Tuesday 10 September 2024


Dutch overwhelming say “no” to another covid injection

Algemeen Dagblad (“AD”) is a Dutch daily newspaper based in Rotterdam.  Last week, as the Netherlands is about to embark on another covid vaccination programme, the outlet asked its readers, “Are you going to get another coronaprik [covid vaccine]?”

People have responded but not in the way AD had hoped.  In the comments section under the article is what is essentially a list of a variety of vaccine injuries suffered by numerous people.  What’s notable is that, so far, the outlet has not yet censored the comments that do not follow the prescribed narrative.  And the negative but very real responses are still coming in.

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A Dutch magazine asks its readers if they will take the new Corona vaccine. But it forgets to censor the answers.

The following, translated using the website’s online translator, was originally published by Swiss independent news outlet Uncut News on 2 September 2024. 

The AD asked its readers whether they would receive another corona vaccination. Almost 700 people answered. Some will line up again, but there are also many who don’t think about it.

There are also many reactions from people who have a horror story. These comments have not (yet) been deleted. Or is there a change? A selection:

Mirella: No never again! That only makes me sick.

Lydia: No, definitely not! I belong to the risk group. But I had my fourth stroke two weeks after the booster shot. Hadn’t had one in 10 years.

Ellen: No, certainly not. I used to get Pfizer because I had to go abroad during the Corona period. That caused me an autoimmune disease. My endocrinologist confirmed to me that it was Pfizer. So you will never convince me again.

Cor: I plan not to be vaccinated anymore. I had four vaccinations, but after the Pfizer vaccination I had a CVA a few weeks later. This was later mentioned as a possible side effect. Of course, you cannot prove that it was this vaccination, but is it pure coincidence?

Pedro: No, I had a brain attack shortly after vaccination. I’m not saying that was the cause, but you shouldn’t take the risk.

Fred: In my network there are all symptoms of long-covid, heart attacks (some fatal) and autoimmune diseases and all have received the corona vaccination. What do you think?

Gerard: There will be no corona vaccine here. Many young people around me have died of bleeding from the brain and other unpleasant diseases associated with these vaccinations.

Willem: I was just a healthy boy, I had a brain attack. One of the more honest doctors said it could have been due to the vaccinations I did, including the many older customers. So no more corona vaccinations for me.

Maarten: After a friend had a cerebral haemorrhage the day after vaccination, I no longer need it.

B. Schumacher: After my wife suffered cerebellar damage after the last booster shot, became very sick and I cared for her at home for a year, she decided to help her die at the age of 65. You really don’t know what you’re vaccinated with. No more boosters for me.

Eef: Absolutely no longer, I have been disabled since the first syringe. Now I probably have to take medication for the rest of my life.

Hans: No, I can’t get a syringe anymore. I had a heart attack a year and a half ago. The doctor said that the three corona vaccinations were a possible cause. So I don’t take them anymore.

Louisette: No, I already have three vaccinations and the last booster shot behind me. I had a heart attack last year and am now a cardiac patient. I wouldn’t associate it directly with the vaccination, but I’m taking so many medications now that I think it’s enough.

André: After the first vaccination with AstraZeneca, I had many complaints, pulmonary embolism. A doctor said: “If we hadn’t done that, there could have been more fatal accidents.” In other words, you were just unlucky with the vaccination.

Mirjam: No, because since the last syringe I have chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane in my throat and have to cough constantly. I spoke to a doctor and he said that this is one of the side effects you don’t talk about.

Chris: Never, never again. With this Moderna crap, I narrowly escaped the disaster. A syringe was enough to cause me terrible pain for 14 days. I couldn’t go anywhere. What a mess.

Source: Praat mee: ga jij nog een coronaprik halen?

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