Monday 14 October 2024


15 Minutes with Dr. William Makis: Threats Against My Family by the College. Visit to Edmonton Police Service Today

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Hi, everyone. Welcome to another episode of 15 Minutes with Dr. Makis, my new hard-hitting medical podcast. As many of you know, my family has been recently threatened repeatedly by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, their lawyers, by Alberta Health Services and their lawyers,
Now, this has been going on for a few years now, but they have escalated these threats in the past year. They're sending threatening letters to our home, to our house. They are sending the police to our house to intimidate us. They sent the police on August 4th on a Sunday afternoon.
They filed a fraudulent complaint just so that they could send the police to our house to intimidate us. And they're basically trying to either get us to leave Alberta, and they're certainly trying to get me to give up my lawsuit in regards to the sabotage of my cancer program. and sign a non-disclosure agreement,
which is what they tried to get me to do several years ago when they offered me $400,000 to keep my mouth shut, sign a non-disclosure agreement and go away. So these threats have been escalating recently. My wife and I are starting to get concerned for our physical safety.
And so today, my wife and I went to the local police headquarters. We went to the Edmonton Police Service here in the southwest of Edmonton. And we spoke to the police about what's been happening. Now, the police were very nice. They were very kind. They listened to our complaints.
And my wife has opened a criminal complaint with the Edmonton police regarding the recent threats that have been engaged in by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta. Four people in particular at the college are doing this. A college registrar, Scott McCloud, who often takes photo ops with our health minister, Adriana Lagrange.
Michael Cafaro, who's the second in command. He's the associate registrar. He's the son of a powerful judge. And he actually controls the medical licenses of 11,000 doctors in Alberta. He's the one who persecuted every single doctor during the COVID pandemic for COVID crimes, thought crimes, writing mask exemption letters, writing vaccine exemption letters, treating patients with ivermectin.
This is the guy who came after... doctors like Dr. Daniel Negassi, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Dr. Gary Davidson. Dr. Michael Cafaro is the mafia guy here in Alberta, son of a very powerful judge, actually the Chief Justice of the Alberta Provincial Court, and his personal lawyer, Craig Boyer,
who takes care of a lot of the threats on his behalf. Interestingly, the college lawyer, Craig Boyer, was recently hired by the Edmonton police to conduct a cover-up in regards to the Edmonton Police COVID vaccine mandate, which they issued, despite the fact that officials or leaders at the Edmonton Police Services were
well aware that the vaccines were injuring people, but proceeded with the COVID vaccine mandate anyway. So they actually hired a corrupt college lawyer but sabotaged my license and has been threatening my family. They actually hired him to conduct a cover-up at the Edmonton Police.
So there's a little bit of a conflict of interest, of course, but we know that. We know that everything is corrupt here in Alberta. So I've got a couple of pictures of us at the Edmonton Police Station. So a criminal complaint has now been opened. Now, I expect the Edmonton police to cover it up, to bury it,
to really prevent us from acting forward on it. But we'll see what happens. We are to have a meeting with an Edmonton police officer about the recent threats that the college has been making against me and my wife at our house. The other aspect of this story is that we are being extorted by the college and by
AHS for over $100,000. And this extortion is actually being carried out by five prominent Alberta judges, including the Associate Chief Justice of the Court of Kings Bench in Edmonton, Justice Kenneth Nielsen. This is extremely scandalous. I don't know what these judges signed up for. I don't know if they were bribed. I don't know if they were coerced.
I don't know if they were threatened. But I have it on extensive record with extensive documentation. that these five Alberta judges have spent the last four years helping the college and AHS prepare an extortion plot against me and my family that is now valued over $100,000. This is why we're starting to get worried about our personal safety.
These are criminals. The college officials that Alberta Premier Daniel Smith is so afraid to even investigate are hardcore criminals. They've murdered tens of thousands of vulnerable Albertans. Our AHS leadership are hardcore criminals. They've murdered tens of thousands of vulnerable Albertans. I'll give you an example. They murdered my cancer patients at Cross Cancer Institute.
That was 2,500 patients they murdered. When I filed their names at the Edmonton Courthouse, one of these corrupt judges, Judge Averill Inglis, actually struck my affidavit out. I was threatened by AHS lawyers that they would come after me if those names were not removed.
And so she actually removed the names of the victims who were murdered by AHS. I'm going to release all of this documentation out over the coming days and weeks. So this is really a hardcore criminal mafia. We know that they blocked early treatments for COVID-19 and they caused almost 6,000 deaths of Albertans from COVID-19.
Virtually all of them were preventable and unnecessary. They murdered these patients. We know that Luan Metz, who's an NDP MLA, She actually helped AHS sabotage a hydroxychloroquine trial that could have treated 1,600 patients that could have been saved COVID patients. And so those patients were murdered. And now this NDP MLA sits in the Alberta legislature.
So we're dealing with a criminal mafia here in Alberta. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to make public, as much as I can, I'm going to make public the criminal complaint that my wife is filing with the Edmonton police. That's in progress. We are going to speak to the RCMP.
