Saturday 27 July 2024


Reflections on Healthy Words to Create Health

I Am Young!

In honor of celebrating my birthday on July 11, I thought I would share some thoughts about how our words effect our health. In particular how our words effect our health related to our age or a better way to say it our youth. 

A few people asked me how old I was on my birthday. And you know what, I could not remember. This is nothing new for me. My mom tells the story that even when I was young and it was my birthday, I would ask her, “how old am I now?” Age is just a number and nothing I have ever thought twice about. I did not even bother to figure out the answer when people asked me how old I was on my birthday. Does it really matter? 

I think you are as old or a better way to say it, as young as you feel. In that case I would say I feel about 35 - 40ish. We have been taught to count the numbers of years we have been on the planet instead of focusing on how we feel. And on top of that as we age, we are taught some key phrases to make the aging process go along quicker and also to create dis-ease as we age. What do I mean? Well, let me explain a bit. 

We create EVERYTHING with our thoughts, words and deeds. Your words are WAY more powerful than you give them credit for. Words should be treated as if, what you say, you will create/manifest into your life. However, we do not treat words in such a matter. 

I first heard this when I listened to the audio book Conversations with God by Neal Donald Walsch. I could go on and on about how fantastic I think Neal’s Conversation with God books are, but let’s just say I am a HUGE fan! I found listening to the audio books easier then reading them. I have listened to the first 3 Conversation books so many times, I lost count. I can quote passages by heart. And in my deepest, darkest times in my life, I pulled out the recordings and listen again and it has literally saved my life. 

The first time I heard Conversations with God, it was (to me) a huge awakening of hearing THE TRUTH. For the first time in my life (at that time I was 30) I was hearing someone else say what I had always felt was spiritual truths. And the concept of you create everything with your thoughts, words and deeds, well that was mind blowing. How come everyone did not know this? This is the biggest knowledge of our existence. If people realized this, all the suffering and hatred would end. But alas, as with all spiritual truths it is more like a journey to implement them then a quick convergence. So even when you realize we are creating with our thoughts and words, we still fall into old patterns and repeat the same words we have heard time and time again. It is a process to change. 

I think it was around 2013 that I made a conscience effort to never say the words “I am tired”. It did not happen overnight, but I got rid of those words in my life, and I did not say them in my head. And guess what? I had more energy and when everyone else was complaining they were tired, I was full of energy. Still to this day, I do not say those words. Pay attention and listen to how many people say when asked “how are you?”. Most people reply, “I am tired”. So, they keep creating themselves being tired. 

I am not saying I am perfect in my words and thoughts. I still have self-defeating thoughts and words. I do my best to not say them, however I and all of us are a work in progress. I still have a lot of work to do. However, I pay attention to what I say. 

I will never say words such as: I am getting older, I have this ache or pain because I am getting older, as you get older expect this to happen. And I will not join a group that has some type of title that implies I am in an older category. Stop saying you are aging! By saying it and claiming it, you are creating it. However, if the opportunely to join some group with a youthful title, I am all in for joining that group. 

Words that you should not say: 

As you get older…… (fill in the blank) 

Your eyes get weaker as you get older. 

I am getting older. 

You know when you get older you forget things. 

Your skin gets thinner as you get older. 

You have to take it easy as you get older. 

And a whole bunch of saying that have taken over our culture and vocabulary to help people feel older than they really are. 

Avoiding those sayings and things such as those, will contribute to your health. You will see tremendous improvement in your health if you start becoming conscience of your words and thoughts. I know it will not happen overnight. However, I know that in time it will work. It is a spiritual promise to you from the Universe. 

Now that you are made aware of these words, pay attention to how often you hear someone saying them. It is often and I would guess most do not realize they are creating the very thing they are saying. And some people if you point it out to them, they may answer, “it is true”. Well, maybe true to them, but I choose a different life experience. 

Some fun pictures of me when I was younger: 

Outdoor Grilling Cooking Classes 

Corn on The Cob Outdoor Grilling Cooking Class
Wed. August 14 - 6 to 9 PM (ET)
In person $65.00 - Virtual $55.00

The flavors of summer are in full swing in this class. The sweet potato patties are served with the marinated grilled tofu and vegetables all seasoned with a marinade made with fresh oregano and thyme.

In the last class, a student exclaimed "WOW!", as he took his first bite of the dish taught in class. He said the flavors were phenomenal!

Attend virtually and you can cook in the comfort of your own home. If you do not have a grill, the recipes can also be made using your stove.

Menu: Grilled Corn on the Cob with Vegan 'Yum Yum' Sauce, Sweet Potato Patties served with Grilled Tofu, Onions and Radicchio in a Fresh Oregano Marinade, Grilled Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash and Grilled Peaches in a Sweet Cherry Sauce.

Get Outside and Cook Healthy!

Tell Walmart ‘NO’ on “Apeel” 

If you want to make a difference, contact Walmart and tell them you do not want the cucumbers covered with the toxic coating “Apeel”. Contact info is in The Green Smoothie Girl (Robyn Openshaw) latest video. 

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