Friday 5 July 2024


City Of Quincy Reminded Glyphosate is a Deadly Neurotoxin & Carcinogen Dangerous to Babies, Birds, & Humans Post Quincy Sun June 27 Notice of Intended Spraying All Over Town

News Report | Ramola D | July 1, 2024

The Department of Public Works, City of Quincy has been alerted about the deadly nature of the active ingredients in Roundup and Milestone, two of the herbicides mentioned in a recent rather fugitive notice posted at The Quincy Sun on Thursday, June 27, 2024, putatively to attack and remove invasive species namely poison ivy and others.

In a letter written yesterday citing a few of the many studies out there proving the extreme carcinogenic toxicity of Glyphosate and Aminopyralid, active ingredients in Roundup and Milestone, this writer sought to inform the City of Quincy of the extreme danger here in despatching these neurotoxins and carcinogens into the soil, water, and atmosphere of Quincy when lingering residues here and all over the South Shore thereby can deleteriously impact the health of humans, animals, and birds for generations to come. 

Noted in particular also were the effects of electromagnetic radiation in tandem with chemical aerosol spraying already destroying and harming the trees of Quincy, a noxious trend which needs to be reversed not promoted. 

Aerosol Spraying and Electromagnetic Radiation Attacks on Northeast Chokecherries and other Native Trees?

This writer has just recently been alerted to the attack on Northeast chokecherries some growing in her own backyard (diligently cared for over the years as more and more singing birds have come to feast on the Juneberries they have produced–none visible this year) and has just begun to explore the many native plant and tree focused organizations here in the Northeast who surely will be able to further advise the Quincy Department of Public Works on the dangers inherent in spraying parks and “rights of way” with the deadly poison Roundup or Milestone or either of the other poisons named. 

Chokecherries in the Northeast are native to Massachusetts and offer home, shelter, and summer sustenance to birds. 

Aerosol-spraying such sweet-juice-berry trees and slamming them simultaneously with covert electromagnetic radiation–as suspected in the case of widespread Directed Energy Bio Effects Research plausibly being conducted today and for long decades all over the United States and worldwide (ongoing subjects of this writer’s journalism)–if indeed intending to decimate these trees, would be tragic to contemplate. Hopefully, ecologists, arborists, horticulturists, and botanists will be able to rally forth to inform the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation as well as the Departments of Public Works in cities all over Massachusetts and the Northeast of the importance of retaining these marvelous native flowering trees which keep our songbirds singing and a wide range of birds from starlings to robins to finches to cardinals and wrens and orioles healthy and happy. 

Write to the Department of Public Works on the Subject of Neurotoxins and Carcinogens

Those living here in Quincy who care about life, babies, health, brains free of neurodamage and a thriving and rich bird and animal population co-existing harmoniously with us in and on our marshes and waterways, woods and gardens, shores and beaches, may want to write in to the Operational Manager at the Department of Public Works with their own thoughts, research and findings on these proposed activities of noxious spraying of toxins to supposedly remove invasive species–when it appears darker intentions are actually in play. Is our city being “terraformed” to disappear certain species of plants, trees, and birds?

Deadly Chem Trails, Deadly Profits

Are we all being poisoned with pre-awareness of harm? Certainly these are thoughts and questions some will find dangerous to voice–in a world where Private Sector Profitmaking is being privileged above all else, and a few networked linked-in suits and skirts actually do make pots of money while others–humans and other species both–suffer. Does everyone in this city–or town (it’s pretty small)–want to keep ignoring the huge spraying streamers of chemicals blossoming in our skies today–and probably in our lungs too? 

Or do we want to speak and keep speaking to ensure we have a future we can leave to our children? (There sure won’t be one if our trees stop bearing flowers and fruit, our pollinators disappear, and our children’s brains are neuro-disabled with toxic spraying.)

Why Exactly Would Toxic Herbicides Be Needed to Maintain Streets and Sidewalks? Parents and Professionals Must Address this Professionally

This 2022 Yearly Operational Plan–the only one this writer was able to access on her laptop at time of writing and emailing her letter to Mr. Michael Norton yesterday (despite being a publicly operating and perfectly well-known journalist she is cyberhacked nonstop as if in “experimental operation to determine how her mind works/what processes she goes through”–both a practice in unlawful experimental operation and words partially relayed to her in certain extraordinary circumstances inflicted on her in December 2022) details further some of the toxic spraying plans of the City of Quincy who apparently were completely unable to do basic research on Glyphosate and Aminopyralid and comprehend for themselves how incredibly toxic and dangerous these chemicals are, and how their effects spread and linger. 

A 2024 Plan is made reference to in the General Notice published at The Quincy Sun last week and perhaps can be located by others. Links will be posted if this writer–tortiously interfered in her journalism by rabid cyberhacking miscreants living right next door, putatively affiliated with QPD and CIA, the Mockop-Banker-Press arm thereof (they Do run the New York Times), particularly keen to erase her name, voice, and being (all Too Brown, Too Indian, Too Much English) it appears–can access this document shortly. 

This excerpt below highlights why Quincy residents and inhabitants of Massachusetts should set the City straight on their so-called right-of-way maintenance plans to maintain “streets, road, sidewalks, and paths” by spraying toxins damaging to human health and environment all over town. Setting up regulations and maintaining “procedures” which fail to adequately inform the public, solicit and receive input from experts, then proceed with privileging private chemical corporations keen to gain business at any cost is not government, is not acceptable, and should be addressed by all. 


This writer’s letter is posted below and at a separate page at this site, accessible also from Ramola D | Letters & Personal Reports.

Letter to Mr. Michael Norton, Operational Manager, DPW, on the Subject of Spraying Dangerous Carcinogenic and Toxic Herbicides To Be Stopped in Quincy | Ramola D | July 1, 2024

The dangers of glyphosate are especially spelled out in the referenced article here:

Toxic Effects of Glyphosate on the Nervous System: A Systematic Review – PMC (

Toxic Effects of Glyphosate on the Nervous System: A Systematic Review – PMC (

A happy native-plant garden thriving at the writer’s private home on the land and soil of her lovely adopted state (yes she’s here to stay:), Massachusetts

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