Thursday 17 October 2024


Nuremberg Hearing On 11-11 - Stop WHO's Global "vaccine" Authorizations? Sketchy Door To Door Covid Vaccine "SWEEPS" In Costa Rica With 100% Coverage Coming!

Covid cartel is coming back... We need to move a lot damn faster. VP Mary Munive Spills The Beans after PAHO/WHO Requests 100% Vaccination Coverage.

This 100% vaccination coverage news came out just before the same VP & Health Minister Mary Munive granted us a hearing for stopping the shots, but the issue is still open and unresolved, making this door to door “vaccine sweeps” issue a HUGE problem that we pray we can solve in the November 11, 2024 Nuremberg Hearing to stop the experimental shots and PCR.  No one has the right to lie to us all just to experiment on us like mere merchandise to be used for research. 


Can IOJ save Costa Rica From Itself?

Costa Rica stands at a critical juncture in its fight against the aggressive push for mass COVID vaccination, driven by the policies of former Health Minister Daniel Salas and backed by international organizations like the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)—which is, in fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) for the Americas

The nation is preparing for a hearing that could be the last opportunity to stop the dangerous momentum of vaccine overreach, revoking the Emergency Use Listings (EUL)for both PCR tests and COVID vaccines that were authorized by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

This is the only mechanism capable of stopping PAHO/WHO’s relentless pressure to enforce 100% vaccination and fake pandemics across the region and globe.

Meet The Current WHO/PAHO Head of Vaccinations for the Americas: Mr. Daniel Salas ‘Mengele’ Peraza

WHO/PAHO Global traitor to humanity and serious undue experimentation violator: Mr. Daniel Salas Peraza - Head of ALL Vaccines for ALL of the Americas!

Critically Important Discussion With IoJ, Dr. Yeadon and Dr. Janci Lindsay about Daniel Salas

The video below is important for our lawsuit/upcoming hearing - for those interested!

Daniel Salas, the former Costa Rican Minister of Health, played a key role in launching Costa Rica’s aggressive vaccine mandates, which were the first in the world to include not only adults but also children and even babies. His mandate, which was based on flawed data and driven by an international agenda, quickly spiraled into a human rights issue. 

Under oath, Salas admitted that these alleged vaccines were imported as “investigational,” and regulated under Biomedical Research laws, confirming that they were experimental in nature in Costa Rica and not fully approved. Despite this, he continued to mandate their use for vulnerable segments of the population. 

Two days after confessing to the Interest of Justice in writing, under oath, about the investigational status of the vaccines, Salas forced the experimental/investigational injection of a six-year-old child—against the desperate, screaming pleas of his pregnant mother. This incident represents a dark chapter in Costa Rica’s COVID response, highlighting how far Salas was willing to go to meet the WHO and PAHO’s 100% vaccination goal, he literally became the Mengele of the America’s, forcing a genetic experiment on a child, knowing it was potentially harmful and experimental, because he testified its “investigational”, a word meaning in law: “experimental”.

Salas’ early departure from his ministerial post to become the Head of Vaccines for the Americas for PAHO/WHO raises significant concerns about his motivations and the role of PAHO/WHO in influencing national health policies. He was recruited a week early for this influential position, leaving behind a country in turmoil, now facing a planned door-to-door vaccination campaign targeting every household that he ordered from on high at his new top post in PAHO. The fact that Salas’ mandate, and now Mary Munive’s, are based on PAHO recommendations underscores the connection between Costa Rica’s Health Ministers policies and the broader WHO agenda for the Americas. PAHO, acting as the WHO for the region, has been relentless in its push for total vaccination coverage, disregarding the investigational nature of the vaccines and the growing concerns about their safety.

This brings us to the most critical point: the upcoming hearing is our last chance to stop this overreach. The objective of the hearing is to hear our concerns for real data in order to revoke WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ authorization of the Emergency Use Listings (EUL) for both the PCR tests and the COVID vaccines. It’s by far the most important hearing since the imaginary covid attack began.

