Saturday, 13 July 2024


Dr Peter McCullough Recommends Dodgey Synthetic siRNA Jabs to Counter Effects of Dodgey Synthetic mRNA Jabs

You're in great hands, health freedom movement! Not.

The Medical Freedom Movement is full of suspicious characters. So suspicious you'd almost think the movement has been captured, or even commandeered from the outset, by the same people who brought us the 2020 blockbuster "The Great Culling: This Time, it’s Global!”

There's Steve Kirsch, the DARPA teen protegeand Rockefeller-linked buffoon famous for The Most Important Surveys You'll Ever Do!!, big money challenges he has no intention of fulfillingsurveillance state and CBDC technology, and aggressive promotion of the highly toxic, suicide-inducing SSRI fluvoxamine.

There's Robert "Sly" Malone, the self-proclaimed inventor of "mRNA vaccine technology" who cries hard-done-by while swimming around in billion$ of grant moneyfrom the US Military (major enablers of the globalist death shot campaign), all while pretending claiming to be an injured vaxxx victim. 

There's Brett Weinstein, who helped propel Kirsch and Malone into stardom with his June 11, 2021 Darkhorse Podcast. In this creepy snippet from his Tucker Carlson interview, Weinstein gushes like a lovesick teen over mRNA technology. Such impassioned praise for a technology with a 30-year track record of failure, one that was successfully deployed to trigger accelerated death and disability around the world, is extremely curious for someone presenting as a health freedom fighter.

There's Dr Ryan Cole who, at "the first Conversation on Covid" in Puerto Rico September 2021, emphatically emphasized“Covid is a clotting disease. Covid is a clotting disease. Covid is a clotting disease.” 

In case you didn't catch it the first three times, Cole reckons COVID is a clotting disease.

Bollocks. COVID is regular cold, flu and pneumonia renamed and packaged as an uber-deadly new threat. They are not "clotting diseases" but respiratory ailments. What is a clotting disease is the common and now well-documented life-threatening thrombosis caused by the Unsafe and Ineffective gene therapies to treat the renamed COVID caused by the never-isolated Sars-Cov-2. Despite this clotting effect of the vaxxxines being well-established by September 2021, Cole preferred to blame the phenomenon on 'COVID.'

With health freedom heroes like this, who needs villains?

The “remarkable” San Juan “Covid Conversation” where health freedom spokespeople not chosen by you acted as if COVID was real and not a globalist psy-op.

There's Dr Pierre Kory who, at the same star-studded gathering of pandemic shills, described COVID, the artist formerly known as Cold’n’Flu, as "the most complex and most violent disease that I have seen and the most difficult to treat in the ICU.” 

COVID: Once a simple cold you sat out with some hot tea, lemon juice and Vaporub, now the most complex and violent thug of a disease the world of medicine has ever seen! If the madicine gig ever stops working out for Kory, he should migrate to Australia and get a job as a SAPOL prosecutor - with such an unbridled capacity for egregious nonsense, he'd fit right in.

Dr Pierre Kory, supposed member of the Health Freedom Movement, pushing the mask farce in uber-mainstream USA Today.

The ‘Respectable’ Face of Pandemic and Gene Therapy Propaganda?

Then there's the movement's smiling enigma, Dr Peter McCullough. Depending on who you listen to, McCullough is either a controlled opposition shill or the most sincere bloke you could ever meet.

Compared to some of the other suspect characters who comprise the upper echelons of the health freedom movement, there's something disarming about McCullough. He doesn't have the grating motor mouth of Kirsch, nor the sinister gaze and evil gnome vibe of Malone. 

McCullough appears the polar opposite of Kirsch, who comes off like the tech-nerd version of your obnoxious, balding, know-it-all Uncle Barry. The guy who slurps, farts, belches at family gatherings and blames it on the dog, and challenges his nephews to wrestling matches while drunk then refuses to concede defeat when they repeatedly pin his fat hairy shoulders to the ground.

