Friday, 1 November 2024


Comments CENSORED on article about the COVID-19 Response Inquiry report

There’s much consternation about the Albanese Government’s Mis/Disinformation Bill, that this is a means to shut down dissent on social media, and protect the government, ‘the establishment’, and the mainstream media from accountability.

So where are the people to be able to speak freely, and discuss matters relevant to taxpayer-funded policy? Where is our public forum for serious discussions on policy?

For years the people have been shut out of the conversation, given little or no representation in the mainstream media, including the ABC and SBS, certainly not on matters relevant to taxpayer-funded vaccination policy.

Consider for example an article on the Murdoch media’s The Australian (behind the paywall) about the recently published COVID-19 Response Inquiry report: 

According to information in this article, it seems the COVID-19 Response Inquiry report is going to facilitate a whole lot more spending of taxpayers’ money on the burgeoning pandemic industry…

It looks like the plan is to subject the general public to ongoing ‘public health terrorism’, to continue to exploit and control people for the benefit of the lucrative pandemic industry, which bled us dry during ‘Covid’.

I sought to leave comments on The Australian’sarticle via my family subscription.

Certainly my comments are forthright, but they say things that must be said to help expose the manufactured Covid debacle which has been covered up for so long.

My comments were censored by moderators at The Australian.


Why are subscribers to The Australianforbidden to make candid comments relevant to the COVID-19 Response Inquiry report and taxpayer-funded policy?

What does this mean for the public discourse when alternative viewpoints are suppressed? 

How much censorship occurred throughout the Covid debacle, and how did this impact on accountability for the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted COVID-19 response?

Please see below screenshots of my censored comments. Consider for yourself on what basis were my comments censored? Too close to the bone…?

For information also see my submission to the COVID-19 Response Inquiry:

Unredacted submission accessible via this link:

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