enemy could focus their efforts on a single thing: keeping everyone isolated, scared, muzzled with a face nappy and injected.

With the mass awakening currently underway they no longer have this luxury. Instead, they need to conduct multi-pronged attacks involving multiple large scale PsyOps, including those using Paltering, all happening simultaneously

Let’s have a look at a few practical examples of 5th generation warfare operations involving the use of Paltering which are all currently underway.

I’m going to start with examples that are relatively ‘benign’ in the sense that they are not going to completely shatter your existing belief system (especially if you’ve been exposed to our work, and that of others that is of similar nature, for some time) and gradually move to examples that may make you increasingly uncomfortable.

Either way, I kindly ask that you keep an open mind as you read through these and simply focus on looking at the evidence presented at face value before drawing your own conclusions.

The truth is not always what the majority thinks (and often it is actually the exact opposite). As Gandhi said it best:

"Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”

The ‘Origin Story’ of SARS CoV-2

Once upon a time in the early 2020s, the official narrative pushed by legacy media was that SARS CoV-2 was a virus that emerged accidentally due to a chance ‘encounter’ between a bat and a pangolin at the Wuhan wet market in China.

If you dared to say anything else, you were a “conspiracy theorist” and racist and were very likely to get deplatformed as has happened to many great people, some of whom will one day be recognised as the heroes of humanity they truly are.

However, that cover story was so ludicrous and so poorly constructed it really had no chance to survive very long, even with the help of the most powerful and extensive censorship apparatus to ever exist in human history.

In early 2023, the “natural origins” narrative was officially abandoned and the enemy and their legacy media minions started pushing a new narrative:

SARS CoV-2 was developed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and has “leaked” from that facility, spreading all over the world and causing the “Pandemic”.

This new narrative appeared to validate what former US President Donald Trump has been saying which is that SARS CoV-2 was the “China Virus”.

Another important aspect about this “China Virus” narrative was the fact that this was the exact point in which the enemy switched from using outright lies, coupled with the brute force of censorship, to actually using the Paltering/Limited Hangout tactic.

This is because this new narrative actually had an element of truth in it. Specifically, the fact that SARS CoV-2 wasn’t created by nature.

However, this narrative also didn’t last very long (barely 6 months to be exact) and soon overwhelming evidence came out that the US Government was DIRECTLY involved in the creation of SARS CoV-2 due to the funding of Gain-of-Function (GoF) research on coronaviruses from bats by Fauci’s NIAID, a US government agency.

Fauci, whose extensive ‘history’ during his four decades as the head of the NIAID, makes Josef Mengele look like a complete amateur in comparison, has done his very best to deflect and shift the blame, including telling lies in Congress while under oath.

How this story ends and whether Mengele 2.0 gets the punishment he deserves instead of just a few years in the slammer for “perjury” remains to be seen.

Obviously Fauci wasn’t alone in this criminal conspiracy and had plenty of “help” and said help also deserves the same punishment (which at $708 each is pretty good value, especially when compared to the cost of incarceration for these people).

The evidence of Fauci and the NIAID’s involvement in the creation of SARS CoV-2 is so overwhelming that even some legacy media outlets have started to break ranks from the official “China Virus” narrative.

On July 29 this year, the weekend edition of The Australian, a News Limited legacy media outlet, which has also been for many years one of the most widely circulating daily newspapers in Australia, had the following on its front page and the cover of its weekend magazine:

You can read their drivel yourself through this link if you like.

However, instead of wasting your time on that, I suggest you read this article by Australian independent journalist Rebekah Barnett who has done a great job highlighting the points about what is seemingly a capitulation by a major legacy media outlet, that actually matterand what it actually means. 

What is this Paltering operation attempting to hide?

As a reminder, this is how I defined Paltering earlier in this piece:

Paltering is the act of revealing certain truthful information in order to hide the bigger picture that is much more damaging and/or dangerous for those practicing said act, or the ones they serve.

Ok, so we obviously established that in the context of this specific paltering operation, the “certain truthful information” is the fact that SARS CoV-2 did not originate from nature.

But what is the “bigger picture” this current narrative attempting to hide?

I unpack it somewhat here.

The TL;DR of the “bigger picture” is that while SARS CoV-2 was created by humans and not nature, it was also:

  • NOT created in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). WIV did provide some assistance but the bulk of the work was conducted in the US of A! The exact location is not yet known with absolute certainty but two top candidates are the research labs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill or the Fort Detrick military lab in Maryland.

  • NOT ‘leaked’ due to an “accident”. Instead, SARS CoV-2 was intentionally released with the timing and the circumstances carefully planned.

This seemed to me very much like a “case closed” until relatively recently and especially with new information coming out which seemed to perfectly corroborate the idea that SARS Cov-2 was NOT a “China Virus” and instead was ‘proudly made in the United States’.

However, I am now of the opinion that there is another crucial element of the “bigger picture” that is still missing and needs to be discussed which is:

SARS CoV-2 is not a virus at all!

At least not in the ‘traditional’ way we see viruses.

These two posts by Sasha Latypova , who has been well ahead of the curve throughout this entire shit show, being one of first to publicly reveal that the C19 injectables were “countermeasures” developed by the US Department of Defence instead of big pharma, is a good place to start our collective journey down this new rabbit hole.

Something went wrong

This article by Karen Kingston starts getting into the “meat & potatoes” of this element of the bigger picture:

Another theory that has gained a lot of prominence is that:

There was never a pandemic (at least in its original pre-C19 definition)! 

Instead, the whole ‘pandemic’ narrative was enabled due to the manipulation of PCR resultsby using and interpreting the results of the PCR test in a way its own inventor (who won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his invention) made it crystal clear should not be done.

