Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Betrays Entire “Health Freedom” Movement for Personal Gain
Commentary by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was invited to a dinner party with President-elect Donald Trump last week, where he met with executives from Big Pharma, including Robert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, who made $billions under Trump’s first term, by securing from Trump an FDA emergency-use authorization for the first COVID-19 injections for the U.S., along with exclusive distributor rights in Israel for Pfizer’s deadly COVID-19 “vaccine.”
Also attending the dinner at Trump’s residence in Florida was his Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles, who is also a lobbyist for Pfizer.
Did anyone really expect that Trump could nominate RFK, Jr. without Bourla’s approval?
Here is what Kennedy publicly stated about Bourla almost two years ago now:
On Kennedy’s own website, Children’s Health Defense, you will find even worse reports about Bourla and Pfizer (at least for now, until they might take them down as a requirement for Kennedy to be confirmed as HHS head):
Pfizer Has a Long History of Fraud, Corruption and Using Children as Human Guinea Pigs
Big Pharma still dominates lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C., and spends billions each year advertising pharmaceutical products.
Despite the notorious corrupt nature of the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla claimed during a November 2021 interview that a small group of “medical professionals” who are intentionally circulating “misinformation” critical of the Pfizer vaccine narrative are “criminals.”
Bourla seemed to have forgotten about the history of his own company.
Pfizer’s long history of criminal behavior
- In 1992, Pfizer agreed to pay between $165 million and $215 million to settle lawsuits arising from the fracturing of its Bjork-Shiley Convexo-Concave heart valve, which at the time had resulted in nearly 300 deaths, and by 2012 had resulted in 663 deaths.
- In 1994, Pfizer agreed to pay $10.75 million to settle Justice Department claims that the company lied to get federal approval for a mechanical heart valve that has fractured, killing hundreds of patients worldwide.
Under the settlement, Pfizer also agreed to pay $9.25 million in coming years to monitor patients who received the device at Veterans Administration hospitals or pay for its removal.
The deal was criticized by consumer rights activists who urged Government officials to bring criminal charges and lobbied for a steeper civil penalty for the multibillion-dollar company that had covered up safety concerns even as the device was killing patients.
- In 1996, Pfizer administered an experimental drug during a clinical trial on 200 children in Nigeria but never told the parents that their children were the subjects of an experiment. Eleven of the children died, and many others suffered side effects such as brain damage and organ failure.
A report by Nigeria’s health ministry concluded the experiment was “an illegal trial of an unregistered drug,” a “clear case of exploitation of the ignorant,” and a violation of Nigerian and international law. Pfizer did not obtain consent or inform the patients that they were the subjects of an experiment, not the recipients of an approved drug.
- In 2002, Pfizer agreed to pay $49 million to settle allegations that the drug company defrauded the federal government and 40 states by charging too much for its cholesterol treatment Lipitor. Lipitor had sales of $6.45 billion in 2001.
- In 2004, Pfizer agreed to plead guilty to two felonies and paid $430 million in penalties to settle charges that it fraudulently promoted the drug Neurontin for unapproved uses.
Pfizer agreed that it aggressively marketed the epilepsy drug illicitly for unrelated conditions, including bipolar disorder, pain, migraine headaches and drug and alcohol withdrawal. Pfizer’s tactics included planting company operatives in the audience at medical education events and bribing doctors with luxury trips.
- In 2008, the New York Times published an article entitled “Experts Conclude Pfizer Manipulated Studies.” Pfizer delayed the publication of negative studies, spun negative data to place it in a more positive light and controlled the flow of clinical research data to promote its epilepsy drug Neurontin.
Pfizer discontinued its marketing program for Neurontin in 2004 after the drug became available as a generic. That same year, the company paid $430 million to settle federal criminal and civil claims that one of its subsidiaries had promoted the drug for unapproved uses.
- In 2009, Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion, then the largest healthcare fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the U.S. Pfizer pled guilty to misbranding the painkiller Bextra with “the intent to defraud or mislead,” promoting the drug to treat acute pain at dosages the FDA had previously deemed dangerously high.
The government alleged that Pfizer had paid kickbacks to compliant doctors and also promoted three other drugs illegally: the antipsychotic Geodon, an antibiotic Zyvox and the antiepileptic drug Lyrica.
- In 2009, Pfizer paid $750 million to settle 35,000 claims that its drug, Rezulin, was responsible for 63 deaths and dozens of liver failures. Rezulin’s withdrawal from the U.S. market on March 21, 2000, followed negotiations between the drug’s manufacturer and the FDA.
