Tuesday 23 July 2024


UN and WHO: Stooges of the global rapists of humanity...

Neither a Communist nor a Capitalist strategy—it is the shared strategy of all tyrants and global predators.

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[see below for write up!]

The World Health Organization (WHO) is conspiring with predatory capitalists, predatory progressives, and communists to dominate the world. This theme gets robustly hammered home by Dr. Peter Breggin on the Peter and Ginger Breggin episode of America Out Loud PULSE.

Tedros, the Director-General of the WHO, is beholden to two camps–what we call the Western and the Eastern Global Empires. The Western globalists include nearly all the presidents, premiers, and assorted rulers of the Western nations as well as the European Union (EU); billionaires like Bill Gates and organizers of the wealthy like Klaus Schwab; the global bankers and the CEOs of the global industries, including big tech companies; our Department of Defense and the Deep State; and nearly all the influencers and leaders of our Western institutions from education to the media.

The Eastern Global Empire is easier to describe. The Eastern globalists are dominated by the Chinese Communist Party, which is building deep political and economic ties with other nations, not only in their region but even inside the West and the United States. The Communists are closely involved with and dominate the United Nations and the WHO. At the same time, Bill Gates and other Western predators try to get a stronger foothold into these socialist/communist organizations.

The above is my background briefing for an hour-long interview with James Roguski, which becomes more robust as it proceeds. It takes place on our radio show on America Out Loud-Pulse, and it is also heard on our Substack and many other platforms.

James Roguski has been studying the WHO’s attempts to use treaty-like agreements and amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR) to exploit and impose control over the nations of the world. His website is a tremendous source of information.

Today, he and I have a major but invigorating disagreement about what to emphasize or focus on regarding the WHO’s attempt to rule the world. Roguski’s emphasis is on the “capitalist predators,” and he provides important information on how the new WHO scam aims to work with the global banks and our Department of Defense to organize the world markets around the next “pandemic” or other worldwide threat. The scam will drain money from the people of the West into the global military-industrial and pharmaceutical complex under the guise of getting more vaccines to the poor around the world.

This is globalism at its most ferocious, and the global banks were actually organized from the start to act on these vile, self-serving principles. The international banks believe they are taking from the rich to give to the people of poor nations. In reality, they are draining money from the taxpayers of the West and laundering it so that it goes to the global predators. In this manner, the global predators continue their ongoing rape of 99.99% of America’s citizens through higher taxes and inflation while enslaving the poor nations with bank loans they cannot pay off, turning them into perpetual debtors. Along the way, the criminal leaders of many of these countries also grow wealthier and more powerful.

Roguski focuses on the machinations of the “predator capitalists,” while I view it as neither capitalist nor communist, neither for the individual nor for the collective—but for global predators.  Some masquerade as “good”Communists and some as “good” Capitalists, but in reality, they have no allegiance to anything other than their own ambitions to grow wealthier and more powerful, with the ultimate glory of dominating humanity with their often-mentioned new world governance.

For example, in contrast to Western pseudo-capitalist predators like Bill Gates, the head of WHO, Tedros, is not a “capitalist predator.” He is a thoroughgoing lifetime Communist thug put into power by Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping, in turn, is the leader of the world’s largest organization of thugs, called the Chinese Communist Party. Tedros does nothing without Xi Jinping’s approval. As an aside, the other largest organization of global thugs is probably the global banking system.

The current assault on humanity requires that the globalists, on their way to world domination, destroy the constitutional democracies, especially America, as the most powerful. The America First anti-globalist movement is the biggest threat to their power.

The global predators are using the WHO to weaken the people of the West while draining their wealth even more into the coffers of the ongoing global empire and will use it to further enslave the poor nations. This is neither a Communist nor a Capitalist strategy—it is the shared strategy of all tyrants and global predators—take as much as possible for yourself while dominating everyone else.

First published on AmericaOutLoud.news Feb 23, 2024

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