Sunday 29 September 2024


I Quit Eating White Flour & Threw Out All My "Vitamins" - Here's What Happened (Part 1)

After I learned synthetic vitamins are poison, the United Nations is behind the Food Fortification program (which drugs the food supply with vitamins) and, like viruses, vitamins have never been properly isolatedbecause they too are a Big Pharma scheme to sell us health made in a laboratory, I began taking a hard look at what I was eating. 

At this point in my life I had completely quit taking all supplements and I thought I was eating healthy, but upon closer inspection, I was alarmed to discover my entire diet was being synthetically vitaminized and poisoned. Literally everything was tainted, right down to my Paradise Green dehydrated peas…

From my bag of rice to my afternoon kombucha drinks, all of the products in my pantry had chemicals slipped in to places least expected - they drugged the peas for f*cks sake! DEHYDRATED PEAS! 

Many months later, I was in the process of writing The Vitamin Swindle Part 1: The White Bread Scandalwhen I learned rats that get into white flour mills won’t touch the flour. The more I researched, the more disturbed I became, specifically regarding white flour and the history of it. I learned about a massive conspiracy between the flour mills, the American Medical Association, Big Pharma and the US government. Long story short, they knew white flour was causing major health issues and they knew living off of it was the cause of “Beriberi, yet they went out of their way to assure the public it was a great, nutritious product that people should eat for their health


You see, because white flour, like rice flour, has vitamins dumped in at the mills via the UN “fortification” and “enrichment” program, it is nearly impossible to eat products containing this flour and avoid also consuming synthetic vitamins: (17 second video)

So, although I had quit consuming bottled supplements, I was still consuming the same vitamins via the food supply. But after the rat discovery, without hesitation, I axed white flour from my diet. Let me tell you, while not taking vitamins was easy (and saved me money too!), not eating white flour was incredibly difficult because I had to relearn how to eat and, being that I loathed cooking, I didn’t know what to do. I was so used to buying premade health food that I felt lost; everything I was purchasing had white flour (or synthetic vitamins) in it somewhere. With zero kitchen skills, my meals became a head of broccoli with natural butter and Real Salt or diced cucumber with garlic, feta and extra virgin olive oil or a plate of sliced tomatoes and lots of baked potatoes. Here’s an example of my dinner:

The first five-or-so nights of being white-flour-free, I sweat like crazy while I slept and my sweat smelled ghastly. It was a strange odor I had never smelled before. I can’t quite explain it, perhaps something like plastic burning in a hot dumpster that is full of roadkill and rotten dairy. It was so foul that I had to run my bedding to the washing machine every morning for nearly a week. No matter how much I showered I could still smell this awful stench for the first couple days. 


I woke up one morning and discovered my underwear were stretched out. I grabbed a different pair and those didn’t fit either. What the heck? Did the washer ruin my clothes? When I pulled on my work pants, those didn’t fit either! I realized I had lost weight - a lot of it. I hurried to the closet to grab my belt, threw it around my wait and slid the buckle right past my usual connection hole. I had lost so much weight in 14 days that I downsized one belt hole! I was quite puzzled because I lost this weight by doing nothing other than quitting white flour; no gym and 0 exercise because I traded that time for writing Substack articles for you. 

I also noticed my facial skin looked more youthful. The bags under my eyes nearly vanished. I told my spouse I think I have the energy of a 20 year old, *wink, wink*.


By the third week I lost another 10-or-so pounds, now my shirts looked a full size too large. But that’s not all, another huge change occurred. During this week I began becoming naturally tired in the evenings. Writing articles until 9pm then watching a documentary until 10:30-11pm no longer worked for me. I was tired at 8, asleep by 9 and up at 3am so I could get in a few hours of writing before work. This may sound like a really insane time to wake up, but I love it. My mind is so clear, I am so focused and the world is so peaceful. I think my best content and research is what I am producing at this early hour. 

Strangely, even though I was waking up so early then spending three hours working before I go into work, I had energy the entire day. Additionally, my mood had become overall more optimistic about everything in life. I began hacking away at the list of sh*t I have been putting off forever. (Responding to Substack direct messages is on that list. Only 580 more messages to go…)


By the fourth week, my love handles vanished. I pinched my love handle area and could only pinch an inch of skin between my fingers. My stomach began to flatten. I even noticed my face looked thinner and the droop in my chin that I blamed on age disappeared. My shoulders began looking defined again and that sure wasn’t from spending 12 hours a day on a pc. Then something really wild happened…


Around the end of the month, I realized my taste buds completely changed. Everything I loved (especially potato chips and dip, Lord I loved me some cheddar & sour cream chips with French onion dip), became disgusting. After being flour-and-chemical-free for over four weeks, Tostitos tortilla chips were inedible because the chemicals in them burned the sh*t out of my gums. Fast food, even my beloved Taco Bell, tasted f*cking terrible - so disgusting that, for the first time ever, I threw it out after two bites. When my spouse, who is not on board with my diet, ordered a pizza, I took one bite then instead made another baked potato. 

