Sunday, 22 September 2024


Without Warning, 'Cancer Care' is Banned: HHR September 22, 2024

Welcome to this week's wrap-up of insights, discussions, discoveries, and debates that have sparked curiosity and fostered understanding this week.

This week: Amazon banned the monograph, ‘Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer' by FLCCC Founder and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Paul Marik.

Dr. Marik Responds

At FLCCC, we stand with cancer patients worldwide who deserve access to all available treatment options. In this open letter, we address Amazon’s recent decision to ban a critical resource—Dr. Paul Marik’s “Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer.” 

An Open Letter to Amazon on Behalf of Cancer Patients Worldwide

Representing the voices of cancer patients and their families across the globe, FLCCC Alliance is writing to express our deep disappointment and strong condemnation of Amazon’s recent decision to ban “Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer” by Dr. Paul Marik. This book, backed by over 860 peer-reviewed studies, has been a life-saving resource for thousands of patients seeking integrative treatment options, many of whom have been failed by conventional therapies alone.

Cancer is one of the greatest public health challenges of our time. The American Cancer Society projects an unprecedented rise in cancer diagnoses this year, especially in younger people. Traditional treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation have advanced, but they are not enough. In the wake of the COVID pandemic, emerging threats like turbo cancers have pushed oncologists and medical researchers to explore every possible avenue of treatment—including the use of repurposed drugs and metabolic interventions as highlighted in Dr. Marik’s book. 

A digital version of Cancer Care remains free to download at




FLCCC Fighting for Medical Freedom Down Under

FLCCC Senior Fellow Dr. Ian Brighthopeextended a warm Aussie welcome to FLCCC Senior Fellow Dr. Angus Dalgleish Dr. Paul Marik, and the Rediscovering Medicine Uncensored tour across Australia. 

Drs. Dalgleish and Marik kicked off the series of lectures and speaking engagements from September to October 2024 beginning in New Zealand. 

Gut Check Time

FLCCC President Dr. Joseph Varon and Naturopathic Doctor & Senior Fellow Kristina Carman discussed the growing issue of Type 2 diabetes and the connection between gut health and blood sugar. The doctors also break down the power of “sour” yogurt for a healthy microbiome in the Weekly Webinar: Managing Type 2 Diabetes: Simple Steps to Better Health.



Pharmacists Refuse to fill Ivermectin Scripts 

“I keep challenging Walgreens and CVS and all these other pharmacies to dispense it”

FLCCC Senior Fellow Dr. Mary Talley Bowdenwas a plaintiff in the Aptver v. HHS lawsuit that forced the FDA to take down its “Seriously Y’all” anti-ivermectin social media posts and advisories. 

The lawsuit, Apter et al. v. Dep’t. of Health and Human Services et al.was brought by Robert Apter, MD, Mary Talley Bowden, MD, and Paul E. Marik, MD, and first filed in the U.S. District Court on June 2, 2022. It stated that the FDA acted outside of its authority and illegally interfered with the doctors’ ability to practice medicine with an aggressive effort to stop the use of ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19.

What Florida’s mRNA Advisory Means

Dr. John Campbell believes the Florida Department of Health’s Updated Guidance for COVID-19 Boosters for the Fall and Winter 2024–2025 Season is significant.

Based on the high rate of global immunity and currently available data, the State Surgeon General advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.


Blood Sugar Hacks: Simple Ways to Balance Glucose Levels & Prevent Spikes

Balancing your blood sugar is essential for maintaining energy, reducing cravings, and promoting overall metabolic health. For better metabolic outcomes, try these 13 simple tips from FLCCC Tools and Guides.


Connect Without Fear of Censorship

Like what you’ve seen and read in today’s highlights? One thing is for sure, we’ll be talking about it all at the FLCCC Forums. Drop by today and continue the discussion or start a new one.


Thank You For Reading

As always, we’re glad to have you with us. The battle for Honest Medicine rages on! 

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