McCullough seems more like your Uncle Ronald, the successful physician who arrives at family gatherings with your charmingly demure and well-liked Auntie Mary in his late model Jaguar. He doesn't act like a bogan, doesn't antagonize his nephews, and generally presents as a jovial, amicable, clean-living guy.

But from behind McCullough's disarming facade there emanates some very dubious claims. I started to smell the pungent odour of pharma-sponsored allopathic bullpoop, extra-strength version, when McCullough claimedtoxic statin drugs reduced the risk of dementia and Alzheimers Disease.

Anyone who even pretends to care about health and medical freedom has no business praising toxic and ineffective garbage like cholesterol-lowering statins.

To make his claim, McCullough had to ignore the substantial volume of clinical trial evidenceshowing both low cholesterol and cholesterol reduction via statins not only fail to prevent dementia and Alzheimers Disease, but often result in cognitive and neurological harms. Cholesterol is an integral component of your brain and nerve sheaths - claiming you can prevent cognitive and neurological decline by lowering cholesterol is like claiming your car will drive further and longer after you drain half the fuel from the tank. It is an inherently absurd and false thing to claim.

McCullough, however, appears to have no issue with making inherently absurd and false claims. Because the RCT evidence wouldn't support his beloved statins, he instead based his untenable claims entirely upon a a 2022 meta-analysis of epidemiological studies by Italian researchers - two of whom have extensive ties to pharma companies, including cholesterol-lowering drug manufacturers like Pfizer, Merck, Amgen, Servier and Sanofi-Regeneron.

Just brilliant.

No matter how you wish to frame it, McCullough has benefited handsomely from the Big Pharma buy-an-opinion system in which ‘thought leaders’ are lavishly remunerated via speaking fees and ‘consulting’ arrangements. Since 2016, he has received over US $1.6 million in pharma largesse.

While McCullough’s declared pharma funding did decline during the peak years of Covidiocy, this was replaced with a lucrative new career of worldwide COVID speaking engagements and supplement sales. For a guy who was allegedly ‘cancelled,’ McCullough sure got a lot of coverage. Others like Michael Yeadon, the former Pfizer executive with the pelotas to come out and identify the poison prick campaign for what it really was - a mass homicide event predicated upon a non-existent virus - curiously got nowhere near the exposure enjoyed by McCullough (and fellow pandemic shills like Kirsch and Malone).

McCullough enthusiastically pimps what he calls “The McCullough Protocol.” This protocol includes his highly-priced Spike Support” supplement (US $64.99 for a 60-day supply) which contains the following substances (bold emphases added):

  • Nattokinase (“a proteolytic enzyme with fibrinolytic (anti-clotting) effects, that maymaintain a healthy immune system”)

  • Dandelion root (may support cellular defense”)

  • Selenium (“may help reduce stress, aiding the body repair itself and recover”)

  • Black sativa extract (“may facilitate cellular repair”)

  • Green tea extract (“may add defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals”)

  • Irish sea moss (“is mineral-rich and mayhelp rebuild damaged tissue and muscle”)

It’s hard to think of a flimsier basis for promoting this motley array of ingredients as a vaxxx detox formula. Using the same rationale for Irish sea moss (“is mineral-rich and mayhelp rebuild damaged tissue and muscle”), one might as well recommend a thick, juicy steak as a “Spike” detox.

None of these ingredients have been shown in anything resembling a controlled scientific study to help ameliorate post-vaxxxine injuries. Green tea extract, in fact, has a solid track record of causing liver toxicity and is a great supplement to avoid the hell out of - a woefully ignored issue I discuss in detail here.

McCullough’s Recent Spike in Dubious Gene Therapy Claims

On April 19, 2023, McCullough posted a brief Substack about a paper by Matthew Halma, Jessica Rose and Theresa Lawrie titled "The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review."

McCullough repeated the paper’s title as headline for his own article, adding his own byline of “mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future may be Brighter.”

McCullough’s article employed the same “we must keep an open mind, remain balanced, and not paint issues with a broad brush” shtick that he employed in his hopelessly wrong statin article.

