Saturday 15 June 2024


Were Maui DEWs a PSYOP? Did We Fall for a MASSIVE Distraction? 🔥

Before you say I'm crazy, check out this wild evidence...

I don’t have all the answers, but here’s something really interesting for you and I to ponder together:  What if the entire “Direct Energy Weapons used in Maui” was a huge psychological operation (PSYOP) to distract us from something far more simple, and far more dangerous? 

Let’s take a step back, clear our minds, and look at the situation together, with fresh eyes:


It started with three isolated “wildfires” suddenly appearing in different locations of Maui:

Internet communications were cut off, so the only “news” we received was basically mainstream media. Then, when the dust cleared, and the curtain rose, we saw the destruction caused to Hawaii and we all agree this is not normal forest fire:

Image: Destroyed homes along the coast of Lahaina  on Thursday.
1699275022542 now mnn maui wildfires mental health 231106 1920x1080 bu88f3

We saw the images; houses disintegrated to nothing yet there are trees standing with green leaves… I repeat, NOT a normal fire. 

An aerial video of damage in Lahaina, Hawaii, from deadly brush fires.
PHOTO: Burned structures are seen in a neighborhood that was destroyed in August by a wildfire, in Lahaina, Hawaii, Oct. 7, 2023.

We saw vehicles, torched to a crisp:

A man wearing a blue shirt walks through wildfire wreckage, surrounded by burned cars.

We saw boats, singed:

We all (including myself) suspected that Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) were used in Hawaii, which, we suspected, were mounted to airplanes. These images are from US Military Defense Contractor  Northrop Grumman (who develops DEWs):

We also saw a handful of images, such as this, 

Which, reinforced the idea that these fires were caused by DEWs. So, to recap, we believed it was DEWs, because we know the military owns DEWs (including airplane DEWs), then we saw some images of lasers (like the one shown above), we saw that houses were leveled to dust while trees were untouched, and probably, more than anything else, because we simply don’t trust our government and it’s basically a spinoff of 9/11. When you add those things up, the military flying planes around and zapping houses makes sense…. or does it?


If you haven’t read my post, Chemtrails: The Biggest PSYOP in History, I encourage you to open a new window on your browser, copy and paste this link, read that first, then come back and finish this:

I say this because you need to understand the lengths the government, military and powers that be go to, to mindf*ck us into believing whatever they want the narrative to be. These 100% legal methods include creating fake social media accounts in mass, which includes controlled opposition and intentional disinformation. With that being said, if they want the narrative to be wildfire (for the asleep) or Direct Energy Weapon (for the awake), those are the two things they will push; illusion of choice.  You are pigeonholed into picking from those two. Do you see how there is no third option? 


Remember, we have taken a step back and we are looking at everything with an open mind, okay? 

The sky-laser images that surfaced immediately, are all bogus, meaning, although the images are probably real, they were falselyattributed to being from Maui

Viral images claiming to show evidence that 'directed energy weapons' were  the cause of the Maui fires are not true |

I tried to figure out who was the very first to post these photos online using the keywords “Maui” or “Hawaii” + “DEW” or “Wildfire”. I was not able to trace this back to the first (bogus) poster, but it sure would be interesting to find that out. I can’t help but wonder if they all came from one or two PSYOP Twitter accouts. 

This image is one of the most popular “Hawaii DEW Proof” pics:

The story that accompanies the image above, is that a Hawaii resident had no idea they took that photo until they were reviewing their pics and saw it. However, it appears to have an index date of January 13th, 2023:

but the Hawaii fires were not until August 2023, and this is when the image was suddenly attributed to them:

Then there’s other videos, in which people share footage showing a light in the sky, implying that this could be a DEW. Let me share a quick story with you. When I was in college, a buddy and I saw a huge, bright white beam of light in the sky. It was there for 30 minutes or so, so after a lot of beer, we decided to hunt it down. We got in the car and drove for what seemed like an hour to locate it, while theorizing that it could be aliens, a UFO, or something exciting (I didn’t know about DEWs back then, otherwise I bet I would have said that). We drove and drove and when we finally got to it, you won’t believe what it was… it was the biggest letdown ever… it was a huge spotlight, being shot into the sky, from the parking lot of a mattress store, because they were having a sale. I had never seen anything like it and I haven’t seen anything like it sense. I wish I had a way cooler story to tell you. My point is, not every light in the sky is something nefarious, sometimes they’re just flat out stupid. Let’s get back to the Maui stuff:

We must ask ourselves, “Why are there so many bogus images?”. Are people posting these to get more followers? Or is it something much more sinister? 

