Sunday 16 June 2024


Nano 'SMART Cities' in Iodine

This is Not an Etch-A-Sketch.

Welcome fellow Humans, to my first published investigation in citizen microscopy. 

I have been an avid follower of the brilliant microscopic investigations by Dr. David NixonDr. Ana MihalceaKarl. C/Man Against the MicrobesMatt j.o.a.bWill: MicronautSAMDr. Len Ber, and others, whom I highly recommend you subscribe to here on Substack. There is already a plethora of evidence from these researchers, as well as Karen KingstonOutraged’s, Dominque Guillet’s Xochipelli and the foundational Carnicom Institute and Elana Freeland (off Substack) on nanotechnologyand synthetic biology gone rogue in the environment, as well as intentionally put not only into injectable pharmaceutical products, but everyday products as well. 

New, mind-blowing connections are being made every day as we independently and collaboratively match up our findings with documentation not only in Patents, but easily found documentation on nanotech industry and scientific journal websites (more to come on that later). 

As a citizen scientist focusing on human and ecological health, I’ve been looking under my scope for about 10 months now, mostly at my own blood. Knowing that my personal air, water, soil, food, and supplement supply has also been intentionally poisoned with self-assembling nanotechnology and synthetic biology by DARPA, the psychopath transhumanist cult and international mad scientists in the nano industry, I decided to take a look at some supplements I have been taking in order to reduce my own exposure. I find that looking for myself is empowering – as shocking, overwhelming and depressing it can also be – we need to face it and fight it. 

Zemvelo brand Iodine Supplement with Fulvic Acid – Darkfield Microscopy at 100x & 400x magnification after 24hrs

An international team of ‘Micronauts’ (microscopists) continue to find what we are calling ‘Nano SMART City’ construction in products. This is a vernacular term, not a nanotechnology industry term. Since SMART Cities and SMART devices are all about surveillance, monitoring, accounting, recording, tracking and (two way) transmission of Data and Electromagnetic Frequency, its only logical that nanotech does the same thing inside our bodies once it establishes itself there. These other-worldly miniature structures appear similar to computer circuit boards and microchips (as discovered in ‘early’ work by Dr. David Nixon, Matt Taylor and Shimon Yanowitz).

And, YES, although chemistry shows us that crystal formations with straight lines do naturally occur chemically on a visible micro scale, we have come way past cognitive dissonance, dismissal and deterrence by now. There is little doubt that this IS technology, not hardware, or software, but ‘Wet Ware’.

These certainly are reminiscent of architectural blueprints of shopping malls with parking lots, small buildings, kiosks and airplane runways that grow more and more complex as they dryover time. All we need are little Pac Mans chomping through the mazes and getting cornered in the Matrix in order to make this a video game! 

Looking either with a Darkfield condenser (showing more illumination) vs. Phase Contrast (showing more 3-D texture) will give you different results. All the images shown here are in Darkfield. This one kind of looks like a profile of a very heavy duty weapon, doesn’t it? Sometimes the micro echos the macro. Ignore the the large bright dots, as they are out-of-focus mineral particles refracting light, not Quantum Dots. The specks and curvy lines on the bottom and far right are what we believe to be Hydrogel, from which some of these structures are self-organizing. 

Hydrogel is an engineered fluid-based, elastic polymer product with diverse applications, including programmable self-assembling nanotechnology and biotechnology. It’s formation relies on changes in temperature, electrical signals, light and more. It is kind of like the substrate, or ambiotic fluid through which other nano is ‘born’. There are literally hundreds of scientific papers on its applications. A simple Intelligence Agency-run Wikipedia search gives more description:

Close up of commonly seen nanoformations found, including ‘cell phone’ shaped rectangles, long rectangular bars, ‘chips’ and the rectangle with a corner ‘bite’ taken out of it. 

This one formed on the edge of the glass slide. “The Edge is where the action is”, as we say in Permaculture. 

Similar ‘SMART City’ formations have been found in other products, that under Phase Contrast, have a kind of Anasazi archeological settlement-look to them: 

A common X marks the spot crystalline formation near the edge. 

The X formations certainly need more investigation…

Here is the same slide of Iodine 60hrs+ later with more complex structures emerging.


You can see the curvy Hydrogel forming into straight lines. 

Structures in formation process within the Hydrogel ‘bubbles’.

Note: I did not see anything moving or blinking like Quantum Dots while the Iodine was still wet, nor did I see perfectly round ‘gel capsules’ that look like double-ringed magnets or ‘camera eyes’, which are commonly found nanotechnology arranging themselves under the microscope.


In all fairness to the manufacturers, I would hazard to guess that most smaller companies have no idea that their products with multiple ingredients contain self-assembling nanoparticles. Do we really think that they look at samples of their products under the microscope? Who owns these small companies, and who their suppliers are, is worth investigation, however. 

Looks like they need a Fourth Party! The problem with products with more than one ingredient, is that we don’t know which ingredient is contaminated, or if there are additives not listed. We don’t know if their “Made in the USA” product has ingredients from China, India, or some other unregulated country. Zemvelo is a type of brand recommended by Naturopaths and Nurse Practioners; it’s not something you’d find on the shelf at the health food store, but you can find it online.

Am I throwing this Zemvelo brand product out? 

Yes, and I will check others, as Iodine is a necessary nutrient. We must try to avoid all products that knowingly have nanotech in them. We don’t know exactly what it is doing inside our bodies (although there is plenty of research about nanotech being used for biosensors and the Wireless Body Area Network – more on that later, but follow Sabrina Wallace on Odysee for some mind-blowing evidence). 

For suggestions on how to get nanotech OUT of our bodies, from whatever source, I recommend you follow Dr. Ana MihalceaDr. David Nixon and Karl C. and Matt j.o.a.b. on their experimental protocols on Substack. Many of these microscopists have also discovered that exposure to EMF radiation, Wi-Fi, Radio Frequency and electricity aids these nanostructures to grow in size and complexity, so best to limit exposure as best as possible!

I will follow up with more Iodine brands in my search for purity. Thank you and Stay tuned!


Meanwhile, if you are an Un-Hackable Animal yourself, consider becoming a Founding Subscriber and receive one of my original Un-Hackable Animal designs embroidered on a baseball cap or knit cap or a large Bumper Sticker as my Gift to you, or just visit my Etsy shop (Yes, I Know Etsy is evil….working on another storefront!) to purchase or find other original sovereignty gear. 


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