Specifically, he said:

“It allows you to take a very miniscule amount of anything and make it measurable and then talk about it in meeting and stuff like that like it is important.

It’s not a misuse, it’s more of a misinterpretation”

Listen for yourself:

Kary Mullis passed away in August 2019 so unfortunately was not around for the “main event” but if he was, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he could have caused some serious damage to the narrative the enemy was pusing to bring about their ‘Pandemic’.

He also had pretty strong views on this one fella called Fauci whose ‘work’ he has been quite familiar with at the onset of the HIV epidemic in the 1980s.

The idea that there was never a “Pandemic'“ as such is also now being held by Michael Yeadon, a pharmacologist and former Vice President at Pfizer, as he made very clear in this discussion.

Regardless of whether SARS CoV-2 is a weapon or maybe just made to be a lot more than what it ever was (or even never existed altogether) all of these narratives tie in perfectly with what is almost certainly the ultimate objective of the entire C19 operation from day dot which is:

Getting the C19 injectables into as many humans as possible and in the shortest amount of time!

During the 2023 annual WEF meeting at Davos, a session was held called ‘State of the Pandemic’.

The CEO of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel took part together with the CEO of GAVI (which is funded almost entirely by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) and in response to a prompt from the moderator, said this:

"Moderna had made 100,000 doses in 2019, for the whole year.

And I remember walking, after Davos, into the office of my head of manufacturing and I said "how will we make a billion doses next year?", and he looked at me a bit funny and said "what?". 

I said "yeah, we need to make a billion doses next year, there's going to be a pandemic." 

That last bit he said almost in passing but he definitely said it! 

Listen for yourself (starting from the 9:30 minute mark).

Now I’m assuming that Bancel is referring to the WEF annual meeting of 2020 when saying:

I remember walking, after Davos

If so, something in the timeline doesn’t quite add up.

You see, the 2020 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum took place on January 21–24as the annual Davos shindig usually takes place in January.

The thing is that Tedros the terrorist didn’t declare COVID-19 as a “pandemic” until March 11 (as I mentioned previously) which is almost two months later.

Clearly, the CEO of Moderna knew in advancethat there is a certain product that will be needed very soon in very large quantities and also that his company will be the one supplying it!

Well, guess what? 

The reason why Moderna’s CEO knew is because his company was the one which created SARS-CoV 2!!

When you look at everything that transpired so far in this decade through the above prism, we have to unfortunately conclude that as far as the enemy is concerned, this entire operation has been a stellar success so far.

However, the final chapter in this story is ours to write. Let’s make it count!

“Trans rights are human rights”

Transgender people have been around for awhile and I was not bothered by it the slightest bit.

After all, I held until relatively recently very liberal views (but am more of a libertarian now) and in my mind, everyone should be free to live their lives as they see fit as long as they are not hurting anyone and everything is consensual.

If an adult of sound mind decides out of their own free will that they have been born into the wrong gender and want to '“transition” to another, I did not see any issue with that per se.

However, as we entered 2023, it seemed that almost on cue, being Trans has been forced into the limelight and especially biological males “transitioning” to become ‘females’. 

Given my already awakened state and sharpened senses, it became obvious to me very quickly that there is narrative being pushed…and most likely by the usual players.

What I couldn’t quite figure out was what is the objective behind this new narrative.

Initially, I came to the conclusion that the objective of this new narrative was simply a distraction. I thought that the enemy was pushing this new narrative as a means to distract us from other things that were (and still are) much more important to them.

Specifically, I thought those things are the rollout of CBDCs and the global power grab by the WHO.

Once I reached that conclusion, I wrote the below post in early April urging people to just ignore this narrative altogether and instead focus their eyes on the ‘prize’ so to speak.

However, since then other information has emerged which has caused me to reconsider my position as stated in the article above.

If there is one thing I learnt in a very profound way since this decade has started is that one must ALWAYS keep an open mind and be ready to consider new information and facts as they emerge.

As George Bernard Shaw put it best:

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

What made me change my mind?

As I said before, I have zero issues with consenting adults of sound mind doing whatever the hell they want, as long as they are not harming or coercing anyone else.

However, it has become blatantly obvious for all to see that at least some elements within the transgender community are trying to:

  1. Expose young children to their ‘lifestyle’ and normalise it to them; and

  2. Take away the rights and basic human dignity of adult human females, better known as WOMEN.

As an example of number 1 above, check out this article by the BBC with one of the most ridiculous headlines I have ever seen from a legacy media outlet (and I have seen plenty!).

But it gets worse, much worse! Check out the two videos below: 

This one was filmed during the 2022 Drag Expo in Melbourne, Australia and you can clearly see plenty of young children in the crowd of an event that described itself as family-friendly and suitable for all ages.

Thought that video was bad? Check out this one filmed during a Pride Parade in Minneapolis which, unlike the Drag Expo, is actually taking place on a public street and is open to everyone. No admission ticket required.

That event was advertised by a local TV stationwhich made it pretty obvious that it was suitable for all ages and even used a picture of a father carrying his young daughter on his shoulders waving the rainbow flag as the thumbnail of their video footage.

The problem is that his poor daughter very likely saw this when she attended the parade:

As you can see, there are plenty of very very young children in the crowd and instead of anyone seeing that this is simply inappropriate, everyone is cheering loudly and no one is doing anything to stop this, including law enforcement!

Now, I want to stop at this point and say that I have nothing against gay people. They have suffered a lot over the years and especially during the AIDS epidemic and most just want to be left alone and live their lives in peace.

However, it is blatantly obvious that the gay community has been hijacked by extremist and perverted elements, most of whom belong to the Transgender crowd.

Specifically, it seems that when looking at the LGBTQI+ acronym (which is the current flavour of the day it seems), things turn pretty dark indeed once you move beyond the letter B in that acronym.

