Saturday, 13 July 2024


Hey Steve Kirsch, Sars-Cov-2 is Still a Fraud and Your Genome Argument is a Disingenuous Sham

The Health Freedom Movement's clown prince is at it again.

Kirsch is back on the warpath. Humiliated after his admission that he relied entirely on the word of ‘experts’ as proof that Sars-Cov-2 had been isolated, he has now found salvation for himself and the rest of Team Pandemic.

Or so he thinks.

First, a little history.

Kirsch insists Sars-Cov-2 is real, even though it has never been isolated by anything that even begins to resemble sound science.

Kirsch has repeatedly refused to acknowledge the inherent absurdities in the viral ‘isolation’ charade. He has been informed repeatedly of these absurdities - but he flatly refuses to listen.

More precisely, he doesn’t want to listen.

Kirsch is Not a Very Clever Guy

Kirsch likes to promote himself as a “pretty clever guy,” but he’s not.

Kirsch advertised his scientific ineptitude back in January 2022 when he posted this terribly lame attempt at rebutting the no-virus argument.

Kirsch’s post was titled Has the virus been isolated? Yes.

Kirsch knows the virus has been isolated because … he doesn’t.

Turns out Kirsch doesn’t have a clue about viral isolation. His knowledge of virology is as deficient as his stock-picking skills.

Kirsch asked out aloud in his post:

"Do these isolates have other stuff in them? How were they created?”

The response?

“I don’t know because I haven’t analyzed them personally. But my scientist friends seem happy with them."

Thanks Steve. I love it when my dishonest critics reveal they have no clue what they’re talking about.

"I rely on expert opinions of people who I trust for certain issues like whether or not the virus has been 'isolated.' It’s a reasonable approach if you are careful about which experts you trust."

Among the ‘experts’ Kirsch ‘carefully’ trusts is the perennially angry, DARPA-funded, victim-narcissist Robert Malone, who apparently is such a genius that after observing how mRNA technology was still unfit for human use, allowed himself to be injected twice with it.

Except that he didn’t, according to travelling partner Steven Hatfill.

Yep, Kirsch sure knows how to pick his experts.

Kirsch is Back on the Virus Warpath

We all had a good laugh at Kirsch’s expense after his self-debunking “I rely on the experts” post. 

Kirsch, however, doesn’t like being laughed at. His ego demands that he be admired and revered as a really smart guy.

So he got together with his ‘expert’ friends and plotted his rebuttal. 

Stevie Meets With His Masters

“Steve,” said his ‘expert’ handler friend David Rockefelon III, “you’ll never win the no-virus argument by trying to claim the virus has been physically isolated - because it hasn’t.”

“So what do I do?,” asked Kirsch.

“In Davos, we have a saying,” chimed Rectal Swab. “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!”

“I’m not sure I follow,” said a befuddled Kirsch.

It was at this point that Gill Bates interjected. “Steve, you need to start posting articles about gene sequencing.”

“Gene sequencing?” asked a perplexed Kirsch. “What’s that?”

“Exactly,” replied Baron Badchild the 58th. “Most people don’t have a clue about genomics, so that’s where you need to steer the argument.”

“You need to distract people from the fact that the virus has never been isolated. You are instead going to baffle them with the genome argument.”

“How do I do that?” asked Kirsch.

Badchild began his instructions. “You are going to post an article titled, 'How can millions of people, all exhibiting signs of COVID have whole genome sequences that match the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome if viruses don't exist?'"

“I don’t even know what that means,” objected Kirsch.

“You don’t need to know,” replied Swab. “Just post ze bloody article!”

“But …”

“But nothing!” roared the megalomaniac billionaires in unison.

“Don’t forget its us who put you where you are now. And we can put you back down too,"warned this Inhuman League of evil globalists.

"But the four years we have had have been such good times, I still love you," replied a hurt Kirsch, on the verge of tears.

