Tuesday 25 June 2024


Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war

Wake up to the truth or perish forever

This picture is taken from the Harvard Wyss Foundation outlining the capabilities of Nanotechnology in a world that is out of balance and out of control, a world of their making by design not coincidence.

Everybody knows Klaus Schwab your favotite villan.
His company Escher-Wyss was one of the Nazis favorite and even had a private concentration camp.
James Corbett reported on this.
Now what James did not report is that Harvard has a Wyss Institute.
Hansjörg Wyss (born 19 September 1935) is a Swiss billionaire businessman and donor to politically liberal and environmental causes in the United States.
He founded the Harvard Wyss Institute.
They are developing technologies together with DARPA and they are:

· Adaptive material technologies: Integrated multiscale structures composed of biomimetic materials and devices that dynamically adapt to their environments for energy and environmental applications, such as construction materials that harness energy, heat, and water

·  Anticipatory medical and cellular devices: Development of controllable and dynamic devices to anticipate and detect malfunctions and infections in the body, and intervene to restore health, by taking advantage of the dynamic and changing nature of human physiology to engineer novel approaches for performance assessment, diagnosis, and therapeutic intervention

·  Bioinspired robotics: Developing computer algorithms and sensor/actuator materials that enable robots to act collectively in response to changes in their environment, such as swarms of flying insect robots to assist dwindling bee populations

·  Synthetic biology: Creating massively parallel capabilities for directed evolution of biomolecules and whole genomes for applications in cell reprogramming, drug delivery, regenerative medicine, and bioenergy

·  Biomimetic microsystems: Engineering microsystem technologies that reconstitute complex human organ-level functions for use in drug testing, diagnostic and therapeutic applications

·  Programmable nanomaterials: Creation of targetable, self-assembling nanotechnologies for regenerative medicine and drug delivery applications

They are in line with what Klaus Schwab describes as the merging between man and machine.
And since they are of the Wyss family and their colaboration with the Nazis is well documented (as is Klaus Schwab) we really do face a re-emergence of the Nazis.
Programmable Nanotechnology is already delivered through the vaxxination program of Covid.
Covid is the smokescreen for them to control the human race, all of it.
This programmable nanoparticles form a web inside the human body so it can be controlled from the outside.
Elon Musk names this technology Neural Lace.

Neural Lace
Neural Lace are Graphene Oxide & Trioxide programmable Nanoparticles developed by Klaus Schwab CIA Elon Musk DARPA and the Harvard Wyss Foundation. Neural Lace is a BCI to connect Humanity to the IOB.
Neural Lace acts like a Layer that allows the human body to receive and give information.
It’s nature of low level frequency and strength means that it needs another technology to apmplify it.
This technology is called Neural Link.

Neural Link
Neural Link translates the data collected from Neural Lace and connects it with Starlink an unstoppable Broadband 5G network controlled by all the players. Neural Link is the link between Neural Lace and Starlink.

Starlink are over 44 000 sattelites turning the world into one gigantic microwave oven.
It not only provides a military grade unstoppable network for AI war in the hands of a view it may be much much more.
Weather manipulation through electromagnetic interference.
It may have capabilities of Nikola Tesla’s death ray since they have all the plans for it. And it possibly can “burn” a hole in the atmosphere above a city or so just like HAARP does.
And it possibly can do all the things HAARP does and then some.
What it for sure does is that it provides a military grade uncontrollable unstoppable AI warfare infrastructure in the hands of a few.
And if some of the few are as the Wyss and Schwab are Nazis for no better word I think it is time to listen.
What is more is that Starlink is an uncontrollable GGGGG Network of military proportions from above in the hands of one company i.e. a few “chosen” people.
What do they do with it?

Boston Dynamics
Boston Dynamics makes Robotics as does Tesla now because Boston Dynamics belongs to DARPA Elon Musk and the Cabal.
Through Starlink they can control those autonomous machines hunting down every human on earth at their digression.
There will be no escape from this.

Do you know that Elon Musk Darpa and the Harvard Wyss institue work on something called “Omnivax”?
But it does more:
DNA Nanotechnology Tools:
Cellular “Backpacks” to Slow Tumor Growth:

And there is much much more to it.
Chips on Organs, ingestible chips nanogels programmable nanobots and delivery methods that are clearly “out of this world”.

Facemasks that monitor every move you make.

Every Corona technology has its origins in the Harvard Wyss foundation DARPA and ELON Musk.

They together are the enemy because all this technology is no good for you but it is good for the few controlling the masses that are dumbed down.
It is the Master race against the slaves same as it was before just with different names.

Replace Klaus Schwab with a certain Adolf Rottenchild Hitler and you are not far off.

In fact with the technology available  they are today worse than yesterday.

Always remember: Everything promised works the same way against you!

Everything has at least two sides one they try to sell you / fool you and the real purpose the one they don’t want you even to think about.

Of course the have no intention to do harm that is why they buy the media so that you lot believe this shit.
In 2015, the Wyss Foundation initiated The Hub Project, which seeks “to shape media coverage to help Democratic causes”.
In other words it is propaganda designed to gaslight you.
The goal of The Hub Project is to help Democrats be more effective at conveying their arguments through the news media and directly to voters.
It seeks to “dramatically shift the public debate and policy positions of core decision makers”.
The Hub Project engaged in paid advertising campaigns in 2018 that criticized Republican congressional candidates.
That is from the Wyss family who actively supported the Nazis!!!