This is not just something that I and many others noticed but members of the gay community themselves have started to wake up to the fact their lifestyle choices are being hijacked by pretty nefarious elements and agendas (to put it very mildly).

As a result, organisations of gay people started to emerge in an attempt to combat this with Gays Against Groomers being a prime example.

As an example of number 2 above, we have all seen plenty of examples in recent months where athletes who are biological males are allowed to compete in women’s events (and obviously easily win them) with ‘Lia’ Thomasbeing a prime example.

However, this is not just about fairness to women. Far from it!

What’s at stake is the very safety of women with laws recently passing in the Australian state of Queensland allowing anyone to formally change the gender on their birth certificate without even undergoing any surgery. 

Once this change is made, it allows that person the rights of their chosen gender. Or in more stark terms: it makes it lawful for a biological male to enter a female bathroom or changing room resulting in incidents such as this:

If that wasn’t bad enough, there have been numerous instances of Transgender people who are biological males that were placed in female-only wards in Prisons and ended up raping the inmates there (for example, this oneand this one).

As a final insult to women, the transgender activists and the establishment which supports and enables their actions even now attempt to deny the most basic physiological aspects of the female body such as giving birth and breastfeeding

It is clear to me now that the enemy is putting way too many efforts and resources into their Transgender agenda for it to be a mere distraction from other plans they are executing at the same time.

What is this Paltering operation attempting to hide?

Ok, so obviously Transgender people exist and they do have human rights just like everyone else, as long as they don’t try to shove their way of life down other people’s throats, take away the innocence of children or deny women of the most basic decency.

The calls that people need to “adjust their religious beliefs” in order to accept the existence of transgender people is also unacceptable obviously. Live and let live I say!

However, there is something bigger at play here which is much more sinister and does have direct connection with other elements of the enemy’s plans and ideology.

The Transgender movement is a ‘gateway’ to Transhumanism

Transhumanism is a MAJOR part of the enemy’s ‘vision’ for the collective future of our species (the other one being massive depopulation). Another term for Transhumanism which you may be more familiar with is the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” which I discuss extensively here.

A key component of Transhumanism/The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the “merging of biology with technology” but that is only a means to an end.

The ultimate ‘utopia’ of the transhumanists is something called Disembodiment which is the notion of getting rid of the physical human body altogether and living life entirely in cyberspace (or the Metaverse, a term first coined back in 1982, way before the Zuck decided to jump on the bandwagon, or was even born).

In practical terms, what the transhumanists want is to eventually upload their consciousness to the ‘cloud’ and ‘live’ like that. They feel that doing so will give them superhuman capabilities, eliminate all ailments plaguing the physical body and facilitate their overall underlying objective of becoming immortal or as their ‘Chief Ideologue’ put it:

Human History Will End When Men Become Gods

‘Cool and normal’, right? 

Can you see the level of depravity of the other side? 

Ok, so how does Transgenderism tie into all of that you may ask.

Well, the video below featuring a long form interview with Jennifer Bilek explains that in great detail.

This is highly complex and touches on many physical, psychological and even spiritual aspects but the crux of the matter is that the transhumanists see transgenderism as the a ‘gateway’ to Disembodiment or as Jennifer calls it:

Disembodiment as identity

One of the primary aspects of the above is eliminating the unique physiological aspects of each of the two genders and especially that of females. Specifically, the ability to give birth to an offspring and the ability to nurse that offspring through breastfeeding.

If you prefer to read instead of watching, she also explains that idea in her post below:

One of the people driving the “Disembodiment as identity” narrative is technology entrepreneur Martine Rothblatt.

Rothblatt is a biological male who ‘transitioned’ to being a ‘woman’ in 1994 (at the age of 40) and is openly and very proudly transhumanist. This is literally what it says on Rothblatt’s TED profile.

Speaking of TED, Rothblatt did a TED Talk in March 2015 titled: “My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality

Not much more I can add to that really…

Now if you think that Rothblatt is just some eccentric tech mogul, you will be wrong. Very wrong!

Rothblatt is extremely connected and extremelyinfluential and not just in tech. Jennifer discusses some of it in the video and article above but if you want an even more comprehensive overview, than this Canadian lady does a truly phenomenal job at that. 

There is lots of money in gender reassignment surgery for children

So back in the ‘old days’ (before the 2020s when the world entirely lost their collective mind), you needed to be an adult of a legal age before you could ‘transition’.

That makes perfect sense to every reasonable human being but for big pharma and the medical industrial complex it means something completely different: loss of a lot of potential revenue.

You see, if only people of legal adult age can transition, this means that they are going to be at least 18 years old by the time they get to do that.

That means that they have already gone through puberty which means there is one very specific product you can no longer sell them at that stage: puberty blockers.

That’s an entire product line for big pharma which essentially just sits there with no market.

So how do you create such market?

Simple: you normalise and even encourage the ‘transition’ of young (and sometimes extremelyyoung) children.

Better yet, you make it a decision they can take on their own without their parents or legal guardians having any say on the matter.

If that’s not enough, make it also illegal for said parents or guardians to even try and talk their kids out of it. 

Think I’m telling fibs?

The following chant has been heard in several so called “Pride Parades” in the former ‘free world’ this year alone:

“We're Here, We're Queer, We're Coming For Your Children”

Don’t believe me? Hear it for yourself but you may need to sign in to your YouTube account as the video has been “age restricted”.

How interesting that the video is age restricted but the chant itself and the parade in NYC during which it was made, are both out in the open for all ages to see and hear.

In Canada, there were instances of schools helping and encouraging students to ‘transition’ without their parents knowledge(not to mention consent!).