“Stop being such a bloody sook!” Badchild threw a box of tissues at Kirsch. "Now get out there and do as you're told."

And so Steve did as he was told. On June 14, 2024, he posted an article titled “How can millions of people, all exhibiting signs of COVID have whole genome sequences that match the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome if viruses don't exist?

The article, of course, made no mention that the alleged ‘genome’ of Sars-Cov-2 is a pseudoscientific farce.

The article made no mention of the fact that the Sars-Cov-2 genome was not obtained by ‘deconstructing’ an actual virus, but created on a computer using the ‘sequencing’ ruse. Tiny, incomplete nucleotide sequences were fed into a computer, which was then allowed to create a 30,000-character genome. That’s like pulling off a tire, fanbelt and seat belt from a Volkswagen, feeding their details into a computer, and being told you have a Porsche.

I’ll repeat it again, in case anyone doesn’t comprehend what I just wrote, because it is of critical importance:

There is no such thing as a Sars-Cov-2 genome that was analyzed and documented after taking a Sars-Cov-2 virion and breaking it down into its constituent nucleotides.

That has never been done, because Sars-Cov-2 has never been isolated. You can’t dismantle something that doesn’t exist. 

You can, however, take bits of something that does already exist, feed them into a computer, and allow it to construct an in silico ‘genome.’

You set the parameters for both the in silicoreconstruction and the accompanying PCR test to be sufficiently non-specific, so that millions of people exhibiting symptoms of cold and influenza and also millions of asymptomatic people exhibiting symptoms of nothing will miraculously have 'whole genome sequences' that match the 'Sars-CoV-2 reference genome.'

Using ‘approved’ methods and test kits, of course.

That’s why ‘Sars-Cov-2’ can be detected in fluid and blood samples taken from volunteers long before December 2019, which is when ‘Sars-Cov-2’ allegedly first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

It explains why this supposedly ‘novel coronavirus’ was able to be detected in blood samples obtained in Mexico and Italy as far back as 2018, even though the official narrative has Sars-Cov-2 kicking off its World Domination Tour in early 2020.

The non-specificity of the sequencing and testing charades also explains why it’s not just people with the sniffles and asymptomatic folks that miraculously show these 'whole genome sequences.' Papaya, quail and goat can also test positive for Sars-CoV-2!

Heck, even sewerage floating through Catalonian caca pipes in March 2019 has tested positive for the Woohoo virus. "This striking finding," wrote the researchers who tested the Barcelona wastewater samples, "indicates circulation of the virus in Barcelona long before the report of any COVID-19 case worldwide."

That’s because the nucleotide sequences that trigger a positive result for the presence of ‘Sars-Cov-2’ are not from a ‘novel virus’ - they are a common and preexisting phenomenon.

Kirsch, of course, mentions none of this. 

His false bravado is in full swing when he again proposes another monetary challenge, this time a $10,000 bounty to anyone who can prove Sars-Cov-2 does not exist.

NEWS FLASH: We don’t need to disprove the existence of a negative, Kirsch. 

If someone claims there are invisible goblins living under their kitchen table, no-one is obliged to prove them wrong. The onus is on the person issuing the unlikely claim to prove there are indeed invisible little people residing in their kitchen.

Similarly, it’s up to those who claim the existence of a ‘novel’ and uber-deadly virus to prove its existence.

So far, they’ve failed miserably.

Taking gobs of phlegm from people with atypical pneumonia, mixing them with antibiotics, culture medium and bovine fetal serum is not isolation - its anti-isolation!

Mixing this porqueria with African green monkey kidney cells - which can be relied upon to predictably deform in the presence of kidney-toxic antibiotics - is not proof that there is a pathogenic virus in the mix. It’s simply proof that virology has about as much credibility as witchcraft.

Heck, the Doherty researchers who loudly proclaimed they isolated ‘Sars-Cov-2’ from the first Australian case admit in their paper the patient healed just fine with low-flow oxygen and antibiotics - which are for bacteria, not viruses! 