Senior FDA officials had long stood behind the drug despite a mounting death toll and Rezulin’s absence of proven life-saving benefits. The position of the FDA officials stood in contrast to their counterparts in Britain, where Rezulin was removed effectively on Dec. 1, 1997.
- In 2010, Pfizer was ordered to pay $142.1 million in damages for violating federal anti-racketeering law by its fraudulent sale and marketing of Neurontin for uses not approved by the FDA. The jury found that Pfizer’s marketing of Neurontin violated both the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act and California’s Unfair Competition Law.
- In 2010, the New York Times published an article entitled “Pfizer Gives Details on Payments to Doctors.” Pfizer admitted that it paid about $20 million to 4,500 doctors and other medical professionals for consulting and speaking on its behalf in the last six months of 2009.
Pfizer also paid $15.3 million to 250 academic medical centers and other research groups for clinical trials in the same period. The disclosures were required by an agreement that the company signed to settle a federal investigation into the illegal promotion of drugs for off-label uses.
- In 2010, Blue Cross Blue Shield filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, accusing the pharmaceutical giant of illegally bribing 5,000 doctors with lavish Caribbean vacations, golf games, massages and other recreational activities to convince doctors to use Bextra for off-label use.
- In 2010, leaked cables between Pfizer and U.S. officials in Nigeria showed that Pfizer had hired investigators to unearth evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general to blackmail him to drop legal action over the controversial 1996 Trovan trial involving children with meningitis.
In 2009, Pfizer agreed to pay $75 million to the families harmed during the 1996 drug trial. Still, the cables suggest that the US drug giant was looking for blackmail to get the Nigerian attorney general to drop the $6 billion federal suit against Pfizer.
The leaks showed that Pfizer’s investigators were passing ‘damaging’ information to the local media and threatening the attorney general that much more damaging information would come out if he did not drop the suit. The $6 billion lawsuit was dropped in 2009.
- In 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged Pfizer Inc. with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act when its subsidiaries bribed doctors and other health care professionals employed by foreign governments in Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Kazakhstan, Russia and Serbia to win business.
According to the Securities and Exchange Commission, employees of Pfizer’s subsidiaries authorized and made cash payments and provided other incentives to bribe government doctors to utilize Pfizer products.
- In 2012, Pfizer paid $1.2 billion to settle claims by nearly 10,000 women that its hormone replacement therapy drug, Prempro, caused breast cancer. The Prempro settlements came after six years of trials.
Several plaintiffs were awarded tens of millions of dollars, including punitive damages for the drug maker’s actions in withholding information about the risk of breast cancer from Prempro.
- In 2013, Pfizer agreed to pay $55 million to settle criminal charges of failing to warn patients and doctors about the risks of kidney disease, kidney injury, kidney failure and acute interstitial nephritis caused by its proton pump inhibitor, Protonix.
- In 2013, Pfizer set aside $288 million to settle claims by 2,700 people that its drug, Chantix, caused suicidal thoughts and severe psychological disorders. The FDA determined that Chantix is probably associated with a higher risk of a heart attack.
- In 2014, Pfizer paid $35 million to settle a lawsuit accusing its subsidiary of promoting the kidney transplant drug Rapamune for unapproved uses, including bribing doctors to prescribe it to patients.
According to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who led the probe, Wyeth got doctors to push the drug for unapproved uses, relying on “misleading presentations of data.”
- In 2016, Pfizer was fined a record £84.2 million for overcharging the National Health Service for its anti-epilepsy drug, Phenytoin, by 2,600% (from £2.83 to £67.50 a capsule), increasing the cost to U.K. taxpayers from £2 million in 2012 to about £50 million in 2013.
The above is only a partial list of the fraud, corruption and criminality of Pfizer. There are other examples of Pfizer unethically testing pharmaceutical products in the world’s poorest nations and participating in other criminal actions. (Full article. Archived here.)
The day Trump announced he was appointing RFK, Jr. as head of HHS, Pfizer’s stock dropped 10% in value.
However, after meeting with Trump and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, along with Trump’s chief of staff who also works for Pfizer, Susie Wiles, all of a sudden now RFK, Jr. and Bourla are great friends.
This was just published today by Reuters:
Pfizer does not expect major vaccine policy changes under Trump in 2025
Pfizer on Tuesday said it does not expect the Trump administration to make major changes to vaccine policy next year even as the president-elect has put forward vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as his nominee to run the Department of Health and Human Services.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told analysts at an investor conference that he had met RFK Jr. and Trump for dinner, confirming earlier media reports, and had developed a good relationship with Kennedy.
“If he’s confirmed, we will work with him to make sure that we advance the right policies,” Bourla said. (Full article.)