It was at this time that foods containing chemicals or GMOs began killing my stomach. I dreaded dinner at my parents house because I knew I would be dealing with hours of pain. I was forced to cut restaurants our of my life because, even when I selected the best options, I was still forced to endure hours of torture afterward. (btw, I learned we should never be consuming products like Pepto Bismol, instead eat some nutmeg. It works fast too!)

But it gets crazier - I started craving produce. For the first time in my life (I’m in my mid-40s), I wanted bananas and I would think to myself, “some cauliflower sounds good today”. I craved a baked potato without cheese - just real butter, real salt, real pepper and herbs (and organic sour cream because I’m no saint). Even more mind-blowing, cheese, as a whole, stopped being a necessity and food tasted great without it. In fact, I began tasting a plastic-type flavor in shredded cheese (even cheese my better-half shreds from full blocks), which was pretty repulsive so I no longer used cheese unless it was goat or sheep. 

Then, things got even stranger. I was able to somehow tune in with what my body wanted and my body wanted less meat and more beans. I know, it’s wild, right? I never in my life wanted beans unless it was a can refried bean dip for a bag of Doritos. I began to truly enjoy black beans which I previously hated. [If you hate cooking, the best canned bean manufacturer in the world is Siete. They are who singlehandedly got me to love black beans. Siete has products that allow an anti-cook to enjoy Mexican food and still eat clean without compromising taste. Their products are probably at wherever you shop, plus they are sold on, in Costco, etc. Here’s their and here’s their black beans:]

Another unexpected change occurred around this time: my entire adult life, I have classified myself as running hot. It drove the spouse nuts because I would want to sleep with the window cracked, even in the winter. During the peak of summer I would sleep in the basement because the house was too hot, even with the AC on blast… but this all ended. 


At the beginning of the second month, I estimate I lost around 40 pounds! I didn’t realize I had that much to lose because I am an overall slimmer person and if you would have asked me how overweight I was, I would have said, “I guess I could lose 10 or 15 pounds.”. I lost so much weight that people started asking if I’ve been hitting the gym. When I replied, “Nope, just quit white flour and vitamins”, they looked at me like I was a lunatic, but that was ok. 

I now looked like I was wearing my father’s clothing, so I had to get new everything in a full size smaller. 

Then, one more crazy thing happened… and, for me, this was one of the most unexpected changes of all… 

I stopped drinking my beloved whiskey, not because I wanted to, no sir, I love whiskey. I stopped drinking it because I came home from work one day, walked to my whiskey shelf, picked up a bottle of Blanton’s and, as soon as I removed the cork, I realized I just didn’t want it. This is a feeling I had never experienced in my life. I began drinking when I was 15 years old and had drank ever since. When life felt at its worst, I would buy multiple bottles of whiskey at a time. In fact, I was buying so much that the liquor store would save empty case boxes for me so they were easier to carry to my vehicle. 

So, on this specific day, as I stood at my whiskey shelf, when I didn’t want to fill up my glass, it was as if my mind misfunctioned. As bizarre as this sounds, I tried to talk myself into having just one glass. My odd conversation with myself ended with the decision to not pour the whiskey and instead drink something else but to come back in an hour and fill the glass up. … an hour later, it still didn’t sound good. I was baffled. 

That was the first night in my adult life that I went to bed voluntarily choosing not to drink alcohol… and feeling GREAT! I wondered if I would feel horrible withdrawals come morning, but the withdrawals never came. I bounced out of bed, ready to seize the day. And when I got home from work on day #2, drinking again didn’t sound good. 


By the third month, my life had completely changed. I was a new person mentally and physically. I felt like I was the best version of myself that I could be. Like a superhero, my senses were all heightened and I became even more aware of things I had been missing around me. Let me give you an important example:

Being that my spouse and young adult children are not participating in my diet, they eat all the processed garbage. Vegetables and fruit tastes terrible to them because their taste buds have adapted to the white flour diet. I will be writing more on this topic soon, so do it if you haven’t already:

Anyway, I noticed that, when they wake up in the mornings they are physically fine however, within 30 minutes of them consuming breakfast (white flour and chemicals) they begin to develop a slight cough; a single cough or a throat-clearing that repeats approximately every 15 to 20 minutes after the consumption of these products. I observed the identical occurrence with my coworkers. 

