AI War Chronicles: Understanding the Threat
Scholars have hailed artificial intelligence (AI) technology as the basis for a ‘fourth industrial revolution’ (Schwab 2016) – a general purpose technology predicted to bring productivity gains, drive economic growth, and transform the world in which we live.
Mind you these "Scholars" either are Aliens Jews and or have a vested interest on enslaving Humanity... or they are simply corrupt and full of shit.... most of them the second plus they are stupid as fuck.
As we now have openly seen the world's most corrupt politicians attended WEF meeting in Davos.
That is the open Corruption Society and everyone should do their part in their country... that is either to kill everyone involved with the WEF or to expose them and force them out of office by burning their Homes to the ground threaten their family lives and anything you can do.
Make no mistake... this is war... and anyone attending a WEF meeting is a Terrorist and ought to be killed where they stand.
We must take their power and if that means taking their life so be it.
Better them than us.
Kill Klaus Schwab.
So what is AI... I think it is time to de mystify AI to what it really is... you know strip the Emperor... in that case King Lucifer aka King Donkey ears and look at his shriveled circumcised Dick and have a good laugh.
Unlike Prince Andrew who is a pedophile King Donkey only gets a kick from fucking Necrophilia a bit he took off Jimmy Saville... you know the good Jew (aren't all Jews good?) wink.
That's why he killed Diana... flogging a dead whore.
So King Donkey wants AI to take over and the WEF under commander Sieg Heil Schwab orders the Elite in his Ritual Sacrifice Marathon at Davos to do just that.
Because let's face it... ritual Human Sacrifice is the only ring that binds the lot together.
No Politician whatsoever elected by mandate has the mandate to follow orders from a Nazi Dictator and a private Organization.
Contrary they are all guilty of Treason and ought to be killed not obeyed... all of them.
Start with Klaus Schwab... Bill Gates... Ursula von der Leyen and kill them where they stand.
Blackmail Bribery and ritual Sacrifice... that is Jewish Tradition... only they never make a real Sacrifice... they Sacrifice the world... because Jews are cowards.
I think everyone at Davos has a Death wish and we should oblige... you know killing them by flying drones into their private Jets just before landing which will bring down the plane and crash them in it.
After all... that is what assisted suicide is all about, isn't it?
So let's kill the King and I show you his tiny dick... with Maggots on.
Here is a silver bullet.
AI is Automation... process automation.
It is therefore depending on input to process the data and create output... simple isn't it?
It could be a great tool for workflow optimization which is kind of where it started.
Actually this goes across the board... like eating... digesting... shitting.
The more onions you eat... the more you fart...
The more meat you eat... the more stupid you get.
It is all inter dependable.
Like Meditation which is digesting your thoughts... reflection meditation purification.
Purify your mind.
Input... input processing... output.
AI as a program is basically batch programming.
It is the execution of a command that requires certain input parameters to be passed.
A batch file is a script file in DOS, OS/2 and Microsoft Windows. It consists of a series of commands to be executed by the command-line interpreter, stored in a plain text file. A batch file may contain any command the interpreter accepts interactively and use constructs that enable conditional branching and looping within the batch file, such as IF, FOR, and GOTO labels.
Add to this a feedback loop
The section of a control system that allows for feedback and self-correction and that adjusts its operation according to differences between the actual and the desired or optimal output.
A circuit that feeds back some of the output to the input of a system.
And you are pretty much there.
In the field of free energy Nikola Tesla did that 100 year ago in Colorado springs. blowing up one of the two Generators and had to rebuilt it himself.
There are a many concepts in the free energy world that delve into this subject and I have seen a few working prototypes that work... full stop... we call them "Overunity Machines".
AI is basically that... overunity of mathematical equation that mimic Intelligence... a bit like Mark Zuckerberg... you know pretending to be a Human... or Elon Musk... Psychopaths.
But that is not all.
When the folks at the CIA funded Google Oracle Facebook YouTube and so on they were thinking big.
That also reverts back to Hollywood and the Jewish Fascists there... because they are the CIA Coconut Inbred Slime.