And people in the “Alternative Media” have been foolishly publishing lies about how RFK, Jr. is going to go to Washington D.C. to put Big Pharma in their place, including Children’s Health Defensewhich is using Kennedy’s appointment to raise more money.

I am a life-long member of Children’s Health Defense, and this is an email sent to me by Mary Holland just after Trump announced that he was picking RFK, Jr. to run HHS.
The knives are out.
Dear Brian,
What a week it has been.
President-elect Donald Trump’s nomination last week of our founder, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for secretary of HHS holds the greatest promise of our lifetime for children’s health and the health freedom movement.
Last week’s news catapulted Children’s Health Defense — and the issues you support — onto the public stage like never before.
It also unleashed a barrage of new attacks against Bobby, CHD and our movement.
Please rush your donation today to help ustake advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Public health officials at the CDC, FDA, and NIH — agencies RFK Jr. will oversee if he wins the nomination — are running scared.
The pharma-supported mainstream media, which once ignored CHD and ridiculed RFK Jr., is in full attack mode.
The knives are out … because they know their lies are about to be exposd. (sic)
They know the revolving door between the FDA and Big Pharma that allows FDA officials to cash in on their cushy government jobs is about to be slammed shut.
They know the liability shield for vaccine makers that lets them push dangerous, shoddily tested vaccines on our children with impunity, is about to be removed.
They know the vaccine safety data the CDC has secretly guarded for decades will be unlocked … and when it is, that data will expose the dark side of Big Pharma and public health agency corruption.
But we can’t do it without you.
Please rush your donation today so we can finish the job we started so many years ago.
This truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for transformational change. We can’t let it slip by.
Thank you!
Mary Holland
Children’s Health DefenseP.S. RFK Jr. built CHD to clean up corruption in public health agencies and restore Americans’ health. Please donate today to help us help get the job done.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is Betraying the “Health Freedom Movement” by Selling Out to Big Pharma

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his wife Mary Richardson, who committed suicide, at an event with Jeffrey Epstein. Both RFK, Jr. and Mary Richardson are in Epstein’s black address book. Image source.
RFK, Jr. is meeting with Senators in D.C. this week, who need to approve his nomination to be the head of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The pro-vaccine pharma-funded corporate media is hammering him on his vaccine views, and it has been widely reported this week that an attorney who works with RFK, Jr., who litigates in the nation’s Vaccine Court and is a very fine attorney whom I have covered in the past, Aaron Siri, has previously petitioned the FDA to revoke approval of the polio vaccine in the U.S.
Kennedy basically stabbed Siri in the back and stated that he was “all for” the polio vaccine.
Kennedy says he’s ‘all for’ polio vaccine as GOP senators raise questions about his views
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is trying to tamp down concerns about his history of vaccine skepticism as he meets with GOP senators who will vote on whether to confirm him as President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Kennedy on Monday told reporters on Capitol Hill that he is “all for” the polio vaccine — comments that came hours after Trump said at a news conference that Americans are “not going to lose the polio vaccine.”
Trump and Kennedy’s insistence on Monday that the incoming administration would not target a vaccine in use since 1955 followed reports that a lawyer affiliated with Kennedy has petitioned the US Food and Drug Administration to revoke approval of the polio vaccine used in the United States.
If Kennedy is confirmed as head of HHS, he’ll oversee the FDA and could take the rare step of intervening in its petition review process. (Source.)
The polio vaccine is the holy grail of the pharmaceutical companies producing vaccines, and there would be no chance that Kennedy would be appointed to ANY government health agency if he was opposed to it, even though nobody is dying in the U.S. from polio, while many are injured, crippled, and killed by the polio vaccine every year. See:
The Polio Scam Makes a Comeback to Scare More Parents into Vaccinating Their Children – Vaccines NEVER Eradicated Polio: Vaccines CAUSE Polio
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has also taken a firm stance against the polio vaccine, at least until now.
Here is an article published in CHD in 2019 titled: Is HHS Engaged in “Heavenly Deceit”?
In 1984, the Federal Register, the official journal of the Federal government of the United States which contains government agency rules made the following statement with regard to the polio vaccine – “Any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist.”
The Fraud Needs to End
It is increasingly apparent that Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control, leading vaccine proponents, and a captured and compliant mainstream media are intentionally engaged in deception.
Another way to state this is that their claims of vaccine safety are fraudulent. A con. A scam. A ruse. We are being lied to, manipulated, and tricked into participating in a medical practice by an industry that is free of liability for the harm caused by their products. (Full Article.)
