Saturday, 2 November 2024


‘Chilling’ Revelations From Pfizer Documents - Dr. Naomi Wolf

‘They knew they were killing and injuring people at massive scale’

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defender in depth and naomi wolf

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. November 1, 2024 

Naomi Wolf, author of “The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity,” joined this week’s “Defender In-Depth” to discuss the documents and what they reveal, including hidden deaths and the “appalling” irreversible harm to human reproduction.

Hundreds of thousands of pages of internal Pfizer documents related to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine revealed deaths, serious adverse events and irreversible harm to reproductive health, according to Naomi Wolf, CEO of Daily Clout.

Wolf, author of “The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity,” joined this week’s “Defender In-Depth” to discuss the documents and what they reveal.

She said the 450,000 pages of Pfizer documents showed that the company and public health agencies “certainly knew that the vaccine didn’t work,” prompting the federal government and Pfizer to try to conceal them.

“The FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] asked the court to keep these documents hidden for 75 years,” Wolf said. “They want us all to be dead before they see the light of day.”

A federal court ordered the release of the documents, following a successful lawsuit by Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency

Media also helped conceal the documents and the vaccine’s dangers from the public. “None of this could have been accomplished … if the legacy media had done its job,” Wolf said. 

‘They knew they were killing and injuring people at massive scale’

Wolf said that without access to the resources of a large media outlet, she and her team at Daily Clout faced an uphill battle in unpacking and analyzing the documents.

“These documents were so voluminous and so technical in language that they were very difficult for any journalist to understand and explain,” Wolf said. The solution was to recruit volunteer scientists to help review the documents.

“We put out a call for experts to volunteer … and amazingly, 3,250 doctors and scientists responded,” Wolf said.

Wolf said the documents reveal that Pfizer and public health agencies manipulated the clinical trial data to delay reporting deaths of trial participants so they could meet safety targets and claim the vaccine was “safe and effective.” 

“The only way they were able to make that claim was to hide the bodies of eight vaccinated dead people who had died with COVID and to illegally delay reporting those deaths to the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention],” Wolf said.

Concealing the deaths was just one sign that Pfizer “knew very early on” — within the first three months of the vaccines’ rollout — that the shots were dangerous, Wolf said.

Wolf said:

“They knew that there were 1,223 deaths within three months and side effects. There were 43,000 people with serious adverse events and over 130,000 serious adverse events in total in just these three months. They knew that they were killing and injuring people at massive scale.” 

Vaccine injuries were often “catastrophic” and included “horrific blood clots, lung clots … pericarditis, myocarditis, heart damage of all kinds, neurological events at massive scale, epilepsies, dementias, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrometurbo cancers … liver damage, kidney damage” and other conditions, according to Wolf.

Wolf said the documents show the two most commonly reported adverse events are muscle pain and joint pain. “Many people feel bad now and don’t know why, and their doctors don’t know why,” she said. “Pfizer knows why.”

Pfizer knew the vaccines bio-distribute the lipid nanoparticles and the spike protein and the polyethylene glycol, a petroleum byproduct, “to every part of your body, every organ in your body,” Wolf said. 

“So many people are arthritic now or need knee replacements, shoulder replacements, healthy young people having joint issues. Pfizer knew that the injections are inflammatory and joint pain is an inflammatory condition,” Wolf added. 

‘Most appalling eight pages you can imagine’

For Wolf, the most egregious revelations from the Pfizer documents have to do with the vaccines’ impact on human reproduction.

“The centerpiece of the Pfizer papers … has to do with destroying human reproduction in many ways,” Wolf said. “Lipid nanoparticles are designed to traverse every membrane in the human body. It’s not a bug, but a feature” of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Wolf cited a chart in the documents showing that 15,000 women experienced bleeding every day, 10,000 women were having two periods per month and 7,500 women were not having periods at all, “meaning no children, not fertile.” 

Pregnant women also experienced side effects. Pfizer lost the records of 234 pregnant women who participated in the clinical trials. But for the 36 pregnant women whose records survived, “over 80% of them lost their babies,” Wolf said.

Wolf said the data showed that 62% of adverse events were in women, with 16% of those being reproductive disorders, compared to 0.2% for men. The documents also contained “disturbing sections” recommending that vaccinated men avoid intercourse with women of childbearing age, due to a possible risk to women or the fetus.

Wolf said an eight-page Pfizer document, the “Pregnancy and Lactation Report,” indicated severe injuries and deaths among babies. 

“It’s the most appalling eight pages you can imagine,” Wolf said. “There are two babies in that document who died in utero, and Pfizer concluded the deaths were due to maternal exposure to the vaccine. They also have a chart in there that shows babies getting very sick from nursing vaccinated mothers.” 

‘People woke up in time’

Wolf said that legacy media ignored these revelations because of funding they receive from Big Pharma and organizations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that offer media “vast sums” to “overcome vaccine hesitancy.”

“These documents do not overcome vaccine hesitancy — they create vaccine hesitancy,” Wolf said. But because “media took the money” and are “complicit in this massive crime,” they are now ignoring revelations like the Pfizer documents because that would open them up to lawsuits, Wolf said.

Yet, public awareness is growing. Wolf said: 

“They tried to sterilize us. They tried to disable us, they tried to kill us. … and they didn’t succeed. The great project they had of culling the population or culling the West hasn’t succeeded yet. People woke up in time.”

Wolf said that while her book contains “chilling” revelations, it’s also “lifesaving” because “it really points you in the direction … of how to heal because you’ll understand better what happened to you if you’re vaccinated.”

She said the attacks are not over. “The globalists are not going to stop. But when we all resist, even if we think we’re not very powerful, it turns out that we are very powerful, and they cannot overcome us when enough of us say no.”

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