Star Trek used AI in their films... and HAL the Computer in Space Odyssey... the most boring film ever... was AI that turned against Humanity.
HAL... if you shift the letters by one becomes IBM.
IBM worked together with the Nazis which kind of is happening now turning against Humanity... and that is what AI is.. the endgame.
So no wonder why IBM and them other Jewish Nazis want us to be controlled via Digital ID.
AI is a closed System with data input a Master Control Program at its core... something I usually refer to as the AI Mainframe... and data output which by an MCP is control.
Because in the end there is no difference between the old way of computing using terminals and a Mainframe... to when the PC Revolution started.
Funny enough... Apple and Steve Jobs saw the PC as a Bike for the Brain... which it was... accelerating Human capabilities... which I am grateful to.
But then Apple invented the Iphone which was good at first but is now a tool for oppression used for mass surveillance and total control.
So control is the output of AI and in the Internet of everything where everything and everyone is connected that is total control in a totalitarian state where Humanity don't exist anymore.
In the end everything and everyone will be just an Input terminal for AI which control everything.
That is their vision... same as the Nazis which were supported by IBM
AI is a complete Infrastructure that includes STARLINK 5G 6G 7G Siri Alexa Microsoft IP Cameras IP Toys Baby monitors Smart Ring Cameras Smartphones Banking Amazon Facebook Apple Nvidia Bitcoin every CPU on the Market DATACENTERS SENSORS Surveillance technology and ultimately Robotics and Weapons.
AI feeds off the Human Race like a Parasite because that is what AI is... a Parasite that feeds off Humanity... like the Jews who created it.
Funny really that in the most senseless society you need sensors to censor us in the most inhumane way so that all sense and sensibility is lost to a senseless program that needs sensors to survive... doesn't make sense at all.
Human behavior sensing and monitoring
An intelligent humidity sensing system has been developed for real-time monitoring of human behaviors through respiration detection. The key component of this system is a humidity sensor that integrates a thermistor and a micro-heater. This sensor employs porous nanoforests as its sensing material, achieving a sensitivity of 0.56 pF/%RH within a range of 60–90% RH, along with excellent long-term stability and superior gas selectivity. The micro-heater in the device provides a high operating temperature, enhancing sensitivity by 5.8 times. This significant improvement enables the capture of weak humidity variations in exhaled gases, while the thermistor continuously monitors the sensor’s temperature during use and provides crucial temperature information related to respiration. With the assistance of a machine learning algorithm, a behavior recognition system based on the humidity sensor has been constructed, enabling behavior states to be classified and identified with an accuracy of up to 96.2%. This simple yet intelligent method holds great potential for widespread applications in medical assistance analysis and daily health monitoring.
When they say widespread applications they mean only in control... all they ever do is wanting to control everyone anyone anyplace anytime every time all the time..
JP Morgan himself told Nikola Tesla "if we can't put a meter on it we are not interested".
Jews only seek control... they are control freaks.
Without Jews today tomorrow we have free energy and Interstellar space travel.
Human Behavior Analysis: Sensing and Understanding
Over the last decade, there has been a growing interest in human behavior analysis, motivated by societal needs such as security, natural interfaces, affective computing, and assisted living. However, the accurate and non-invasive detection and recognition of human behavior remain major challenges and the focus of many research efforts.
Traditionally, in order to identify human behavior, it is first necessary to continuously collect the readings of physical sensing devices (e.g., camera, GPS, and RFID), which can be worn on human bodies, attached to objects, or deployed in the environment. Afterwards, using recognition algorithms or classification models, the behavior types can be identified so as to facilitate advanced applications. Although such traditional approaches deliver satisfactory performance and are still widely used, most of them are intrusive and require specific sensing devices, raising issues such as privacy and deployment costs.
In this book, we will present our latest findings on non-invasive sensing and understanding of human behavior. Specifically, this book differs from existing literature in the following senses. Firstly, we focus on approaches that are based on non-invasive sensing technologies, including both sensor-based and device-free variants. Secondly, while most existing studies examine individual behaviors, we will systematically elaborate on how to understand human behaviors of various granularities, including not only individual-level but also group-level and community-level behaviors. Lastly, we will discuss the most important scientific problems and open issues involved in human behavior analysis.
