Monday 24 June 2024


Venison From The Pacific Northwest Darkfield Blood Analysis - Polymers, Filaments and Nanoparticles found - And Tracking Of Biological Life Via Quantum Dot Nanoparticles

A patient brought in a sample from a wild deer that was recently processed. These are some of the images I took. 

Here you can see a polymer surrounded by what I call microrobots. 100x magnification

Look at the wires and tiny dots from self assembly fluorescent nanoparticles. 

As a comparison, look at this waterflea - this was part of the research Dr Hildy Staninger did in 2006 where fluorescent nanoparticles in waterfleas were released in the water in Texas by the EPA for measurements - these tiny dots are sensors: 

In this article from 2013 the method of tracking organisms with fluorescent nanoparticles is described - and we know from the technocratic agenda that they want to track and trace every living thing on earth: 

Three-Dimensional Tracking of Small Aquatic Organisms Using Fluorescent Nanoparticles


Tracking techniques are vital for the understanding of the biology and ecology of organisms. While such techniques have provided important information on the movement and migration of large animals, such as mammals and birds, scientific advances in understanding the individual behaviour and interactions of small (mm-scale) organisms have been hampered by constraints, such as the sizes of existing tracking devices, in existing tracking methods. By combining biology, chemistry and physics we here present a method that allows three-dimensional (3D) tracking of individual mm-sized aquatic organisms. The method is based on in-vivo labelling of the organisms with fluorescent nanoparticles, so-called quantum dots, and tracking of the organisms in 3D via the quantum-dot fluorescence using a synchronized multiple camera system. It allows for the efficient and simultaneous study of the behaviour of one as well as multiple individuals in large volumes of observation, thus enabling the study of behavioural interactions at the community scale. The method is non-perturbing – we demonstrate that the labelling is not affecting the behavioural response of the organisms – and is applicable over a wide range of taxa, including cladocerans as well as insects, suggesting that our methodological concept opens up for new research fields on individual behaviour of small animals. Hence, this offers opportunities to focus on important biological, ecological and behavioural questions never before possible to address.

Here are more polymers found in the Deer blood:

You can seen in the 2000 x magnification below the spheres that are part of the polymer sheet. 

Different polymers with filaments embedded 

Singular filaments were present

In the video below you can see the blinking lights that I call microrobots


Wild Deer blood does have polymers and evidence of nanoparticles - like Quantum Dots - which are known to contain metals and Graphene. These have been described in the literature for tracking and tracing of living organisms. Please remember these filaments and nanoparticles have been sprayed for 30 years via the geoengineering/ bioengineering program. The filaments were called polymers, Morgellons, Cross Domain Bacteria by Clifford Carnicom and they contain metals as Clifford proved:

Regardless of the name, they are indeed found in natural wild life, hence affect the entire food chain. This corroborates previous research posts: 

All Of Life Is Infected With Nanotechnology And Synthetic Biology - Live Blood Images Of A Wild Squirrel

Darkfield Microscopy Of Homegrown, Grass Fed Unvaccinated 3 Different Beef Blood Samples Shows Nano/ Microrobots And Polymers. Toxic Geoengineering Seems To Be The Cause

We know this is sprayed via Geoengineering because the same metals and filaments were found in rainwater: 

The Danger In The Air - Rainwater Analysis Research by Dr. Geanina Hagimă From Romania Shows Magnetic Nanoparticles And Filaments. Comparison To Clifford Carnicom's Rainwater Analysis

I have shown that the polymers found in rainwater look exactly like what is found in human live blood:

Whoever Is In Charge Of Geoengineering Operations Needs To Be Prosecuted For Crimes Against Humanity And Our Biosphere

I have written about using EDTA for the metals detox and Graphene removal

Geoengineering Adverse Health Effects and Vaccine Nanoparticle Contaminations – Discussion of the Common Thread of Toxic Heavy Metals and Graphene Oxide And their Removal with Intravenous EDTA Chelation in Clinical Practice

The late Dr Michael Roth who worked with the Frontline Doctors was the first to advocate for EDTA as a removal of Graphene. This is our interview discussing the research: 

EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel

There are people claiming that Disodium EDTA causes fatal hypocalcemia and unfortunately people still send me emails about this. This was a case where someone infused way above recommended doses over too short a time causing hypocalcemia - and the FDA subsequently used that one case to wage a war campaign against EDTA that others now continue to regenerate. When appropriately used, EDTA has always been safe. The American College for the Advancement of Medicine ( ACAM) provided over 500.000 infusions historically without side effects. The TACT trial was the largest cardiovascular trial that provided 54000 infusions without side effects. The trial showed greater effectiveness than statins, beta blockers, aspirin and lisinopril, common drugs used for heart disease. The trial was stopped early because of EDTA’s off the charts positive effects, and it was done by a cardiologist (Professor Lamas at Columbia University) who was to once and for all disprove EDTA as a sham. Instead, he became a believer and was one of my teachers at my certification course from ACAM

People want to use 1 case that the FDA weaponized to dismiss this life saving treatment. Why don’t they wage war against Tylenol or Ibuprofen? That has had way more side effects historically than EDTA. 

Please do your own research. Here is a literature review of peer reviewed studies on EDTA showing life saving reversal of Artherosclerosis, Brain disorders, chronic fatigue, metal poisoning, reversal of chronic kidney disease, neurotoxicity. That is exactly what we are facing now. Proven to be effective without harm. 

Literature Review of EDTA Chelation 


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