Friday, 7 February 2025


RFK, Jr. Supports Operation Warp Speed, Distances himself from CHD, and Wants AI Robots to Replace Nurses

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Senate Majority Leader John Thune, in an interview earlier this week by CNN, when questioned about Robert F. Kennedy’s chances to be confirmed as Trump’s new Secretary of Health and Human Services (HSS), replied:

“He’ll have that opportunity in front of the world this week.”

And so he did, today, January 29, 2024.

I knew that this was one confirmation hearing that I would have to listen to myself, rather than read the spin on this Senate hearing from either the Left Corporate Media, or the Right “Alternative” Media.

So I am presenting the third alternative report here today, from a truly independent source where I have no alliances or allegiances to either side of the political spectrum, and am only interested in reporting the facts, and the truth.

And while I am sure that all other news coverage on this hearing you may have already heard or read about will be on the “hot topics” of political interest to both sides of the political spectrum, the biggest takeaway from my watching the entire Senate hearing, is that the future of medical care in this country is mostly a bipartisan issue that almost everyone on both sides of the political D.C. swamp agree upon: Future innovation and the move to AI and tele-medicine, along with new, novel drugs.

In other words, Big Pharma is still in firm control of the D.C. political swamp, and the only question that still needs to be answered during Trump 2.0 is, who are the ones that are going to make the most money from Big Pharma?

As with probably every other Trump appointee so far, RFK Jr. pledged his allegiance to Donald Trump today, and his first term Operation Warp Speed military operation, calling it “an extraordinary accomplishment and demonstration of leadership by President Trump,” and he promised Senator Thom Tillis that he would not interfere with any future such operations.

See also:

Trump Appointing COVID19-Vaccinated Cabinet Members Who Supported His Operation Warp Speed

After Mr. Kennedy repeatedly stated to members of Congress that is he is solidly pro-vaccine, Senator Bernie Sanders provided evidence to the contrary based on the content on the Children’s Health Defense website, including baby “onesies” that they sell and have text on them stating: “Unvaxxed Unafraid” and “No Vax – No Problem.”

Instead of taking the opportunity to present evidence to the nation and to the world that vaccines do in fact harm and kill babies, Kennedy just simply distanced himself from Children’s Health Defense completely, stating he had no part with them anymore.

As I wrote in the intro, the one thing that really struck me the most from listening to these questions from Senators and listening to Mr. Kennedy’s responses, was that he clearly articulated just what his policies would look like under Trump 2.0, and they were policies to invest more in AI technology and robot nurses, along with more new, novel drugs.

He stated that there are AI robot nurses that “cannot be distinguished from a human being” and that these robot nurses have “diagnostic skills as good as any doctor.”

He stated Trump wants him to use this AI technology to replace rural hospitals, if he is appointed as the Secretary of HHS.

Where are these robot nurses? Do they really exist, or is this just another science fiction interpretation about what Big Tech wants to see in the future that will probably never happen?

Will you trust a robot AI nurse over a human doctor or nurse, if they even exist at all?

But perhaps the most telling questions of all, and Kennedy’s answers, came from Senator Todd Young, from Indiana.

Mr. Young makes it clear that he believes there was a real COVID-19 pandemic, and that not only did many Americans suffer from a corona “virus”, but that this “virus” is still with us today and is termed “Long COVID.”

Senator Young stated that he wanted funding for new diagnostics, new treatments, and “novel research directions”, NOT for vaccine injuries due to the COVID injections, but for “Long COVID.”

He demanded that Kennedy commit to researching these new Long COVID drugs, which Bill Gates’ GAVI institution is also researching, and Mr. Kennedy fully agreed to this.

I had not previously known that Senator Ron Johnson sat on this committee that grilled Mr. Kennedy today, and when I saw that he had his chance to speak and ask Kennedy questions, I was hopeful to hear something about how devastating the COVID-19 “vaccines” were, since he spent so much time exposing this for the past few years.

But I was extremely disappointed in Mr. Johnson. He did not mention the word “vaccines” once, and when he seemed to imply there were problems with issues like myocarditis, he seemed to place the blame solely on the GOP’s main “enemy” that is blamed for the Government actions under Trump’s watch in 2020: Dr. Anthony Fauci.

So that is what you can expect for Trump’s second term, a whole lot of wasted time blaming China and Fauci for the FAKE laboratory leak of a “COVID Virus.”

How sad!

All those victims of the COVID-19 shots still get ZERO recognition that Trump’s EUA approved shots caused them any damage, because NOBODY dares to hold Trump accountable for the actions of the military Operation Warp Speed campaign Trump launched in 2020.

RFK, Jr. will most probably be appointed now, since he has made it clear who he is serving: Big Pharma.

Will Anyone Oppose Big Tech’s Takeover of the Medical System?

Biotech investor and Peter Thiel associate Jim O’Neill, the HHS Deputy Secretary

While RJK, Jr. is getting all the headlines today for his nomination to be the Secretary of HHS, the person nominated to be the Deputy Secretary of HHS has received very little public attention.

Fortunately, Max Jones and Whitney Webb have just published a deep dive into Trump’s appointment of Jim O’Neill who will serve with Mr. Kennedy, and is a close associate with Billionaire Peter Thiel, showing just how cozy the Trump administration is with Big Tech and their attempt to take over the medical system.

