Thursday, 19 September 2024


The origins of the nanotechnology narrative.

A recent paper discussing nanotechnology” in mRNA vaccines has been making rounds on social media. 

[Young Mi Lee, MD and Daniel Broudy, PhD, Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study, July 18, 2024, pp. 1180-1244,…]

Pictures like these may be familiar to all of you. 


The paper is very long, 68 pages, and goes over several experiments, mostly optical microscopy and culturing stuff like this from human samples. This is not a criticism of this paper. I know the authors, I am in the same Signal group with them, and I have published similar images nearly 2 years ago. There is value in performing observations like these, there is value in looking at these samples over time, and I am not criticizing the authors for that, in fact I think they did some very thorough and meticulous observational work. 

What I do criticize are the wild and incompetent interpretations from the internet commentators of what this stuff means. 

Lately, John Campbell jumped on the bandwagon gushing about the “nanotechnology” that he thinks is shown in this paper on his YT channel. Let’s remember that this widely popular YT “expert” is consistently many steps behind the non-experts. His video discussing the “nanotechnology” in the paper has now been removed by him (not by YT). 

Another example of typical idiocy around this topic is this post from a large anonymous account on X (in general large anonymous accounts are highly suspect of being “information ops”:

Now think through the full scape [they meant scale] implications of this being a reality... If this technology exists and is advanced as they brag about it being in their own papers and nano-tech conferences, then you bet your f--king ass that intelligence agencies and the technocratic elite breakaway civilization cult now has the capability of capturing any person in a position of influence and power and steer their behavior and decision making to their will. One minute they're leading a grass roots populist movement against the powers that be, then they walk into a room and get dusted or injected with something by the CIA, and now they're someone else entirely. 

Somehow this person claims these images prove “technological possession” related to the woman in the video with metal sticking to her after the mRNA vax, i.e. someone is remotely controlling her! Yeah…

Have you seen these?


These are magnetic beads used to purify RNA in small-scale manufacturing. It is very likely that the early reports of metal objects sticking to the arm or upper chest are these leftover beads being injected with the vaccines. Notice that these magnetizing event reports have long disappeared, because large scale manufacturing of mRNA does not use magnetic bead purification.

The images in the Lee/Broudy paper demonstrate micro-scale junk (not nano!), that aggregate into larger pieces of junk. They do not show any evidence of “nanotechnology”, meaning a coherent set of controllable inputs and outputs. Nor do the images directly observe anything at nano-scale, as the optical microscopy is micro-scale. Humans can be poisoned by these things in a variety of ways, but they are not controllable with injectable floating junk, micro- or nano-. There is no way to “integrate” mechanical dead things with living bodies. 

I have previously written about false claims of integrating biology with technology or “transhumanism” here:

Why are these narratives so “catchy”, and why do they persist?

With realization of own mortality, humans have developed a variety of mental coping strategies persisting over the span of millennia. There are healthy, empowering ways of thinking about your own mortality, but there are definitely many unhealthy and ironically, self-destructing ways, too. These latter strategies devolve into two related groups: 

  1. A death cult with sacrifices (animal and/or human) to appease the death gods. 

  2. Removal of God/promotion of materialism and atheism. Replacing the idea of God with tales of man-made technological progress that culminate in overcoming death and bestowing immortality. This is typically used to sell economic deprivation and government dependency as a positive to the starving masses on the way into a communist-style dictatorship. The machine-man integration (nanotechnology, synthetic biology, etc.) is a version of this narrative. 

The idea of self-poisoning (vaccination) as prevention of deadly diseases has an enormously powerful grip on society. Even the most intelligent and otherwise sharp skeptical minds frequently fall for the cult of vaccines because it covers BOTH of the above self-destructing coping mechanisms. It is both a death/child sacrifice cult and a techno-utopianism. Thus, it can appeal to a variety of religious and atheist groups alike with only a handful of exceptions (e.g. the Amish). 

Nanotechnology/transhumanism/synthetic biology tales fall into the techno-utopianism, and so I would like to provide some historical perspective on it. This is not a comprehensive review of these ideas, just some interesting examples.

You are probably familiar with the Ancient Egyptian practices of mummification and building tombs, lavishly decorated and filled with household goods, stores of food, precious items, sometimes including bodies of sacrificed slaves, family members and pets, etc. Texts and artifacts from the time reveal a massive industry dedicated to ensuring the indefinite preservation of the dead body and many material possessions, with an elaborate but highly confusing mythology of the soul’s progress in the afterlife. The economic scale of this industry must have been enormous, and IMO, may have lead to the collapse of the civilization due to the extreme waste of the resources. The parallel today is the AI race off the cliff, with “startups” being funded with $trillions without any business plan or even any discernable need for their AI tech. Purely ploughing money into absolute bullshit in hopes of “winning the technology race”. Yes, that’s analogous to burying metric tons of gold in the ground, instead of investing in actual business/human needs. Entire households of expensive goods were buried in the ground in Egypt! I am pretty certain the crafty science-priests were the first grave robbers as they knew what was buried where and how to get into the tomb. 

