Wednesday, 30 October 2024


Bootstrapping Justice Is Not Working - The ATTORNEY FEES Still Need Paid For IOJ & Dr. Yeadon's Nuremberg Hearing 11-11!

The folks who have been with us since the beginning and have been chipping in - thank you! We are still very short and need larger funds to get this job done!!

The Attorney fees are VERY SHORT. 

VERY, VERY SHORT. Less than a thousand has come in from all of you, even with 2 $100. donations. THE PLAN FOR JUSTICE FOR HUMANITY IS MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS SHORT.

Apparently not many people care to fund THE MOST IMPORTANT CASE IN COVID CRIMES YET!!!!!!

Maybe you all do not understand this is the ONLY way to stop the shots globally?

Below is a video about our case: - (updated Oct 29th!)

Please donate ASAP as much as you really can afford, because our Attorney should be paid by the end of the month - and also in a couple days we need the deposit to secure his attendance at our hearing IOJ vs WHO PCR and VAX. It was referred by W.H.O. Internal Oversight to National Authorities after 3+ years and is a HUGE DEAL - way bigger than any national case - its global - against W.H.O..


It’s tough being non profit sometimes, we require reliable large funders and monthly donors, help spread the word, help IOJ fundraise! LARGE DEPOSIT NEEDED FOR ATTORNEY TEAM BY WEDNESDAY Oct 30, Then the rest by the beginning of the month!

All Countries have been asked for this hearing(we expect the countries to have to cooperate together soon - that’s what the law says) and Costa Rica is the first to respond to give us this Nov 11 hearing to DELIST and nullify WHO’s Authorizations for the vax and PCR. 

This is the first of the Nuremberg Hearings where we intend to expose the obvious experimentation and toxicities of the WHO authorized covid mRNA shots.

If you want to help make this happen, we really do still need support. 

It’s VERY discouraging to do so much work, get humanity to the literal FINISH line and have such a small amount of support. You’ll notice NO big players support us or ever share our work, or EVER give us a leg up. We just want to create legally significant wins and end the nightmares for the world. We simply want Dr. Yeadon to have an ATTORNEY there as we finally tell the Health Minister and Presidents Office the truth about the ATTACK.

We have a real chance to stop the shots and PCR but we NEED the Attorney team paid! We work 16 hours a day for 4 years - no pay- and to see it falling apart for lack of support is very disheartening. It’s heartbreaking that we see so many “freedom” festivals and so much money wasted in this movement acting like its so helpful, but for some reason we can’t seem to raise the funds for an attorney for a case so solid it cant lose against WHO to fix things all at once globally, a case PAST WHO’S LEGAL DEPARTMENT. WHAT THE HELL? WHY ARE PEOPLE NOT SUPPORTING????

We need people with resources to step up and back us up, like we are trying to do for all of humanity! CONQUER OR DIE.


The countries violated Nuremberg Code because WHO Authorized the covid [non]vaccine and DEFRAUDED the countries that its “safe and effective” not research. IoJ is 501c(3) Non profit and the proceeds go to the mission at hand! 

For an IRS tax write off in the USA, use IoJ’s registered Non Profit EIN 99-2410252

Help us sue the WHO!

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