Tuesday, 29 October 2024


Deep Fake Einstein or Pre-Apocalyptic Time Travel Reality Reset?

This is something entirely different

There's this really bizarre video of Einstein making the rounds on the dark web. Looks real, but obviously must be a deepfake cause it reads like a weirdly timely, red-pill, pre-apocalyptic, sci-fi short story. I mean it has to be fake because it can’t be real, can it? 

Anyway, judge for yourself. This is the transcript: 

"As you know, my name is Albert Einstein. Today is January 20th, 1955, and this will be my final message to humanity, addressed especially to the American people. You gave me refuge when I needed it most, and now, 69 years hence, you will be called upon to stand against the forces of darkness, ensuring the flame of freedom does not fade from this world.

"This is my three hundred and fourteenth attempt at diverting the course of future history, and I believe there is good reason to hope that this time, we may succeed—God willing. Our plan, you see, is to harness one of your so-called 'social media' platforms from the future to circumvent the rather severe censorship prevalent during your time.

"Now, reality, as I have come to understand (after some considerable resistance), has peculiar properties. Most of you will be unaware of my previous 313 attempts, though some may feel a strange sense of déjà vu, and a select few might recall them as if from a distant, forgotten dream.

"I must be brief. Allow me to explain in terms even a child might grasp. There exist many secret factions within the U.S. government and throughout the world, all vying for control over the present and the future.

r/todayilearned - TIL that physicist Nikola Tesla once paid an overdue hotel bill with a box containing a working model of his ‘death beam‘, warning employees never to open it because of the danger. They hid the box & when it was discovered years later & opened, found to contain old (harmless)…

"I was granted access by one such faction to the extensive papers of the late Nikola Tesla. Among his effects was a small device, which I deduced could transmit information backwards through spacetime. To my astonishment, the device already contained a message—in my own handwriting, no less—apparently written by a future version of myself, explaining how it worked. Without delving too deeply into the technical minutiae, I can tell you this: the device’s limitations mean that only small objects can be sent back, and only as far as the device itself has existed.

"Together with a small group of like-minded individuals within the U.S. government, we established a secret program to safeguard this device and monitor it for further transmissions from the future. We soon realized that using it to send an object back required that the object remain sealed within the box for as long as the message was to travel backward in time. In other words, to send something back one day, it must remain undisturbed for one day; to send it back ten years, it must remain sealed for ten years. This made the device precious but also perilously impractical. Only the most important messages could be sent.

"Many times, we were tempted to use the device to avert coming tragedies. But unless the outcomes were truly catastrophic for society, we held back—until our hands were forced, some 69 years hence.

"Today, I have received the 314th message from the future. To me, it seems as though it were the first, just as it will to most of you. In January 2025, our group, having weathered the tumultuous events of the 2024 U.S. election, placed this very message in the box, to be protected for another 70 years until it could be delivered back to me today. The message contains details of each prior attempt and their outcomes. We have tried many small changes, tested many possibilities...

What film stocks were used in the 1940s for home movies and newsreels? - Film  Stocks & Processing - Cinematography.com

"This recording will be entrusted to those same patriots and stored for 69 years, to be opened in 2024 and disseminated around the world along with any similar surviving videos created by our members between now and then. In all previous attempts, our videos were censored and failed to reach enough people to prevent disaster. Each time, we did our best over the course of the next seven decades to steer events based on what we had learned from earlier attempts, but spacetime is like a great river—it does not change course easily. Some of us fear it may be impossible, but I hold to the belief that we were granted this power for a reason, and so I persist. This time, it is our resolve to commandeer at least one crucial media outlet in your time, which may tip the scales.

"It is imperative that whoever sees this message shares it widely, so that the entire world sees it and acts decisively. To avert the impending disaster, you must take certain simple steps to protect yourselves and your families.

"There will have been signs of the coming catastrophe, signs most of you will have overlooked. There were warnings from some in your government and even from private citizens, predicting a disastrous collapse if the United States did not change course.

I could have died on the Challenger

"To demonstrate the authenticity of my foresight, I have been informed of events that will occur after my passing later this year, and have even been provided with photographic evidence of the same—events I could not possibly know about unless I had the benefit of Tesla’s remarkable machine. President John F. Kennedy will be assassinated on November 22, 1963 (and, alas, it was deemed unwise to attempt to save him). A manned mission to the Moon will be broadcast on July 16, 1969—how I wish I could see that wonder! And a “space shuttle”, the Challenger, will tragically explode on January 28, 1986. There are many others, but these examples should suffice to prove the point.

"In many iterations of the past timeline, the final months of 2024 witnessed a series of real and false crises, leading to widespread destruction and ushering in a new era of totalitarian control unlike anything known in my time or in history.

"To avert this, you must first safeguard your health against a man-made plague which, in some versions of the future, wipes out a large part of the population. Resist official recommendations and mandates, avoid isolation, and seek the sunlight—stay outdoors as much as possible.

"You should stockpile certain medications that may prove invaluable against a 'super variant'—a virus particularly harmful to those previously vaccinated against COVID-19 during the so-called crisis of 2020. The treatments to have on hand include ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, nattokinase, bromelain, quercetin, turmeric, nigella sativa, dandelion, and vitamins C, D, K2, and zinc.

"Stand firm against the push for a new world war, regardless of the cost. There are forces within the military-industrial complex and the deeper strata of the U.S. government who are intent on a U.S.-led conflict in the Middle East and Russia—a war that cannot be won, and that would serve only to enrich those who would rebuild the shattered nations, as they did after the last two great wars.

"Consider placing some savings in gold and silver. Should our efforts fail entirely, the utter collapse of the currency will be unavoidable, as it was during the Weimar hyperinflation. The country, I am convinced, will endure, but the U.S. government will, in almost all of the possible futures we’ve seen, print vast amounts of money to repay it’s debts, driving the value of gold to unprecedented heights, even in the absence of a total currency collapse.

"Get to know your neighbors and strengthen your local community. When the crisis arrives, they will be your refuge, and together, you will find a way out of the darkness.

"Ensure that elections are free and fair. Watch closely, with the eyes of a hawk. Close your borders to all but those welcomed, and restore law and order in your great cities. Protect your children from false doctrines that seek to undermine their morals and harm their tender bodies. It is a shock to me what I am told has come to pass.

"Do not trust what you see or hear from government-controlled media. They have long been under the influence of intelligence agencies.

"Seek wisdom from the past, for in it lies the key to preserving your future.

"Finally, though it certainly sounds quite strange to my ear, I am told I must say exactly the following phrase: 'like and subscribe, and don't forget to share.' If this is what it takes to spread the message, then so be it.

"Godspeed, and God bless America."

Vintage American Flag Cloudy Sky - Old 16mm Film

Let me know what you think. And we should be back to our regularly scheduled programming next time. 

Strange as it may sound, I’m finishing up a post about real life, blood-sucking, soul-sucking, mesmerizing vampires of a sort. These creatures probably affect the health and minds of most people on the planet, but are the last thing most doctors look for, because they are often functionally invisible to standard testing methods. 

Stay tuned!

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