Centuries later, the idea of physical immortality was surprisingly influential in the early years of the Soviet Union. Marxism can be traced to the materialist ideas of Enlightenment. The revolutionaries were obsessed with destroying the idea of God and making a substitute, i.e., “God-building” in order to control the masses. The thrust of the propaganda was a continuation of the Enlightenment idea that through science humanity would become all-powerful. Man would become godlike and even abolish physical death. One of these “God-builders” was Leonid Krasin (1870-1926), the People’s Commissar of Foreign Trade in Lenin’s government. In 1921, three years before Lenin’s death, he asserted: “That time will come, when the liberation of mankind, using all the might of science and technology… will be able to resurrect great historical figures”. 

Krasin was a colorful Bolshevik character. A committed revolutionary, he was part of the Antifa of the day - constantly involved in and organizing protests, “actions” (most of them terrorizing the actual working class and the poor), was arrested numerous times, exiled, but always came back with more “actions”. He became part of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (Bolsheviks = the “professional revolutionary” the faction of the party, lead by Lenin) raised money from wealthy liberals, and ran a clandestine printing press for Lenin’s newspaper Iskra. Some wealthy liberal idiots like the industrialist Savva Morozov supported him financially. This story is frequently repeated in human history. Lots of contemporary Savva Morozovs are digging their own future graves by giving money to modern Bolsheviks in Congress and every state house, and promoting the same socialist ideas that reliably fail every time.  Yuri Felshtinskyidentified Leonid Krasin as the most likely assassin of Savva Morozov, who died on 26 May 1905 in Cannes, France, by gunshot wound. Play Marxist games, win Marxist prizes. 

When Lenin died, he was first embalmed and then frozen, using a system Krasin designed. An official commission, called “the Immortalization Commission”, oversaw the building of Lenin’s mausoleum, which became a place of pilgrimage for communists..

Construction of Lenin’s mausoleum in the Red Square, Moscow.

Trotsky interviewed in 1933 by “Liberty”:

: Is it true that the Bolshevist state, while hostile to religion, nevertheless capitalizes on the prejudices of the ignorant masses? For instance, the Russians do not consider any saint truly acceptable to heaven unless his body defies decomposition. Is that the reason why the Bolshevists artificially preserve the mummy of Lenin?

Leon Trotsky: No; this is a wholly incorrect interpretation, dictated by prejudice and hostility. I can make this statement all the more freely because from the very beginning I have been a determined opponent of the embalming, mausoleum, and the rest, as was also Lenin’s widow, N.K. Krupskaia. I have no doubt whatever that if Lenin on his sickbed had thought for a moment that they would treat his corpse like that of a pharaoh, he would have appealed in advance, with indignation, to the party. I brought this objection forward as my main argument. The body of Lenin must not be used against the spirit of Lenin.

I also pointed to the fact that the “incorruptibility” of the embalmed corpse of Lenin might nourish religious superstitions. Krasin, who defended and apparently initiated the idea of the embalming, objected:

“On the contrary, what was a matter of miracle with the priests will become a matter of technology in our hands. Millions of people will have an idea of how the man looked who brought such great changes into the life of our country. With the help of science, we will satisfy this justifiable interest of the masses and at the same time explain to them the mystery of incorruptibility.”

Undeniably the erection of the mausoleum had a political aim: to strengthen the authority of the disciples eternally through the authority of the teacher. Still, there is no ground to see in this a capitalization of religious superstition. The mausoleum visitors are told that all credit for the preservation of the body against decomposition is due to chemistry.

In other words - trust the science, follow the science, pray to science…

But the corpse decayed, and eventually, the mummy was replaced with a mannequin. 

Today, in the United States, several companies offer advanced refrigeration systems for the same purpose. Imagine, you can be like Lenin! But stored upside down in a container of liquid nitrogen.  Cryonics is advertised as: 

part sci-fi dreams and part medicine, cryonics may just be the way to cure death — at least temporarily… Cryonics is designed to preserve the bodies (and if you can’t afford the whole body - then just heads) of the dead for a chance at a second life. 

The prices are $200,000 for storage of the whole dead body in liquid nitrogen and $80,000 for storing just the head. I don’t know for how long. Why would anyone store their frozen head? As a child I read a bunch of novels by a popular Russian-Soviet futurist A. Belyaev. I still have his books in my Russian-language library. He was an extremely prolific techno-utopian writer, inspiring the hungry unwashed masses with visions of glorious socialist paradise where man has finally defeated and subjugated nature, and the working class finally triumphed over the evils of capitalism. In fact, he was so prolific and so wide ranging on all topics of science and technology, that I have serious concerns with the true authorship of the works ascribed to him. He might have been a cover for the Soviet propaganda organs. Anyhow. Literature and art of this genre were critical part of the informational warfare between the Soviet empire and the West, trying to outdo each other in the technological dominance. One of Belyaev’s novels was about an evil professor who reanimates the heads of dead people and sometimes attaches them to bodies of other dead people. By the time Belyaev’s book was written, the idea of the head (brain) living without a body was not fundamentally new. Literary predecessors of Belyaev include Edward Page Mitchell's “Bodyless man” (1877), Gustava Myrinka “Exponate“,  Maurice Renara“Dr. Lern” (“New Beast”) (1908), Gaston Leroux novel “Blood Doll” (1923), German writer's novel Karl Grunert “Mr. Vivacius style”. Belyaev himself stated that his book was inspired by Charles Brown-Sekara. The scientific evidence at the time was quite modest - an early blood circulation system devised by one of the Soviet physicians was used to keep a dog alive while the heart was stopped for 2 hours. This invention eventually lead to the current systems used to perform bypass heart surgeries. Nobody is reanimating heads, but you can store yours in a liquid nitrogen vat if you have a spare $80K, just in case. 