Next, let’s put our Thinking Caps on and discuss Directed Energy Weapon Planes

  1. Planes fly. To the best of my knowledge, they do not hold still and hover. 

  2. A Directed Energy Weapon laser is designed to target something specific, with pinpoint accuracy. It is not a bomb that targets a huge area. With that in mind…

  3. In order to “zap” each house, the plane(s) would have to be flying laps, back and fourth, back and fourth, over and over and over:

Wildfire wreckage is seen Thursday, Aug. 10, 2023, in Lahaina, Hawaii.

So, why don’t we have any photos or videos of planes flying back and fourth over these cities in Hawaii? 

If it’s not military planes, flying laps, shooting lasers at houses, then what could it be? Well, let’s start here:


Chemtrails are aerosolized microscopic pieces of multiple kinds of metal (and other ingredients). The ingredients in Chemtrails are literally the same ingredients the US Military uses to intentionally start fires.  The document shown in the video below is a military document called, “Forest Fire as a Weapon”: (44 second video)


I saw a video recently, in which an insurance adjuster was talking about how, after the California “Campfire”, the insurance investigators were examining the homes that were burned badly, but were still standing. They discovered the ventilation systems in these homes were completely coated in microscopic metal particles that are highly flammable. You see, furnaces have a fresh air intake, which sucks the outside air into the ventilation system:


So, the HVAC system was intaking the aerosolized spray (“Chemtrails”), then forcing the microscopic particles through the ductwork system, then pushing it out through the wall vents, where it floats through the air inside the home like dust, landing on everything and slowly turning the house into a tinder-box. With years worth of chemtrailing, all it takes is a spark to burn these homes to the ground.  We know, for an absolute fact, Hawaii was being heavily sprayed. This is a 2011 video clip about Maui, Hawaii GeoEngineering (2 minute video):

Let's write on our list: Accelerant Already in Place, ✔️


Smart Meters, such as those used in Hawaii, are utter insanity for so many reasons


And installation began in Maui back in 2011 / 2012:

The Maui Smart Grid with Smart Meter project was completed several years ago:

These Meters are KNOWN to burst info flames: (2 minute video)

(17 second video)

Look closely at the houses shown in the video below, these are homes that caught on fire from their Smart Meters. Specifically, look when the aerial view is shown. They are completely leveled, down to nothing. In my opinion, they look identical to Maui: (21 second video)

Now look at the vehicles shown in this video. They are torched, identical to Maui… from a Smart Meter (+Chemtrails) fire: (34 second video)


You MUST watch this! (1 minute 20 second video)

Here’s a couple photos from the Phoenix fire he is referring to:

Phoenix rising' from Oregon Labor Day 2020 wildfires
structures burned Almeda Drive Fire Phoenix Talent Oregon
PHOENIX, ORE - SEPTEMBER 18, 2020: A general view of the damage to the  Phoenix Motel amid the aftermath of the Almeda Fire. The town of Phoenix,  Oregon, showing the burned out
Burned out vehicles and leveled homes are all that remain of Bear Lake Estates in Phoenix, Ore. Sept. 9, 2020 after a wildfire swept though the area.

These meters are military technology… technology that is a literal weapon. 

Let's add to our list: a Military “Bomb” strapped to the sides of homes, ✔️


The combination of the accelerant (Chemtrails ✔️) and the military-technology weapons (Smart Meters ✔️), with no surge protection (✔️), connected to The Smart Grid (✔️), is a deadly disaster waiting to happen (✔️✔️✔️✔️). As shown in this testimony, before the event, they spray, spray, spray:


Back when I was in high school, I had a teacher who would always say, “Use the K.I.S.S Method!”. KISS stands for “Keep ISimple, Stupid” (because calling kids Stupid was perfectly acceptable in the 1990s). The KISS Method means, boil it down to it’s simplest form to find the answer. 

So, let’s KISS (just don’t tell your husband). If we KISS, which is more logical?:

Maui Fires: Will They Raise Homeowners Insurance Rates in Hawai'i?

Option #1: a US Military Directed Energy Weapon plane flew laps, zapping almost every house, but they skipped some, for unknown reasons. Being that DEWs have pinpoint accuracy, we have to assume they chose to spare these houses, or they were being lazy and missed them:

In Hawaii, concerns over 'climate gentrification' rise after devastating Maui  fires | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

BUT, there are no photos or videos showing planes flying and, the images that show sky lasers aren’t from this event. With 2,000-3,000 destroyed houses and buildings, that’s a whole lot of opportunities to take a photo or video of a laser shooting down, especially when the air became smoky, that laser should have been very clearly visible, right? 

Federal investigators dispatched to Maui to determine exact cause of  catastrophic fire

OR, Option #2:  Does it make more sense that something on this home is different from the others? Could it be that this home doesn’t have a Smart Meter? People point out Oprah’s home didn’t burn! The governors mansion didn’t burn! … Do you think any of these elites have Smart Meters? 