‘Transitioning’ for children and teenagers is also called “Gender Affirmation” (as it addresses a ‘condition’ called gender dysphoria, which is likely a completely made-up condition).

Gender Affirmation and the surgery, hormonal treatments and other invasive interventions involved in it is now big business and lots of private clinics and hospitals are raking it in.

Meanwhile in Russia the “vicious tyrant and war criminal” (who also happens to be a graduate of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders program in case you didn’t know) is having none of it for reasons that actually make perfect sense to any reasonable person.

We truly are living in a topsy-turvy world! 

Fair warning: this is the point where things may start to get uncomfortable for you and as I go on with these examples, the more uncomfortable this will likely feel.

This is due to the fact it may challenge and even outright refute strongly held beliefs you currently have.

As I said at the start of the article, please try to keep an open mind and overcome any personal biases you may have (as hard as it may be) and simply look at the evidence I present at face value.

You may still decide after doing so that the evidence is circumstantial at best and maybe even outright rubbish but you will still gain one of the main outcomes I am hoping to achieve with this article which is to train the mind to spot Paltering and look beyond it, which is a truly challenging thing to do.

Ready? Let’s dive in!


No essay about Paltering can ever be complete in my opinion without discussing QAnon.

In my mind, there is very good chance that QAnon is the single biggest Paltering operation ever conducted to-date in human history!

This is for two primary reasons:

  1. The sheer number of people who believe this to be real with every fibre in their being; and

  2. (this is the big one): the amount and magnitude of explosive revelations included in this paltering/textbook “limited hangout” operation that are actually completely true. This is very likely the primary reason for #1 above.

In addition to the above, this is the first paltering operation designed from the ground up for the age of social media and relies extensively on its algorithms for amplification of the message.

This is true military-grade stuff!

The Paltering operation known as QAnon started ‘officially’ on October 29, 2017 with these two very cryptic posts on the anonymous online message board 4chan:

The poster of these messages claimed in subsequent posts that he/she/they was/were high-level US government insider with Q security clearance and thus QAnon was born.

Since that day, the mysterious Q kept a fairly regular schedule of posts that came to be known as QDrops. You can find all of them here and also archived here.

The QAnon storyline is long, complex and highly convoluted and beyond what I can cover here in full but here are the main points:

  • Following the JFK Assassination in 1963, elements within the US military suspected that the perpetrator was not Lee Harvey Oswald bur rather nefarious elements within the US government. This is pretty much common knowledge now especially following the release of a large archive of government documents relating to that event as well as countless documentaries and even a major Hollywood blockbuster.

  • These “patriots/white hats” as they are referred to in the QAnon storyline were contemplating what to do next and were basically tossing up between two options:

    • Launch a military coup and remove the civilian government in order to restore the constitution. This was deemed as too dangerous as it could result in a civil war and the complete destruction of the US.

    • Devise and execute a multi-decade long highly complex sting operation in order to remove these nefarious elements (often referred to as “the deep state” or “the cabal” in QAnon lore) from their stranglehold over the American Republic, its people, its government and all of its major institutions in academia, religion and business. This is the option the “patriots/white hats” decided to go with.

  • This multi-decade long highly complex sting operation is referred to as “the plan” in QAnon lore and gave rise to what is probably one of its most famous catchphrases: “Trust the plan!” (although no one knows exactly what it actually is).

  • As the Obama Presidency was coming to an end with the 2016 elections, his former secretary of state (and wife of the 42nd President, Bill Clinton) Hillary Clinton announced she is running for Presidentand hopes to be the first female US President.

  • The “Patriots/White Hats” who knew how evil and corrupt Hillary is (which is true but that’s an entire separate post in itself) approached real-estate mogul and reality TV star Donald J. Trump to run for President against Hillary in order to “save America”. The only rule was that he must win fair and square on his own and the “Patriots” cannot assist him.

  • Against all odds (and probably against what he himself expected as can be evidenced by his demeanour at the start of his victory speech), he DID WIN. This gave rise to another famous QAnon catchphrase: “They never expected her to lose!”

  • The ascension of DJT to become the 45th President of the United States was meant to other than “Make America Great Again”, to also, according to the QAnon lore, signal the beginning of the downfall of these nefarious elements within the US government (the aforementioned “deep state” or “cabal” which again, actually do exist!). This was due to the fact that, as another famous QAnon catchphrase goes, these all powerful “patriots”, “have it all” (referring to evidence for the crimes of nefarious elements in the US government, the Clintons and other ‘elites’)

As far as the actual crimes themselves go, it’s important to mention the major ones because they are actually almost certainly all true.

These are:

  1. Operating extensive pedophilia networks and conducting child sacrifices and ritual abuse. This is without a doubt true (unfortunately) as I will discuss further down in this article.

  2. Severely traumatising children in order to extract Adrenochrome from their blood which the 'elites’ believed had the power to be an elixir of youth of sort.

  3. Controlling and manipulating the monetary system of the United States through the privately-owned Federal Reserve (which is completely true) and robbing its people of their fortune through what former Congressman Ron Paul very rightly referred to as “the deceitful and evil act of inflating and borrowing”.

  4. Conducting mind control experiments on Americans without their knowledge or consent. This is completely true

  5. Controlling all mass media in order to control and manipulate public opinion. This is again completely true.

There are a fair few others but that’s enough for the purpose of our discussion.

The idea was that Trump will bring down the “deep state” with the help of elements within the US military and intelligence apparatus that were still loyal to the United States and its constitution (again, referred to as “the patriots”) in a series of coordinated events (outlined in “the plan” as mentioned previously) in what is to be known as “the storm” which has another iconic catchphrase from the QAnon lore associated with it: “NOTHING can stop what’s coming!”.