"non-invasive detection and recognition of human behavior"...
There is a reason for this... same reason the Jews always say they are our friends when it is clear they are not... they don't want you to know how evil they are or they might get punched in da face... or even killed... which by their actions is what they deserve, nothing less.
A Criminal never wants to be caught and them Jews are criminals... that is why they have to hide how evil they are.
"non-invasive detection and recognition of human behavior"...
Because they don't want us to know what they are doing before it is too late for us to react.
I mean people get so jerked off on tech that they don't ever see the dark side of the moon.
AI and Human Characteristic Sensing
Panasonic's facial recognition and sensor technology can show heart rate, age and other biometric indicators. It is non-invasive and doesn't require use of a wearable device.
Again your Smartphone is your personal GESTAPO STASI connecting you to the Jews directly which is AI... UNIT8200
And that is only what is out in the open.
And not even Military grade technology but consumer technology.
That is how far we are down the rabbit hoe.
Effective Ways To Detect People With Common Sensors
Sensors - which one to use
With all the Information available from your Smartphone / Iphone they have already everything they need... every information:
Bank Details
Genetic Data
Face Recognition
Hair color
Eye color
Sexual preferences
Sexual perversions
Time patterns
Jay walking
Heart Rate
They even can hack your car and your house.
Ronen Smoly, Argus Automotive Cyber Security CEO:
Your car knows too much
Ronan Smoly… Rabbi Schmuley… Solomon Shitface… aren’t the yids pretty?
I mean their Names alone make a dog shit in circles.
Your Car knows too much… arrest this car!
But the funny side aside… this guy is Unit8200… and this guy’s software Unit8200 Nazis is in everyone’s car.
This guy is a danger to Humanity as are all the Jews.
So we are fast approaching not only Minority Report territory (a Philip K Dick Novel).
But the Government has everything they need to frame anyone and everyone.
And we know the Jews do this already... killing people for Arab countries... PEGASUS.
Israel wants to dominate the "Cyber security" market which in real language means Israel wants total control of the world by infiltration and mass surveillance.
It means in real time GESTAPO & STASI & NSA & GCHQ combined report to the MOSSAD
And let us not kid each other... they already do.
By this I mean Israel is responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the United states which was an act of war.
"By the way of deception we shall wage war"... this is Israel's motto.
Everyone should know about Jamal Khashoggi.
On 2 October 2018, Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi dissident, journalist, columnist for The Washington Post, former editor of Al-Watan and former general manager and editor-in-chief of the Al-Arab News Channel, was assassinated by agents of the Saudi government at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.
The main connection to Unit 8200 is the Pegasus Maleware
Surveillance allows governments and other agencies to maintain social control, recognize and monitor threats or any suspicious or abnormal activity.
However since I am German I don't trust no Government ever and rightly so.
One Adolf Rothschild Schickelgruber Hitler is more than enough and every attempt by any Government in this world must be met with fierce opposition.
Local governments' purchases of AI technology from Jews and UNIT8200 for "public security" purposes in response to the occurrence of political unrest suggest at least their belief in the effectiveness of such technology in curbing future unrest.
It also means that they anticipate future unrest due to their knowledge that what they do is basically Evil and even under their own laws illegal... so they make changes to their laws to legalize their illegality... Fascism 101.
Behavioral Modification.
Let's face it... the Jews are criminal genocidal maniacs and they don't want to be found out.
Found them... expose them... fuck them.
They are already preparing for a global uprising which better come fast!
In the second Jason Borne movie there is a scene where they kill a Journalist at Waterloo Station London.
That can be done now in real time monitoring with AI
Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
This is a call for Civil War
This is a call for every citizen to rise up against this Cabal the WEF and your own Government before it is too late.
Luigi Mangione shot one... there are many more who should be shot... that includes every single WEF Member and of course these:
Sam Altman Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Bill Gates Larry Ellison Mark Zuckerberg Tim Cook Larry Fink Alex Karp Peter Thiel Klaus Schwab... WEF Google Meta Amazon Apple Blackrock Vanguard State Street... CIA / Mossad... every Rockefeller and every Rothschild.