I also noticed, after lunch (a second dose of the same toxins), in addition to the random cough, my older son will start slightly sniffling like allergies. At my job, my associate who stops at Panera Bread each morning for a muffin and a coke, needs allergy medication by noon. In the spring and summer she blames pollen, and when the identical symptoms occur in the fall and winter she blames dust. I had never really put 2 + 2 together... “allergies”… 

Throughout the first five months, I had a total of maybe 3 drinks, and the wildest part was that I cut myself off after a single drink because it just didn’t taste good. Even my top shelf whiskey, Heaven’s Door Bootleg Series, just didn’t do it for me. 

The one evening I was peer pressured into excessively drinking (buddy’s 40th birthday party), I didn’t enjoy it at all and woke up the next day feeling like hell. This further reinforced that I didn’t want to consume alcohol anymore. 


After a half year of being in the best health of my adult life (even better health than when I was bodybuilding because I was poison-free this time around), I had to go out of town for five days. On the upside, I got to stay at a resort. On the downside, I quickly realized there was absolutely nothing for me to eat that didn’t involve white flour, additives or vitamins. I arrived at the resort at 10pm and the only available food was pizza, white bread sandwiches with processed meat and cheese, fried chicken strips with white flour breading, and so on. I went to bed with my stomach growling. 

The next morning I awoke naturally at 3am, long before the resort breakfast area was open. I got out my laptop and tried to focus on writing while my stomach screamed. At 7am, when the breakfast bar opened, I raced to it, only to discover white flour bagels with processed cream cheese and chemical margarine packets, Dole fruit cups in heavy syrup, Quaker Oat single serve oatmeal with sugar and vitamins, Tropicana fortified orange juice served alongside fortified milk, and Quaker chocolate granola bars. Then there were also seven bananas. I grabbed a plate, took all seven and beelined back to my room. 

When lunch came, to my dismay, there were no non-tainted food options, and this is when my nosedive began…

I selected the beer batter fried fish sandwich which seemed to be the least of all evils. I asked for no bun or toppings, just give me the breaded fish on a plate. Trying to remove the batter from the fish proved unsuccessful. It tasted horrible but I needed something in my stomach. 

That evening I had time to relax in tropical paradise. I found a good chair to watch the geoengineering over the ocean, it was painfully obvious they were in the process of making Hurricane Debby. While staring at planes spraying the sky and watching frequency being deployed to push the spray in one direction while the natural clouds were moving the opposite direction, the waitress convinced me to try their dark rum pina coladas which, as she stated, were indeed delicious. In fact, they were so delicious that I ordered two more. Thankfully they were also filling, so I didn’t go to bed hungry.

The following day was a repeat of the prior. I stole all of the bananas, ate fish covered in white flour then fried in horrible oil, then enjoyed a half dozen high-fructose-corn-syrup-and-chemicals pina coladas for dinner. Later that evening, with clouded judgement, I decide to give those fried chicken strips a try. I even ordered chemical ranch dressing to go with them… then got a shot of whiskey, my first shot of whiskey since getting clean. Before bed I watched the electrical storm over the Atlantic: (11 second video)

The third morning I did not naturally wake up at 3am, I instead slept in until after 7. When I got to the breakfast bar, the bananas weren’t available so I chose the fake oatmeal packet. I had this day off work so, come 10am, I was poolside being served dark rum pina coladas. There were now two clearly-defined layers of clouds, quickly moving in opposite directions, and the media was beginning to run their Debby fear campaign. That evening I ordered the pizza and it tasted great. 

Come morning #4, I didn’t want bananas, I instead opted for waffles with fake butter and cheap syrup. Lunch was a processed meat sandwich. Dinner was a burger with French fries dipped in ranch (I’m not a ketchup person, give me ranch or mayo). And this is where the unexpected happens… 

I also had the fifth day off work and again overslept by many hours. When I woke up I put on my shorts and noticed my stomach hanging over them. It wasn’t just a little bloated, it was bulged out substantially. I looked at my body in the mirror and I looked like I had gained at least 15 pounds! Dismayed but determined to enjoy my day, I repeated the day prior. 

All the way home, in the airports and on the planes, I ate trash and drank. Upon getting back to Michigan, I looked and felt like a different person. I was pudgy, tired, short-tempered, unmotivated, and I had a craving for fried foods, pizza and alcohol. Nothing sounded better than a bag of Lay’s and a can of Frito’s Jalapeno Cheddar Cheese Dip.

That evening I had some of the fast food my spouse and kids picked up for dinner and I finally poured that Blanton’s I passed on many months prior. 

