Sunday, 14 July 2024


World's Biggest Study on COVID 'Vaccine' Side Effects Has Been Published.

'Anti-Vaxxers' and 'Conspiracy Theorists' vs People Who Believe Anything. Guess Who Wins (Again)?

The world's biggest study on COVID ‘vaccine’ side effects has recently been published online. Before I discuss the eye-opening findings, I thought it would be instructive to take a quick trip down memory lane and revisit the peak years of COVID insanity. The days when pro-vaxxxers, with all the fervor of religious extremists who think 'AIDS' is a divine punishment, spewed hatred at those of us who just wanted to be left the heck alone. These were the self-righteous, all-knowing idiots who mindlessly recited slogans like Follow The Science!™ while blindly following the crowd. 

It makes for an interesting exercise to see where the science has actually traveled, and compare its findings to what the mainstream lunatic fringe was incessantly yelling just a couple of short years ago.

Yet Another Clueless 'Journalist' Who Made Seriously Misinformed Statements About Vaccines

A week or so ago, while searching for something else online, I happened upon an article titled "Just 15 Celebrities Who Have Made Seriously Misinformed Statements About Vaccines." The article appeared on a website called BuzzFeed, and was authored by a Morgan Sloss, whose other epic contributions to literary history include "Margot Robbie Broke Her Silence On Her 'Barbie' Oscar Snub For Best Actress" and "Drew Barrymore Joked That She's Giving Up On Dating Apps After A Guy Lied To Her About Being An NFL Quarterback."

Something tells me Morgan doesn't spend a whole lot of time analyzing research papers.

BuzzFeed, an eager outlet for brain-dead celebrity gossip, doesn't exactly qualify as an impartial stalwart of science, either. Especially when it receives money from Pfizer in return for placing paid posts on its website.

"As of today," laments Sloss in her article, which was last updated on November 3, 2021, "only 61% of Americans have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, despite concerns about the Delta and Omicron variants."

She continues:

"With so many people refusing the COVID vaccine — even though it is CDC-recommended and proven to be safe — I thought it would be interesting to look back and see which celebrities have taken anti-vax stances in the past." (Bold emphasis added)

She then goes on to list a bunch of celebrities who allegedly made "Seriously Misinformed Statements About Vaccines."

As an example of what Sloss considers "Seriously Misinformed," she cites a chap called Offset. In December 2020, Mr Offset was asked by TMZ if he would be getting the COVID pseudo-vaccine, and he replied in the negative. "I don't trust it," he said. 

Perfectly reasonable and cautious stance, methinks.

Six months prior to Sloss penning her seriously misinformed article, Offset said he still hadn't been gene therapied while on the radio show The Breakfast Club. "I'm not tryna be a lab rat, man," he said. 

Well, that's just not cricket according to Sloss, who says it's a "fact that the vaccines were tested in large-scale clinical trials, endorsed by the FDA, and have been given to more than 200 million Americans."

It's true that the pseudo-vaccines were 'tested' in large-scale clinical trials - and shown to be utterly useless (for those who are shocked or outraged by this statement, you can begin your much-needed deprogramming hereherehereherehere, and here).

It's also true that the pseudo-vaccines were endorsed by the terminally corrupt FDA, an agency with a notorious revolving door with the industries it is supposed to regulate, one that derives 75% of its drug review funding from the very companies whose drugs it reviews. Gee, no possible conflict of interest there!

And, according to the official stats, it's true that over 200 million Americans have received the poison pricks. Those same Americans are now suffering an alarming jump in excess mortality

None of those things mean the 'vaccines' are "proven to be safe." To the contrary, they all point to one conclusion: The 'vaccines' are a dangerous fraud promoted by a pack of corrupt grubs.

With all due respect, Sloss clearly has no idea what she is talking about, and neither do the angry ferals that pollute the comments section following her article. That comments section is a shining monument to the proud, militant gullibility and stupidity that hallmarked the peak years of COVID insanity.

An anonymous hate-ball using the moniker ‘seaword’ typifies the seething disdain held by the stupid towards those who were wary of taking a drug based on a technology with a 30-year track record of failure

"What's even more dangerous than these morons," says seaword of people who refuse to take dangerous gene therapies, "is the people that believe their bullshit. Not one of them has a medical degree or any type of education in virology, epidemiology or infectious diseases. 'BuT i DiD mY rEsEarCh'. Piss off wankers."

Says the histrionic wanker who thinks celebrity gossip columnists are legitimate sources of health information.