My Verdict: Death Penalty for the lot.
Unless everybody fights... we all are going to lose!
On Thursday, Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison shared his vision for an AI-powered surveillance future during a company financial meeting, reports Business Insider. During an investor Q&A, Ellison described a world where artificial intelligence systems would constantly monitor citizens through an extensive network of cameras and drones, stating this would ensure both police and citizens don't break the law.
Ellison outlined a scenario where AI models would analyze footage from security cameras, police body cams, doorbell cameras, and vehicle dash cams.
"Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on," Ellison said, describing what he sees as the benefits from automated oversight from AI and automated alerts for when crime takes place. "We're going to have supervision," he continued. "Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there's a problem, AI will report the problem and report it to the appropriate person."
"Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on," Ellison said...
Will they?
Coming from a Jew that is much quite and then some.
As I recall Jews in Gaza behave like Animals they are.
Jews of the Fed are Parasites.
And Jews like Larry Ellison Bezos Gates Thiel Schwab...they wouldn't exist without the CIA.
Larry Ellison is just like Adolf Hitler...a Jew that sees the Human Race as cattle.
Ghee I wonder if Larry Ellison started the Palisades fires... wouldn't pass this by his kind.
I think we should teach Larry Ellison a lesson he never forgets.
Show some respect you bastard.
There are two ways to improve Behavior…
The first and in my opinion only one is Education… unlimited and free.
Educated people and people who are free to educate usually like to share their education with others… except when they are Jews.
Jews are hoarders… Animals who don’t want us to be educated.
The second one is by oppression which never worked and never will work.
It is the Utopia of Stalin Lenin Hitler which must fail because it don’t allow freedom.
But that is the Utopia the Jews try to enforce upon Humanity again through lies and deception like they always do… it is their only power over you.
Don’t believe their lies and they will fail miserably.
I am a simple man... I practice what I preach.
In the History of Humanity the only Medicine that works is prevention and a Joint.
I believe the deeper we look the less we see.
Yet we still can't understand what life itself is... what a pity.
I never ever get Vaccinated ever again...
Inside these Jabs is Nanotechnology connecting the Human Race to AI... this is their Grand Plan.
Exposed by them lot in this war of the worlds... a war against Humanity.
While Ellison attempted to paint his prediction of universal public surveillance in a positive light, his remarks raise significant questions about privacy, civil liberties, and the potential for abuse in a world of ubiquitous AI monitoring.
Ellison's vision bears more than a passing resemblance to the cautionary world portrayed in George Orwell's prescient novel 1984. In Orwell's fiction, the totalitarian government of Oceania uses ubiquitous "telescreens" to monitor citizens constantly, creating a society where privacy no longer exists and independent thought becomes nearly impossible.
But Orwell's famous phrase "Big Brother is watching you" would take on new meaning in Ellison's tech-driven scenario, where AI systems, rather than human watchers, would serve as the ever-vigilant eyes of authority. Once considered a sci-fi trope, automated systems are already becoming a reality: Similar automated CCTV surveillance systems have already been trialed in London Underground and at the 2024 Olympics.
China has been using automated systems (including AI) to surveil its citizens for years. In 2022, Reuters reported that Chinese firms had developed AI software to sort data collected on residents using a network of surveillance cameras deployed across cities and rural areas as part of China's "sharp eyes" campaign from 2015 to 2020. This "one person, one file" technology reportedly organizes collected data on individual Chinese citizens, leading to what The Economic Times called a "road to digital totalitarianism."
Isn't it funny (not) that the Jews who claim to be victims are stirring Humanity into a totalitarian world where no one here gets out alive?
Isn't it funny (not) that the Jews who claim to be victims are building a totalitarian society that makes Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany a cheapskate?
Isn't it funny (not) that the Jews who claim to be victims are using you tax money to create such an Utopia?
Stealing from the poor to give it to the rich... a kind of inverted Robin Hood... the robbing Brotherhood of Freemasons and Jews.
