Thursday, 28 November 2024


Top Molecular Scientist Confirms DNA Contamination in COVID ‘Vaccines’ Integrates into Human Cells

A leading American molecular scientist has issued an explosive warning after making an alarming discovery about the DNA contamination in Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

A leading American molecular scientist has issued an explosive warning after making an alarming discovery about the DNA contamination in Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

The red alert was issued by Dr. Phillip J. Buckhaults, a professor in the Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences at the University of South Carolina.

Professor Buckhaults warns that the DNA contamination found in Covid shots can integrate into the genome of normal human cells.

Buckhaults launched an investigation in response to earlier findings about DNA contamination.

He noted that previous warnings about the risks posed by the contamination were met with skepticism.

However, Buckhaults has now revealed that the traces of DNA in the Covid injections could have a devasting impact on humanity.

Fragments of DNA in the Covid mRNA “vaccines” are a byproduct of their manufacture that should have been removed before use.

Concerns about DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines emerged in early 2023.

The traces of DNA were discovered by Dr. Kevin McKernan of Medicinal Genomics, a medical research company.

The concerns raised about DNA contamination have been corroborated and amplified by a number of experts.

Among those top experts is Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo.

Ladapo demanded a halt to the Covid mRNA “vaccine” program last December over the contamination.

The top health official cited the risks of genomic integration and cancer formation.

As Slay News reported last month, Port Hedland Council in Australia voted to notify all of the country’s 537 local councils of the evidence of DNA contamination in the vaccines and associated risks.

Experts and lawmakers in Australia have just issued a chilling warning to the rest of the world as a Western Australian town has started recording an unprecedented surge in deaths among the highly Covid-vaccinated population.

The town of Port Hedland called an emergency Special Council Meeting with leading experts and local lawmakers to address the crisis.

The meeting was called by three Port Hedland Town Councillors Adrian McRae, Lorraine Butson, and Camilo Blanco.

During the meeting, Councillor McRae made the shocking revelation that funerals in the town have become overwhelmed with deaths since the Covid “vaccines” were rolled out for public use.

McRae revealed that the crisis has provoked panic in the town after officials determined that the deaths are being caused by the long-term impact of DNA contamination in the Covid mRNA injections.

Due to the staggering “sevenfold increase” in deaths, McRae revealed that the town has been forced to build a “cold body storage facility” to cope with the surge in corpses.

“What happens when someone receives billions of these SV40 fragments in a single shot?” McRae said in a statement during the meeting.

“What happens when these contaminated shots are administered multiple times as they have been to millions of Australians including Australian children?”

Officials called the emergency meeting to bring forward a motion urging the immediate suspension of Covid mRNA “vaccines” from Pfizer and Moderna.

At the end of the meeting, the council voted to ban the mRNA injections.

However, most regulators have dismissed the concerns, claiming the DNA is not dangerous.

Prof. Buckhaults disagrees, warning that the risks must not be dismissed.

Buckhaults uncovered evidence confirming that the DNA contamination is capable of integrating into the genome of human cells.

He warns that this integration can change the function of the cells, altering and harming the DNA of the Covid mRNA “vaccine” recipient and their future offspring.

Posting the results of his investigation on X, Buckhaults writes:

“The plasmid DNA that is contained within mRNA vaccines can integrate into the genome of normal cells.

“I knew this could happen, but some were unconvinced, so we took the time to prove this in the lab.

“We grow normal human epithelial stem cells in my lab.

“It’s part of our normal job (cancer research).

“They are called organoids,” he explains.

“These are not cancer cells, they are just the normal stem cells that make up the human colon.

“We ‘vaccinated’ some of these normal cells and grew them for a month and saw pieces of the plasmid DNA persisting in the genomic DNA of the ‘vaccinated’ cells.

“We detected the plasmid DNA with our qPCR protocol that was posted to X several months ago,” Buckhaults notes.

“This experiment was done mainly for the people who were paid to publicly ridicule this idea (and slander my reputation).

“Most of these people are mutually blocked now, so pass around to anyone who needs to see it.

“Maybe Dr. Paul Offit or that rude Gorsky dude would like to see it. I don’t know.

“This does not mean that the integration is happening in real vaccinated humans (those experiments are ongoing) but it does prove that the DNA can get into normal cells just fine, as I told everyone a year ago.”



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Other scientists have shown that the mRNA in the vaccines (i.e., the active ingredient rather than the DNA contamination) also has the capacity to integrate into the human genome.

Last year, a team from Italy found vaccine spike protein being produced in the blood of “long Covid” patients two months after vaccination.

The researchers discovered an accompanying change in their DNA that could only have come from the vaccine.

They argued that the DNA contamination in the “vaccines” is the source of the persisting spike protein and the long Covid symptoms.

Professor Buckhaults is among scientists investigating whether similar problems may arise from the DNA contamination in the mRNA vaccines.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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