The remainder of the comments section is an orgy of hate hurled at people who don't go along with the crowd, by people whose brains would crack under the strain of attempting an original thought. Here’s a sampling of the kind of towering intellect that characterizes the Church of Vaxxx:

When you're dumb enough to believe an obvious liar like Anthony Fauci, there is no limit to the crazed vile you'll launch at those with the temerity to not be as gullible as you.

So, 2-and-a-half years on, how is the cocksure hatred and arrogance of the pro-vaxxxine mob travelling? 

Is it ageing like a fine wine, or decomposing like a dead fish?

With so many people 'mysteriously' dropping dead or sustaining debilitating illnesses, I thought it would be interesting to look at some of the more recent data confirming what a truly horrendous act the COVID gene therapies were. 

Follow the Science: Largest Study to Date Confirms Vaxxxine Dangers

On February 12, Vaccine journal published a study by The Global COVID Vaccine Safety (GCoVS) Project evaluating the risk of "adverse events of special interest" following COVID-19 'vaccination.' 

Encompassing ten sites across 8 countries, this is the largest published study to date on the topic of COVID 'vaccine' side effects. The study sample included over 99 million 'vaccinated' individuals from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand and Scotland.

Rest assured, this was no collaboration by so-called 'anti-vaxxers.' The GCoVS project is financed by the industry-funded and intensely pro-vaccine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Public Health Ontario and Canadian health research institute ICES. A number of the researchers have financial ties to drug companies including GSK, Gilead Sciences, Lundbeck, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi and Pfizer. 

Hardly a group that stands to gain from dumping on the wares of Big Pharma. Quite the opposite, in fact.

The study focused on a small portion of the hundreds of different side effects linked to the COVID gene therapies. The researchers examined thirteen adverse events of special interest (AESIs), falling under 3 main categories: Neurological, hematologic (blood), and cardiovascular.

The researchers calculated AESI risk on the basis of “Observed versus Expected” (OE) incidents, occurring up to 42 days after injection. That means they calculated the expected number of cases using pre-vaxxx background rates of the studied AESIs from 2015 to 2019 (2019–2020 for Denmark). These rates were then compared with the rates observed in the study's vaxxxinated sample up to six weeks post-injection.

The study periods ranged between December 2020 and August 2023. Three gene therapies were included in the analysis: Pfizer's BNT162b2, Moderna's mRNA-1273, and AstraZeneca's ChAdOx1 vaccines.

Most 'vaccine' recipients were in the 20–59-year age range. The states with the highest numbers of doses in the study were Ontario, Canada (32,159,817) - ruled by Castro-loving tyrant Justin Trudeau - and Victoria, Australia (15,617,627), whose once-vibrant capital Melbourne became the world's most locked-down city under the dictatorship of lanky psychopath Dan Andrews.

When the data were analysed, several disturbing findings emerged. 

Myocarditis and Pericarditis

Administration of all three vaccines significantly increased the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. After the first and second Pfizercarditis shots, the OE ratios for myocarditis were 2.78 and 2.86, respectively. The risk remained doubled after the third and fourth shots.

The first and second Moderna shots, meanwhile, delivered alarming OE ratios for myocarditis of 3.48 and 6.10, respectively.

The mainstream has done its best to reframe myocarditis as a usually "mild and transient"condition. The mainstream, of course, thrives on misleading people. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the myocardium, the middle muscular layer of the heart wall. The condition may be acute and resolve quickly, or it may be chronic. Interestingly, the American Heart Association defines "chronic" as lasting longer than two weeks, which means most of the case reports of vaxxx-related myocarditis are chronic as all get out. 

Just to be clear, we're not talking about a sprained ankle here. In severe cases, myocarditis can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure or death.

Which would really ruin your day. Especially when the cause was a drug that was never a vaccine (it's an out-and-out gene therapy) that you took in order to fight a virus that has never been isolated

The third AstraZeneca shot delivered a heart-scorching OE ratio for pericarditis of 6.91, while doses 1 and 4 of the Moderna drug produced OE ratios of 1.74 and 2.64, respectively.

Pericarditis is inflammation of the pericardium, a sac-like structure that surrounds the heart. As with myocarditis, the condition can be acute or chronic. A common symptom of pericarditis is chest pain, the kind that feels like you're having a heart attack. Again, not a fun way to celebrate being Fauci-Ouchied against a virus that has never been shown to exist.

Blood Clots in the Brain

Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is a condition where blood clots form in the brain, greatly increasing the risk of a life-threatening hemorrhage. No-one wants that. Not even seaword, who already acts brain-dead.