Thieves and scum the lot... yet they dare to tell us anything about morals behavior or anything at all.
Jews are a danger to us and must be eliminated as their actions which I expose say it all.
I dare everyone to compare their plans which I expose here to what I have written before:
Planet Auschwitz... a Jews wet dream... Prison Planet Earth
The prison Guard will be AI.Automated Fascism... that is what it is.There will be no escape from this.
SpaceX Starlink supports RDARS Inc., a company in the early stages of developing autonomous robotics and drone solutions for real-time security systems.
With SpaceX’s Starlink data connectivity, RDARS recently completed the initial development and testing phase of its Eagle Nest Off-Grid solution. Through Eagle Next, the company provides solar power, communications, and shelter to its Eagle Eye drone. RDARS drones can be deployed within the SpaceX Starlink operational network.
Larry Ellison... the maggot wiener...
The one thing he doesn't gloat about is Robotics.
But if you go so far that you want to sell to us a totalitarian environment so we are on our "best behavior" which coming from a Jew is much and then some...
Why not go one step further and replace the unreliable dirty useless eaters with clean Robots made by Elon Musk in Tesla's Gigafactory?
That would solve all the problems the Jews associate with us wouldn't it?
So the Jews would be free to suck donkeys dicks and fuck them to create more King Charles...
Mind you... a donkey smells better than them two legged Rats.
Whenever they gloat... we should encourage them to open up... after all they are arrogant as fuck and with intelligent Question which seem to be supportive of them we can get them to spill the lot.
That is called "Reverse Psychology" or in this case "Reverse Behavioral Modification".
Because their plan is clear... replace Humanity with Robotics.
All their actions are conclusive.
But their Infrastructure is not yet complete.
That is where Operation STARGATE comes into.
$500 Billion worth of Datacenters... why?
Because they want to enslave us all and need them Datacenters to feed AI.
Imagine we would use these $500 Billion for education or other projects such as mine:
With this amount of Money I built a network of Hypersonic Zero Emission trains, upgrade the Internet WITHOUT CENSORSHIP and provide free education to everyone everywhere.
Educated people do not need to be controlled... especially not by Jews.
Only Nazis and Communists need to control people... because in these societies the scum always comes out on top.
They call this project STARGTE because some of them if not all have read my sub.
So unwittingly they name it Project STARGATE because they acknowledge the fact that all of them are parasitic entities within the Human Body which controls them.
The enemy within.
They call it: " THE HUMAN CONDITION"... Scientology Bullshit Crap.
So that is why they need to monitor us all?
So let me get this straight to the core what AI really means.
AI is digitized Communism... made by Jews to enslave the world.
AI is not just some Algorhytms or ChatGPT... it is a complete infrastructure encompassing the whole planet and controlling everything within this construct.
There are many technologies that are vital for this Operation to work.
The first of all is a gigantic lab grown computer capable of growing and monitoring the Human Race in real time... SPARK.
The second one is an Infrastructure Network capable for providing the Bandwidth for real time monitoring... 5G 6G 7G and STARLINK / STARSHIELD which is central to their operation because STARLINK can be controlled from one single point.
STARLINK / STARSHIELD also can create havoc through distributed stress signals through the Schuman Resonance and provides a singular Autonomous AI Drone warfare Network out of reach from us plebs.
The third component will be Datacenters because such an Operation requires huge amount of Data to be stored and used by the AI Mainframe.
They are about 5 years behind that.
That is where project STARGATE comes in.
The Data will be provided by smartphones Iphones and other sensors that monitor the Human Race on a consistent basis in real time.
The fourth component are Nanosensors that Individually Identify everyone providing all the Data they want such as location turning everyone into a Manchurian Candidate.
The fifth component is Automated Government.
And the last component will be Robotics... aka Automation of the executive.
And that is what AI is all about.
It isn't just a program... AI is a grand plan for a totalitarian future from which there will be no escape.
Do we really have to kill them all?
Fritz Freud
If you can...
are well off enough...
and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...
There is a lot of work going into this.
Thank you.
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