Wednesday, 31 July 2024


BREAKING: Leaked German RKI Protocols expose the shocking truth of government-sanctioned abuse

The dam has burst. They took away basic human rights, imposed draconian measures and mandatory novel gene injections on humanity, and claimed it was for our health. They lied.

In a shocking revelation, the 4,000-page protocols of the German equivalent of the CDC, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), have been leaked by an anonymous whistleblower of the RKI to the public, exposing the truth behind the government's handling of the pandemic. 


Whilst the first insights into the protocols were paid for via a Freedom of Information Act request by the journal Multipolar in March 2024, most relevant passages had been redacted. These protocols, which cover the period from 2020 to 2023, reveal that political decisions were made without scientific basis, leading to the imposition of draconian measures and the unnecessary injection of the public with untested gene therapy. 

Recently, Anthony Fauci, responsible for the Covid measures in the US, had admitted that the social distancing rule was completely fabricated and without scientific back up and in another statement, admitted that masks do not work

In the UK the “Lockdown files” also revealed the results of “putting medical decisions in the hands of people with no medical decision-making experience or expertise, so long as they were ‘nice chaps’ and went to the right school.” 

recent publication states that the three primary causes of death associated with the excess all-cause mortality in the last years are due to mandated measures such as lockdowns, harmful medical interventions such as the use of ventilators, the denial of use of antibiotics and the use of Covid gene injections. In light of this, the German revelations require strict consequences. The study’s authors calculated that Covid-19 vaccine deaths, up to 30 December 2022, number a staggering 16.9 million people.

Unveiling the lies

Sensationally, even one of the German mainstream media tabloids, Bildreported thatthe leaked RKI protocols expose five major untruths that politicians spread during the pandemic. As you read these, keep in mind the measures that the German people were subjected to: besides mask mandates and social distancing rules, a ‘lockdown of the unvaccinated’ banned people from entering shops, restaurants, schools, bars and other public places, including parks and forests. Compulsory vaccination was imposed on military members and all people working in the health sector. Covid injections are still recommended for all children over 6 months. Questioning doctors had their licences withdrawn, many have been sent to prison. A member of the German army was just imprisoned for failing to obey the order to get injected.

Untruth #1: children need to be vaccinated against Covid-19

It turns out the RKI deemed child vaccination unnecessary, (Protocol,19/05/2021) as the virus did not seriously endanger children and was not a driver of infection waves. Note that countries like Sweden, which did not comply with the concept of a one-world (health) medicine introduced by the WHO, left schools open, and did not introduce masks, were able to demonstrate no deaths due to Covid at all, and coincidentally the Swedish population shows the lowest excess mortality rate in Europe.

Untruth #2: the Astra Zeneca ‘vaccine’ is safe

The AstraZeneca (AZ) injection was associated with dangerous side effects, contrary to the claims made by the Federal Ministry of Health. They knew early on that the AZ injection increased the risk of sinus vein thrombosis by 20 times but despite this realization, a few weeks later the then Chancellor Angela Merkel, Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the then Health Minister Jens Spahn and Karl Lauterbach were apparently publicly injected with AstraZeneca, together with the call to the population to do the same as these politicians.

Untruth #3: the unvaccinated are dangerous

Thirdly, the government's assertion that the unvaccinated posed a danger to others was unfounded, as the RKI found no evidence of a "pandemic of the unvaccinated." Even further on 19 March 2021 in the protocols, they emphasise that “Covid-19 should not be compared with influenza, because normal influenza waves kill more people, although Covid-19 is worrying for other reasons.”

Untruth #4: masks stop the spread

Fourthly, the RKI did not recommend the FFP-2 mask requirement and the 3-G and 2-G rules. Considering that natural science has produced over 170 studies demonstrating the ineffectiveness and harm of masks and that Pfizer never demonstrated a reduced infection or reduced transmission in the approval trials, the question remains as to why these recommendations were made and why, in Germany, even today, brave doctors are sentenced to years of imprisonment for issuing mask exemptions.

Untruth #5: restrictions were justified

Another quote in the protocols from 8 January 2021, was whether the time had come to “depart from the narrative of herd immunity via vaccination” now that vaccines were actually available.  A remark on 5 March 2021 showed that restrictions for the unvaccinated and as-yet-uninfected were “not technically justifiable” and contrary to World Health Organisation ethical guidelines and an extended discussion on 19 March 2021 was about why no mortality-reducing effects were yet visible after 7 million of the most vulnerable Germans had been jabbed.

Many more facts will surface shortly, but we should be on high alert as unelected organizations such as the WHO plan the next public measures in response to bird flu or Disease X.


Facts exposed so far by the RKI protocol include:

(Note that quotes from the protocols are direct translations)

  1. Covid-19 was no more dangerous than influenza. RKI protocol 19/03/2021, page 2352 reads: “Not yet seen that fewer old people are dying due to the vaccination effect? Is it too early? Are vaccinated people dying? The curves need to be observed closely. It is rather reassuring if the median age of deaths does not shift. The main risk of dying from COVID-19 is age. COVID-19 should not be compared to influenza, more people die in normal influenza epidemics”.

