Tuesday, 3 December 2024


Fuck You, Dr. Robert Malone !!!

Our No.1 Resistance Doctor Is Endorsing Pro-Vax Trump Nominations And Will Soon Be Rewarded With A Lucrative HHS Job

PolitiFact | Who is Robert Malone? Joe Rogan's guest was a vaccine ...

“Of course I take that HHS job, being pro-vax and pro-pharma is not a problem for me.”

Malone published this telling Substack today, showing the world his true face and motivations.

Before I dissect his post, here is a brief history of my feelings and assessments about Malone. I deliberately leave the “Dr.” out to show my disrespect and eliminate artificial “expert credibility,” which at least 95% of these so-called experts lack. They are primarily institutionalized elite-captured, trained intellectual monkeys thinking they “know” stuff.

Robert W Malone MD, MS , once saved my sanity when he publicly confirmed (as an “expert”) what I have felt, like many of you, for more than a year: That the whole Covid pandemic is a scam. The vaccines are a mad idea, and we are witnessing a totalitarian overreach under the disguise of an “emergency”. 

Yes, I still needed “expert authority voices” to confirm my inner knowledge and common sense. I still needed validation and felt more secure hearing an “expert” agree with me. Not anymore, thanks God. (And I mean that literally.)

I didn’t realise then that “my idol” was much less informed and way more idiotic than myself. After all, he took these untested injections and almost died from them. I didn’t, despite not having invented the technology.

All these “experts”, even the so-called resistant “experts” with fancy titles, can all get lost until they prove their humanity, humbleness, courage and common sense to me in action, not words. 

I think you read my mood by now: I am pissed off and angry, and I make no excuse for it. 

Angry people cause meaningful changes. Always have, always will. 

But anger is different from violence. I hate violence, but I like healthy anger. Anger is the most natural reaction when someone abuses or takes advantage of us. It builds meaningful boundaries. Bandits take you more seriously.

I know that all these liberal and radical feminists out there want to turn every angry boy into a non-angry complacent self-doubting pussy for a reason. I bet that the most useful idiots for the elites are the armies of studied intellectuals. Those toxic, ideologically captured feminists with fancy titles run the majority of deep-state bureaucratic positions these days.

Somehow, they think that it is only white, old men who yield to the perverted sexual arousal of power and are completely unaware that women of any race or colour yield to the same toxic perverted sexual arousal of power. That’s why - like the old white men - they get completely out of shape and are amongst the ugliest examples of the human species the world has ever seen. I never could and never will have any respect for any ugly leader. And the ugliness starts in the heart, thirsting for power. 

But back to Malone.

Of course, the days when I admired him are long gone. 

Not many leaders have the integrity to be in a position of power because of their lack of true spirituality. It is based on intimately knowing their false self (ego) and true self through daily spiritual practice, which will equip them with an authentic and profound integrity we can trust. These leaders are almost unheard of these days.

Most of our leaders are selfish narcissists who are very clever in deceiving the stupid, naive masses.

That’s why history is littered with horrific leaders who only brought misery, oppression, and darkness to the people. One stand-out exception to this rule was Mahatma Gandhi, a deeply spiritual man who freed India for the people in a peaceful way. 

That doesn’t mean he or the people were not angry about being oppressed by the British invaders in their own country. 

But Mahatma managed to use this lingering anger energy in a controlled, persistent, and constructive way rather than let it explode in a violent, destructive way that does nothing for the people and only disperses the usefulness of anger for change. 

That’s why authoritarian regimes often deliberately provoke angry but peaceful demonstrators by shoving extremely aggressive-looking, fear-inducing, powerful riot police in transhuman-looking uniforms into their faces. There are three common tactics to turn angry people into violent people: 

  1. They set parameters around demonstrations to herd them in. This escalates the fear and violent aggression in the initially peaceful group. Our symptomatic nervous system goes into immediate fight-or-flight mode, but fighting seems the only option when flight is impossible. They know that, of course. If they wanted peaceful demonstrations, they wouldn’t do that, keep a low profile, and only intervene for rare destructive acts of the very few troublemakers and out-of-control people in the group. 

