Sunday, 14 July 2024


Australian Hospital Lets 17 Year Old Girl Die Because She Wouldn't Take COVID Vaxxxine

Involuntary euthanasia is still alive and well Down Under.

The beautiful young lady you see above was Dazelle Peters, 17, of New South Wales, who refused to take the toxic and deadly COVID gene therapies masquerading as ‘vaccines.’ 

Dazelle died in hospital on Monday, June 10, 2024 after a four-year battle with leukemia - and after she was refused a lung transplant by Australia’s callous health system.

Whatever chance Dazelle had of surviving was scuttled by St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, who stated their “policies and guidelines wouldn’t support transplantation” of anyone who was unvaxxxinated. 

“Vaccination status against various infections is a critical part of this assessment in order to ensure optimal prospects of survival post-transplant.”

St Vincent’s claimed other considerations were at play in Dazelle’s case, but confirmed not being vaxxxinated was one of them.

After her bone marrow transplant, Dazelle suffered from graft-versus-host disease, where her body's immune system attacked the donor's blood cells. Dazelle was also battling a rare type of pneumonia. 

The hospital says being immunocompromised could further complicate a transplant procedure. 

Dazelle’s heartbreaking story is not unique in Auschtralia. 

No Jab, No Heart Transplant

Melbourne mum Vicki Derderian was refused a heart transplant because she hadn’t received the COVID gene therapies – even though she had an exemption.

Vicki’s heart failed in 2020, forcing her to rely on a ventricular assist device to keep blood pumping around her body.

The mum of two, who insisted she was not an anti-vaxxer, had to “think twice” about the vaccine because of her heart condition. After the vaxxxines notched up a solid track record of causing myocarditis and pericarditis, she deemed them too risky.

She slammed Victoria's Department of Health and Human Services for denying her the lifesaving surgery, saying she’d effectively been told “no jab, no heart”.

Vicki Derderian in hospital.

On Channel 9’s Today Show, former Deputy Chief Heath Officer, Dr Nick “Captain Botox” Coatsworth, claimed he empathized with Vicki’s case, but he “stands by the rules.”

Aussie bureaucrats love standing by the rules, no matter how stupid and unjust those rules may be - after all, they need something to help them stand upright given their complete lack of spine, and they desperately need guidelines to mindlessly follow in the face of zero courage and critical thinking skills.

“From a transplant physicians point of view … the biggest risk to you when we hit your immune system like that if you get COVID-19 without having the vaccine, then there's a really significant risk that you'll die and that organ will die with you,” the clueless Coatsworth told the Today Show.

“And we don't want that to happen to you and we certainly don't want it to happen to the family whose made that sacred donation. So it is such a complex area. I don't envy your decision, but I do stand by the rules of the transplant physicians have made here.”

Today Show host Karl Stefanovic interjected.

“So Nick, doctors are now deciding not to treat someone because of the chance of getting COVID-19 in a hospital, are we stopping treating people now?”

“On the contrary Karl,” Coatsworth retorted. “This is an active treatment decision by the medical community. This hasn't changed during COVID-19.”

Today Show host Karl Stefanovic crosses his arms as he questions Dr Nick Coatsworth
Karl Stefanovic questioned Nick Coatsworth about the controversial decision. Source: Today Show

“I know there's a lot of greys in Covid-19 Karl, a lot of greys … This is black and white. Unfortunately, we have to try and convince people like Vicki and John, we've got to do our best to convince them. If we fail ultimately that means the organ isn't transplanted.”

He urged Vicki to reconsider getting the vaccine, falsely claiming the risk of complications from the cardiotoxic gene therapies was “very, very small compared to everything that you've been through so far.”

“But from my heart, I hope that you will be able to work with them and perhaps receive that vaccine. If I was in your position I'd receive it because I think it's the safest thing to do. I think it's the safest thing to do. I know you don't agree with me. I respect that decision. But please, please reconsider.”

Vicki stood her ground and said if she were to contract COVID, there are treatments available to deal with it.

According to Vicki, prior to the COVID vaxxx rollout Melbourne’s Alfred Hospital “were positive and indicated that I would be a suitable candidate for a heart transplant.”

That suddenly changed after the poison darts were unleashed.

“Despite no Government mandates for transplant patients and the Alfred’s own hospital policy (that says it does not discriminate between the vaccinated and unvaccinated) the Alfred Heart Centre team made it clear to me by September 2021 that I would not receive a heart, unless I get the Covid-19 vaccination.”

Follow the Science: Why Nick Coatsworth, St Vincent’s and the Alfred are Spewing Utter Hogwash

Nick Coatsworth and the aforementioned hospitals are all spouting utter nonsense.