“The Storm” will ‘officially’ start with the activation of the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) which will be followed by a period of “darkness” that lasts between 10 days and a month.

The “darkness” doesn’t actually refer to lights out (although it is possible due to interruptions to the electricity grid during that time) but rather a period where the Internet will be down, all mass media will be down, all banks will be closed as well as all the gas stations, all chemists/pharmacies and all supermarkets.

People are therefore urged to have an emergency supply of food, fuel and medicine that will tide them over during the “darkness” and tune into the EBS for updates and messages from the “patriots”.

During the “darkness”, the “Patriots” and their forces (collectively referred to as the “white hats”) will finish mopping up the last remaining elements of the “deep state/cabal”, including in secret bases located deep underground.

Once the nation re-emerges from the “darkness”, the “white hats” will be firmly “in control”. 

Then, a new golden age will start with things like complete debt forgiveness through NESARA/GESARA, a new financial system called Quantum Financial System (QFS) that is not debt-based and cannot be manipulated or corrupted because it can “feel” nefarious intentions and even the all powerful “med beds” which are pods based on alien technology that can heal all ailments and extend people’s lives by decades.

There are multiple “bonus chapters” to this story such as the re-emergence of John F. Kennedy’s son JFK Jr., who officially died in 1999 in a plane crash but according to the QAnon lore has actually faked his own death and has been working with the “Patriots/White Hats” ever since to bring down the “cabal/deep state”.

There are even more wacky variations such as Barron Trump and/or JFK Jr. being time travelers or that DJT’s uncle John G. Trump had secret technology developed originally by Nikola Tesla and that Trump as President was going to make public.

The QAnon ‘Universe’ is vast, highly elaborate and super exciting but here is the key: a lot of its main tenets are either completely true or largely based on true events.

This makes this Paltering/Limited Hangout operation quite special and unique in its scope and level of detail.

However, this is actually not the first time such an elaborate PsyOp has been undertaken (although when it comes to scope QAnon is truly in a league of its own!).

Operation Trust

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” 
- Vladimir Lenin, Founder of the Soviet Union (a.k.a USSR)

Operation Trust was a counterintelligence operation of the GPU (State Political Directorate in Russian) of the Soviet Union. 

GPU eventually after many iterations became in 1954 the KGB (Committee of State Security in Russian). 

Operation Trust ran from 1921 to 1926 and was centered around a fake anti-Bolshevik resistance organization that was set up by the GPU called "Monarchist Union of Central Russia".

The objective of that fake ‘resistance organisation’ was to flush out real monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks.

Alexander Yakushev was placed by the GPU as the head of their fake resistance movement. Yakushev was a former bureaucrat in the government of Tsarist Russia.

After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Yakushev became a trade attache for the bolsheviks which allowed him to travel abroad and be in contact with Russian expats. 

Yakushev was arrested by the Cheka, the predecessor to the GPU, after it was discovered he was in contact with senior people in the Pro-Tsarist (“White”) movement living in exile. 

Shortly after his arrest, he was recruited to the Soviet secret police (now called GPU).

Operation Trust was considered as tremendous success by the GPU and managed to lure some high value targets to return to soviet territory where the secret police was waiting for them.

If you watch the video above, you will no doubt see the incredible similarity in some of tactics used in Operation Trust and those used in QAnon, obviously accounting for the very different times, political systems and technological capabilities between the 1920s and the present day.

If you can’t quite see the resemblance on your own, this post spells it out for you in a very stark way.

For some ‘bonus material’, I highly recommend this excellent post by anon_fa_mous which does an absolutely brilliant job explaining the reasons why the actual “deep state” needed something like QAnon and the rationale of putting Trump at the centre of it.

Speaking of Trump, I want to touch on a few points specifically related to him and depending on where you are with your politics, it may hurt your feelings (so consider yourself warned).

The truth about Donald Trump (a.k.a the QAnon ‘Messiah')

If you think the term Messiah above is a bit of an exaggeration and maybe even sacrilegious, take a look at what Trump posted on his own official account on the social media platform his company created:

If you don’t find that video Trump posted troubling, check out this detailed frame-by-frame analysis which will hopefully show you how disturbing it is.

I want to once and for all dispel this myth that Donald J. Trump (colloquially also referred to as “45” by the ‘faithful’) is some kind of a savior who is a white knight that will come and “Save America” before riding on into the sunset.

I know this is a very touchy subject, especially to a “conservative” audience but my loyalty as an independent researcher & journalist is not to a political side but rather to the truth and nothing else (so help me god!).

Let’s have a look at a few irrefutable factsabout DJT (These are not my opinions. These are FACTS you can easily verify yourself which I strongly encourage you to do):

  1. Trump is the father of operation “warp speed” which gave rise to the C19 injectables and all the carnage that came about as a result of that.

  2. Trump used the PREP Act to authorise pharmacies to administer the C19 injectables to kids as young as 3 years old! The official press release on this authorisation has been removed from the HHS website but, as usual, the Internet never forgets!

  3. On his last day in the White House, Trump gave commendations to the team behind “Warp Speed” including HHS Secretary Alex Azar (former chief lobbyist to Pharma giant Eli Lilly & Co ), one Anthony Fauci and his own son-in-law Jared Kushner. Nothing to see there, right? 

  4. Furthermore, Jared Kushner was actually the mastermind behind the lockdowns, together with a bunch of Mckinsey consultants. While VP Pence was officially the head of the Trump White House Coronavirus Task Force, Kushner built his own “shadow task force on Covid that included private industry and a suite of McKinsey consultants” as described in great detail in the 2022 book When McKinsey Comes to Town (see p. 72 for this specific section).

  5. Trump urged Americans to take the injections as late as March 2021 (2 months after leaving office) saying: “I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly, we have our freedoms and we have to live by that and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine and it is something that works.” He is also still adamant to this day that he did a “fantastic job” on Covid.