Higher than expected rates of CVST were observed after the first dose of all three drugs, with an OE of 3.23 for the AstraZeneca shot. A statistically significant increase in CVST risk was also observed after the second Pfizer dose. 

Nuking the Nervous System

The risk of suffering nasty neurological conditions was also greatly increased after receiving the 'vaccines.'

An OE ratio for Guillain-Barré syndrome of 2.49 was observed for the AstraZeneca clot shot, while the OE for transverse myelitis was almost doubled by the AZ shot. 

Guillain-Barré syndrome is a normally rare disorder in which the body's immune system attacks the nerves. As the condition develops, it can eventually paralyze the entire body. Severe cases can be fatal. For those who survive, recovery may take up to several years, and some may suffer lasting effects, such as weakness, numbness or fatigue.

Transverse myelitis is no laughing matter either. It involves inflammation of the spinal cord, and can cause pain, muscle weakness, paralysis, sensory problems, or bladder and bowel dysfunction. 

Uncontrollably shitting one’s pants to avoid getting the sniffles? I’ll pass.

If treated early, some people can experience a complete or near complete recovery. Other patients may never show signs of recovery. Those who do experience partial or complete recovery can expect the process to take up to two years.

In the case of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, OE ratios of 3.78 and 2.23were observed for the Moderna and AstraZeneca vaxxxines, respectively.

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is an autoimmune disease marked by sudden, widespread inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. It results in damage to the myelin sheath surrounding and protecting nerve cells. It affects mostly children and a clue as to why has somehow made it past the censors at Wikipedia, which admits (as of this writing) the cause of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis "is often a trigger such as from viral infection or vaccinations."

Most children make a complete or nearly complete recovery from ADEM, although it can take up to a year for symptoms to resolve. Some patients have ongoing symptoms such as blurred vision, weakness, numbness and/or incoordination.

Not something any innocent child should have to suffer through. Yet another reason why, when the government and drug companies ask you to serve up your kids in order to save grandma from a non-existent virus, you should immediately and emphatically tell them to self-fornicate.

The Current Excess Mortality Situation

Numerous commentators, including yours truly, have written previously about the striking increase in excess mortality seen around the world since the vaxxx rollout.

Australia, a highly-vaxxxed country where people love to do as they are told while bizarrely viewing themselves as a bunch of knockabout renegades, is a classic example. 

During 2022, there was a 15.3% increase in mortality compared to the Australian baseline average - a jump in death rates not seen since World War II.

As of this writing, Australian mortality statistics for 2023 have been compiled for the period up to November 30. They show that excess mortality is still 10% above the baseline average. That's 15,114 excess deaths - the equivalent of a Boeing 747 full of passengers crashing every week for 33 weeks straight.

Meanwhile, the terminally corrupt, industry-funded TGA (Australian for FDA, mate!) is still sticking to its absurd story that it has only "identified 14 reports where the cause of death was linked to vaccination."

The TGA clearly isn't looking very hard. More like looking the other way.

Oh, did I mention that the TGA is an intensely pro-pharma arm of the Corporation, oops, Commonwealth of Australia, that receives 96% of its funding from industry?

The ABS mortality stats show that while diagnoses of the renamed flu called COVID are down, deaths due to respiratory diseases in November 2023 were 13% above baseline average and 6% higher than in 2022.

Take a drug that supposedly protects you against a deadly respiratory infection, only to suffer a higher risk of deadly respiratory infection?

If that doesn't show what an egregious farce the COVID vaxxx campaign is, I don't know what does.

Cancer deaths also appear to be on the rise. Deaths from cancer up to November 2023 were 6.9% above baseline; during 2022, they were 6% above baseline.

The death toll from several other causes receded from 2022 levels, but still remained above baseline. 

Deaths due to dementia up to the end of November 2023 remained 11.7% above baseline.

Deaths due to other cardiac causes (not including ischaemic heart disease) were 11% above baseline, while deaths due to diabetes were 15.4% above the baseline average.

In a finding that will no doubt delight the feminazis, the male death rate for all age groups was higher than the female death rate, with the largest rate ratio seen in the youngest age group and smallest in the oldest age group.

Male Privilege™, baby!

We Are The World, We Are The Prey

Australia is hardly alone in its post-vaxxx plight.

The Economist constructed a machine-learning model to estimate the number of excess deaths during the 'pandemic' for 223 countries and regions, from which they calculate a global figure.