This house was still left standing after the fires in Maui. Credit: Reddit/@Xenoryzen_Dragon

KISS: The military was bold enough to fly laps while shooting lasers like in a video game, but they missed certain neighborhoods (which really defeats the goal of burning the whole area to ash) OR something is different about these neighborhoods, maybe they were part of the Stop Smart Meters Hawaii Coalition group who fought the city to prevent them from going on their houses? 

If there is a mini fire bomb attached to the side of each home, and if that bomb can be activated remotely, isn’t that substantially less riskier than sky-zapping-laser-craziness?

Before-and-after images show devastation in Maui due to wildfires - ABC News

Take a look at this map from the fire. Red is DAMAGED. Blue is NO DAMAGE. The NO DAMAGE are in clusters. The more you look at the evidence, the more it doesn't fit with a military DEW attack, in my anonymous-Substack-author-with-a-cartoon-avatar opinion:

Look at this one; the house in the front is burnt to rubble, but the house behind it is fine. Again we must ask, why? You think that home belonged to the DEW pilot’s Uncle Larry so he skipped over it?

If You Had a Mortgaged Home Destroyed on Maui, Any Relief on Payments May  Be Just Temporary - Hawaii Business Magazine

We also have testimony from citizens who state the water (ocean) was literally on fire. We know water doesn’t burn, so that would have to mean there was a floating accelerant on top of it. Let me show you an example; here’s a drink a bartender can make, using a nonflammable beverage, with a flammable alcohol floating on top of it: (37 seconds, I don’t drink Red Bull, but it’s pretty cool looking)

Does this explain why the boats, sitting off the dock, also burned? And, is this the aftermath of the accelerant?: (2:15 video you MUST watch)

Remember the video earlier, where the guy says Phoenix was burned up? Look at the pink in the pics below. If this is “just flame retardant”, why doesn’t the news know what it is? Why is it only in specific areas, such as in the WATER and on the cement road, but not on the houses?

Inside the scorched towns of Talent and Phoenix, Ore. - The Washington Post
Image: *** BESTPIX *** Almeda Fire Burns Through Southwestern Oregon


Like I said from the beginning, I don’t know all the answers. But think about this, which might be one of the biggest factors of all:

Smart Meters aren’t just a weapon, they are cutting edge SPYWARE WEAPONS: (2:20 video)…

Worldwide, they are pushing hard to get these Smart Meters installed on every building: (50 second video)…

And the absolute last thing they want is for people to think Smart Meters are dangerous. The asleep people are going to believe the wildfire story, but the awake people aren’t, so this has to be explained in a way that will pacify the awake and steer them away from Smart Meters (and Chemtrails).

Officials say 80 percent of structures in Maui affected by fire are  residential


The DEW reasoning is almost too perfect. If I was forced to label myself something, I would say I am a “Biological Warfare and GeoEnginering Program Researcher”, and I can tell you, these people are diabolical and very calculated, and this DEW evidence is too f*cking perfect. 

You may have seen the image below, it is an old document I located and shared on Twitter, as further evidence supporting the DEW theory. The document is authored by The Air Force Research Laboratory, it is a “Directed Energy Directorate” from the Air Force in MAUI. My discovery, with my orange square on it, ended up all over the internet, as further proof of DEWS being used in Maui:

dew 795x1024

But now that I am looking at the situation differently, doesn’t it seem too damn perfect that there just so happens to be a USAF DEW Site in Maui? It almost feels like, they wanted researchers like myself to find stuff like this and use it to fuel the fire (pun intended). And, if that was their goal, I walked right into the PSYOP. Now that I’m thinking about it, doesn’t the most popular photo of the DEW also seem too perfect

The laser beam is directly in the center of the photo, completely unobstructed because there’s no trees exactly where that beam is. There's smoke coming up around the firey-colored beam to emphasize how hot it is. The trees are hazy / blurry, the background is hazy, but that damn laser is clear … it’s too perfect.  It reminds me of when a murderer tries to throw the police off his tracks by planting evidence to steer the investigation away from himself. Folks, the more I think about it, the less I think DEWs make sense. 

Here’s my theory, which could be completely wrong: 

Sorry, the rest of this has to go behind the paywall. If I could leave it public, I would.  If you are debating subscribing, next Sundays (Dec 3rd, 2023) post for paid subs is juicy. It’s a closer look at the 2022 Brooklyn, New York Subway Shooting. I have some seriously mind-blowing, jaw-dropping video footage and images to show you that I guarantee you haven’t seen before. If you like my free content, you’ll love my paid stuffs. On the other hand, if you appreciate what I have provided so far, but don’t want to pay for a subscription, I love coffee (and whiskey):

Buy Me a Coffee (WHISKEY!)

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