  6. Trump is listed as “Agenda Contributor”(the highest level of individual ‘membership’ so to speak) on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website. One can argue that this is circumstantial but if Trump was genuinely against this despicable and very dangerous organisation, surely he would have demanded by now that they remove him from their website. 

  7. Trump spoke at the 2020 annual WEF meeting and while he spoke against the “perennial prophets of doom”, he also started his speech by saying: “thank you very much, Klaus. And a very special congratulations on your 50th year hosting the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum.  A truly amazing achievement. It’s an honor to address the distinguished members of this organization for the second time as President.” He also had this to say about the ‘Schwabenator’ (to his face!):

  8. Trump’s daughter Ivanka is Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum (class of 2015). She was also put forward in 2019 by her dad’s administration to head the World Bank. Did you say “nepotism”? 

  9. Trump’s son-in-law (Ivanka’s husband since 2009) Jared Kushner attended the Bilderberg meeting in 2019 at the time Trump was obviously President. No way this could have happened without his knowledge and approval!

Trump has expressed some very disturbing views about free speech on the Internet:

Trump also had a lot of people in his administration with deep connections to one Jeffrey Epstein as this excellent post by anon_fa_mous demonstrates:

And now for a real doozy, especially if you are a follower (but hopefully no longer a believer after what you just read) of the QAnon lore where “crooked Hillary ” plays one of the ‘leading roles’ as one of the arch-villains, together with her husband:

You do remember that Trump was a reality TV star (i.e. an ACTOR!!) before entering politics, right?

Finally to close off this section, I want to include a short video of a meeting Trump held at the White House with one Henry Kissingerwhose ‘work’ you should be quite familiar with, especially if you are a follower of the QAnon lore, and should understand how truly next level evil this person is (in case you need a refresher, this should help).

Just have a listen what the QAnon ‘Messiah' had to say about Kissinger:

In case you missed the thumbnail image, here it is again:

ALWAYS in plain sight…as long as you are willing to look!

If you know, you know…

Bonus content

If all of the above wasn’t enough for you and you want more, I provide the following article by Fulgurite for your ‘enjoyment’:

This video does a deep dive into Trump’s bloodline and family history which is very pertinent to everything said above:

What is this Paltering operation attempting to hide?

The QAnon Paltering operation isn’t so much about hiding information in my opinion (although it may) but rather has another primary objective that becomes immediately obvious once you look at its lore at a higher level: PACIFICATION.

Now, it may well be the case that it also, similar to Operation Trust, has an aim to flush out the leaders of the genuine resistance to the global cabal (which absolutely does exist) and their hostile takeover of every aspect of our collective lives but I am just not sure about it as there is no definitive compelling evidence either way.

What I am 100% certain of though is that this Paltering operation is designed to convince as large portion as possible of people, who understand that there is something truly sinister unfolding in our world (like myself), that there is nothing to worry about and that the issue is being taken care of with the perpetrators being dealt with.

After all, the “white hats are in control”, they “have it all” and we just need to “trust the plan”. Right?

There is also a very strong camaraderie element to QAnon with what is probably the single most prominent catchphrase of the entire operation:

“Where we go one, we go all” 

(or WWG1WGA as it’s commonly abbreviated).

This slogan came supposedly from an inscription on the bell at JFK’s presidential yacht the “Honey Fitz”.

The truth unfortunately is quite different:

There are no mysterious “white hats” coming to save us!

Sorry to burst your bubble. 

I’d love it for the “white hat” story and the prison barges at Guantanamo Bay being full of corrupt and evil elites who have been replaced by body doubles, to be true.

I really really would as it will give hope and certainty to many people (myself included). However, this is simply not the case.

We will all have to FIGHT for our freedom just like every generation before us had to. There are no shortcuts and as the famous saying goes:

(and never was!)

We will also need to make some tough choices in the years ahead which will require sacrifice and a LOT of work by EVERYONE.

Sound of Freedom & the global child trafficking trade

Ok, so this is another one that may be quite hard to accept.

The Movie Sound of Freedom premiered in the US to coincide with the 4th of July and pretty much straight away became a box office hitbeating major Hollywood blockbusters such as the latest installment of the Indiana Jones franchise. 

This despite major attacks by pretty much all legacy media with many labeling it “QAnon-related”(which we now hopefully agree is an elaborate PsyOp) with Rolling Stone magazine going as far as calling it: “a Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms” (what the hell does that even mean?).

It stars relatively prominent Hollywood actors Jim Caviezel (star of Mel Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ” about the life and death of Jesus), Bill Camp and Mira Sorvino who is a true Hollywood ‘heavyweight’ with an acting career spanning almost 40 years which resulted in a total of 17 awards including an Oscar and a Golden Globe.

The movie tells the story of Tim Ballard, a government agent who gave up his job to go on missions to save children in third-world countries from sex trafficking through an organisation he founded called Operation Underground Railroad (or O.U.R as it’s often abbreviated).

The movie was independently funded and released by Angel Studios after several major production companies (with Disney being the most prominent) refused to back it.

The closing titles of the movie are accompanied by remarks from its star Jim Caviezel which illicit a strong emotional response from the audience, as one would expect.

I will openly admit to initially being very excited about the release of this movie and the prospect of the global child trafficking trade becoming a prominent mainstream issue and by the “david & goliath” narrative of the little independent studio going against Hollywood’s most powerful and winning.

Then there is obviously the key catchphrase of the movie which is at the end of Caviezel’s closing remarks above:

God’s children are NOT for sale!!

What reasonable human being will disagree with a message such as this?

I was looking forward to its theatrical release in Australia where I live and was definitely intending to go and watch it.

