Thursday 17 October 2024


Dr. Yeadon Comments On The REASON For Covid Fictitious Contagious Disease & It's Not Pretty - We Are UNDER ATTACK!

Fictitious contagious disease in order to access the inside of the bodies of most humans on earth, to inject them with materials designed intentionally to injure, kill & reduce fertility in survivors



(Make sure you are on Dr. Yeadon’s correct Telegram & NOT the imposter!)


From Dr. Yeadon today: 

Mark Davey on LinkedIn: Dr Mike Yeadon ...

A comment written under a Substack that’s such a good summary that I think it’s worth featuring on its own:

I added my main theme on the injections, which didn’t feature much if at all in the otherwise excellent post I cite.

Finally, here’s the article again (which I’ve previously posted here):

Best wishes 


The Excellent Post Dr. Yeadon Shared:

What a great overview by “Allen” - It really does deserve to be shared!

Allen 16 hrs ago

"Covid-19" was not an epidemiological/medical event it was a long planned geopolitical event- akin to the phony "War on Terror." Speaking about it in such terms is absurd.

"Covid" was the circuit breaker to usher in a new self-perpetuating economic order with rolling pandemics at the center of it all along with additional "global shocks" in order to turbocharge the move towards SDG's/Agenda 2030. It's cover for ongoing theft of the global commons.

They tell everyone this quite directly and are putting these plans in motion right in front of everyone's eyes and yet people are still floundering around talking about "origin of the virus", "lab leak" and assorted rubbish?

For but one example, in December 2020, Secretary General of the UN Antonio Gutteres speaking to an audience at Columbia University said the following:

“To put it simply, the state of the planet is broken. Human activities are at the root of our descent towards chaos. The recovery from the pandemic is an opportunity. It is time to flick the ‘green switch’. We have a chance to not simply reset the world economy but to transform it."

Anyone stuck thinking that the events of these past four years was an epidemiological event caused by some alleged submicroscopic particle floating through the air will never comprehend what happened and what is happening. Among other things perpetuating such fallacies conceals the deadly protocols established in the hospitals and nursing homes as well as provides cover for those who designed and executed this operation.

Reifying that LIE is what is truly dangerous. Daily Sceptic and Brownstone as well as the majority of the mainstream "Covid dissenters" do exactly this and in doing so form a firewall against the fact that Operation COVID is part of a meticulous criminal plan to create the greatest mass illusion, the greatest plundering of taxpayer funds, the greatest social destruction, the greatest restrictions of freedom, the greatest mass medical homicide, censoring etc etc in the history of the world.

The Covid Operation was set in motion in the summer of 2019 and launched in March 2020 in order to change the entire financial and social order of The West due to a confluence of existential crises that were facing the ruling class parasites which could no longer be kicked down the road.

The introduction of the Covid-19 “emergency” was the circuit breaker and the rationale used to freeze the US banking system and provide the opportunity to inject massive amounts of cash into the system that went to large financial investment and banking firms- aka bailouts. Same was done in the EU.

There was no pandemic ever- there is no “lab leak”- there is no “unique viral pathogen”- there is no “China Virus”- there is no “bioweapon”- There is no “There” there.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society- an endeavor of complete social control.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.


There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

The official narrative of “Covid” is fictional- all facets of it.

Comment On Post By Dr. Yeadon:

Dr Mike Yeadon1 hr ago

I agree with everything you’ve written. Though unless I missed it, you didn’t feature a very important component of the ghoulish plan.

This was to create & seize the opportunity of a fictitious contagious disease in order to access the inside of the bodies of most humans on earth, thence to inject them with superfluous materials designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors.

The effect size is not enormous, at this point. It would have unblinded itself if it had been. But it’s set in train the expectation of what will happen when next there’s a faked pandemic: billions will be injected again with gene-based products. Eventually, I predict this will become a requirement in order to maintain the validity of the biometric digital ID, which is to become mandatory to have & to use ahead of every transaction, from crossing a regulated threshold (in time, every threshold will be regulated) to purchasing food and other commodities.

If you decline the digital ID & repeated injections, you will be automatically excluded from your own life.

If you accept then, over time you will sicken & die.

It’s diabolical genius, isn’t it?

Down The Covid Rabbit Hole We Go!

The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19's Origins |  Vanity Fair


Contribute To Ensure Our Attorney’s Will Assist Dr. Yeadon & IoJ In Our November 11, 2024 Stop mRNA Hearing!

For those who didn’t hear yet - the VP of Costa Rica granted Dr. Yeadon and IOJ a hearing for 11-11 to stop the shots and prove WHO lied. Please support if able because we are still very short of the Attorney fees! Every contribution small or large WILL make a real difference!

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  Dr. Yeadon Comments On The REASON For Covid Fictitious Contagious Disease & It's Not Pretty - We Are UNDER ATTACK! Fictitious cont...