He was not suffering ‘COVID’, he was a pneumonia patient - no doubt one of many strategically flown around the world to help kick off the worldwide ‘isolation’ wank.

I’ve already explained all this in detail here and here, so can I have my $10,000 now?

Oh, wait, Steve Kirsch is a self-aggrandizing liar who has no intention of ever paying out on his challenges. Kirsch loves the rush of bravado and admiration he receives when he issues a bold challenge, but his “I’m a pretty clever guy”ruse makes no allowances for being wrong and publicly humiliated. That’s why he quickly goes into denial and cancel mode every time you fulfill one of his public challenges.

The Real Challenge that Kirsch and the Scamdemic Crowd Need to Meet

The real question is not “why millions of people, all exhibiting signs of COVID have whole genome sequences that match the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome if viruses don't exist?”

The real questions that need asking are:

  • Can anyone isolate Sars-Cov-2 in a manner that really does physically separate a pathogenic organism that can be subsequently shown to be an infectious and harmful virus?

  • In other words, can this virus be shown to be transmittable between humans via coughing/sneezing/breathing/touching/’jumping”/etc etc etc and to cause the symptoms of ‘COVID’ upon infection?

  • Upon having genuinely isolated this virus and proving it does cause an illness called ‘COVID’ in humans, can they then take virions from this virus and use those to catalog its entire genome?

  • Can they then compare this genome to other similarly obtained ‘virus’ genomes from pre-December 2019 and point to key differences that prove the existence of a novel virus?

No matter how Kirsch and his masters try to worm and squirm and reframe the argument, the inescapable truth is that the answer to all the above questions remains a big, fat NO.

No-one has come close to doing this, and that includes the authors of this paper which Kirsch claims “the ‘no virus’ crowd stays clear of.” 

To cover for the inescapable fact that no-one has ever physically isolated a virus the way bacteria has been isolated, Kirsch gets his disingenuous on.

“Fire can’t be isolated,” he says. “Gravity can’t be isolated.”

Stupid Analogy Alert: Fire doesn’t need to be isolated the way a virus does. It can be seen with the naked eye, and there’s no mistaking it for a bunch of exosomes. 

As for gravity, of course you can’t “isolate” an invisible force. But I can sure as hell prove to you it exists, Kirsch, and in a manner in which it can’t be mistaken for anything else. Meet me at the top of a tall structure and I’ll explain. 

COVID: It’s Still Cold and Flu Renamed

There is no Sars-Cov-2. There is no COVID. 

There is cold and flu and pneumonia, and they existed long before December 2019. In early 2020, they were renamed ‘COVID’ and the proof of its existence was testing positive on a fraudulent PCR test.

That’s why, as the 'COVID' hysteria hit fever pitch during 2020, regular influenza magically disappeared almost entirely.

Steve Kirsch, ladies and gentlemen, is part of the sham.

I’ll have plenty more to say about Kirsch and the genome wank in due course, but today I’ll conclude with the following gems from our not-so-clever guy.

“If the virus doesn’t exist, why is it we can SEE the SARS-CoV-2 under electron microscopes with its telltale ‘spikes’?” writes Kirsch.

Excuse me Kirsch, but how do you know the alleged Sars-Cov-2 virions are not simply cellular vesicles - which is just what they look like?

Go ahead, prove they’re actual virions from an infectious virus called Sars-Cov-2, using the methods outlined above.

I’ll wait.

Kirsch then proves just how utterly unsuited he is to this topic when he claims that a New York Times article from October 2020 “shows virions inside the cell as well as outside the cell.”

“All of the images in the Times article are fully explained by virology,” claims Kirsch, “and are inexplicable if the virus doesn’t exist.”

It’s time to have another hearty laugh at Stevie’s expense. Here are the images that the NYT reproduced, which any sober halfwit can tell are computer-generated creations:

Pack it up and pack it in, Steve, this is getting beyond a joke.


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