But now that Kennedy has met with the CEO of Pfizer who apparently has set him straight, and has now publicly admitted that “If he’s confirmed, we will work with him to make sure that we advance the right policies“, Kennedy is all of a sudden “all for” the polio vaccine.
Kennedy is now apparently also backtracking on the fact that vaccines increase the rate of autism.
Kennedy refused to answer CNN’s questions Monday about whether he stands by his previous comments tying vaccines to autism.
But Kennedy told Sen. Markwayne Mullin he plans to “question” the science of vaccines, the Oklahoma senator told reporters after meeting with the HHS pick.
Pressed by CNN’s Manu Raju if Kennedy would encourage people not to vaccinate their children, Mullin said, “No, I don’t think so. I think he’s going to question science, and I’m glad he’s going to question it.”
Mullin told reporters he and Kennedy discussed autism rates in the US, but that Kennedy did not specifically link that to the use of vaccines, as he has in the past.
“He said, ‘We’ve got to question it. What’s causing it?’” Mullin said. He added that Kennedy told him he “100%” supported the polio vaccine, and the Oklahoma senator expressed his belief that “that one’s different.” (Source.)
But not only has Kennedy stated in the past that vaccines are most certainly linked to autism, he led an effort in 2019 to demand that the Office of the Inspector General and Congress investigate the Department of Justice for fraud and obstruction of justice during the Vaccine Court Omnibus Autism Proceedings that ruled vaccines do not cause autism, and thereby denying any claims anymore in the Vaccine Court for autism injuries due to vaccines.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Demands the Office of the Inspector General and Congress Investigate Department of Justice for Fraud and Obstruction of Justice
WASHINGTON, D.C. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and Rolf Hazlehurst, parent of a vaccine-injured child, have petitioned the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Inspector General (OIG), and the Senate and House Judiciary Committees to investigate actions taken by federal personnel during the “Vaccine Court” Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP).
Various media outlets, including The Hill and Full Measure, have investigated and reported on recently discovered evidence provided by Kennedy and Hazlehurst detailing obstruction of justice and appallingly consequential fraud by two DOJ lawyers who represented the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2007. These actions led to a denial of justice and compensation for over 5,000 families who filed claims of vaccine injury leading to autism in their children. (Full Article.)
What a betrayal to EVERY FAMILY IN AMERICA who has vaccine-damaged children with a diagnosis of “autism” who can never petition the U.S. Government for relief from their children’s vaccine injuries!!!!
For those who truly know Robert F. Kennedy Jr., I am sure this is no surprise, as he has allegedly betrayed people his entire life, and so this is nothing new.
One of the latest authors to document how RFK, Jr. lived a privileged life due to his name and family to indulge in drugs like heroin, and tried to conquer every woman he ever met sexually as recorded in his sex diary, is Maureen Callahan and her book published earlier this year, “Ask Not”.
‘They always got away with it’: new book reveals Kennedys’ shocking treatment of women
Most topically, the book features John F Kennedy’s nephew, Robert F Kennedy Jr, currently running as an independent candidate for president with a female running mate, Nicole Shanahan. It questions why he has been criticised for his anti-vaccine conspiracy theories and antisemitic statements “but not for his lifelong mistreatment of women”.
Ask Not tells how Mary Richardson, a talented architect with looks evocative of Jackie Kennedy, married Robert in 1994 and had four children with him. She loved the idea of being a Kennedy but found her husband rarely present: his job did not require travel but he travelled all the time.
“Gaslit. That’s how Mary felt,” Callahan writes. “The more pain she was in, the worse Bobby treated her. Some days he wanted a divorce; others, he wanted to bring another woman into their bed, an idea that left her humiliated. She rejected him outright.
“One day Mary had a female friend over and Bobby sauntered in, right out of the shower, and dropped the towel around his waist, exposing himself. Mary had long suspected he was cheating on her, but he would always deny it. He’d tell her she was crazy, that she was the one destroying their marriage and driving him away. Was it any wonder he never wanted to be home?”
Mary found Robert’s diaries. In the back pages were lists of women with whom Robert had had flings. The book elaborates: “He ranked them from one to ten, as if he were a teenager. Ten, Mary knew, was for full-on intercourse. ‘My lust demons,’ he wrote, were his greatest failing.
“He used the word ‘mugged’ a lot – women who, he wrote, just came up to him on the street and said, How about it? If they had sex, he considered himself mugged, a passive victim of aggressive women.
“There were so many – astronomical numbers, Mary said, and she knew a lot of them: The celebrated actress who came to their house and went on vacations with her family. The older model who was always around. The socialite whose husband was one of Bobby’s good friends. A gorgeous royal. The wife of a very famous man. A lawyer. A doctor. An environmental activist. All these beautiful, accomplished women. How could Mary compete?”
