Saturday 22 June 2024


The truth behind the chemtrails "conspiracy theory"

For a very long time now (decades) the so called “conspiracy theorists” have been talking about the fact that the government/companies/nefarious organisations are spraying chemicals and other materials in our skies in order to achieve various objectives such as the depopulationagenda and convincing the people of the world that humans are causing catastrophic climate change

Well, like we have all experienced over the last few years, when a so called “conspiracy theorist” is telling you something, you should absolutely listen! Even if it’s not happening right now, the “conspiracy theorist” is not wrong, they are simply early.

I was planning to do a big exposé about artificial weather modification (a.k.a chemtrails) and what other objectives are tied in to it but then I came across a post published this week by Efrat Fenigson, a senior marketing executive at Israel’s tech startup industry, turned independent journalist.

Efrat gained international prominence following her regular updates from Israel (the ‘official testing ground’ for the New World Order to this very day) during the days of the vaccine mandates and the “green pass” in that country. As an example, this is an update from Efrat in December 2021, the peak of the vaccine passport/Green Pass craziness in that country.

A few additions to Efrat’s article

Efrat has done a remarkable job in the article above but to really bring this point home, I wanted to add a few things.

Geo-engineering is very real…and is a BIG business

Independent Australian journalist Maria Zeee of Zeee Media has done an entire show where she went through the multitude of government contracts covering current and past weather modifications and other Geo-engineering projects financed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US government, based on documents publicly available on their own website.

One such project is a project to cool the earth that according to the official report from the NOAA library is covering “all of earth” and is meant to go for just over 200 years (no joke!).

See for yourself:

The project was awarded to a company called Make Sunset who does the following according to their own promo video:

Potential connection with the advanced artificial life forms found everywhere

I covered the cross-domain bacteria (CDB) and nanotech phenomena extensively in this recent article:

The global Geo-engineering attempts appear to have strong connections with CDBs and nanotech in the sense that spraying certain materials in our atmosphere appear to provide the building blocks and/or the ‘fuel’ for these artificial life forms.

Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch has covered this potential connection better than I ever could, especially given he has been studying this phenomena for many years (well before the ‘Pandemic’). 

The Dimming

Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch is also the creator of what is in my opinion the best and most comprehensive documentary on the topic of Geoengineering made to date.

It’s called “The Dimming”.

If you watch the full 2 hour documentary, you will know more about this topic than 99.9% of the world’s population, including the government bureaucrats that are meant to be regulating this stuff. 

You can watch it on YouTube below but in case it gets taken down at some point, it can also be easily found on the censorship-free video streaming platform Rumble. This is one link(there are many more).


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