  2. Often, some of these troublemakers are disguised police agitators within the group. (Forgive me for not providing links—it is too time-consuming for a free publication. Research yourself if you doubt me, please.) Most mainstream people doubt this tactic because they don’t think deeply enough to see the genius yet evil rationale behind it.

  3. Authoritarian systems want violence for several reasons, but one of them is to disperse the underlying anger in the population and lower the anger charge before it spreads too far and is harnessed in a deliberate, intelligent, persistent, non-violent and disciplined movement that is much more dangerous to the system as the occasional violent demonstration. It is essential to know this mechanism within ourselves, and each of us has to learn to use our anger constructively against the totalitarian regime because violence will always work in their favour. It helps them convince the scared sheeple majority that the “radicals” cause the trouble, not themselves. It also convinces them that more “emergency laws” and “surveillance” are needed to keep them in check.

Back to Malone

I still don’t think he was deliberately planted or captured opposition as many do, but I keep alert to this scenario as one possibility in this increasingly wicked world. 

I always felt that his unchecked ego and ambitions were his most significant liabilities, so I lost trust in him.

The pivotal moment for me was when he sued the Braggins for “defamation”. I was no reader, nor did I know them at the time. I had no idea what the “defamation lawsuit” was about, and I didn’t care. 

However, it gave me valuable insight into Malone’s character, and I let him know about it in the comments before I unsubscribed. A man who “fears” for “his” reputation can’t be trusted. And a man who can’t deal with it himself and runs to the courts seemed weak to me.

Shortly after, he went into “echo chamber mode” with his Substack and only allowed paying fangirls and boys to comment—a sure sign of a weak, insecure ego that can’t handle critiques or trolls. 

When he endorsed Trump before Kennedy did, as he proudly brags about in the above article, I knew he was out for a position of power in the new administration.

So the former leader of the anti-Covid, anti-vax movement, travelling the world organizing resistance against what happened during the so-called pandemic, is now endorsing a man 

  1. who did a massive U-Turn from rightly playing down the pandemic theatre initially to the still bragging-about-it architect of “operation warp speed” that brought us the mad COVID restrictions and dangerous and ineffective vaccines.

  2. who still endorses the vaccines and falsely brags that they saved hundreds of millions of lives and were a success.

  3. who openly declares on The Joe Rogan Experience BEFORE the elections that “big pharma” are his friends.

For fucks sake, either everything Malone did before was a lie, or his unsatiable hunger for fame and influence makes him bridge this colossal “cognitive dissonance.” 

But do not worry, Malone felt obliged to explain and justify his betrayal. Of course, he doesn’t call it like that. He calls it “adjusting to DC politics”.

The Subheadline sets the tone. Talking about all the pro-vax health appointments, he acknowledges:

Many are disappointed. Welcome to Washington, DC politics.


Let’s take a moment to recalibrate expectations.

Now, he tells us. After the elections. 

So after he makes his big flock of Substack sheep believe that Trump will be dramatically changing the deep-state health system and vote for him, it’s time to “recalibrate”. 

He is already talking like a “seasoned politician.” 

Fuck you, Malone, you betraying little bastard. (Is he suing me now for defamation?)

Then - AFTER the election - he is using history to make a point that populist movements, like the MAGA movement, actually never really work out.

Not to be negative, but the history of US populist political movements is littered with stories of unmet high expectations and subversion of those movements by established political power centers.

And he is not backpedalling or making excuses, of course. After all, he is a man of integrity that stands by his words.

Just to recap, I personally endorsed the once and future President Donald Trump (before Bobby Kennedy did!) and continue to stand by the logic that I described in an August 2024 Substack essay. 

Before even Kennedy did (exclamation mark)

But then these “disappointing” pro-vax appointments happened. Who saw that coming? Our clever Dr. Robert Malone, of course. 

But that does not mean I have harbored any illusions that it would be easy to facilitate fundamental changes in the US Bureaucracy (Deep State) or Imperial/War State upon his election. I am very familiar with the rather evil, Machiavellian ways of Washington, DC culture. This culture has deep roots, and is similar to that observed in centers of power across the world, past and present.

