Wednesday, 27 November 2024


GMO Parasites and mRNA Vectors For Brain-Computer Interface

"Viruses are parasites" - Britannica

Intro by AI: 

GMO Parasites and Disease: A Joint Revelation by Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Ariyana Love

Dr. Robert Young, a senior scientific researcher, and Dr. Ariyana Love, a naturopathic practitioner, have collaborated to expose the shocking truth about GMO parasites and mRNA vectors in COVID-19 vaccines.

Key Findings:

  1. GMO Parasites as mRNA Vectors: Dr. Young and Dr. Love have revealed that pharmaceutical companies, including Moderna, Pfizer, Novavax, Janssen (J&J), Oxford, and others, are using genetically modified parasites (GMO) as mRNA vectors to deliver artificial genetic sequences into the human genome through COVID-19 vaccines.

  2. Deadly Synthetic Biology: These GMO parasites are designed to transform the human genome, effectively turning humans into synthetic biology. This transhumanist agenda is being pushed through mandatory vaccinations, with governments committing democide by forcing citizens to receive these bioweapon shots.

  3. Lab Evidence: Dr. Young has provided lab photos demonstrating parasitic infestations in human cells, including images of Trypanosoma cruzi parasites and Toxoplasma gondii parasites. These parasites are found in COVID-19 vaccines and are capable of causing severe disease and even death.

  4. Patent Review: Dr. Young and Dr. Love have conducted a patent review, exposing the scientific evidence and documentation supporting the use of GMO parasites as mRNA vectors. This research reveals a deliberate and sinister plan to alter human biology and create a new, genetically modified species.

Genetically tweaking human brains

by Dr. Ariyana Love 

In May 2019, DARPA paid scientists to invent ways to instantly read soldiers’ minds by genetically engineering the human brain for “thought control weapons”.

Mind control and neuroscience research was a top priority of President Obama, who funded the Brain Initiative. 

DARPA’s brain-computer interface does not require surgical implants and captures brain activity directly through the skull. 

In 2014, DARPA was testing atom-width graphene biosensors for mind control through the Reliable Neural-Interface Technology (RE-NET) program. 

The RE-NET program enables external monitoring and external stimulation of neurons in a person’s brain using optical and electronic methods simultaneously, using nanotechnology (graphene biosensors) and infrared beams

RE-NET draws upon three cutting-edge research fields: graphene nanotechnology, super-resolved fluorescent microscopy, and optogenetics, which involves genetically modifying cells to create specific light-reactive proteins

DARPA can read and write on genetic codes in brain cells on 16 independent channels within a 16mm3 volume of neural tissue within 50ms. Graphene biochips and other devices provide governments with the ability to interface to multiple points in the brain at once. 

Ericsson was the first company to demonstrate optical beam using PowerLight’s laser technology to transmit hundreds of watts of power over hundreds of meters through the air to power an Ericsson 5G base station.

Viral vectors

Viral vectors are genetically modified carriersof mRNA and modRNa used to transfect the human genome. 

“Robinson's team used viruses modified to deliver genetic material into cells — called viral vectors — to insert DNA into specific neurons that will make them produce two kinds of proteins. [Flying Saucers to Mind Control: 22 Declassified Military & CIA Secrets

Viral vectors carry the Green Florescent Protein (Luciferase) and the Red Florescent Protein (Lentivirus), used for government tracking and tracing of target cells within the human body. 

Viral vectors are genetically attenuated parasites of the most deadly species which are found in SEQ ID NO: 1, owned by the Pirbright Institute (Bill & Melinda Gates). SEQ ID NO: 1 can be found in all Covid-19 vaccine patents. 

Worms like N. brasiliensis are used as viral vector carriers of the Red Florescent Protein which uses Lentivirus, a Gain-And-Loss-Of-Function bioweapon. 

Viral vectors such as genetically modified bacteria are also used to transfect the human genome. DARPA’s self-replication drug delivery system known as Alhydrogel contains E. coli and Anthrax. Alhydrogel is also graphene oxide and aluminum based, making it super-paramagnetic and responsive to external frequency commands. Pharmaceutical companies have marketed Alhydrogel as a “vaccine antigen” and governments have been using it in “vaccines” for the last 20 years. It is, in fact, the most widely used “ vaccine antigen”. 

Alhydrogel replicates a sheath around the entire body very rapidly, within 1-3 hours after inhalation and/or injection. 

Red Florescent Protein is also known as “mCherry” which has a mitochondrial targeting sequence. mCherry is non-fluorescence until photoactivated by a short exposure to violet light irradiation at a wavelength between 350 nm and 400 nm. The excitation/emission wavelengths of photoactivated mCherry are 564 nm and 595 nm.

PLEASE READ: Covid-19 “Vaccine Antigen” Is Anthrax

“The first type of protein absorbs light when a neuron is firing, which makes it possible to detect neural activity. An external headset would send out a beam of infrared light that can pass through the skull and into the brain. Detectors attached to the headset would then measure the tiny signal that is reflected from the brain tissue to create an image of the brain. Because of the protein, the targeted areas will appear darker (absorbing light) when neurons are firing, generating a read of brain activity that can be used to work out what the person is seeing, hearing or trying to do.

The second protein tethers to magnetic nanoparticles, so the neurons can be magnetically stimulated to fire when the headset generates a magnetic field. This could be used to stimulate neurons so as to induce an image or sound in the patient's mind. As a proof of concept, the group plans to use the system to transmit images from' the visual cortex of one person to that of another.”

Read LiveScience article here.

Carbon nanomaterials, quantum dots, and nanoclusters made from graphene oxide and nano-fullerene C60 are used for implantable brain interfaces. 

The florescent changes in target cells are externally modulated by lasers and microwaves through 5G, which direct Nanodiamonds, a graphene oxide carbon-based crystal with a diamond-like structure inside the body. Nanodiamonds are able to “adsorb and integrate DNA”. Carbon nanotubes are used for drug and weapons delivery and to operate as artificial synapses in the brain. 

Carbon nanotubes (f-CNTs) have the ability to traverse cell membranes and localize to specific cellular compartments when treated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) or fluorescent peptides. 

Transgenic Hydra’s and other parasites are used as a reporter system to track the neural activity of hybrid humans (vaccinated individuals) through external computer interfaces. Graphene oxide sheets are used to slice open the membrane of human cells. 

PLEASE READ: Transgenic Hydras & Parasites A Biological Weapons System For Rapid Human Cloning


Graphene oxide and deadly genetically modified microorganisms comprise the DARPA operating system in Covid-19 “vaccines”. Graphene oxide is an industrial poison which proves deadly for humans

After injection (vaccination), graphene oxide nanoparticles aerosolize, meaning the weapon system transmits to others by inhalation.

Genetically modified, AI interface parasites used to control human behavior, will inevitably spread throughout a population after injection. The introduction of deadly parasites to society is detrimental and negatively impacts human behavior, influencing the central nervous system, leading to changes in personality traitslike increased risk-taking, impulsivity, and even altered mood and brain function. 


  1. Detox and Immune System Fortification: Dr. Love offers customised detox protocols to help individuals remove these GMO parasites and fortify their immune systems against this biological attack.

  2. Schedule a Consultation: Individuals can schedule a consultation with Dr. Love to learn more about how to protect themselves and their families.

  3. Donate to Research: Consider donating to Dr. Love’s research efforts to further uncover the truth about GMO parasites and mRNA vectors.


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