Thiel-Linked HHS Nominee Threatens MAHA Ambitions with Biotech Stance

Biotech investor and Peter Thiel associate Jim O’Neill is poised to usher in a deregulatory paradigm that would allow a proliferation of dubious products on the US market under the guise of “innovation” and “efficiency.”

by Max Jones and Whitney Webb
Unlimited Hangout


Late last November, President Donald Trump announced Jim O’Neill as his nominee for deputy secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), where he would work under Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump’s pick for HHS secretary upon confirmation.

As deputy secretary, O’Neill would essentially function as the Chief Operating Officer of the department, overseeing “the day-to-day operations of all sub-agencies” as well as leading “public health emergency preparedness,” i.e. the government’s policy responses to bio-terror events, pandemics, etc.

In addition, O’Neill would “oversee the development and clearance of HHS regulations” and ostensibly be the main implementer of the “Make America Healthy Again” (MAHA) policy agenda.

Built on a promise to eliminate industry capture of public health regulatory agencies and curb the influence of Big Pharma and Big Food, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s MAHA movement played a crucial role in funneling would-be Kennedy voters into the Trump camp. MAHA, in essence, granted the Trump campaign a tinge of populist legitimacy among Covid era dissidents, which grew out of the shuttering of RFK Jr.’s independent presidential run.

However, O’Neill’s business connections, both past and present, as well as his previous statements on public health policy, strongly suggest that he is not only unlikely to implement the policies that MAHA-centric voters are expecting, but that he may in fact pursue an agenda that stands in direct conflict with the main tenets of the MAHA movement.

Specifically, he advocates reforming the FDA to deregulate and accelerate the pathway from drug development to legalization. This would notably aid the biotech industry, which has long struggled to get its products approved outside of an “emergency”-based deregulatory paradigm.

When considering the investments and board positions that O’Neill himself has made and held in biotechnology companies, this would likely include mRNA products that Kennedy and other MAHA influencers have spent years criticizing since the Covid-19 pandemic — a clear contradiction between O’Neill’s views on public health, and those which the MAGA base were sold on the campaign trail.

Perhaps standing in even starker contrast with MAHA principles, O’Neill currently sits on the board of a company that is currently pursuing the development of a neurotoxic substance as a “therapeutic” treatment for people with Alzheimer’s disease (a neurodegenerative disease).

Ironically, that same substance has long been flagged by Kennedy and the organization he co-founded, Children’s Health Defense, as one of the main causative agents in their hypothesis for a vaccine-autism link and other chronic conditions suffered by many Americans, particularly children.

In addition to O’Neill’s biotech connections, he also boasts significant ties to the CIA-linked company Palantir and its co-founder Peter Thiel. Palantir, notably, is undertaking considerate efforts to apply a pre-crime paradigm to public health events, mainly through its several significant contracts with HHS that would greatly determine the nature of the “public health emergency preparedness” that O’Neill will directly oversee.

Several of these contracts date back to the first Trump administration, when Palantir played a major role in the military-run Covid-19 biosurveillance and vaccine development / distribution program known as Operation Warp Speed – a program that has been heavily criticized by both Kennedy and the broader MAHA movement.

Indeed, Palantir has since further entrenched its role within the HHS apparatus, most recently via the CDC’s Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics (CFA), a disease forecasting and mass biosurveillance program that Palantir runs significant amounts of data for.

Also indirectly connected to this CDC effort is Bill Gates, as the former vice-president of the Gates-connected Cascade Investment firm, Dylan George, now runs the CFA.

Importantly, the Gates Foundation has significant investments in biotechnology, an industry that notoriously faces strenuous regulatory difficulties in getting its products through the standard Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval process.

As a result, prominent players in the biotech industry, including Gates as well as others like Trump surrogate Vivek Ramaswamy, have embarked on an effort to dismantle the current regulatory paradigm and replace it with one friendly to “innovation,” or in other words, one with significantly less rigorous standards.

Unlimited Hangout previously reported on the industry players tackling this problem on the global scale, and it seems that now, with O’Neill poised to be at the helm of “development and clearance of HHS regulations,” experimental biotech may finally gain the unfettered access to the American market it needs.

As this article will demonstrate, O’Neill himself also stands to benefit financially if his desired regulatory model is achieved, as do key members of Trump’s cabinet.

Further, given the pandemic preparedness model of monitoring and developing preemptive countermeasures for pathogens with pandemic potential, as well as the Big Tech surveillance that coincided with the distribution of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, it appears likely that biosurveillance will play a crucial role in the future of the biotech market — especially a deregulated one.

Such a model would notably benefit the public-private surveillance infrastructure built up by the man who helped kickstart O’Neill’s private sector career, Peter Thiel.

Yet, O’Neill’s role in the now-decades long effort to provide accelerated, deregulated paths to market for experimental drugs dates back to his time in public office, where he served during the height of the now infamous War on Terror.

It was likely there that he first met George W. Bush’s HHS Secretary, Tommy Thompson, who implemented the consequential Project Bioshield Act of 2004 — a piece of legislation that marked a firm step forward in the path towards “emergency” deregulation of drugs and vaccines.

Read the full article at Unlimited Hangout.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Betrays Entire “Health Freedom” Movement for Personal Gain

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Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It

CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021

COVID Shots Are Killing and Crippling Teens in Record Numbers – Young Children Are Next

See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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