I agree it’s good to keep an open mind - but not so open that your brains fall out. 

“The Halma paper,” claims McCullough, “points out that safe mRNA products are possible.”

Here’s what the paper actually said:

If harm can be exclusively and conclusively attributed to the spike protein, then it is possible that future mRNA vaccines expressing other antigens will be safe.” (Bold emphasis added)

McCullough apparently couldn’t find it within himself to neither highlight nor discuss the statement that immediately followed:

“If harms are attributable to the platform itself, then regardless of the toxicity, or lack thereof, of the antigen to be expressed, the platform may be inherently unsafe, pending modification.” (Bold emphasis added)

The McCullough interpretation makes it sound as if safe and effective mRNA drugs are just around the corner; what Halma et al wrote is a far more heavily qualified statement that speculates a possible scenario in which the drugs could be considered safe. If that specific condition isn’t met, they posit that the technology may be inherently dangerous, period.

It’s rather precious to bang on about the importance of maintaining a balanced viewpoint while leaving that key detail out…

So is mRNA technology inherently flawed, or is it a brilliant idea that just needs a few wrinkles ironed out before it starts saving millions of lives?

After more than 30 years of research, mRNA technology failed to produce even a single, safe effective drug that made it through mandatory Phase 3 trials and garnered a New Drug Approval. Heck, none of this junk ever made it past the Phase 2 stage. The only reason the COVID gene therapies made it to market was thanks to the monumental scam known as COVID, which allowed the criminals in charge to declare a sniffles ‘emergency’ and rush the drugs through via the “Emergency Use Authorization” Trojan horse. 

The aftermath of the gene therapy rollout has been untold misery, morbidity and a global excess death toll estimated, at last count, between 18 and 35 million people. The kind of body count that would make Genghis Khan and Chairman Mao proud.

To say mRNA is “Off to a Bad Start” is a monumental understatement. 

To say the future for mRNA technology may be brighter when that technology is still under the control of the same GloboPedo-Pharma-Military-Industrial Complex that bought us the COVID psy-op and Poison Prick democide fills me with about as much optimism as a family of crackheads moving in next door.

Using Dodgy Novel Gene Therapies to Counter the Effects of Dodgy Novel Gene Therapies

McCullough isn’t letting up on the idea that highly problematic gene therapies could be just what the doctor ordered. 

Recently, he and colleagues Nicolas Hulscher and Diane Marotta published a preprint titled “Strategic Deactivation of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: New Applications for RIBOTACs and siRNA Therapy.”

According to McCullough, Hulscher and Marotta: "The rapid development and authorization of mRNA vaccines by Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) and Moderna (mRNA-1273) in 2020 marked a significant milestone in human mRNA product application, overcoming previous obstacles such as mRNA instability and immunogenicity."

Let's be perfectly clear: The rapid development and authorization of mRNA vaccines was not a triumph over previous developmental obstacles, it was the triumph of untold evil and corruption over the traditional regulatory requirements and safeguards that are supposed to protect us against dangerous and ineffective drugs. 

It was a triumph over the last remnants of mainstream investigative reporting, whose practitioners have been almost entirely replaced by unthinking morons who’ll do and write whatever their Globalist-controlled employers tell them to.

It was confirmation that the self-aggrandizing West is not a conglomerate of freedom-protecting democracies, but a centrally-controlled constellation of financially and/or sexually compromised politicians, bureaucrats and billionaire deviants who hold us in sheer contempt and not only wish to remove our freedoms but our very existence on this planet.

A few sentences later, McCullough et al effectively acknowledge that obstacle-crushing mRNA technology isn’t so great after all, when they write:

“The stability of mRNA vaccines, their pervasive distribution, and the longevity of the encapsulated mRNA along with unlimited production of the damaging and potentially lethal Spike (S) protein call for strategies to mitigate potential adverse effects.”

In plain English: “The mRNA gene therapies are dangerous garbage that have caused untold illness and death. We need an effective strategy to treat the poor bastards who have been injected with this poison.”