So he tells us - AFTER the elections and the “disappointing appointments.”

BEFORE the elections, it was “vote for Trump because if anyone can clear out the swamp, Trump can and will.” Instead, appointed pro-vax mainstream doctors will clear out the criminal, oppressive and fraudulent pharmaceutical vax industry now.

The appointments clearly show Trump’s “will” to clear that swamp. And Malone suddenly has doubts (AFTER the elections) that he actually can because the DC culture, which he knows so well, is so evil and international.

Fuck you, Malone.

Within three weeks after the election, the roaring populist MAGA Trump movement that will wipe away the demonic deep-state criminals within a few months under Trump turns into this:

The history of populism is marked by failed expectations, with many movements failing to deliver on their promises to address economic and social grievances. Nevertheless, populist movements often usher in change and reforms that can benefit society and nation-states over the long term, and occasionally lead to the replacement of dysfunctional political structures.

“Occassionally lead to replacement of dysfunctional politcal structures”. But only over the long term. And especially when you appoint pharma former pharma shills and mainstream consenting idiots, I suppose.

Recalibrating expectations, indeed.

In other words, please don’t be so stupid to think that Trump will or can address the economic and social grievances that got him elected. But if you are lucky, what Trump will do will befit you long term, and if you are super-lucky, it will even “lead to the replacement of dysfunctional political structures.”

Long-term, that is, which sounds like “long after Trump." And our expert cites history to prove it—AFTER the election.

Fuck you, Malone.

But he is an honest man with integrity and admits:

But I am beating around the bush.

Ok, let’s hear what he really wants to say.

Over the last few days, I have been fielding phone calls from disgruntled, disaffected, and increasingly disillusioned “MAHA”/”MAGA” supporters who are coming off of the elation of the Presidential election and wondering what happened to the commitment of their leadership to their populist agenda now that the task has been achieved. And in particular, how to interpret the plum book HHS appointments that they had imagined would be staffed by “medical freedom” and “resistance” leaders, instead of academics, TV personalities, and donors whose track records have not been so, shall we say, confrontational.

Excellent questions were asked by disgruntled, disaffected, and disillusioned MAHA/MAGA supporters here. May I should add idiotic and gullible supporters? 

It wasn’t like Trump lied about it (for a change) or promised anything concrete. Anybody with functioning ears and two active brain cells not passing out in a complete Trump hopium trance saw this coming. I could brag about it and list all the notes and articles I wrote about it, but who cares? 

They trusted Malone in their assessment of Trump and got fucked over, and now Malone looks like the self-serving true idiot he is.

However, he is not the only former influencer dissident who fell for Trump. All of them are scrambling for excuses now and working hard to " recalibrate and manage expectations.”

Sheepishly, Malone quotes one of the stupid former dissidents, Del Bigtree, as if saying, “Look, I am not the only idiot influencer who disappointed his followers.”

Fuck you, too, Del Bigtree, trying to sweet talk bullshit.

It is A) 100%, arsehole. A) was promised, and that’s why many voted for Trump, and no, they do not trust your fucking B) version at all. Pro-vax mainstream medical experts that all fucked up our lives against any common sense will now be all good boys and girls we can trust? 

Fuck off, will you?

Malone tries to distract from himself and shift the blame by writing:

Suffice to say, the resulting comments were… instructive.

The optics on this tweet, whether true or false, are not encouraging.

And he can’t stop himself from playing fucking mind-games. “Whether true or false”? Which fucking part of this tweet looks true, and which one looks false? 

I thought he wanted to stop beating around the bush. 

Rumor was that there was a meeting between reps from large Pharma to plan response strategy. RFKjr was tapped to lead HHS, and a coordinated PsyWar media campaign to delegitimize him was immediately launched. The RFKjr HHS transition team appears to have been intimidated by this, and has chosen a strategy of nominating “trusted mainstream doctors” and similar who have not been labeled “anti-vaxxers” by the media. Conclusion? The PsyWar campaign was effective, and has moderated the resulting HHS appointments in ways that favor Pharma interests. Sound familiar?

Surprise, surprise.