The Wyss Foundation has donated to States Newsroom, a nonprofit media group. Media watchdog, NewsGuard, said State Newsroom’s journalism had been “bought by people with a political agenda”.
In 2021, along with Stewart W. Bainum Jr., Wyss made a bid to buy Tribune Publishing, which publishes newspapers including The Chicago Tribune and The Baltimore Sun.
The New York Times reported that “the big-money activism of Mr. Wyss and Mr. Bainum highlights concerns that wealthy owners may try to influence news coverage to advance their political agendas”.

DARPA and Wyss

BULLETS that never miss, super soldiers with extreme strength and robot warriors capable of rising up against humans may sound like the stuff of science fiction…
but the truth is that they have all already been developed.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is behind these space-age innovations,
which it has developed as part of its mission to revolutionise the way America fights the wars of the future.

Sniper bullets which hone in on targets
Imagine the incredible potential of a sniper bullet that changes its trajectory after it’s been fired, guaranteeing that the shooter never misses.
EXACTO, or Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance bullets does exactly this, turning huge .50 caliber bullets into guided rounds capable of zeroing in on a target.

Making superhuman soldiers
Coming soon to a battlefield near you: DARPA has developed an incredible exoskeleton — a wearable mobile machine — which transforms any infantryman into a super soldier.
Made with help from researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering,
DARPA’s Soft Exosuit is a lightweight skeleton frame which saves soldiers’ energy when going about their battlefield business.

Terminator robots which could destroy humanity
One of DARPA’s big interests is the baffling world of artificial intelligence — smart computers which are capable of thinking in a similar way to humans.
Dr Steven Walker, the director at the head of the controversial agency, is currently funnelling a $2 billion (£1.55bn) investment into exploring how machines can be taught to communicate and reason in the same way we do.
The aim is to create lightning-fast military computers which can adapt to new situations, analyse battlefield data and ultimately advise soldiers and planners in the heat of a conflict, where every second counts.
However, AI has its critics, who warn that turning over the work of military analysis to machines creates the risk of a Skynet-style (Starlink) computer
which could turn its considerable knowledge and power against humanity.

Fake limbs controlled by the brain and super-people
Other DARPA research projects include the creation of prosthetic limbs with the full range of movement of the real thing.
Geoff Ling, a neurology ICU physician, has even developed a mind-controlled prosthetic arm which the wearer controls with their thoughts:
Please notice that this exact technology can also be used to control weapons by implant.

Turning insects into weapons
One of DARPA’s most controversial recent projects, Insect Allies, is designed to stop insects from being pests and harness their powers for good.
DARPA aims to achieve this by deliberately infecting insects with engineered viruses and mutations which can then be passed on to plants to make them hardier or resistant to biological attacks.

Human experiments to create better brains
Under Justin Sanchez, head of the Biological Technologies Office at DARPA, the organisation has funded human experiments at Wake Forest,
the University of Southern California, and the University of Pennsylvania, with the aim of giving individuals a memory “boost.”
Researchers implanted electrodes into one person’s brain to record mental activity associated with recognising patterns and memorising word lists.

Seafaring drones to clear minefields
Many of DARPA’s innovations take existing technologies and apply them in a practical military setting, and their Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel is no different.

The phantom space plane
The Phantom Express — or XS-1 — is a next-generation space craft which will allow secret missions to the final frontier to be launched on a daily basis.

Preventing nuclear threats on American streets
DARPA’s SIGMA program was developed with the goal of minimising casualties in the event of a worst-case scenario: a nuclear or radiological attack against the United States.

If that does not tickle your interest noting will.

Now we have the Freescale Semiconductor problem.
Again after Jacob Rothschild killed all of the patent holders to Freescale Semiconductors new AI warfare Chip by chance he himself became the sole patent holder.
What a coincidence…

This chip connects the DARPA or Boston Dynamics AI warfare robots to the Starlink Network.
And who controls the Starlink Network?

Schwab Wyss Musk Rothschild
And given the History of those they are all related to Adolf Hitler Eugenics and Technocracy.

Do you trust them?

Of course this is all just scratching the surface.
You see the so called “Vax Mandate” is to connect you to this whole AI warfare Infrastructure through Darpa Musk Wyss programmable Nanoparticles Neural Lace.
That means all politicians such as Merkel vdL Macron Biden Clinton Boris they are all controlled to do just that.
Money and pedophilia controls them.
Follow the money.
Cui Bono?
The Media has been bought a long time ago.

So Imagine a bullet with your name on following you and swirling around you until you are exhausted from running then honing in on you and that’s it.
Yes it sounds like a scene from “Runnaway” with Tom Selleck and Cynthia Rhodes but DARPA Musk and Wyss actually did it.
And I would like to see your face when you face “Atlas” Boston Dynamic’s answer to the “Terminator” films.
Actually I don’t.

I just hope that you have so much common sense to understand the dangers that we are facing and that this information must go out to all and every one.
Because if you don’t please kill yourself and do not waste my precious air.

Fritz Freud

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