It seems McCullough’s Spike Support is about as effective as a fishnet condom, because nowhere in their paper do he and his co-authors discuss it as a potential remedy. Instead, the strategies they devote their paper to are gene therapies known as “small interfering RNA” (siRNA) and “ribonuclease targeting chimeras” (RIBOTACs).

Yep, more synthetic RNA technology. Because we all know how well that worked out last time.

These Brave New World genetic concoctions, posit the authors, may help counter the damage done by the small interfering psychopaths and “useless eater”-targeting Chimeras behind The Great Culling (in Greek mythology, the Chimera was a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature).

Except McCullough et al don’t acknowledge The Great Culling, because they continue to regurgitate the insulting fairy tale that COVID was a genuine pandemic caused by the never-isolated and non-existent Sars-Cov-2.

Some examples of highly toxic Australian and American fire-breathing Chimeras and small interfering psychopaths.

Silencers: Not Just for Guns Anymore

At this point you’re probably asking, “What the heck are siRNA and RIBOTACs?”

Discovered in 1998, small interfering RNAs, sometimes known as short interfering RNAs or silencing RNAs, are noncoding RNAs with important roles in gene regulation. 

The initially double-stranded siRNA gets into cells, becomes part of what is dubbed the RNA-Induced Silencing Complex (RISC), and is unwound to form single stranded siRNA. It's now fit for duty to go out and find a complementary mRNA. Once the single stranded siRNA binds to its target mRNA, it induces mRNA cleavage.

No, it doesn't give the mRNA a breast lift; "cleavage" in the world of science means to cut something up. Don't ask me why they don't just say that outright.

Anyways, once the mRNA is cut, it is recognized as abnormal by the cell. The cell goes into garbage disposal mode and further degrades the mRNA, which prevents translation of the mRNA into amino acids and then proteins. This is what the gene "silencing"and “interfering” terminology refers to. Like a mafia informant who gets brutally shanked and can no longer talk to the feds, siRNA-sliced mRNA can no longer translate its encoded instructions into functioning proteins.

Sorry, that was a somewhat gory analogy. You’ll have to excuse me, I'm back in Australia at the moment, a gray, soulless Masonic pit of substance abuse and mental illness that is run, policed and adjudicated by some of GloboPedo's most enthusiastically obedient deviants. 

But I digress.

And RIBOTACs? What the hell are they?

RIBOTACs are a new, man-made class of small molecules that have the potential to target diverse types of RNAs. In 2018, Scripps Institute researchers reported they were able to modify a small molecule to recruit a nuclease to a specific gene transcript, triggering its destruction.

In plain English: Researchers continue to develop ‘novel’ ways to screw around with your genes.

McCullough and co-authors speculate that it might be possible to develop siRNA and RIBOTAC gene therapies that will act as little vaxxx mRNA-munching Pacmen (or Pacpersons/PacTheys/PacThems/ma vaffanculo to all you anally-retentive, pronoun-confused PC-types).

Sounds great, but there’s a wee problem. 

Warn the authors, "despite their numerous advantages, substantial obstacles must be surmounted to effectively harness the power of siRNAs. Barriers to the successful implementation of siRNAs as a therapeutic intervention include their susceptibility to degradation by endogenous nucleases in serum, rapid renal clearance, activation of the innate immune system, plasma protein sequestration and entrapment by the reticuloendothelial system (RES), membrane impermeability, endosomal entrapment and off-target effects."

In inglés normal: This strategy is purely speculative and theoretical. There is no actual evidence siRNA and RIBOTACs can effectively treat vaxxx injuries. In fact, when you look at the research closely, there is no solid evidence these technologies can treat anything effectively. To top it all off, these technologies presently have numerous shortcomings that preclude their efficacy and may lead to "off-target effects", which is a polite way of saying nasty-ass side effects.

As proof this fledgling technology could actually work, McCullough and co offer two examples of current siRNA drugs. 

Yup, this stuff is already appearing on the market thanks to the industry-funded shonks at the FDA.

