Wednesday 11 September 2024


Japan's plan to destroy the world

If you thought nuclear weapons were bad, imagine one that lasts 1000 years.

by Daniel Nagase MD

Over the past months the Japanese truth community has been sounding the alarm over a new type of vaccine that will be first released en masse upon humans in Japan this fall, perhaps as early as October. The new type of vaccine is known commonly in Japan as a Replicon.

What is Replicon?

It is a “self amplifying” RNA “vaccine”, that makes copies of itself, allegedly before producing the proteins that the patient is supposed to make antibodies to. This is different from the current spike protein mRNA “vaccines” from Pfizer and Moderna which have become notorious for their side effects. (Deadly side effects that range from blood clots to cancer as I predicted in November, 2021:)

The current COVID-19 mRNA injections don`t officially have the ability to self replicate (unless they get integrated into a person`s DNA). If the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA is reverse transcribed and alters a cell`s DNA, only then does it attain the ability to replicate through cell division. (Every time a gene altered cell divides, it makes a copy of the Pfizer or Moderna gene(s).)

The new “self amplifying” replicon vaccines are different in that they have the innate ability to make copies of themselves without altering a cell`s DNA, even though reverse transcription and DNA alteration can happen as well. The full magnitude of the dangers of Replicon “self amplifying” technology, I only realized over the past couple days. The choice of Alphaviruses as the foundation template of Replicon vaccines, made it not only possible, but likely that the new manmade genes in Replicon vaccines, if ever introduced into people, would also spread to not just other humans, but also other species.

Why are the Replicon “vaccines” due to be released in Japan as early as next month (October 2024) worse than nuclear weapons?

How could they result in a worldwide disaster?

First we need to look a little into the background of the Replicon vaccines that the Japanese government funded the development of.

The current first generation of “self amplifying” (replicating) RNA vaccines appear to be based on naturally occuring Alphaviruses. As far as the literature goes, specific development of Alphavirus based Replicon “vaccines” against COVID 19 goes back to 2020 and likely well before the date that this study was published.

What is an an Alphavirus?

It`s a family of viruses that can infect humans and animals. Some species are transmitted by mosquitoes, and some Alphaviruses species can be very sturdy in that they can survive outside in the environment for extended periods of time, still remaining infective (able to multiply and spread again).

Overview of alphaviruses here:

While I knew that a self replicating vaccine was dangerous, I initially thought that if people had pre-existing antibodies to naturally occuring Alphaviruses (that the self replicating vaccine is based upon), healthy people might be able to carry enough Alphavirus antibodies to neutralize any self replicating RNA shed from people who took the Replicon or other self amplifying RNA “vaccines”. Obtaining natural alphavirus antibodies would be most easily done by frequent natural exposures to mosquito bites. However, my thoughts about natural ways to protect against the Replicon “vaccines” only looked at a part of the problem. There was another much greater danger that only occurred to me in the past couple days.

What I found suspicious was the fixation of the research community about using Alphaviruses for replicon type vaccines since 2020. Take this one published in 2023 as an example.

Why was there so much research into this particular family of viruses for self replicating “vaccines”?

It took me over a week to realize that the natural properties of the alphavirus family could have a much more sinister purpose. That is environmental hardiness (ability to survive outside a host for extended periods), and the ability to cross between species made alphaviruses effective candidates for permanently introducing artificial genes into the entire ecosystem.

Has this been the intentional plan all along?

I don`t know.

But the researchers in the Vietnamese human trial of self replicating vaccines in August, 2021 did ignore person to person and person to environment spread of the Replicon “vaccine” in their paper.

Entirely missing from this article was monitoring of the ENVIRONMENT.

There was no published follow up with the people who were exposed to Replicon patients to see if they developped side effects. There was no published protocol for monitoring of the entire environment surrounding the people injected with the new Replicon “vaccine” for leakage of the ARCT-154, a self-amplifying mRNA into the surroundings. (If it was checked for, the results were not published.) Animals, pets, and insects (particularly mosquitoes) around the human test subjects should all have been examined for the presence the artificial ARCT-154 genes.

Since Replicon type vaccines are based on alphaviruses, the species they are most likely to recombine with is other alphaviruses.

Here`s a short article about how recombination exchange of genetic material occurs in viruses:

Because alphaviruses in the wild cross species into other animals and mosquitoes, any human who gets a Replicon injection can transmit Replicon genes not just to other people, they can transfer Replicon genetic material to other species. This can happen either through a mosquito, or through recombination when a Replicon patient gets an infection with another species like coronavirus, influenza virus or other alphavirus species. Every instance when someone infected with a Replicon gets another virus while that Replicon is still in the body, presents the Replicon an opportunity to exit the patient and infect another person or animal using that other virus.