Then I came across this video which was posted by Canadian Naturopath Amandha Dawn Vollmer originally on her TikTok account but has since gone somewhat viral (and not just on that platform).

For some reason, Amandha’s message above really resonated with me and I decided to dig a bit further to see if there is any substance there.

I discovered that there does seem to be a lot of substance behind it and will present the evidence below. Do with it as you wish.

What is this Paltering operation attempting to hide?

I want to start this section with a post and video by Greg Reese who is a survivor of child abuse himself and also has a great talent of explaining highly complex topics and evidence using short videos, with the majority being less than 10 minutes long.

Please check out the below before reading on as it sets the scene for the rest. The video in that post is less than 5 minutes long.

It appears that Greg’s investigation prompted a pretty swift response by Angel Studios who quickly changed the page on their websitewhich he referenced in his report.

This post on Twitter also makes some pretty good points you should consider in my opinion.

There are also some concerning rumours about Tim Ballard himself, the real life person played by Jim Caviezel, and the Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R) organisation he created but has recently left, just before Sound of Freedom was released in US theatres.

To start with, here is a link to an article featuring an extensive investigation into O.U.R. The article is from 2022 so well before the release of the current movie then there is also this which I have attempted to corroborate further myself but have come up empty.

There is also this piece by Liam Sturgess which discusses the idea that O.U.R is involved in selling genetic data:

Finally, there is this article from late June so just a few days before Sound of Freedom came out.

I haven’t gone too far down the rabbit hole on Tim Ballard and O.U.R so am just including the above links as-is without commentary but someone who has gone VERY deep is anon_fa_mous who wrote a series of articles about it.

The one below is the first in the series:

Finally, there is also the question of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC).

As Greg Reese pointed out in his report, this organisation is:

  1. The premier partner for law enforcement agencies all over the world in combating child trafficking and abuse; but also

  2. Was created and still funded by pretty dodgy people (as we call them in Australia) who are definitely involved in child trafficking, but not on the good side, to put that mildly.

Another important factoid about the ICMEC which Greg didn’t mention in his report is the fact that the former Vice-Chair of its board is a fella by the name of Victor Halberstadt

Old mate Victor is a proud WEF member but more importantly:

He is the CURRENT co-chair of the BILDERBERG STEERING COMMITTEE which is the body organising the annual meetings of the Bilderberg group, which compared to them, Klaus and the WEF are mere foot soldiers.

As far as “microchipping your kids” which was mentioned by Amandha in her video above as well as in passing by Greg Reese, that is definitely not some “conspiracy theory” (there are none of those left anymore really) and such programs actually do exist, except that they are not actually proposing to put a Microchip in kids (at least not yet) but are instead referring to the CHIP acronym which stands for:

Child Identification Program

This is fair enough but I would say that this is a strange choice of an acronym. If that was indeed the intention, why choose two letters from the first word but only one from the other two?

If they chose only the first letter, it would give the acronym CIP which I’d argue is still pretty catchy and easy to pronounce, right?

Maybe there was another intention after all behind it which is a very valid thing to suspect given the nature of the organisation behind this program and the level of effort and coordination they’ve put into this as I explain further below.

Here is a pamphlet put out by GA CHIP program in Georgia:

A similar program also exists in Tennessee:

The homepage of the program in Tennessee is saying the following:

We are proud of the Lodges that have held events thus far, they have done a wonderful job and our children are becoming safer because of their hard work. Thank you all.

As far as what their “Child Identification Program” (CHIP) entailes, they provide parents with “ID kits” for their kids which include:

Each Id Packet contains vital identifying items for a child such as comprehensive identification questionnaire, hair samples, DNA sample, etc. The ID packets are retained by the parents and each parent is encouraged to annually update their child's ID kit as they grow with a current photo and any other pertinent information about their child that may aid Law Enforcement Agencies in the recovery of their child should the unthinkable ever happen. 

Furthemore, the GA CHIP and TN CHIP are both part of a nationwide program run by the great ‘humanitarian’ organisation known as the Freemasons and they call it MasoniChip:

Again, you honestly can’t make this stuff up!

Another problem I have with Sound of Freedom is the “softly softly” approach it has taken to the issue of the global child trafficking and exploitation trade in which it is focusing on the organised crime elements while completely neglecting to mention two very important FACTS.

The biggest perpetrators of heinous crimes against children are not organised crime

Criminal gangs are complete amateurs when compared to the extent, scale and level of depravity of child abuse conducted by the so called ‘elites’ of business, entertainment and academia and facilitated by high ranking government officials and their departments, including those who exist solely for the purpose of protecting kids!

That aspect of the QAnon ‘storyline’ is entirely and completely TRUE (as horrific as this truth is!).

Here are two videos to introduce you to this in a somewhat ‘gentle’ manner. I do have to warn you that things will get significantly darker after that so proceed at your own caution.

The truth may be very painful and outright horrific at times but it is still the truthnevertheless!

Ok, now that you are somewhat ‘warmed up’, I am going to touch very briefly on the full extent of this issue:

The woman in the video above is mexican supermodel Gabriela Rico Jiménez and the video itself is from August 4, 2009.

Shortly after making this rant, Gabriela was forcibly put into a police car and taken away, never to be seen again!

Think this is bad? You’ve seen nothing yet!

Below is the full segment from an episode of the Australian version of “60 minutes” which first aired in 1989. The video was uploaded to the program’s official YouTube Channel (imagine that!) in August 2020 where it still lives to this day surprisingly enough, although the ability to comment on the video has been turned off.

It features the story of Theresa from the UK and discusses what she has undergone a few years earlier.

The 18.5 minute segment speaks for itself and there is nothing more I can (or want) to add to that:

If the above video didn’t horrify and traumatise you enough, the next one will! I guarantee it!