The first is Inclisiran (trade name Leqvio®) which has received FDA approval as a treatment for the utter non-disease of hypercholesterolemia. It’s very important to ‘treat’ this non-disease effectively, because studies repeatedly show that in over-60s (the demographic in which most heart attacks occur), people with high cholesterol levels (including the so-called “bad” LDL) outlive those with low levels.

Did you forget there was a Great Culling going on?

The authors write “seven clinical trials have shown this siRNA therapy to be safe and well-tolerated for long-term administration.” It allegedly did this in conflict of interest-riddled studies conducted by original developer Alnylam Pharmaceuticals and Novartis, which licensed the rights to inclisiran from the former.

Mean duration of this "long-term administration" was 2.8 years. During that time, inclirisan completely failed to show any tangible clinical benefit.

Even the hopelessly corrupt FDA, which approved this junk, quietly admits “The effect of Leqvio on cardiovascular morbidity (suffering from a disease) and mortality (death) has not been determined.”

In other words, taking inclirisan means an increased risk of adverse drug effects and no established health benefit. The only people guaranteed to benefit from this product are those who sell it, at a cost of US $6,500 a year.

Every single one of the 11 authors of the post hoc analysis McCullough and co cite as evidence of inclirisan being Safe & Effective™ have lengthy links to Big Pharma. Five, in fact, were employees of Novartis at the time the analysis was performed. All the authors enjoyed financial largesse from an array of drug companies that included … take a big deep breath … Novartis, Boehringer Ingelheim, The Medicines Company, AstraZeneca, Amgen, Pfizer, DalCor Pharmaceuticals, Kowa, Corvidia Therapeutics, Esperion, Genentech, OMEICOS, Novo Nordisk, LIB Therapeutics, Daiichi-Sankyo, New Amsterdam Pharma, TenSixteen Bio, Berlin-Chemie, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sanofi, Singulex, Abbott, Roche Diagnostics, Dr Beckmann Pharma, Bayer, HLS, Merck/Merck Sharp and Dohme, Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Cipla, Algorithm, Zuelling Pharma, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly, Cerenis Therapeutics, Akcea Therapeutics, Silence Therapeutics, Takeda, AbbVie and Resverlogix. 

In addition, one of the authors, Gregory G. Schwartz, is co-holder of a patent titled "Methods for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk." The patent revolves around the monoclonal antibody drug alirocumab which, like inclirisan, is a cholesterol-lowering drug whose mechanism of action is inhibition of a gene known as PCSK9.

Like inclirisan, alirocumab does not save livesbut comes with all the usual side effectsattendant with cholesterol-lowering.

Like inclirisan, alicrocumab is an out-and-out rort. When alirocumab and fellow useless PCSK9 inhibitor evolocumab hit the market in 2015, the retail cost was an absurd $14,000 per year. After many health insurance providers refused to pay for them, their price tag magically dropped by 60%.

The amount of trust I have in such a conflict of interest-plagued panel of pharma-owned researchers when they claim the ineffective inclirisan is “safe and well-tolerated”?

Absolute zero.

Indeed, when you pull up the Supplementary Material and scroll down to page 23, you quickly learn why the all-cause mortality figure wasn’t included in the analysis’ main paper. 

During a mean exposure period of 2.8 years, 24 (0.7%) of inclirisan subjects died, compared to 3 (0.2%) of placebo subjects during an average exposure period of 1.35 years. When calculated in terms of "exposure-adjusted incidence rates," the death rates in the inclirisan and placebo groups were 0.24% and 0.11%, respectively.

In other words, the "safe and well-tolerated"inclirisan more than doubled the death rate when compared to placebo.

Patisiran Poppycock

The other drug that McCullough et al put forward as an example of "safe and well-tolerated" siRNA treatment is patisiran (Onpattro®), which received FDA approval in 2018 for the treatment of polyneuropathy in patients with hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis. 