There is a persistent narrative among the technocratic elites that death itself will soon be overcome. In 2009, a “futurist” Ray Kurzweil claimed that humans can be immortal in as little as 20 years time (by 2030), thanks to nano-robots or nanobots, that would replace the vital organs. In 2005 he wrote in his book “The Singularity is Near”:

I and many other scientists now believe that in around 20 years we will have the means to reprogram our bodies’ stone-age software so that we halt, then reverse, ageing. Ultimately, nanobots will replace blood cells and do their work thousands of times more efficiently.

Hello, Ray! 2025 is in 4 months…

He worked for Google for many years promising to build a replacement for human brain, achieve generative AI, upload disembodied brains to the cloud, achieve immortality, etc. etc., - trope of the techno-religious cult. Missing deadlines for achieving any of this does not faze him or his followers. He is still at it as of now. 

This year, he released another book “The Singularity is Nearer” where he continues to claim that the computers will achieve human level intelligence any minute now and that he and his comrades will upload themselves to the cloud (I can’t wait for them do do that! Maybe they should all fly to Mars and upload themselves there). The purpose of the “Nearer” book is to rehash the same BS from the “Near” book, but push out the timelines to less near… The singularity is now scheduled for maybe 2032, or perhaps 2050.

Yes, Kurzweil is certifiably insane, IMO. He represents, however, the thinking of quite a number of technocratic oligarchs, many of them sincerely believing this creepy fantasy. 

The “nano-robots”, “nanobots”, “synthetic biology” narrative has ascended to strange heights in the imagination of both the technocrats and the so-called health freedom movement. Briefly, it postulates that “the elites” (whoever they are, this is typically vague) already made the “nanotechnology” (also vague), that can be injected via vaccines or any/all injectable drugs and can be remotely controlled. Some claim that this stealth nanobot tech will lie dormant in everyone’s blood stream until “activated” by 5G “bursts” which will “release Marburg virus” allegedly hidden in these nanobots. Others claim that this nanotechnology is sprinkled in the chemtrails and everyone, regardless of vaccination is already infected. If I had a dollar for every account in my comment section that breathlessly repeats one of these tales, posting links to patents and IEEE (proofs!!!), and then goes bezerk-abusive when told this is nonsense! The commitment to this bullshit is too strong to be just spontaneous mass misunderstanding. IMO, it’s much more than that, it has hallmarks of an informational campaign. 

The nanobot theory belongs to the group of materialist theories which view human body as a random assemblage of matter, animated by chemical and electrical reactions. Once “The Science(TM)” identifies all the particles, genes and proteins, etc. - it will make it all editable and controllable. The Science is nowhere close to that, but the popular imagination has been conveniently shaped to think that it is. Most lay people and even most of the “experts” believe this is all within technological reach because of the massive sci-fi/techno brainwashing that has gone on since approximately late 19th century. It started even earlier than that, with the Enlightenment in 1600’s, but really picked up steam after mid-1800’s. The materialist goal is to eliminate the idea of God, the immortal soul and free will, and to confine everything to meaningless clumps of matter flying in the empty space, randomly, without any purpose. Once that’s accomplished, the masses can be controlled by just about any effigy - “Lenin-in-a-box”, “New World Order” or, in the 21st century version - “nanobots, 5G and sentient AI”. Because of the complexity of the existing technologies and the pollution of all technical literature with varieties of intentional and unintentional fraud (e.g., junk science, aspirational fantasies, sales spins and pitches for more research funding, etc.) most adults today cannot differentiate between sci-fi and actual state of tech. Thus, the deranged nonsense of the mechanical dead things crawling around in blood stream of a living human for purposes of immortality can be promoted with a straight face by frauds like Kurzweil and Google. 

The idea of such integration is fundamentally flawed - the living things are not at all like machines, the DNA is not software and the genes, if they exist, might not be causes of anything (just as likely be the effect vs the cause), your mind and memories are not material and are not found in your brain, your heart is not an electromechanical pump, your eyes don’t just capture the reflected light, but also project it, and so on. Practically everything that you have heard about how the body functions is a metaphor from the Newtonian/standard models of physics, or software or electrical engineering. These things are fine for building mechanical objects but do not even begin to explain a living body, because their most fundamental assumptions deny that life is something different than randomly flying rocks in space. 

To be continued…

Art for today: Aspens 1, watercolor 8x8 in. 

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