Saturday, 13 July 2024


It's Coming from the Sky...

(Don't look up!)

Have you ever tried to Google ‘chemtrail’ -the fact checkers go nuts… ;-)

I don’t want to cloud the issue so I will show you some interesting findings from drinking water that was taken from a roof.

I was doing a few blood checks in a rural town in Queensland, Australia when I decided to check drinking water. One particular sample was most dramatic. It had not rained for a number of weeks. The night before I was given this sample it rained. So it is safe to assume that material from the roof had been gathering for some time.

My recollection is that there was minimal filtering in place. These results are simply from drying a drop of water on a slide. It was clear from observing the liquid that there were large amount of particulates ?colloidal molecules present. Photos are darkfield with magnification between 25 and 200x.

The first crystalization looked like this

A close up of one of the crystals with, as shown previously, a ?hydrogel bubble on top.

This is a photo-stitch after application of a second drop

Video as the third successive drop dries out concentrating the material. Note the way the bubbles end up on top of the crystal.

Admittedly, there may be contamination on the roof from other sources say birds or the odd possum. But they will be contaminated also so that doesn’t matter either: this is a wholesale attack on the biosphere. The particles seen, the crystals formed and the patterns of crystallization do not look natural but are, unfortunately all too familiar.

Thank you for your ongoing support for this work which is full-time and under-resourced.

Have a great weekend


Thank you for your support. Please assist if you can so I can continue this work.

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