Vicki was originally diagnosed in 2015 with myocarditis which progressed to cardiomyopathy. The causal connection between the COVID gene therapies and myocarditis is now well-established. Even the Australian government’s best efforts at weasel-wording (“Not all cases that occur after vaccination are caused by the vaccine”) acknowledges that most cases of myocarditis occurring after vaxxxination are caused by the vaxxx.

So what Coatsworth was saying, with a shamelessly straight face, is that taking a drug known to increase the risk of myocarditis and sudden death is “the safest thing” Vicki can do and that it poses a “very, very small” risk to her.

How do you sleep at night, Nick?

The vaxxxines are undeniably toxic and potentially deadly. So if vaxxxination status is going to be a factor in determining who gets a transplant, Dazelle and Vicki should by all rights have received preferential treatment.

In the clinical trial for the Pfizer vaxxxine, more people died in the vaxxx group than in the control group. And that was despite ample evidence of Pfizer’s renowned corruption and concerted efforts to hide adverse vaxxx events.

Here is NSW Health’s December 31, 2022 update on 'COVID' hospitalizations and deaths in Australia’s most populous state. The figures for those who had zero clot shots are highlighted in yellow, near the bottom:

Zero hospitalizations, zero ICU admissions, and only 6 fatalities (6.3%) among the unvaxxxinated that NSW Health could reclassify as ‘COVID’ deaths.

Which is no doubt why NSW Health no longer provides a breakdown of deaths by vaxxx status. It’s a bit hard to keep claiming the vaxxx saves lives when the data shows otherwise.

Surprise, Surprise: The Vaxxxines Cause Organ Rejection

Among the 1,200+ side effects and 42,086 adverse events reported to Pfizer in the first two months of its vaxxxine rollout was “Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.”

Probably not a good drug to be giving to someone suffering organ failure. 

I’m not sure if Coatsworth reads journals, or whether his idea of medical research is reading cosmetic clinic brochures, but numerous case studies have been published indicating the vaxxxines increase the risk of organ rejection.

A case study published in April of 2022revealed some lung transplant patients who had received mRNA COVID vaxxxines ended up developing “new and significant respiratory compromise after their second vaccine dose consistent with antibody mediated rejection.” All patients were female, 50-70 years old, between 6 months and 2 years post-transplant. None had suffered previous rejection episodes. However, two were hospitalized with hypoxic respiratory failure within 2 weeks of their second vaxxxine dose. The third was seen at clinic for milder similar symptoms, later deteriorating and requiring supplemental oxygen and hospitalization. One of these patients did not recover their lung function and was re-listed for transplant.

Japanese researchers analysed eighteen lung transplant recipients who received 2 doses of either the Pfizer (17) or Moderna (1) gene therapies between June and October 2021. None of the recipients had a 'Sars-Cov-2' infection prior to vaxxxination. Antibodies for the mythical Sars-Cov-2 spike protein were measured, and were detected in 2 of 18 patients after the first dose, and 5 patients after the second dose. The two patients who suffered chronic lung allograft dysfunction or antibody-mediated injection were both seropositive. The researchers concluded, “We experienced cases that developed clinical CLAD or AMR that was likely related to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.”

In an August 21, 2021 NEJM letter, French researchers reported on transplant patients who had received three doses of the Pfizer gene therapy. Over three quarters of the patients had kidney transplants. They claimed there were no serious adverse events among the patients, but the study’s appendix reveals 10 patients who were seropositive before the third dose presented with fatigue and myalgia, while five patients presented transient fever. 

Once again, there is no evidence COVID vaxxxination helps transplant patients; the research so far indicates the exact opposite.

The no vaxxx, no transplant rule has nothing to do with patient welfare. It is designed to punish and eliminate those who refuse to be injected with the globalist kill shots.

The Hypocrite Oath: First, Do Harm to Dissidents

Dazelle's father, Josh Peters, who has also shunned the toxic COVID shots, said a surgeon told his daughter if she did not get the jabs and then caught the virus she would be a “major threat to everyone (in the hospital) who has done the right thing.”

Mindlessly obeying a bunch of globalist-controlled deviants when they tell you to take poisonous substances is never the “right thing.”

“The way he made us feel was that they didn't want to give her the lung transplant,” Josh told Daily Mail Australia.

Josh said during a May 9 consultation at St Vincent's the surgeon said the hospital would give the lungs to a better candidate because Dazelle was a “complex case.” 

Josh insisted his family did everything to make Dazelle a suitable candidate for a transplant, except get the four gene therapy shots which would have taken nine months to administer.

'Vaccines are only a small part of the process to get a lung transplant," Josh said.

"They are a Catholic hospital. They have all taken an oath to help people and take care of people and do the right thing by people."

"Who deems that she doesn't deserve a chance over anybody else?"

