35 Critical Questions to Ask Your Pediatrician About Vaccines
This guide offers 35 essential questions to ask your pediatrician, helping you understand the risks and long-term implications of vaccinating your child.
A handy checklist of 35 important questions to ask your child's pediatrician about the vaccines he or she wants to administer. You could even Email it to them and request a written response for legal purposes.
1. Will you be getting financial kickbacks by vaccinating my child?
Are there any direct or indirect financial incentives, such as bonuses, grants, or rewards, tied to vaccination rates or specific vaccines administered in your practice?
How transparent is the financial relationship between pediatricians and vaccine manufacturers?
2. Can you show me a safety study for these vaccines involving an inert placebo?
3. How long will injected aluminum bio-persist in my baby's brain and organs?
What is the half-life of aluminum adjuvants, and how long do they remain in the body after injection?
Are there studies showing the long-term effects of aluminum accumulation in infants’ brains and organs?
4. Will these vaccines' carcinogenic ingredients give my toddler cancer?
Do any ingredients in the vaccine have carcinogenic properties, and what is the risk of long-term cancer development?
5. Will the aborted fetal cells used to grow the virus for this vaccine cause my child to have gender confusion?
Are there any studies linking fetal cell lines used in vaccine production to psychological or developmental issues like gender dysphoria?
6. Will this vaccine destroy my child's ovaries or make her infertile?
Is there any evidence that the vaccine could impact reproductive health, such as ovarian function or fertility, in the future?
7. Does this vaccine contain glyphosate/antibiotics?
Are there traces of herbicides like glyphosate or antibiotics such as neomycin in the vaccine formulation?
What are the potential health risks of these contaminants, especially for infants?
8. Will polysorbate 80 open up my child's blood-brain barrier?
9. Will this vaccine cause gut dysbiosis in my child?
Could the vaccine disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, leading to digestive or immune system issues?
10. How is gut dysbiosis related to autism?
11. Is injected mercury/aluminum toxic to mitochondria?
Do these metals interfere with mitochondrial function, potentially leading to energy production issues or cellular damage?
12. If my child gets autism can I sue you for damages?
What legal recourse do I have if my child develops autism or other conditions after vaccination?
Are pediatricians protected from liability under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act?
13. Will you help care for my mentally handicapped child if your vaccine damages him?
Are you willing to take responsibility for long-term care if my child suffers severe adverse effects from the vaccine?
What support systems are in place for families dealing with vaccine injuries?
14. If my child gets autism can I sue the vaccine maker for damages?
What legal protections do vaccine manufacturers have under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act?
Can families seek compensation through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)?
15. Is it true that transient childhood infections can prevent childhood leukemia or brain cancer in kids and many other cancers when they become adults?
16. Why do vaccine companies refuse to test vaccines to see if they cause cancer?
17. Does this vaccine contain DNA from wild animals?
18. Does injected aluminum collect in the lymph nodes, and could that cause lymphoma?
19. Why are autism rates skyrocketing?
20. Are vaccine ingredients associated with Guillain Barre?
Is there a known link between vaccine components and Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare neurological disorder?
What is the risk of developing Guillain-Barré after vaccination?
21. Will you personally feel guilt or remorse if you permanently damage my child?
How do you handle the emotional and ethical responsibility if a vaccine causes harm to a patient?
What steps do you take to ensure informed consent and minimize risks?
22. If my child has a seizure shortly following this vaccine, do you believe there could be an association?
Are there specific vaccines or ingredients linked to seizure disorders?
23. Is injected formaldehyde carcinogenic?
24. Why was mercury taken out of most vaccines if it wasn't toxic?
25. Are you sure this vaccine has no traces of mercury?
26. How much injected aluminum can a vulnerable infant's brain tolerate?
What is the safe threshold for aluminum exposure in infants, and how does the vaccine dose compare?
27. Is my baby's blood brain barrier still permeable and vulnerable to neurotoxic aluminum??
28. Is my baby's immune system mature and strong?
Is my child’s immune system developed enough to handle the vaccine without adverse effects?
How does the immature immune system of infants respond to multiple vaccines?
29. Did vaccines cause Gulf War Syndrome in grown military men and women?
30. When did measles deaths start declining compared to when the measles vaccine was introduced?
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31. Could this vaccine have a cancer-causing virus like SV-40?
32. Why was SIDS virtually unheard of before the age of vaccines?
33. Do childhood infections like chicken pox/measles/flu actually provide protection from cancers later in life?
34. Do transient childhood infections protect against MS, asthma, eczema, type 1 diabetes and autoimmune diseases?
Is there evidence that early childhood infections can reduce the risk of autoimmune or chronic conditions?
35. Will the toxicity of 90 doses of 17 vaccines, plus all the Covid vaccines, lead to autoimmune disease?
Courtesy: Tommy Wells
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