Just like inclirisan, the clinical evidence supposedly showing this drug to be hunky dory is the same old suspicious rot produced by the hopelessly flawed and demonstrably corrupt system in which drug companies conduct their own trials, get approval from their FDA buddies, pay ghost-writing outfits to draft the application and journal papers, while the rest of us are supposed to stick our heads up our keesters and pretend the drug really was shown to be safe and efficacious.

The first published Phase 3 trial claiming safety and efficacy for patisiran appeared in the New World Order England Journal of Medicine in July 2018.

In that paper, Adams et al reported the initial results of the “APOLLO” trial which, of course, was funded by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals. The study's lead author is David Adams, who has received "consulting honoraria from Isis, Alnylam, received fees from Pfizer for participating to symposium, is participating as principal investigator for trials with ISIS and Alnylam." 

We learn from the paper’s full text that “The first author and sponsor-employed authors prepared the first draft with editorial assistance provided by Adelphi Communications, under contract with Alnylam Pharmaceuticals.”

Adelphi Communications is one of the countless “communication” outfits contracted by drug companies that do everything from oversee the recruitment and day-to-day operation of clinical trials to ghost-writing journal papers. Like most businesses in the private sector, the success of these companies revolves around pleasing their customers. The way to please drug companies is not by telling the truth about their dangerous and toxic products - it is by chopping and changing the data and writing up journal papers in a manner that portrays these products as safe and effective.

A close read of the paper raises eyebrows. 

Partirisan, claim the authors, fared better than placebo on every outcome.

The researchers also claim the incidence of “any adverse event” was identical between groups (97% each). They also claimed a lower rate of adverse cardiovascular events in the partirisan group. Hold that thought - we’ll return to it later.

The most important outcome of all is overall mortality. The researchers report that seven patisiran patients (5%) and six placebo patients (8%) died during the 18-month trial.

In 2020, the APOLLO researchers published another paper reporting on the 225 subjects randomized to receive either patisiran or placebo. In this paper, we are told 6 (4%) patisiran subjects died at 18 months, compared to 4 (5%) of placebo subjects.

In 2022, researchers published results from the HELIOS-A trial. The randomized, Phase 3, open-label (non-blinded) study enrolled 164 patients; 42 received patisiran, 77 served as a control subjects, and 122 received Alnylam's new wonder siRNA concoction called vutrisiran.

By way of remarkable coincidence, patisiran now displayed a near-identical death rate to placebo (7.1% vs 7.8%), and a marginally higher rate of serious and severe adverse events. By way of further remarkable coincidence, the new viturisan with its fresher patent protection produced a mere 1.6% death rate and a far lower rate of adverse events.


Or complete bollocks, depending on how schooled you are in the conduct of Big Pharma and the researchers it owns.

In 2023, the results of the Alnylam-funded "APOLLO-B" trial were published. The main paper states that in the 12-month double-blind period, 4 deaths (2.2%) occurred in the patisiran group and 10 (5.6%) occurred in the placebo group. 

It then goes on to say that in the "safety analysis," there were five deaths (3%) in the patisiran group, and eight deaths (4%) in the placebo group.

Seeking an explanation for these disparate figures, I opened up the trial's supplementary data. It was there I learned that in the patisiran group, four patients died during participation in the study and one died after withdrawing from the study. In the placebo group, four patients died during participation in the study and four died after study withdrawal.

In other words, an equal number of patisiran and placebo subjects died while participating in the APOLLO-B trial.

We also learn in the supplementary material that "Hospitalizations for any cause" were virtually identical in the two groups. In contrast to the original APOLLO trial, marginally higher rates of cardiac and cerebrovascular events occurred in the patisiran group.

In summary, the only data claiming patisiran (and vutrisiran) benefits transthyretin amyloidosis patients just happens to come from trials conducted by the drug’s developer, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, and the pharma-friendly researchers on its payroll. The suspect data from these trials fails to show any clear mortality benefit, which makes one wonder what the death data would’ve looked like had the trials been conducted by independent researchers with no vested interest in the results.

Useless inclirisan and doubtful patisiran, it bears reiterating, are the two drugs put forward by McCullough et al as successful examples of siRNA technology.

Lipid Nanopoison

Now here’s the real cracker.

