Sunday 16 June 2024


Robert Garry, Who is Testifying About His Role in Propaganda re Covid Origins, May Be Implicated in Ebola 2014 Outbreak

Interview with Garland Nixon on the Biological Weapons Convention, biowarfare in Cuba, Ukraine, Metabiota and the prospects of ethnically based weapons.

Better late than never.

Robert Garry is testifying before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Tuesday. 

Garry and Kristian Andersen were the two most vocal authors of “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” — which claimed in March of 2020 that Covid could not have lab origin and was widely used to dismiss the need for scrutiny as the public was attempting to understand the pandemic. 

Rand Paul, the ranking Republican on the committee spoke about the upcoming hearing on Thursday, June 13 in an “X Spaces” webcast organized by BioSafety Now!. I spoke immediately after him (after he left). Paul vowed to go after dangerous “gain-of-function” lab work and the creation of “offensive bioweapons”. 

I was just interviewed today regarding Garry and other aspects of biowarfare, including Covid origins, Cuba, Ukraine, 2001 Anthrax attacks and the notorious Ron Fouchier, who weaponized the avian flu, by Garland Nixon: 


Robert Garry of Tulane University and Zalgen

Kristian Andersen of Scripps Research

Garry is president and founder of the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium. Andersen is vice president. In dismissing claims by Africans that his labs might have been responsible for the 2014 Ebola outbreak, Gary told Politifact: “We were there working 10 years and then Ebola came here.” But on August 25, 2013, just months before the Ebola outbreak, the VHFC posted on its website an article titled: “Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute make major advances in the fight against Ebola virus.” ….

On October 17, 2014, President Barack Obama named Ron Klain “Ebola czar”. The same day, the Obama White House instituted a “pause on funding for any new studies that include certain gain-of-function experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses.” There were other funding cutoffs to the VHFC during this period. This indicates that parts of the Obama administration thought that Ebola 2014 had lab origin. …

Metabiota, was a VHFC partner in 2014. MSF’s emergency response coordinator was highly critical of the biosafety measures used by Metabiota at the labs in Kenema, Sierra Leone, stating: “I didn’t go inside the Metabiota lab…I refused because I had already seen enough.” WHO Ebola coordinator stated Metabiota staffers “are systematically obstructing” attempts to track the outbreak. MSF would also charge there was a “hidden outbreak in Sierra Leone” — raising the question of whether Metabiota’s seeming bungling was actually part of a coverup to obscure the outbreak’s origins in Sierra Leone by obstructing reporting from there.

In addition, other members of the VHFC charged Metabiota of culturing cells from Ebola patients after the outbreak, which they insisted was dangerous and should “be stopped immediately.”

Since 2014, Metabiota has received funding from Google Ventures, the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction AgencyUSAID's PREDICT program and Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, apparently while Hunter Biden was a managing partner, causing headlines. It also caused headlines when the Russian Ministry of Defense accused it of involvement in biolabs in Ukraine. It also has a relationship with In-Q-Tel -- the CIA's venture capital project.

See summary of investigation on the 2014 outbreak by virologist Jonathan Latham and myself: 

Garry and Andersen testified last year to a House committee, see my write-up: 

See reporting by Ryan Grim:

Much more on X/twitter.

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