Wednesday 11 September 2024


Doctors, Not Bureaucrats, Know Best

[The following is an excerpt from Lori Weintz’s book, Mechanisms of Harm: Medicine in the Time of Covid-19.]

We knew in March of 2020 there were a whole host of effective drugs which could have stopped this pandemic…The success is early treatment…If this was adopted in March and April of 2020, we would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. We would have abolished this pandemic. It’s a moral, ethical outrage that we were not allowed to treat patients with safe, effective, cheap repurposed drugs, in favor of big pharmaceutical control…

-Dr. Paul Marik, Chair of FLCCC, Pulmonary & Critical Care Specialist

July 2020 – Doctors state HCQ and other off-label drugs could end the pandemic:

In July 2020 a group of doctors from around the U.S., who had been successfully treating Covid patients, held a press conference they called the White Coat Summit, attempting to counter the maligning of HCQ. Standing in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington D.C., they announced that HCQ, combined with other therapeutics, was remarkably effective at treating Covid-19. 

The White Coat Summit doctors were finding in each of their practices that HCQ administered at the onset of Covid illness was preventing progression of the disease, almost eliminating hospitalizations and deaths. It was their professional opinion that properly administered HCQ could have a significant impact on bringing the pandemic to an end. These doctors also spoke out against the fear-mongering, the lockdowns, and especially the closure of the nation’s schools, citing the low transmission rate of Covid from children to adults, and the low impact Covid had on infected children.

One of the physicians, Dr. Richard Urso stated, “The whole political situation has driven the fear toward this drug.” He explained that the safety profile for HCQ is safer than aspirin, Motrin, and Tylenol, but that the REMAP, Solidarity, and Recovery Trials had all used 2400 mg in the first day. Dr. Urso explained that as a prevention against Covid-19, only 200 mg twice a week of HCQ was needed. But the clinical trials, Urso said, “used massive toxic doses and guess what they found outWhen you use massive toxic doses, you get toxic results.” He explained that HCQ concentrates in the lungs, and combined with zinc, is highly effective as both a prophylaxis and early treatment of Covid-19 disease. 

Character assassination of dissenting doctors:

The media’s COVID coverage has inarguably been an abomination. Instead of providing healthy skepticism, an adversarial relationship to authority and demanding accountability and acknowledgement of mistakes, the media chose to be establishment cheerleaders.

-Ian Miller, Unmasked, July 23, 2023

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The video received millions of views before being blocked by YouTube for “misinformation.” Mainstream media, and social media platforms were not interested in these experts who were finding success in treating Covid. Being motivated by Big Pharma advertising dollars, and government pressure, they were busy being an enforcement arm of the government against “misinformation.”(See the Twitter files published in April 2023, this analysis in The Hill published September 13, 2023, and the ruling of the 5th Circuit Court on October 3, 2023 in Missouri v Biden) 

Character assassination of each of the doctors in the White Coat Summit video began on that day and has continued throughout the pandemic and afterward, as has been the case for any professional who has shared an opinion counter to the official narrative.

Dr. Peter McCullough, an internationally known heart surgeon, was also successfully treating Covid-19 patients with HCQ. One of the most published doctors in the world in his field, Dr. McCullough developed a successful protocol for early treatment of Covid-19 that he and colleagues published in the American Journal of Medicine on August 7, 2020. It included the administration of the antivirals HCQ, doxycycline, and favipiravir, together with other off-label and over-the-counter meds. 


  • Lori Weintz has a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from the University of Utah and currently works in the K-12 public education system. Previously she worked as a special function peace officer conducting investigations for the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.

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