Globally, the model estimates that the total number of excess deaths is a multiple of the reported number of 'confirmed' deaths due to COVID-19.

The supposed number of 'confirmed' COVID deaths from January 1, 2020 through February 18, 2024 is 7.03 million.

The Economist model's central estimate for excess global mortality is 28.54 million deaths, with lower and upper bounds of 18.48 and 35.22 million deaths, respectively.

This means that even if you believe in the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Sars-Cov-2, in The Economist's central estimate COVID deaths only account for a quarter of excess global mortality.

For those of us who don't recognize statistics based on things that don't exist, it is important to reiterate there is no such thing as a “confirmed” COVID case.* Confirmation of something that doesn't exist is an inherent absurdity.

I have explained here and here that Sars-Cov-2 is a mythical entity that has never been isolated by anything resembling valid science. 

The PCR test that supposedly detects Sars-Cov-2 is a non-specific fraud.

I have also explained here why the alleged death toll from 'COVID' is a bald-faced fraud, where everything from heart attacks to kidney failure to murder-suicides were reclassified as 'COVID' deaths in order to generate the appearance of a pandemic.

Which means whatever the exact excess global mortality since January 2020 is, it is caused almost entirely by the vaxxxines, with a helping hand from inappropriate intubation, patient-culling use of midazolam and remdesivir, and the physical and mental consequences of ‘emergency’ tyranny.

Let's Stop Pretending We Don't Know the Cause

None of this should come as a surprise to anyone. The recent GCoVS paper and continuing excess mortality are confirmation of what should already be common knowledge. The COVID gene therapies, fraudulently promoted as vaccines, established a reputation early on for causing heart damage and clot-bombing people's blood vessels. The stories about 'turbo cancers' look to be more than just anecdotal tales going by the post-vaxxx elevations in cancer deaths. It was also known early on that adverse event databases in the UK, US, Australia and Europe quickly evinced alarming, skyward jumps in 'vaccine'-related incidents. 

Governments and corporate media outlets, working in preorchestrated lockstep, portrayed the sudden rise in sudden death as a remarkable coincidence. No way could it be the toxic injections they had brainwashed and bullied the world into receiving; instead, they blamed everything from climate change to referee's whistles.

Trusting people who are known to lie for a living, and taking drugs with a penchant for causing heart damage and life-threatening blood clots, in the hope of avoiding a re-badged flu whose 'victims' outlived the average national life expectancy, is the epitome of reckless irrationality. 

Whether Planet Numbnut has learned anything from the last four years remains to be seen. All indications are that we are going to be subjected to a similar stunt again. The Globalist cabal are already warning (threatening) us of "Disease X", the mysterious pathogen that doesn't yet exist but will, we are assured, strike soon and cause mayhem.

Stop, for a moment, and think about the inherent absurdity in that claim.

They really do think we are stupid. It’s a pity so much of humanity seems hellbent on proving them correct.

Just like COVID-19, Disease X will be a pre-orchestrated scamdemic years in the making, motivated by the globalists' psychopathic fetish for population reduction (genocide), unfettered control and ever-increasing wealth.

Don’t be a seaword: Recognize when you are being screwed and do not comply with evil.


*The WHO criteria for a 'confirmed' Sars-Cov-2 case are:

  • A person with a positive PCR test "regardless of clinical criteria." So you could show absolutely no signs of respiratory illness, but if the deliberately flawed and fraudulent Sars-Cov-2 PCR test says you have Sars-Cov-2, then congratulations - you're a 'case.'

  • A person meeting "clinical criteria," which are:

    • "acute onset of fever AND cough";


    • "acute onset of ANY THREE OR MORE of the following signs or symptoms: fever, cough, general weakness/fatigue, headache, myalgia, sore throat, coryza, dyspnoea, nausea/diarrhoea/anorexia."

      All the above symptoms characterize any number of respiratory and non-respiratory conditions that have nothing to do with fantasy viruses allegedly emanating from a Chinese biolab/wet market/bat/pangolin (four-and-a-half years in, and the geniuses promoting this farce still haven't made up their minds).

  • A person meeting "Epidemiological criteria," which is "contact of a probable or confirmed case, or linked to a COVID-19 cluster" plus a "a positive professional-use or self-test" SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test. The RAT test is “less sensitive” at detecting the non-existent Sars-Cov-2 than the fraudulent Sars-Cov-2 PCR test, but not to worry, you can always confirm the results of an unreliable RAT test by performing a fraudulent Sars-Cov-2 PCR test!

I need a drink.

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