My first morning back home, I debated stopping at McDonalds on the way into work because a Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit sounded incredible, but I refrained only because my motivation had been so stripped that even stopping to get fast food sounded like too much work. 

The next week was incredibly difficult because my taste buds had completely shifted and all of the clean foods I had purchased tasted bad but all of the processed foods were mouth-watering. My mind was telling me to make a baked potato or slice up cucumbers but my body was telling me “do that tomorrow, for now order Uber Eats.” .  After around 12-days of mental war, the cravings ended and I was back on track. It took several weeks for the bloating and water-weight gain to reside completely. 


It has now been around 10 months and I am back to my high school athlete weight. I have zero desire to eat processed food or white flour because it tastes so bad again. 

I had to get new apparel a second time because, even with the full size smaller clothing, I again looked like I was swimming in someone else’s shirts. 

In full transparency, not drinking alcohol resulted in a new coffee addiction. Yes, I am completely aware it is bad. In further full transparency, I still enjoy my cigars, but I’ll work on this as time progresses, one thing at a time, my friends. And in a final moment of transparency, I classify a single drink every couple months as “not being an alcohol drinker” and I see nothing wrong with this. 


Perplexed by how quickly I fell off the rails and was overtaken by old habits, I couldn’t help but want to learn more about my whole experience, so I began looking deeper into white flour. The very first thing I discovered was that my weight loss and positive changes, especially to sleeping patterns, were nothing special, in fact, it’s the norm if you cut white flour from your diet. Here’s other people, before and after quitting flour, and their amazing transformations within only 30 or 60 days:

What Yuh Know - 60 DAYS NO SUGAR, NO FLOUR, NO SOFT... | Facebook
Down 55 pounds with no sugar, no flour - weight loss journey with Bright  Line Eating
8 Practical Tips for Weight Loss
I Gave Up Sugar and Flour! Here's What I Eat Instead | Little Miss Fearless

Many of these people went completely gluten free and some axed sugar too but I did not. I still consume some bread, just not white flour bread, and I still consume sugar in the form of agave nectar and coconut sugar. If you stop consuming white flour products and vitamins, you will automatically cut the vast majority of sugar out of your diet. 

Gluten Free Diet That Changed My Life - YouTube
Gluten Free Diet Before And After Weight Loss Results Transformation

Look at the difference in these people and think of how many health problems they eliminated: 

Why I Gave Up Dairy & Gluten - 85 Pounds Down - Before and After Weight  Loss Transformation Pictures - YouTube

Now think of this: If this man went to the doctor for his annual checkup, the doctor would tell him he needs medication for something(s), then write him a prescription(s), when all along, he just needed to stop eating white flour:

No wheat and dairy for 60 days before and after photos...
How a Whole-Food Diet Transformed This Fitness Pro - Forks Over Knives
My Story | Fork and Beans

Not only did these people add years, if not decades, to their lives, but look at the difference in their facial expressions. Nobody is happy being overweight. 

Progress) 90 lbs down this morning following a whole food plant based diet,  no exercise. The last time I weighed this little I was was 12 or 13. It's  been a process,

And it wasn’t just weight loss, people report their Eczema vanishing without any need for Big Pharma products:

I've been able to take my eczema down 95% eating gluten free, minimizing  eggs sugar and dairy intake! For me moisturizer was not possible and  aggravated my skin. I take lots of

And many saw noticeable changes after only a week in the form of their skin looking brighter and cleaner and facial wrinkles lessening or vanishing. 

I began pondering white flour more. Remember how, at the beginning of this article, I explained there was this crazy conspiracy involving the government and the American Medical Association to make sure we consume this flour? I didn’t understand why the AMA was so hellbent on getting this inside of us. They wanted us to eat this so bad that they were willing to destroy their reputation over it. It seems hard to believe that this was just related to bribery or blackmail. It felt like their had to be more to the story. 

Deeper reflection lead me to wonder, what if the chemicals in white flour products can f*ck with our brains? Could it be possible that these ingredients can literally hijack our thought process and mind control us? That would indeed explain why I fell off the wagon and lost all sense of judgement in only a couple days of consuming the flour. But claiming this food might have the ability to mentally change us is a pretty wild hypothesis which would require a lot of deep digging and dot-connecting, but if that is indeed what is going on here, holy sh*t, that is massive. 

As I began to dive deep into old documents, records, videos and scientific paperwork, I became utterly shocked at what I was uncovering… NEXT READ: WHITE FLOUR IS A LITERAL DRUG, but first, if you appreciate my time, energy and devotion to bringing you content, please consider hooking me up with a whiskey coffee or a lil donation:

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