One thing I want to tell you about Alberta Premier Danielle Smith. Whatever you may think of Premier Danielle Smith, whether you support her, whether you don't support her, I notified Alberta Premier Danielle Smith on over 100 independent occasions that this was happening to us, that we were being threatened, my family was being threatened,
that we were being extorted, and we received no response from her or her office. We also notified the Minister of Health, Adriana Lagrange, and her office that ahs and the college were committing these crimes and there was no response from her office these politicians are protecting this criminal mafia or
at the very least they will not get involved to protect anybody in this province forget about me and my family i can take care of me and my family If we have to leave Alberta, we will, but they will not protect anyone in this province. If people like me are forced to leave the province,
they will come after you next, and you will be forced to leave the province, and Premier Danielle Smith will not protect you. She will not stand behind you. I have something else to mention. I had sent some confidential emails to Premier Danielle Smith and to the health minister, Adriana Lagrange,
The staffers who have access to their emails leaked those confidential government documents, those government emails to AHS lawyers. Those AHS lawyers actually used those confidential government emails in the extortion plot. They brought them to one of the corrupt judges, Justice Averill Inglis.
and used it to run up the extortion fee a little bit higher by an extra $10,000. And then what the corrupt judge, Avril Inglis, did was she actually sealed the documents so no one could go and find out that UCP government officials are leaking confidential government documents and emails to
corrupt AHS lawyers that are using them to violate the Criminal Code of Canada. extortion, threats. These are violations of Sections 346 of the Criminal Code, conspiracy, Section 465. These are very serious criminal violations. And these are government employees. These are UCP employees, people who are close to Danielle Smith and Minister Adriana Lagrange.
So there's some really extensive criminal activity that's going on. I'll try to expose what I can over the coming days and months. And so I would just ask those of you in Alberta, in the rest of Canada, around the world. Please pray for me and my family. Please pray for our safety. I am concerned about our safety.
These people are insane. They're criminals. I mean, they've bribed judges. They've spent over $10 million trying to destroy me and my family. That's taxpayer dollars. They used over 10 million taxpayer dollars that were intended to provide health care. These are AHS dollars, taxpayer dollars. They've used it on legal fees. They used it on bribes.
They've used that money to try to destroy me and my family. And simply because I wouldn't take AHS's money to sign a settlement because they sabotaged my cancer program back in 2016 and then started murdering my cancer patients at Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton. So that's going to be it for this episode.
We have a meeting with the RCMP. We've got a court date coming up this week as well. It's an extremely busy week. And I'm going to be documenting all of it online as long as I can. I will give some documents for safekeeping to people I trust.
And so should something happen to me, those documents, the safety of those documents will be assured. So thank you very much for all your support. I love the tremendous support that I've received from Albertans, from Canadians, but really from all around the world. My Twitter has grown to over 250,000 followers.
I have more engagement than any politician in Alberta, really any politician in Canada, except maybe Justin Trudeau and his bots. But between my Twitter account and my Substack account, I have over 300,000 followers, which is more followers than Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has at 290,000, and certainly 10 times more engagement than she will ever have.
I'm extremely disappointed by the fact that Alberta Premier Danielle Smith continues to allow this healthcare mafia to attack good people, good doctors, good nurses, good healthcare workers, good citizens. And she's doing nothing, like not even a little bit. And stop giving me excuses that, oh, there's nothing she can do and it can always be worse.
She could have hired a number of good doctors, honest, ethical doctors like Dr. Roger Hopkinson, Dr. Daniel Negassi, Dr. Gary Davidson. She could have hired these people into prominent positions. But instead, you know, Tyler Shandrell, the corrupt former health minister, gets put on the Covenant Health Board. And you've got people like Raj Sherman,
who's the former head of the Alberta Liberal Party, who loves COVID-19 vaccines and is enamored with the entire AHS and college bureaucracy. And she appoints him as the head of the Health Quality Council of Alberta. I mean, she continues to appoint corrupt people to important positions.
I mean, at some point, you got to say, what are we defending this individual for? If she is so scared and so unable to do the right thing, then she's not the right person. If I'm going to stay in this province... I think, and I'm sure most Albertans feel the same way.
I think we need a new premier. I think we need a premier with courage, with a strong backbone, and a premier who will actually start doing the right thing, start cleaning up the corrupt institutions that are just... Like a cancer. These corrupt institutions like AHS, the colleges, are a cancer on our society.
We have people who continue to suffer, who continue to die suddenly. The number one cause of death in Alberta is cause unknown. Children are dropping dead left and right. We have turbo cancers consuming the entire province. I can't even keep up with all the cancer cases. There are so many.
And we've got a premier who won't do anything. And we're going to get a bill of rights that basically the corrupt courts and AHS are going to wipe their ass with. They're going to say, yeah, you can take your bill of rights and you can shove it because none of us actually follow any of the rules.
And we make our own rules. So this rant is going on a little bit long. So I appreciate you watching. That'll be it for this episode. And I'll see you in the next one.

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