  2. Risk elevation to a ‘pandemic’ was initiated by one single, external actor.

  3. There was no evidence in favour of mandatory masks (not even FFP2). RKI protocol 30/10/2020, page 1716 reads: “FFP2 masks are an occupational health and safety measure. If people are not trained/qualified personnel, FFP2 masks have no added value if they are not fitted and used correctly. The limitations are clearly outlined in the document and there is no evidence to support the use of FFP2 masks outside of occupational health and safety, this could also be made available to the public. Previous studies on the effectiveness of FFP2 masks have failed due to masks not being worn or not being worn correctly, their benefit should remain limited to occupational safety of people working with infectious patients.”

  4. Efficiency of Covid medication was known, yet not recommended. RKI Protocol 24/02/2020, page 214 reads: “New study shows chloroquine efficacy in therapy, reduces disease severity, evidence is hardening, is plausible in terms of content, is also discussed today in STAKOB TK.”

  5. It was known that lockdowns are more dangerous than coronavirus itself. 

  6. There was no evidence for protective effect of mRNA gene therapy (vaccination). RKI Protocol 06/01/2021, page 1999 reads: “Evaluation of positive reaction in screening tests of vaccinated people: It has been reported by several organisations that positive results were observed in rapid antigen tests immediately after vaccination.”

  7. Testing of asymptomatic people was misleading.

  8. There was no asymptomatic transmission.

  9. There was no evidence-based downgrading of risk assessment for political reasons.

  10. There was no infection with Ct values of more than 30 in PCR tests.

  11. The cohort study ‘Diamond Princess’ showing that the estimates of deaths from arch-modeller Neil Ferguson were far too high, was known but ignored.

  12. The PCR incidence thresholds of 35 or 50 were arbitrarily set by Jens Spahn (former Minister of Health) and Head of the Chancellery, Braun. RKI protocol 03/02/2020, page 78 reads: “A positive PCR result after recovery does not necessarily mean infectiousness.”

  13. Necessary symptoms (i.e. fever) of infection were dropped to keep case numbers artificially high. RKI protocols 23/11/2020, page 1818 reads: “Surveillance
    Corona-KiTa study (slides here). FluWeb: Frequency of acute respiratory diseases: below seasonal average in all age groups, decreasing trend.”

  14. The low risk for children was known. RKI protocol 26/02/2020, page 232 reads: (Observations / results from China) Age distribution: children 2% of cases in large study, paediatric hospital confirmed all without complications; also not prevalent in transmission chains; schools, daycare centres are not in the foreground, children not important links in transmission chains; excreted in stool for a long time but unclear whether live virus; role of children rather atypically subordinate (unlike influenza), more studies need to be done.”

Politically motivated decisions

Contrary to claims that vital political decisions were based on scientific evidence, the RKI protocols reveal that these decisions were made without scientific backing. The conference of the minister presidents of the 16 federal states, led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, made decisions that ignored the scientific advice provided by the RKI.

Unjustified agitation and blame

The media played a significant role in agitating against the unvaccinated and spreading misinformation. The protocols confirm that children were not significant virus transmitters, contradicting the shaming and blaming they endured.

The harmful consequences

The leaked RKI protocols shed light on the consequences of these decisions, which caused unprecedented economic harm to the middle class and small and medium-sized businesses. Children also suffered unnecessary harm, and three-quarters of the population were subjected to novel, untested gene therapy injections, with currently at least 20 million deaths and untold damage to body systems. These revelations call for legal investigations into the authorities' actions.


The release of the uncensored RKI protocols has exposed the truth behind the government's handling of the pandemic in Germany and most likely all over the world. The protocols reveal that political decisions were made without scientific basis, leading to the imposition of draconian measures, total control and the spread of real misinformation. It is crucial that these revelations are thoroughly evaluated and that legal investigations are conducted to ensure accountability.

We must ensure that independent science and a decentralized medical approach that accommodates repurposed drugs, micronutrients, diet, our microbiome, and so on, should be the basis of medical measures in case of real threats. These novel gene therapy injections called covid vaccines may have modified humanity forever. We need to ensure that, as set out in the Nuremberg Code after the Second World War, free will and informed consent form the basis of any treatment, and that unethical medical experimentation and coercion never happens again.

The World Council for Health firmly stands behind a better way.


  1. Bild, 2024

  2. Brownstone, 2024

  3. Express, 2023

  4. Fauci, 2023

  1. Fauci, 2024

  2. Mortality watch, 2024

  3. Multipolar, 2024

  4. Nachdenkerseiten, 2024

  5. Pressekonferenz, 2024:

  1. Rancourt, 2024

  2. Welt, 2024

  3. Weltwoche, 2024

  4. WHO, 2024

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