To put it in perspective, these EUL authorizations are the ONLY legal foundation allowing PAHO and WHO to push these investigational vaccines across the Americas AND GLOBE. If the EUL is revoked by a Member State (because WHO refuses), it will effectively dismantle the PAHO/WHO global authority that is driving these dangerous vaccine policies.

Vice President and Minister of Health Mary Munive Ángel Müller, despite her calls for reform and better data, remains trapped under the influence of PAHO/WHO’s vaccine agenda. In her recent speech, she reiterated the need for a 100% vaccine rollout, following PAHO’s lead, while admitting that without accurate data, their efforts will fail

This is our window of opportunity. 

VP and Health Minister Mary Munive Müller emphasized the need for transparency and accountability, not just in the public health sector but across the entire healthcare landscape. “In troubled waters, fishermen gain,” she said, warning that corruption thrives when governance structures are weak.

Müller has given us a platform—a hearing to present the correct data—and fully acknowledged the truth that flawed data will undermine their entire strategy. 

Now, it is up to us, assisted by Dr. Yeadon, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay and other top experts to expose the inaccuracies driving the PAHO/WHO recommendations and stop the door-to-door vaccine sweeps that could soon become a reality.

We cannot underestimate the gravity of this situation. The planned door-to-door sweeps to pass out covid-19 so called vaccines like candy, backed by PAHO, represent an unprecedented invasion into the personal medical choices of Costa Rican families. Worse, these vaccines still remain investigational, while the regulator for investigational imports (CONIS) lies to us under oath that they are approved, and while the regulator for approved products insists they do not see it registered there, yet they are being pushed on children, babies, and vulnerable populations without proper informed consent. The forced vaccination of a six-year-old child under Salas’ watch is just one harrowing example of what can happen when a government, under international pressure, loses sight of its duty to protect its own people and allows their institutions to be penetrated by WEF and other economic hitmen such as the Big Pharma monopoly. 

But there is hope. The Nuremberg Hearing to examine the toxicity of the shots and potentially revoke WHO’s EUL authorizationis the only pathway that can stop PAHO/WHO from continuing to enforce these dangerous and coercive vaccine policies in Costa Rica, across the Americas and across the entire globe. 

WHO & PAHO’s power to mandate vaccines hinges entirely on WHO’s emergency use listings, and if we succeed in revoking them, we can halt the overreach of these global organizations worldwide and save humanity from the scourge of experimental interventions.

We must act now. The opportunity to present accurate, scientific data at this hearing with top experts like Dr. Yeadon is a rare chance to be heard on the concerns we have had for years, and to stop the tide of forced vaccinations and protect the health and rights of every Costa Rican citizen and potentially across the globe. 

This is not just a fight for Costa Rica—it is a fight against the global machinery of PAHO and WHO, which seeks to pressure countries to impose investigational (experimental) vaccines on entire populations without proper oversight or regard for individual freedoms. This case and Nuremberg Hearing starting on 11-11 is for helping everyone!

The hearing starting 11-11, which will likely be a series of hearings, could be the turning point, but only if we make the most of it. Armed with the truth, we can dismantle the false narratives driving PAHO’s vaccine push, revoke the WHO’s EUL listings, and bring an end to the coercive vaccine mandates threatening Costa Rican families. Time is running out for us to raise the Attorney fees to have the best shot to win, but together, we can ensure that the rights and health of our people are protected and that this hearing is taken seriously. 

The future of healthcare in Costa Rica—and indeed across the Americas, and entire globe—literally depends on the outcome of this hearing. The threat is real, but so is the hope for change. 

We stay hopeful, vigilant and PERSISTENT. - Love IOJ

God Save Us! They Are Coming FAST!

Source & proof 100% vaccination coverage ordered with DOOR TO DOOR “SWEEPS”:


NOTICE: We have a Nuremberg hearing on 11-11 with Dr. Yeadon, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay and other experts! This hearing and to DELIST the WHO EUL’s is literally the ONLY way to stop the shots and fake PCR pandemics. 

IOJ REALLY needs your help to finish the job! Contributions are appreciated and necessary to win! Together we can make a real difference.

Thank you - It’s time to take down WHO data and lies to save humanity - Love IoJ

Contribute to Nuremberg Hearing

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