Yes, of course, this was to be expected. So why precisely did the “transmission team” roll over after two weeks of this terrible PsyWar media campaign? Has nothing to do with Trump, eh? 

We all know that Trump delegates widely and trusts his people to do the right thing. He wouldn’t interfere in the “transistions team” decisions about who to nominate, would he? 

Malone doesn’t have the balls to admit that Trump showed the middle finger to all his “medical resistance” voters. And he showed the middle finger to Malone as well.

Donald John Trump Finger Painting by Argo - Fine Art America

But on second thought, I am not even sure if Malone belongs to the “medical resistance group.” He doesn’t seem that upset or angry about it. All I see him doing is “recalibrating expectations” and whitewashing everything.

Despite being apparently depressed about it:

Personally, I find this situation difficult, depressing, and very much aligned with the random calls I have been fielding. So much hope and effort from so many have gone into the “medical freedom” and health movements.

It’s okay to be depressed about it; just don’t be angry. We don’t want to be angry with Trump yet, do we? We don’t want to burn our bridges yet.

It is too early, and we still haven’t given up hope that we might personally benefit from it.

Maybe all they need is the right man for the job. Now, who could that be, you might ask? 


Me, me - chose me, please Mr. Trump and transition team. 

All these Marone Substack sheeple votes and glowing Trump reviews surely will be repaid, will they?

Here we go:

By way of disclosure, I have been asked to submit a CV and supporting documentation to this transition team, and have no interest in criticizing the same team as it is working through very challenging strategic and tactical decisions. In other words, I acknowledge a conflict of interest. 

Times have changed. We do not criticize pro-Covid-vaxers anymore because now they work for Trump. 

So much integrity, Dr. Malone. Thank you for that. 

And just in case we forgot the man he used to be, a brief reminder:

And I am most definitely an outspoken doctor who was critical of the vaccine program and has been labeled as an “anti-vaxxer” by legacy media. So there is that.

You were, Malone, you were. Not anymore. You kowtow and don’t criticise to get a job.

You betrayed all genuine dissidents by siding with a candidate with a complete record of pro-vax actions all his life and admitting on air that “big pharma are his friends”.

And, despite being ambivalent about it, he really wants that job. 

The truth is that I am personally ambivalent about the prospects of my taking some administrative line position, but I don’t want to undercut others who are seeking these slots. Someone is going to have to do these jobs, bless their heart. And there are some jobs on the line that I think I would enjoy and could be effective in.

All in for the people, are we? Off to sort out the evil Washington DC bureaucrats together with a revolutionary pro-vax transition team. What a fucking hero.

And we absolutely do not have to worry about him turning into a turncoat for personal power reasons. He assures us:

But, like so many, I have poured my heart and soul into promoting resistance to current policies regarding many of the issues addressed by the MAHA/MAGA movement.

I have a reputation for speaking truth to power, while calmly maintaining personal and professional integrity. Not addressing the appearance of appeasement and compromise would betray this history and those who have placed their faith and trust in my commitment to integrity, dignity, and community.

Fuck you, Malone.

He even pretends to be humble:

So, here are my two cents on this situation, which are worth no more than what you have paid.

But makes it very clear that everything is okay with Trump’s pro-vax, mainstream, established medical-pharmaceutical-supported nominations. 

“Be fair, give them a chance”, he pleads. (Because I will be one of them soon)

First, these current nominees should be allowed to demonstrate their commitment and capabilities. They will now be subjected to daily attacks, by press, Uniparty and bureaucracy for the foreseeable future. 

Will they? Maybe, but not by the press, Uniparty, and the bureaucracy because they look like they will barely move the deckchairs on the established medical-pharmaceutical cruise ship, which is going full steam ahead as usual.

The only criticism will come from the “real medical freedom” movement, and Elon will make sure that they have complete “freedom of speech” without any fucking reach, as usual. 

There is no upside at this point to adding fuel to the fire. President Trump has earned the right to appoint whomever he wishes, […]

In other words, shut up sheep. Don’t criticise. 

Yes, you can be sad, but don’t be angry. What did you expect, dummy? Why don’t you study the history of popular movements before you vote? I don't believe it is my fault that your expectations were disappointed.