"This is no game. This child is f***ing sick man,"said Josh while Dazelle was still fighting for her life.

Josh said doctors told them Dazelle always “gets the worst of the worst of side effects,” and this strengthened her resolve not to get the shots.

“That's another reason she personally, not us, doesn't want to get the shots. Her heart's not good, her kidney's not good, her liver's not good, she's a mess,” he said. 

Josh rejected the label he and his family were 'anti-vaxxers.'

"Our children have had every single vaccination that they are meant to have," he said.

"We even got the flu shots right up until Covid started hitting."

Before her diagnosis, Josh said she was "a very, very healthy energetic child."

"She was right into her sport, everybody loved her, lots of friends. Before she got sick she had barely taken a Panadol in her life."

"Just a down-to-earth kid. We never had any problems, everyone loved her."

Dazelle was lucky to pull through her May 2021 bone marrow transplant.

"After the operation she became unresponsive and slipped into a coma," Josh said.

"Why would you deny her a lung transplant when she has fought so hard to get where she is?"

"Dazelle has been on her deathbed and been given the gift of a second chance. She's a special child."

Dazelle's case was brought to the attention of the Federal Assistant Health Minister Ged Kearney in a letter addressed to her by outspoken Liberal MP Russell Broadbent.

Kearney advised "the Australian Government is unable to intervene in clinical decisions."

Translated: "The Australian government only acts in the interests of itself, its corporate benefactors, and its globalist masters. The general public can go f**k itself!"

The Australian Government was more than able to declare a tyrannical health 'emergency' over a non-existent virus whose alleged victims in fact lived past the average life expectancy

It was able to slam the nation's borders shut and turn the entire country back into an open air prison for over 2 years. It was more than happy to stop people returning or leaving the country in order to see dying loved ones. 

The Australian government was quite capable of ordering 150 million doses of COVID vaxxxines - including 54 million doses of the ill-fated Oxford-AstraZeneca clot shot - for a country whose population was yet to crack 26 million. This indicates the Australian grubberment knew well ahead of time the vaxxxine regimen was not really a 2-shot deal, but an ongoing multi-injection ruse comprised of endless ‘boosters.’

It had the power to mandate that anyone testing positive for the non-existent Sars-Cov-2 via the highly flawed PCR tests had to sit in isolation for five days, even if entirely asymptomatic.

Yet we are now supposed to believe the Australian federal government is powerless to lean on a hospital when it imposes a cruel and utterly anti-scientific ban on transplants for sick and vulnerable constituents who refuse to get the poison prick?


Funny how both the hopelessly corrupt federal and state governments only apply this strict, by-the-book interpretation of law when it suits them. They routinely award lucrative contracts to favored suppliers, who deliberately overcharge for their services on the behind-the-scenes agreement that much of the excess will be ‘donated’ back to the ruling party or issued in the form of hard-to-trace ‘gifts’ to individual politicians and their families.

In this manner, Australian taxpayer funds are routinely converted to private wealth for politicians and high-ranking bureaucrats.

Dazelle Passes Away

Dazelle passed away just under a fortnight ago, on June 10, 2024, leaving family and friends heartbroken.

Josh confirmed the terribly sad news in an video uploaded to several social media platforms.

He thanked everyone who sent messages of support to Dazelle during her lengthy cancer fight, sparking an outpouring of tributes.

“Just know that Dazelle knew how much you all loved her,” he said.

“This kid was something special and she deserved better.” 

Hundreds of people took to social media to remember Dazelle and express their sympathy. 

Among those touched by Dazelle’s plight was Australian pro boxer George Kambosos Jr, who met Dazelle in hospital and shared an emotional post on X. 

“RIP, beautiful Dazelle. My deepest condolences to her family. Heaven gained a beautiful angel. Dazelle, you'll never be forgotten, an inspiration to everyone you ever met. God bless your parents, that were by your side when you finally spread your wings. Life can be cruel,” he wrote.

Two brave fighters meet.

The (Shit)Show Goes On

While Dazelle's family and friends grieve her cruel passing, and while Vicki’s time is running out, the plastic-looking Coatsworth has left politics and is now enjoying TV celebrity status, reaping the financial and publicity rewards of appearing in a new Channel 9 reality series titled "Do You Want To Live Forever?"

I get the feeling Coatsworth doesn't want any of us anti-vaxxxers to live another day, let alone forever.

The clueless Nick Coatsworth, now laughably starring in an Australian reality TV show that promises to help participants live longer.

A GoFundMe to help Dazelle’s family pay for her funeral costs can be found here:

Help Support Dazelle’s Family With Funeral Costs

If you wish to help Vicki Derderian out with her medical expenses, her DonorBox fundraiser can be found here:



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