This is a 56 minute long documentary (not a feature film like sound of freedom) released last year focusing on the direct involvement of major actors & producers in Hollywoodgovernment departments (and especially those that exist for the sole purpose of protecting children) and law enforcement in the US in child trafficking operations for the explicit purpose of ritualistic child abuse.

This documentary has the potential to really mess you up (although it is showing things that are undeniably true!) so think carefully before you click through:

There are extensive efforts to sexualise very young kids and normalise pedophilia and some of the enemy’s most prominent institutions are directly involved!

In mid-July, a major national retail chain in Australia started selling a so called ‘kids book’ called “Welcome to sex”:

One of the book’s two co-authors said that:

“The book is for 10-15 year olds but I’d be happy with a mature 8 year old having a flick through"

Following huge public backlash, the retail chain removed the book from its shelves but still sells it through its online store.

Think this is bad? Again, you have seen nothing yet!

In March this year, the International Commission of Jurist (ICJ) which has strong ties to none other than the UN released a report in which it said:

“With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. 

Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants age of consent to marriage.”

This report and specifically some of the wording in Principle 16 – Consensual Sexual Conduct which is buried on page 22 of the 26 page report generated quite a lot of backlash and very rightfully so!

What did the ICJ do in response? 

They simply removed the report from their website which is the absolute most stupid thing you can do because the Internet never forgets!

I am also including the full report below to ensure no monkey business going forward.

The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty

373KB ∙ PDF file

Published in March 2023 by the International Commission of Jurists


Further coverage on this very disturbing development (to put it mildly) can be found in the first part of the video below:

How do we defend against Paltering and how do we fight back?

My professional background is in technology consulting, digital innovation and cyber security.

A key paradigm shift that has occurred in cyber security over the last few years is the move from “Trusted & Untrusted” to the “Trust but verify” paradigm to eventually “Zero TrustArchitecture” which is the current flavour of the day.

I think the latter is a good approach to adopt not just for cybersecurity but for life in the fifth generation warfare era in general.

Defending against Paltering

One of the most dominant characteristics of our current time has become the call to silence or ‘deplatform’ people who express “unacceptable views” or in more simple terms, to CENSOR them!

This is a very bad approach not just from the aspect of freedom of speech but also in terms of our collective ability as a society of civilised and free people to defend ourselves from attempts of Paltering.

As the saying goes:

‘The best answer to bad speech is More speech!’

This has never been more relevant than right now as expressed beautifully in this column.

Anything and everything must be allowed to be discussed openly and without suppression, including ideas you personally may find deeply offensive or even outright vile.

One relatively ‘benign’ example is the flat Earth theory.

Another much more potent example is Holocaust denying, which is very close to my heart being Jewish and the grandson of a Holocaust survivor who has seen her own younger brother buried alive by the Nazis for the sole crime of being a jew.

Mattias Desmet expressed this perfectly in the two posts below:

Fighting back against Paltering

This is where the “Zero Trust Architecture” I mentioned previously comes into play.

While it is a term coined by the cybersecurity industry, it can easily be translated to the topic of this article and the quote below explains it in a very clear (albeit not very ‘scientific’) way:

"Listen to Fucking Everyone, Read Fucking Everything and Believe Absolutely Fucking Nothing... Unless You Can Fucking Prove It in Your Own Fucking Research!.. And Then come to Your Own Fucking Conclusion!"
- William 'Bill' Cooper 

The quote above can be translated in more practical terms to the following two principles.

Cui bono? (or in English "to whom is it a benefit?")

Pretty straight forward.

Whenever a certain narrative is being peddled (especially if it’s done aggressively), you need to stop and think:

Who benefits from this?

As an example:

  1. The china lab leak narrative benefits the people who created SARS CoV-2 and then released it intentionally because it helps them in covering their tracks.

  2. The “white hats” narrative of the the QAnon lore helps the enemy because it pacifies the portion of the population who is actually aware of their plans, which makes them the ones that are most dangerous to the perpetrators.

  3. The normalisation of sex with minors is pretty self explanatory.

Follow the M-O-N-E-Y

This is the second principle and it is pretty straight forward as well.

People can lie (and often do) but money never does.

A person can say anything they want but the key is to look at what they are actually doingand especially when it comes to money.


  • Where do they get their money from?

  • What are they putting their money to?

That’s it. That’s all you need to know!

As an example:

  1. The normalisation of young children undergoing gender transition treatment has a very obvious financial benefit for the pharma industry.

  2. As of August 4, 2023, Sound of Freedom has made $155 million at the box office following its July 4 release. Any questions?

To close off this article, I wanted to include this segment of a speech given all the way back in 1967 and which I feel is more relevant to our world today, as well as the topic of this article, than when it was first delivered 56 years ago.

Here is the part that really resonated with me:

Because in this there is no teacher, no pupil.

There's no leader, there is no guru, there's no master, no savior.

You yourself are the teacher, and the pupil, you're the master, you're the guru, you are the leader, you are EVERYTHING!

We can all individually defeat Paltering as well as the overall forces of darkness trying their very best to envelop us.

It’s in US, all of us….and has always been there!

We were all born for these times, whether we like it or not!

Onwards and upwards until the full and unconditional capitulation of the enemy is achieved and the complete & final victory is secured!

Actionable Truth Media is 100% Independent and does not receive any support from governments, political parties, advertising or sponsorships.

To allow me to continue this work and expand it further and in pursuit of the mission to “propagate the truth like a MANTRA”, your financial contribution is greatly appreciated.

You can support this work through a one-off or recurring donation.

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Please share this post widely to educate others about the threat of Paltering & how we can all fight back. Knowledge is power…as well as the best defence!


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