Thursday, 19 September 2024


LAST DAY SALE: CBD Oil was given to 119 Cancer patients for at least 6 months - 92% of them had a positive response - 2018 study by UK Oncology Prof Angus Dalgleish

by Dr. William Makis MD

2018 Kenyon et al - Report of Objective Clinical Responses of Cancer Patients to Pharmaceutical-grade Synthetic Cannabidiol

  • The aim of this study was to assess the effects of pharmaceutical-grade synthetic cannabidiol on a range of cancer patients

  • We analysed the data routinely collected, as part of our treatment program, in 119 cancer patients over a four year period

  • Clinical responses were seen in 92% of the 119 cases with solid tumours including a reduction in circulating tumour cells in many cases and in other cases, a reduction in tumour size

  • No side effects of any kind were observed when using pharmaceutical grade synthetic cannabidiol


  • Of the 80+ phytocannabinoids, THC is possibly the only one to exhibit this psychoactivity. The next most abundant compound is cannabidiol (CBD), which has a low affinity for the canonical cannabinoid receptors

  • “In contrast to THC, in its pure state, according to the World Health Organisation, CBD did not have abuse potential and caused no harm”

  • Studies have shown that in addition to being able to induce cell death directly, it is also capable of interfering with intracellular signalling

  • Alterations to pathways such as the PI3K/AKT/mTOR and the ERK, suggests that CBD can modify the way certain cancer cells react to other treatments

  • Studies have shown that combining CBD with conventional chemotherapy such as cytarabine and vincristine can lead to enhanced anticancer activity through modifications to these signalling pathways

119 Patients were given CBD for at least 6 months

  • Patients were given synthetic, pharmaceutical-grade CBD (STI Pharmaceuticals), registered under the Pharmaceutical Specials scheme in oily drops at 5% (w/v) in 20 ml bottles. 

  • Each drop contained 1 mg of synthetic CBD in neutral oil. This was prescribed on an informed consent basis. 119 cancer patients decided to have this treatment (Table I), and most of them had metastatic cancers

  • The majority of the patients were assessed using a circulating tumour cell test before and after treatment

  • CBD was administered on three days on and three days off basis, which clinically was found to be more effective than giving it as a continuous dose. The average dose was 10 mg twice a day. For increased tumour mass, the dose was increased, in some cases up to 30 drops twice a day (30 mg).

  • In a number of cases where stable disease was present, the dose was reduced to five drops twice a day (5 mg).

  • We were unable to define a maximum tolerated dose for CBD, as there was a complete absence of side effects.

  • The minimum duration of treatment required for CBD was six months, but many continued for longer. Less than six months appeared inadequate and had little effect, and therefore cases in which CBD was used for less than six months have been defined as un-assessable, and not included in the current cohort of 119 cases.

My Take…

These are very impressive results!

This regimen was synthetic CBD Oil 1mg per drop, from 20mg to 60mg per day split into two doses, 3 days on and 3 days off, for 6 months.

92% had a clinical response with no side effects.

  • 12 Tumor free = 10%

  • 45 Stable disease = 38%

  • 43 Extended median survival = 36%

  • 8 Slowed Progression = 7%

  • “We have also observed a potential increased cell killing ability when given after chemotherapy.”

2SG Take…

An high quality CBD Oil as but one of several vital compounds comprising what may very well be the ‘holy grail’ (turbo) cancer cure in the following synergistic and comprehensive treatment approach:

New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol

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Sale ends this tonight (midnight eastern time), September 15th, 2024.

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