On the contrary, I must do all this work now to “recalibrate your stupid expectations.” I want to prove myself to the transition team and land the job I really like.

Fuck you, Malone.

And then it gets really interesting. As we know, scientist Malone and prostitute-fucking arch-capitalist Trump miraculously turned Christian in time for the elections to reel in “the medical freedom Christians”, a significant group. 

Fake Trump arrest photos: How to spot an AI-generated image

How does he console the betrayed Christians? 

Easy, very easy. Religious people are by far the most manageable group to manipulate. After all, most of them are programmed from birth to “believe”, no matter how insanely stupid and illogical the stories are. They are also programmed to always submit to a higher force. So here we go:

Second, I wish to address those persons who place their faith in God. We cannot see into the future, and we cannot know the plan. There is a season for all things, and this is a season of testing. There will be a winnowing, and by their actions, (good or bad) we shall know them. Take solace in these truths, and allow time for things to declare themselves. I counsel that we should strive to act in a mature fashion, avoid overreaction, watch carefully, and stay true to ourselves, our ethics, our principles, and our souls.

Malone “councels” us on religious matters, too—another one of his areas of expertise.

In other words, he says: “Accept whatever we do as God’s will, no matter how wicked.”

Religious by-the-book Christians are hopeless in doing anything themselves but wait for Jesus to come and “save” them. How convenient for any ruler. I would say that Christianity as a religion is perfect for any authoritarian system. 

Maybe that’s why it has been around for 2000 years. The only time Christianity as a religion was seriously demolished was during those early democratic attempts after WW II. The authoritarian powers during the other 1950 years did get along quite well with religious Christians.

Of course, Jesus wouldn’t be regarded as a good Christian at all today as he furiously challenged the corrupt, oppressive Orthodox Jewish religion of the time and was ultimately killed for it by them. It wasn’t the Romans that asked for his crucifixion; it was the corrupt Jewish clergy. 

Will the passive gullible obeying Christians sitting on their non-rebellious submitting fat arses waiting for their “saviour” ever get wise to these dynamics? I doubt it. 

Instead, they will pray for their fellow Christian leaders, Trump and Malone and trust that God will guide them as they did for the past 2000 fucking years.

Fuck you, Malone.

And to finish the “document of absolute betrayel”, he plays the “Rome wasn’t built in a day” card, once again, AFTER the election. BEFORE the elections, it was all about how Trump would sweep into the white house with wrath and vengeance and destroy the evil globalist deep-state operators in one big strike.

Third, Rome was not built in a day. Stay focused on long-term objectives. Be strong and firm in your resolve. The MAGA/MAHA movements are broad-based and grounded in solid logic. These movements are not one person, or one administration. […]

I can’t wait for President Malone to finish the job in 28 years.

And then this:

I can guarantee this new administration will not eliminate government corruption. It will not end the power of the US Federal “deep state.” It will not end all wars. It will probably not even end the Senior Executive Service. It will not break the back of the pharmaceutical/industrial complex, military/industrial complex, censorship/industrial complex, or even stop the deployment of psychological warfare on Western citizens by their own governments. It will probably not stop Silicon Valley from practicing surveillance capitalism or colluding with the US, EU governments, and UN/WHO/WEF to censor speech. And it will not stop the weaponization of fear of infectious disease to control populations.

So why the fuck did everyone vote for Trump then? 

Because of this?

But it might set these things back if it acts from a position of strength and courage.


So much about “recalibrating expectations”.

I think the proper term would be “completely slaughtering expectations.”


I never liked Trump and encouraged everyone not to vote. I never believed he would or even could make any significant changes. He is a globalist shill and in their pocket. I was very sceptical that any meaningful health changes would happen under Trump.

And yet, I am still pissed off by how quickly and swiftly the betrayal is normalized by Malone. I can’t imagine how a “medical freedom advocate” who truly believed in Trump must feel right now. 

With some “Schadenfreude”, I mocked them to buy medicine for their hopium hang-over. Now, I feel sorry for them. This is brutal. And Malone finally shows his true face.

Fuck, he really wants that job, doesn’t he.


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