If the Replicon only piggybacks itself into the shell of another virus, then there will be spread of the normal virus + the unwanted Replicon. If there is recombination with another virus, then the result is a Supervirus that is a hybrid of manmade Replicon genes together with the virus`s natural genes.

What would be the side effects of a Replicon + Influenza or a Replicon+ Corona Supervirus?

(Who knows)

How likely is interspecies transfer?

Well it happens often enough to warrant a chapter in most virology texts.

Here is an interspecies viral transmission Chapter on ScienceDirect. Alphaviruses are named as one of the paradigmatic viruses of this phenomenon particularly with respect to their ability to activate an immune response:

What`s the problem with interspecies transfer?

When a virus infects more than 1 species, it no longer suffers from self extinction by killing one of its host species. So long as that virus can survive indefinitely in another host species, high mortality in one or more species doesn`t negatively affect that virus`s overall existence. The evolutionary pressure to not damage the host is much less when a virus infects multiple species.

This means that a multi species alphavirus can remain deadly to humans so long as it is not detrimental to another host species which can act as its “resevoir”. For example, Eastern Equine Encephalitis Alphaviruses can persist in birds without causing noticable illness, but it is sometimes capable of deadly harm in humans.

Was the choice of Alphaviruses as the foundation of Replicons INTENTIONAL?

(due to its ability to persist in the environment within multiple resevoir species?)

The Vietnam Human Trials:

Over 9000 people in Vietnam were infected with the Alphavirus based Replicon “vaccine” in Phase 1, 2 and 3 human studies.

  • Has there already been leakage of genetic material from the ARCT-154, a self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine into animals and insects in Vietnam?

  • Has anyone checked?

If there is proof of spread, that is someone found a cold or flu virus with ARCT-154 genes, or finding those genes suddenly showing up in natural populations of alphaviruses that infect animals and insects, is it already too late?

I wonder if any government scientist will even try to find out. Because once a single instance of an artificial gene out in the environment is proven, especially if it is in birds or insects, about the only thing that can be done is a complete quarantine of that area, in this case all of Vietnam. To prevent spread, it would have to be more than a quarantine of people, but of animals and insects as well.

What is at stake if the area is not completely quarantined?

The manmade gene could spread around the world across multiple species and become nearly impossible to eliminate.

First Vietnam, What about Japan?

October 2024 is supposedly when the Japanese government was planning to allow Meiji corporation (Japan`s equivalent of Kraft foods), and VLP (the Japanese government funded biotech startup) to start injecting Japanese people with Replicon.

More on how long VLP has been planning Replicons:

If less than 1% of Japan`s population, (just 1,000,000 people) take the Replicon injection, that is already over 100 times more people than the Vietnam trial. If those 1,000,000 people become carriers capable of spreading artificial Replicon genes to other people AND the environment that is over 100 times the risk to the entire world compared with what occurred in the Vietnam trial. Every day that patients have functional Replicons alive in their body is a chance for the artificial genetic product to enter the environment.

By the time anyone proves person to person, or interspecies spread of Replicons outside the body, it will be too late. The only way to protect the world would be for Japan to be under complete quarantine. Anyone who goes in, would never be allowed out. No shipping containers with products, materials or anything capable of harboring an insect could ever be allowed out of Japan for decades, maybe even centuries.

This quarantine would have to last until the artifcial gene disappears completely. The Replicon self amplifying “vaccine” genes would have to disappear from every single living organism in Japan before it would be safe to let anything out of the country.

Surely that’s too extreme.

That would cause an international economic collapse!

Is it?

How is economic collapse compared with the genetic pollution of the entire world?

The entire ecosystem is now at stake thanks to the Japanese government and its corporate partners both in America and Japan.

As far as the rest of the world is concerned, what is worse economic turmoil for a few years from the loss of 1 G7 country, versus forever pollution of the planet with a manmade genetic construct?

Any country thinking of protecting itself and the rest of the world from a global disaster should start thinking about economic sanctions, complete export embargoes and travel bans against Japan until all self amplifying gene experiments in both Humans and Animals are stopped.


Until I wrote this article, I thought that the “No Virus” psyops that were directed at the freedom and truth movements were only created to cause division and distraction.

(More on why denying the existance of an entire kingdom of living organisms is a psyop here:

and here:


But now it seems that if someone becomes fixed in a belief that self replicating DNA and RNA viruses don`t exist, then they will also deny any dangers from spread of Replicons from people to people as well as the danger from contracting Supervirus hybrids of natural viruses with manmade Replicons.

Addendum #2

Japanese government has ordered 4.27 million doses of Replicon mRNA vaccines by Meiji corporation.

English translation here:

Original Japanese news release here:

Direct pdf file from the Japanese ministry of Health. Page 6.

And lest we forget Bill Gates and his Frankenmosquito projects which could easily serve as payloads in the trillions for this Replicon “vaccine” platform; to wit:

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

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