Patisiran, which McCullough et al present as an example of a “safe and well-tolerated” siRNA product, contains lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). 

As do the most widely-deployed COVID gene therapies; namely, the Pfizer and Moderna kill shots.

McCullough, you will recall, has made a lucrative name for himself as a staunch anti-mRNA vaxxx commentator. After reading the paper he co-authored with Hulscher and Marotta, I began to wonder if he suffered transient global amnesia (a known statin side effect) when drafting the paper.

That paper lavishes praise upon LNPs and how they admirably transformed the useless and dangerous gene therapies that failed to garner approval into useless and dangerous gene therapies that garnered emergency use authorizations. Okay, that’s not exactly how they described it, but that’s exactly what happened.

Their incessant praise of LNPs as an “adjuvant”that could help do the same for vaxxxMRNA-gobbling siRNA drugs is nothing short of mind-boggling.

“Adjuvant,” by the way, is ScienceSpeak for a toxic substance disguised as an ingredient that allegedly improves the ‘immunogenicity’ of a vaccine. Anyone who believes injecting people with stuff like thimerosal, squalene or polyethylene glycol is truly going to benefit their immunity should probably start shopping around for a brain transplant.

Way back in December 2020, within a week of the Pfizer kill shot being unleashed in the US, the LNP polyethylene glycol (PEG) was namedas a likely cause of life-threatening anaphylaxis that occurred after injection with the democide drug.

The issue, of course, has been swept under the carpet and PEG remains in the poison darts. As researchers recently pointed out, no studies have been undertaken to characterize the inflammatory reactions induced by the PEG-containing 'vaccine' platform. So the researchers tested a lipid nanoparticle formula made by Acuitas Therapeutics, who licenses its LNP technology to Pfizer.

They gave mice the Acuitas poison formula, via intradermal and intramuscular injection, which "led to rapid and robust inflammatory responses, characterized by massive neutrophil infiltration, activation of diverse inflammatory pathways, and production of various inflammatory cytokines and chemokines."

In Queen's English: This most questionable substance caused these most unfortunate mice an inordinate amount of physiological bother.

In fact, when the mice were forced to ingest this junk via their snouts, they experienced an inordinate amount of death.

"The same dose of LNP delivered intranasally," noted the researchers, "led to similar inflammatory responses in the lung and resulted in a high mortality rate."

Coming soon: Intranasal vaccines with extra-strength LNP, brought to you by the friendly megalomaniacs at GloboPedo! 

In Summary

For a guy who supposedly wants you to be healthy, Peter McCullough has a bizarre habit of recommending toxic pharma junk and awarding praise to dubious gene therapies that are light years away from proving themselves safe and effective.

There are two possible reasons for this.

One is that he is not very good at reading research and, like many doctors and cardiologists, is simply a brainwashed product of the pharma-owned and -operated medical system.

The other possibility is that he is controlled opposition carefully packaged to look like your respectable Uncle Ronald. Instead of calling out the pandemic scam, he in fact helps pave the way for future shamdemics and shambolic gene therapy rollouts by proffering favourable and optimistic commentary on what has so far proven to be a truly nefarious and dangerous field of ‘science.’

For McCullough devotees offended that I dare mention the second possibility, I have this piece of advice: If you don’t want McCullough to be perceived as a possible controlled opposition figure, maybe ask him to stop acting like one.

In the meantime, Mike Yeadon for President! Oh, wait, he’s from the UK. Damnit America, looks like you’re stuck with either Captain Warp Speed or Joe the Kiddy Fondler. As citizen of a country currently led by a vewy angwee* pwime minista who has been known to frequent Thai “Happy Ending” massage parlours to rewieve the stwess of fedwal powitics, I feel your pain.

*PM Elmer Fudd is still vewy angwee dat wascawwy Austwalians voted ovawelmingwee against his pawly expwained “Voice” wefewendum. PM Fudd had a wot widing on dat wefewendum, and his land-gwabbing gwobawist masters are vewy upset dat it fayled.


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