Mary became distraught, weeping and drinking and struggling to get out of bed, the book says. Robert tried to forcibly hospitalise her, telling her that she would be “better off dead”. Callahan interviewed Mary’s therapist, Sheenah Hankin. When Robert asked for Mary to be diagnosed as mentally ill, Hankin refused, telling him: “Your wife isn’t mentally ill. She is angry and depressed, but she is not ill.”
Robert began dating the actor Cheryl Hines, who played Larry David’s wife on Curb Your Enthusiasm. He cut off Mary’s credit card and access to cash. Broke, she had to ask other mothers for an extra $20 so she could buy petrol and groceries.
Finally, she hanged herself at home. The book recounts how Mary had put on her yoga clothes and sandals, and walked out to her barn. “When she was found that afternoon, Mary’s fingers were stuck inside the rope around her neck. She had changed her mind. She had tried to save herself.”
Mary’s siblings insisted that her depression had been a direct result of her husband’s cheating and neglect, his threats to take the children and leave her with nothing, “bringing the full weight of the Kennedy family to bear against her”. (Full article.)
Earlier this year it was widely reported that Kennedy cheated on his current wife, Cheryl Hines, again.
Cheryl Hines’ 10-year marriage reaches breaking point as ‘lifelong philanderer’ RFK Jr’s sexting scandal humiliates her yet again
She has made a career out of playing the long-suffering wife frequently humiliated by a husband whose outlandish proclamations burn professional relationships and end friendships.
But, with her marriage to Robert F Kennedy Jr., 70, life has increasingly and uncomfortably imitated art for ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ actress Cheryl Hines, 58, whose reputation, career and friendships have taken hit after hit thanks to her husband’s political views.
Now, it’s the revelation that Kennedy has been engaging in an affair with New York magazine political reporter Olivia Nuzzi that has really got people asking if this is the moment Hines kicks her bear corpse-dumping husband to the curb.
Olivia Nuzzi, 31, interviewed Kennedy – who New Yorker described as a ‘lifelong philanderer’ in a profile last month – in November 2023. She did so at the Californian home in Brentwood that he shares with Hines and their three dogs.
Five months earlier, from the same house, Hines gave a glowing interview to the New York Times saying how much she wanted her husband to feel ‘loved and supported’ by her.
Nuzzi and Kennedy went for a hike and exchanged numbers and, in the following weeks, exchanged a lot more – though, according to Nuzzi, who has been placed on leave from New York magazine, the relationship never rose above the level of sexting.
For his part, Kennedy insisted he only met Nuzzi – whose engagement to Politico Chief Washington correspondent Ryan Lizza was called off over the last few weeks – on that one occasion. (Full Article.)
But as soon as Trump announced that he was appointing Kennedy to lead the HHS, cha ching!
Apparently the love of money trumps all other kinds of “love”, as soon after Trump’s announcement, the couple produced a video that went viral promoting Cheryl Hines’ new beauty products, which included a new candle with the letters “MAHA”, an acronym for Kennedy’s slogan “Make America Healthy Again,” with a naked Bobby Kennedy in the background taking a shower.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. naked in the shower to promote his wife’s candles!
Cheryl Hines, famous for her role on the sitcom Curb Your Enthusiasm , knows how to captivate attention.
In an Instagram story promoting her Hines+Young candle line, the actress surprised her followers by featuring her husband, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., completely naked… in the shower!
In this humorous sequence, Cheryl interrupts a presentation of her “MAHA” candle to joke with her husband in the background: “Honey, you can’t take a shower right now, I’m making a video!” It was a quirky touch that quickly set social media ablaze. (Source.)
Big Pharma Will Continue to Run HHS
One of two possibilities is going to happen with the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as head of HHS.
The most likely scenario is he will not be approved by the Senate, and he will return as the head of Children’s Health Defense, where his annual salary is over a half million dollars, and CHD will blame the “Deep State” for opposing his nomination, so they can continue collecting funds from supporters to continue publishing articles about how evil HHS and all their health agencies are.
Or, RFK, Jr. will be appointed, and he will bow down to Big Pharma and tow the line of supporting “Healthcare” for America, which means serving the needs of Big Pharma, as they are the largest funders of agencies like the FDA and CDC to begin with, and these “health” agencies serve and protect Big Pharma, and not the American public.
Susie Wiles will make sure that only one of these two options will happen, as that is her job, and it is the reason she was Trump’s very first appointment, which does NOT need Congressional approval.
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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